
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Disintegration remaster in Spring 2010

Wow! Get all of the info and track list at the official site. Nice to be able to say that again. : ) So, worth the wait? I'm going to say YES! Oh, and In Orange and Show on DVD (and Blu-ray? Please?), Mixed Up 2, and a BBC box set (similar to the Siouxsie set?)!

Update: Slicing Up Eyeballs has a story about it. (Thanks Boyd)


  1. omg this is awesome! cant wait cant wait! now all we need is a tour to promote the remaster of disintegration :P

  2. Hooray for news in all-caps! :)

  3. i am really just trying to think of an excuse for a tour haha :)

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  5. Well this news has brightened my day, hope it has yours too :)

  6. The best excuse for The Dark Tour would be to promote The Dark Album. : )

    But since there's not even any mention of the new album, I guess that's unlikely.

  7. Right. And my skin is made of tree bark and glows a bright purple by night.

  8. gahhh yes the dark album!!! what gives??

  9. Wow, great news. Especially considering the potential release of things we've been asking for, including SHOW on DVD. Can't wait for that one. Hopefully I'll be out of my parents-in-laws house and into my own by then. :( :)

  10. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Thank you Craig for these news!

  11. April 21st 2010 is on a Wednesday, so Tuesday April 20th?!?!?!?

  12. Thank RS??
    Well, maybe if I could believe a word he says. Anyone ever heard the story of the boy that cried wolf?

  13. Then move on, Slowdiver. If it happens it happens. If not, oh well, the world doesn't end. It's exciting to have real news for the first time in 5 months, and know they finally have some plans for future releases.

  14. Did no one notice the question mark in the headline? Or are we all going to collectively pee our pants over nothing. Well, I'm not.

  15. Slowdiver: Um, that was a joke about it "coming of age". About it turning 21.

  16. Well, not so easy to get in touch with him ;o)
    I am just happy that RS is alive, so why thinking about a question mark and a possible delay- Not today! Cheers!

  17. Oh believe me Craig, I've moved on. But why should that stop me from watching RS turn into Pinocchio? I've always been a sucker for great entertainment.

  18. I've just SHIT my nappies with excitement. Can you help clean me up,sd?

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  20. Yes indeed a Blu-ray version of Show and Orange would be FANTASTIC.

    I hate doing this but if anyone wants to listen to the music I make you can download all of my current demos at

    Album coming in the next few weeks. It will also be free...

  21. How many here are going to buy the Vinyl version?

    I sure would love to know in detail the steps that are being taken regarding sound quality for the LP.

    Will it be cut using the CD remastered tapes? Or will their be a master just for the record?

  22. Knowing me, I'll probably buy all 3 versions of the album. : )

  23. check out all the "beautiful people" Tweeting about the Disintegration announcement :) :)

  24. everyone happy now?

  25. But, Morris! Twitter is FROZEN! Hahahahahaha! :)

  26. Yep, I put in my tweet already. : )

    DBC: Nope, not everyone. : )

  27. OH HELL YES !!!!!!!!


    I see the tracklist and i think it´s awesome.

    I read some time ago about the existence of the studio instrumental versions of the b-sides.

    There is no better way, for some fans that always wanted to have Entreat, than this improved version containing 12 tracks, exactly as the album.

    I need to listen TSDWAY soundboard quality right now !!!!

    Needless to say, i´m very excited to see the re-release of the BEST ALBUM OF HISTORY.

    I´m overhelmed by the news, and i´m dreaming with a tour where they play the album in its entirety and a set of the best songs of every other album, not only singles.

    Just for happiness, I´m going to play the whole album righ now !!!

    Thanks ROBERT !!!!

    P.S. Is asking too much that you post more often PLEASE ? ;)


  28. And again Craig says the "t" word. :P

  29. slowdiver, get bent!

    you can't harden my heart about some good news after all this time.

    why don't you start a former-cure-fan-now-turned-sour-milk-annoyed-at-the-universe forum. probably be popular judging from the replies on the last few threads.

