
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Disintegration delayed

No real surprise, but Rhino has rescheduled the Disintegration 3 CD remaster for March 16th, 2010. (Thanks Friend of CoF)


  1. It's a Christmas miracle...Oh wait. A little bit of me just died inside. But nothing that can not be repaired with copious amounts of alcohol consumption. I mean it is the holidays, and family is in town.

  2. I'm cool...right on my birthday!

  3. :( oh well, haha

    still hope for my birthday!!
    (i'm sure it'll pass then as well)

  4. Damn it, Craig, I was COUNTING on it being released in February! ;-)

  5. And since I've no other place to say it, I want to wish the band and all CoFers a very happy and safe holiday.

  6. Yawn... happens every time. And probably happens with every other band in the world too ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I want to push it to May 4 2010, Then it really will be its 21st anniversary. Good things will come to those who wait. Looking forward!

  9. though technically it's a 20th anniversary edition :) (not 21st)

  10. Lindsey, actually it is the 21st anniversary of Disintegration, It came out May 1 1989, I know this because I bought it that day. May 1989- May 2010 will be 21 years. Check it out.

  11. But I already pre-ordered it. :(

    Thank goodness we have the CCC 20th anniversary compilations to hold us over while we wait!


  12. no, no, i realize it's 21 years :P

    i just mean all the advertising marks it as the "20th anniversary edition"

  13. don't worry, i know disintegration came out in '89, haha

  14. I would have been more surprised if it came out without any delays.

    Happy Holidays guys!

  15. february is a more suitable month for disintegration

  16. BUT is it really delayed? until theres an official announcment of the date ,, how can the date get delayed?
    shall i say i heard its gonna come out in novemeber? then everyone can be happy when it comes out in april?

  17. Happy Holidays, Andrew! Are you ready for The End of Time? : )

  18. DBC: Well since Rhino sent the date to retailers, then moved it back a month, yes, it has been delayed. Or rescheduled. I used both terms. Use whichever you prefer. : )

  19. as usual .. my comments werent 100percent serious

  20. Sorry, DBC. You can never really tell on the internet. : ) I actually thought it was a legit point. : )

  21. Here we go again. It's game time.
    I'm expecting AT LEAST THREE more delays. I'm going to go ahead and move the date myself. Disintegration remaster will be released in November 2010. The last day of November that is. No wait, my intuition says that it will actually be December 2010. The last day of December that is. No wait..............................

  22. craig - no probs , it was making a point ,, just about not believing ought till ou see it in print kinda ,, but no slurr intended on your good work mr :)

  23. Thanks Craig, yes I am ready for The End of Time. Hopefully it would be better than The Waters of Mars which sucked seven bells until the last 10 minutes.

  24. What is "The End Of Time" ??

    The leaked working title of the dark album ?? :)

  25. Craig, is there any reason why they can't release the dark album on Robert's record label?

    Apologies for being OT...

  26. Feeling very much like a hungry ghost whose posts are invisible to all but me. :'-(

  27. Merry Christmas, 7bluestars! I feel like the hungry ghost on some threads around the internet sometimes, too; I've dubbed myself 'the thread destroyer' ;) Happens to the best of us!

  28. Just so you two don't think you kill threads by yourselves...


    Merry Christmas Cure peeps. May you enjoy a very depressing Christmas... in the spirit of The Cure, of course.

  29. Merry Christmas, Christian and hynreckandjoe! :-)

  30. Maniken, yes, The End of Time is the leaked title for the dark album. Me and Craig are awaiting our leaked copy in the mail right now.

    Or is it the name of the Doctor Who Christmas special on tomorrow? :D

  31. I knew it !! I want a leaked copy too !!
    My mom said the Santa only comes around once but I don't care !!!! It's soo cooool

    Speaking of red goths, I'd like Robert to wear a jet black beard for the next Dark Tour

  32. Your Blog is really interesting. I want to push it. Then it really will be its 21st anniversary. Good things will come to those who wait. Looking forward!

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