
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Twilight Garden candles

"I just wanted to let you know that my best friend and I started our own business - Twilight Garden Candles. 100% soy candles - completely green and animal friendly! And OF COURSE - all scent names were inspired by The Cure!" (Thanks Chris)


  1. hmmm... I smell stocking stuffers!

  2. Love the names. i am keeping you in mind next time i decide 2 get my wife something! :p

  3. i like candles and soap made from real animal fat...mmmmm meat, and animal testing...nice ot be top of the food chain

  4. Just made 3 new scents tonight!

    Just Like Heaven - a Frankincense and Myrrh scent

    Twilight Garden - vanilla and lavender

    Lost in a Forest - vanilla and sandalwood

    My kitchen smells SO GOOD! :)

  5. The "A Berry I Never Knew" one cracked me up so bad.

  6. Using unreleased songs as inspiration fulfills my requirement of 'hardcore.' Way to go!

    Also, hey dean - you can fantasize about stuffing sausage in your mouth in another thread. We're all talking candles right now! ;)

    (Full apologies, I'm just trying to answer a joke with a joke; even if mine is in bad 'taste')

  7. LOL Andrew i know! The "food" scents are very diffiult to name! RSx doesnt talk about food too much...but i do have other names i have entertained - but - meh - idk they just didnt strike

    vanilla smile
    strawberry kiss
    icing sugar
    coconut ice (which we have had a request for coconut so that will be its name - but we are not doing that one til spring or summer)

    if u have any suggestions - please let me know!

    i want to make a "Rio Sunrise" next! i "smell" that to be something like orange and cherry!

  8. Food suggestions? Weel, there's always "strawberries and cream" (from "Push"), but that's not as imaginative as everything else you've got going.


  9. ooooh, CLOUDBERRIES!

    this is awesome chris, the first and only curey candles!

  10. and there is always "Bloodflowers" or "A Chain of Flowers"

  11. *gasp!!* how could i forget CLOUDBERRY!!!!!!!! i seriously may need to rename a scent now...

    and yes!! i must make a cof candle!

  12. I've got 2 suggestions, but they're "not so good Al".

    Coral floral scent?

    Love wax?

    btw "Twilight Garden" appears to rank very high up in many Cure fans' favourite songs, which I guess shouldn't come as a major surprise considering how gorgeous a song it is.
    It has long been my #1 Curey tune, marginally ahead of numerous other masterpieces! (I even like the Cure songs which I don't really like, such as Screw, Wendy Time etc..haha doesn't make sense)
    Cheers & Gnite!

  13. ok - we just made a scent called "autumn pear" but i need a curey name!! HELP PLEASE?

    something with "PERRY" maybe?? :D

  14. coral floral scent!!!!!


    BRILLIANT, Swifty!

    Chris....I'm loving Wish :)

  15. Autumn, huh? How about..."Watching Me Fall" ???
    No??? Oh well, good try.

    Or from The Hanging Garden - "Fall Fall Fall Fall out of the sky"

    Anyway, you get the gist :) Hope this helps!

  16. Crystal - im glad you love wish! its become one of my favs! it burns VERY strong too!

    so far the best name for the pear was suggested by shawn - "Exploding Pear"! lol!

    and regina suggested "DESPEAR" LOL!!!!!!!

  17. How fun! Love the names you've got now.


    Kiss me kiss me kiss me. Floral? Berry? I would say something that smells romantic, but somehow I'm imagining bad potpourri.

    Underneath the Stars. Something that smells clean and like--if this makes sense--deep navy. The color.

  18. KMKMKM is definitely on my list of scents!! and silver sands was almost named underneath the stars. but yeah - i want to save that name for something REALLY GOOD!

    any suggestion for pear? or should "exploding pear" be the name?


  19. What about "A pear-fect dream?" Too cheesy?
