
Friday, December 4, 2009

Stranger Than Fiction download

Update 2: Here are those other 2 Tim Pope songs (which aired on the Cure 102 radio show on Oct. 6th, 1990) - I Need You and Drive You Round The Bend. And here's Tim's full segment, and interview with Robert, from the show. (Thanks Olivier)

Here's the Tim Pope 12". (Thanks Moggieboy)

"Just to let you know that I've uploaded the Stranger Than Fiction compilation to my blog, Ripped In Glasgow. I've got the full 12" rip of Tim Pope's record as well to put up if the demand's there." (Thanks Moggieboy)


  1. Ack!
    i'd like to put in a request for the Pope 12". i spent Years looking for it, but gave up around the time Napster dissolved (yeah, Old cure fan).

    i've got the 'Stranger' CD, but i'm glad you've made it available for people...


  2. Do you mean Tim Pope's infamous LP or it that just the I Want To Be A Tree 12"?

  3. i've never heard word of a full LP, just the 'tree' single with 2 b-sides. i really Really want to hear those b-sides!

  4. All tracks from the Tim Pope single are available through Soulseek, or I can probably host them at megaupload if anyone really wants to hear them. The b-sides are quite nice, if not overly spectacular. They're called (I think) 'I Love Elephants' and the extra track is called 'the Double Crossing of Two Faced Fred' and is a spoken word poetry type affair

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for the interest in this one. Here's Tim's 12" for those who want it. An album you say...?

  7. Hey!
    thanks for posting this, i'm glad i got it!
    i had really been hoping for some musical 'backup' from smith and his sister (among others) like they did on 'I want...'

    ah well, the completist/fan-addict is happy!

  8. I don't (didn't) think that Tim Pope released an LP, but if anyone has any info, please pass it on!

  9. Tim Pope did record a solo album but it was never actually released. I suspect that the two songs he played on the short-lived "Cure 102" radio station on October 6th, 1990 had been taken from that LP. They were called "I Need You" and "Drive You Round the Bed" and were, ah, interesting in a silly sort of way. I haven't heard of anything else from that album, though!

  10. Thanks for the information. If anyone has those two tracks, or access to the whole album, it would be nice if they could share them in some way!

  11. Sure, I will share both tracks when/if I can get my hands on the tape again. And a tape player. And something to hook it up to a computer. (Might take a little while :-)

  12. This is awesome! Thank you so much for Stranger than fiction and Tim Pope!!! I've been looking for these for a while :)

  13. Yes thanks very much, had all those songs on records, but it had been a while since i listened to them... and on that note, does anyone know where to download BDC New Extended 12" Dance version from 1986, same thing, i have it on vinyl only and would like to download the track.Thanks!

  14. perfect murder , gimme your email and i'll zip you a file :)

  15. deaboycraved:Thanks a lot!

  16. perfect murder- sent

  17. AMAZON put this:

    just to let you know

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi!!
    Yes....Someone knows about this product (from amazon)?

    "Fade Away: The Early Years [LIMITED EDITION]"

    This product will be released on December 15, 2009


  20. Found the tape, hooked up a tape player and here you go: I Need You and Drive You Round the Bend by Tim Pope. Just sent them over to Craig for the CoF Audio Vault.

  21. Talking about Mr Pope there is some non-news about The Cure (the only news we seem to get). Declaring that he is not currently working with them again (at least for the moment).

  22. Olivier - thank you so much for sharing the two tracks.... you're truly a legend!

  23. Olivier tu déchires. (You tear it up ?)
    Post "No Endive" tape.

  24. You're very welcome!
    (P, for the "No Endive" tapes, just email me.)

  25. To be exact, those songs actually come from "Son of Cure FM" on Q102, the second attempt of the band at a pirate radio station on Oct 6th, 1990 - not from the first "Cure FM" on WBILL (Aug 31st, 1990).

  26. Yes indeed Olivier, unfortunatly i don't think there is a recording of the first attempt of Cure FM :(

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