  30. V is going to get a spanking very soon. : P

  31. and of course i will be buying the vinyl! of COURSE.

  32. Sofia with a Quarterflash reference. Nice! : )

  33. Good news indeed! o_q
    Plus I don't believe this Disintegration will be delayed, cause after all it's already been delayed since it was supposed to be this year!
    Or 2004 if you believe the Trilogy DVD...
    And bring on Orange and Show, I'll even be glad to listen to Mixed Up 2...
    Plus anybody here can tell me what to expect in the BBC Box Set??
    I have no clue.

  34. Craig: Oooh, I'm soooo scared. :P

  35. find a room you two

  36. craig, hah! must have been bouncing around in my unconscious someplace (damn you, vh1 classics!) :D

  37. I'm guessing it will be something like the Siouxsie and the Banshees At The BBC set, but no idea of the actual contents.

  38. V: As my man(?) Yoda once said, "You will be. You will be." : P

  39. Wow, that's an impressive set for Siouxsie.
    The thought of a similar Cure set is enticing.

  40. Mixed Up 2 ?
    That's the most intriguing stuff for me, at least.
    Would anyone dare post suggestions of possible track listing ???

  41. Happy effin' birthday to me :)!

  42. Okay, if they're going to make this remaster three cds, why couldn't Robert have done the same with 'KMKMKM'? He's stated more than once that he'd found at least two cds worth of bonus material worth releasing, and chose to release just one, with a possible future release of that second disc, which is probably never going to happen.

  43. hopefully it wont include that hideous electropussy mix of lovecats anyway

  44. woo hoo...finally ....something to look forward to!

  45. I'd go with the most naive answer for KMX3: because back then, all those years ago, Robert hadn't thought about doing a 3CD special.
    Now that CD, specially collector's edition and stuff, are a dying breed, they need to make those extra special.
    Plus the Depeche Mode re-released were really good... So they have to make up for this...
    Plus this is the 21st anniversary edition! Not a lame 20 years old edition...

  46. And KMKMKM was only 20. Can't have a threesome until you're 21. Duh! ; )

  47. That's right.
    Bob Smith is clever that way.
    Waiting until Disinty gets a big 21 before being nasty.

  48. Entreat with the complete 12 tracks


    MIXED UP 2

    Hope it's new remixes
    Would be really Awesome
    especially if it's as good as the first was



    YEAHSSSS, I've waited till now to see those shows. I will finally watch them.

    I Hope the next remasters will include 3 cds as well ;)

  49. I hope that the final and... means new album, but maybe it's too much.
    Thank you Robert for all these news

  50. The BBC box set sounds very intriguing, and yes i agree, it will probably look like the Banshees one(which i thouroughly recommend)..i guess all TOTP appearences, The Old Grey Whistle test, Kid Jensen and John Peel sessions, there's quite a lot to be released.The quality of recording was initially awesome from the start, so Remastered will sound huge!

  51. wow, a 2 late demo.

    also, not to nitpick, but no mention of SATS on DVD? :(

  52. As they say here in Newcastle with my own added expletive.


  53. Ha! Now all the negative Nancy's can talk themselves back to sleep...

    Still don't understand why 'fans' get worked up over speculation. This is real. Nuff said.

  54. craig, sofia...RS
    please excuse my comment from yesterday!!! stupid.
    now it´s clear.
    i live for "disintegration".
    and the spring 2010 is near.
    a promotion tour...a dream.
    entreat with the full tracklisting...YES...and now on DVD please...there is no prayer tour material...P L E A S E!!!
    thank you craig and the cure great news!!!
    (sofia believe me! there is no cure future...just a lot of fantastic cure past)

  55. Spring 2010???

    That's sep-nov here in Australia....

    Hope it's northern spring...

    Well I guess all options are open!

  56. Some "questions" i have:

    Will the Disintegration remaster have the 5.1 mix ?

    Will we be able to have soon a great DVD/Blue Ray of "The Prayer Tour" ?

    If a dvd of that tour has to be released some time, this is the perfect moment.

    Will be a DVD relase of all previous CURE videos ( Staring at Sea, Picture Show, Play Out, Galore ), and the full Show concert ?

    Will we have more surprises by Robert?

    Just wondering....


  57. Nobody's picked up that it will be realeased by TMU???

  58. That was a given for Europe. Bigger surprise is Rhino for North America.

  59. that was going to be my next still on or just final chapter?

  60. I, personally, can't wait to watch "In Orange" in glorious DVD. The BBC box sounds great, too.

    Nice write-up of the whole thing on Slicing Up Eyeballs:

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  62. I love the end tease AND...

    Glad Bob is communicating. What great news. I have to get both vinyl and CD.

  63. Well, cool :-)
    Oh well, not that I believe everything he says at the end (did anybody mention Pinocchio up here? :-D), but I really didn't expect the "expanded Entreat" 3rd CD (yes, I did forget it was in the talks for some time)

  64. I needed some good news and here it is!!! I am so excited. Thank you Robert! I would have said that on the official site if the forum was open. Something to look forward to in 2010!

  65. of the best concert i´ve ever heard is 4.08.1990 leipzig.(okay not really a prayer tour show,but robert said...there is no good video live material from 1989.)
    this show was broadcast on german tv with this setlist:
    pictures of you,catch,fascination street,m(the best version ever),lullaby,just like heaven,disintegration,close to me,why can´t i be you?(the best version ever),10.15 saturday night,boys don´t cry.
    in a fantastic quality.
    mtv broadcast on 120 minutes on top:
    the walk,in between days, a forest(fantastic version...check youtube!) U C they´ve it complete in archives.
    this one complete on would die.
    i say yes to 1989 live on dvd/brd!!!

  66. If I was a character of the tv series "flashforward" and be able to see me in six months from now…what a f…I know I will be listening to disintegration again and again and again…

  67. Awesome news!! Lets hope for more...!!!

  68. Awesome news....!!!!

    RSX, we luv ya!!!

    PLZZZZ, lets hope for more...


  69. Cool... "Pirate Ships". I did have that on mp3 once but somehow lost it...

    Funny they're making a fuss of Disintegration being 21 when really it should have been released in March 2009 but they missed the boat on that one. Better late than never I suppose.

    Hey Craig, do you think RS checks COF everyday and the recent speculation prompted him to herald your call to give us some news/update the official site???

  70. I was patient for this, since the last batch of reissue deluxe. Never once complained. Well worth the wait, Orange, show, mixed up 2, and BBC sessions are a plus. I never had Disintegration on vinyl, this will complete my collection from that era, I still have the singles on record.
    2008, 09 has been a great year for Cure Fans I was there for 3 out of five for 12:08 DREAM, and Las Vegas, and Coachella. Now we start up with a new batch of reissues in 2010.
    A lot of people here bitch about whats going on with The Cure these days. Obviously Robert Smith has been very busy since 2006. I have heard almost all the boots from KMKMKM and most are shit. Robert put the best on the second cd of that, maybe a live Japanese dream that I have heard could have worked out. The Dark Album, lets just say "good things come to those who wait"

    Happy Days!

  71. Wow, Fantastic news!! See?? Patience IS a virtue..

  72. *hyperfuckingventilating and bursting into tears*




  74. This made my day. Robert must have read all the rageful comments from the previous story here and figured he needed to break his vow of silence.

  75. This is glorious news!!! Thanks Bob and Craig!

    You think there's still hope for the Wish remaster? Over time I think that's become my third favorite Cure album, and I'd LOVE to have that in remastered form.

    But for now...Disintegration remastered 3(!) discs, Orange, Show, Entreat...I'm a happy camper!!

  76. "AND SHOW ON DVD... AND..."

    I am surprised that no one has noted the 'AND ...' in Roberts post.

    This means there is another "thing" that is going to be released in 2010. Maybe, just maybe it is the Dark Album or the 31 Anniversary DVD?????



  77. When's springtime in Yanksville? Before mid February I hope, because I want to have all this new stuff for my birthday!

  78. Swifty: Spring over here is late March - late June.

  79. He'd be talking UK spring, though wouldn't he?! So April to June I would have thought. No complaints from me though if it were earlier..

  80. Well late March - late June would be pretty much the same thing. : )

  81. Oh yeah! Wakey wakey, notherbob..


    IS IT SPRING 2010 YET????!!!!

  83. Someone's gotta throw it our there - maybe April 21? ;)

  84. I will believe this all when I see it in a shop!

    Robert promised so many things in the past - I cannot really believe his stories anymore!

    The announcement of the "disintegration" tracklist sounds good (but there is no need to promote this with a tour!)!
    I don't care if "Orange" will ever be released on DVD - "Live in Tokyo" would be much better!

    I don't think that "Orange" and "Show" will be released on Blu Ray cos I cannot imagine that they shot the shows in HD.

    However: if they won't tour or release a new album 2010 could be a great cure year (the first since 2004!!!)...

  85. Excellent. Very happy about Disintegration being a 3-disc set and to get Show and In Orange on DVD (hopefully with unreleased performances, too!). I bought "In Orange" on used VHS in 2006 or so but lost the damn thing that year and haven't been able to find it for the life of me. I'm very happy to be getting this on DVD. Have never owned Show on DVD, either. Didn't even know it was a video release until a few years ago!

    Thanks, Robert!

  86. this is pretty much all i talked about today. can't wait for it. really wish he could release the ENTIRE ENTREAT concert.


    also, i WILL be picking this up on vinyl.

  87. This it my fave album ever, so I almost cried when i saw a three disc release announced! the whole album live! oh thank you robert! at last!

  88. one word: GREAT!!!


    ENTREAT = remaster of the 8 tracks?
    What's the point if we've got the 12 songs already in the Disintegration set? RELEASE A FULL LIVE 3 CD SET OF THE LONDON CONCERTS !

    MIXED UP = sure will be fun to listen to!

    BBC box set: all the sessions (John Peel / Jensen) 78-85, simple as that. (Don't dream about the 86 & 90 full concerts, unfortunatly!)


    (and a full singles box set, and a video for each tour, and more, and more...)

  89. cult_hero:2010 could be the first great cure year since 2004!!!
    That´s a real good comment!!!
    i am not alone with my tears about split with perry and roger.
    D I S I N T E G R A T I O N
    (strings, keyboards, synths and all the tiny piano notes makes the magic in cure sound)
    nice to see a smile in all your faces.:-)
    love and thank you to sleep?

  90. I almost broke down and cried.
    What a news.

    Robert the Groundhog has awoken and in what a style!!


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  92. A Prayer Tour DVD would be gret too, I'm tired of watching Lorelei, Vienna, Herrenveen I'd love to see a good full-blown show in proper q..

  93. I haven't been this excited about a Cure release since the B-sides. I was listening to Disintegration recently and the old analog quality really jumps out at you. It sounds very blurry. Like in Closedown, you know Simon's bass playing is brilliant, but it's quite hard to discern from the other instruments. Will be so nice to have all that digitally remastered.

    CKONE - I would say the "tiny piano sounds" are a muted 6-string bass. Such as on POY.

  94. I have mixed feelings though about the "guide vocal" thing that appears in the track listing on

    Is it going to be the same as on Blue Sunshine Deluxe cd? That the vocals are of present era?

  95. finally Bob!

    It's a pity that "Picture of you (extended version)" is not included :(

  96. lovecat44: There were no 'of present era' vocals on Blue Sunshine..
    All the vocals on that second disc of The Glove are from '83.
    The condition with Fiction/Polydor was that Robert could release something out of The Cure's contract if his voice wasn't on all the tracks..

  97. My understanding of a 'guide vocal' is where the singer sings gobbldigook to the melody of the music to get the feel of the song..
    Not saying I'm a huge fan of Metallica, but I've heard them do it and then release that cut as a b side to their single! It's freakin' hilarious to listen to..

  98. Not 100 pct sure notherbob, but i think you might be wrong, those vocals definitely don't sound like him in the 80's.

  99. And I quote from the Blue Sunshine booklet: "This deluxe edition of Blue Sunshine contains all of Robert's original vocal demo's..."

  100. Just a quick response to Fabian G

    A complete singles collection with other songs added, turned as a "best of", that's ok

    But as we had, Join The Dots,
    --> not a "Singles Box Set"
    I don't like cds with only 4 songs on it, which implies I have to stand up from my bed (or out of shower or whatever) and change the cd.
    Maybe then, a reissue of a remixes collection --> but that could have been included in a MIXED UP 4CD Super Deluxe Edition :)

  101. I seem to remember a thread on here a while back where someone explained that the lyrics on cd2 had been somehow re-recorded, or something...can't recall the exact explanation..but i always thought that he was singing those lyrics in a very modern RS way..Could be wrong..Anyone??

  102. I think the key word here is ORIGINAL.
    If he had re recorded all the vocals don't you think they would have put NEW or simply RE RECORDED??

  103. Me thinks that

    people are confused about those vocals

    because of the mixing effect that was used for the vocals

    It's quite weird and, I guess he used it to correct the vocals,
    and, as the mix was of today,
    and sounds a bit like the effects used on the last album

    people tend to confuse the styles and the sound of the voice

  104. And I see no logic reason why Robert would try to make us believe us it's original if it's new

    (only maybe the excuse for not making it perfect)

    but it seems perfectly logic they had demoed (guiding) vocals and that, then, they would put that out

  105. An example of 'guide vocals' can be seen on 'The Cure ~ Making of' DVD during Truth, Goodness and Beauty. It can be heard underneath the actual song. As the name implies, it guides the song and changes so the instrumental tracks can be perfected or recorded and final vocal tracks can be overdubbed. It can be the complete lyrics, or just La La's or a combo.

  106. Thanks JoeLam, I was just going to say that about "Truth, Goodness and Beauty" on the making of dvd. I would call 'guide vocals' a blueprint, or map. Gives the band an understanding of the song they are working on, what Robert intends, when to pick lightly, or use a drum roll, etc...give the band thier cues in otherwords.

  107. about 'the guide vocals' on blue sunshine, you were right about the contract with Fiction, you're sort of right it sounds like him and they are obviously the 'original vocals', because they were, but they indeed just so were intended as singing whatever was in his mind just to get the mood of the melody of the words right to 'guide' the definitive lyrics which were later to be sung by Jeanette. Hence 'guide vocals'.

    That said, I have read many times the same debate about the 'original vocals' sounding quite surprising and modern... a lot of questions asked... and no answer...

    @ maniken,
    Yes, I understand you, but a 30 cd box set with all the orginal artworks would be such a nicer item than the JTD set, wouldn't it? I prefer the Cocteau's set for example so muche more! Personnal opinion, of course... I was saying that because Robert talked about it a few times years ago and imagine if all the singles would contain all the edits and remixes and b-sides and unreleased versions and everything related with all singles, there could be sometimes 7 to 10 songs on a so-called single! That would be interesting.
    Once again it was just a personnal opinion: I would love the concept / object as a whole!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. That's all great, exciting, can't wait, etc....
    but no mention of the next album!! I can't believe Robert is going to keep sitting on that "dark Xmas album"!

  110. Well the dark album could have something to do with the ...and...
    at the end...
    Of course that's only speculation.

  111. I wonder if Robert ever gets to feel like he can never win. One day after he announces a slew of amazing, highly anticipated re-releases, there are people saying "very nice, but where's the dark album?" That must be really annoying.

  112. "I'm always wanting more. Anything I haven't got. Everything. I want it all. I just can't stop."

    "But whatever I do, it's never enough."

    I think RS knows the feeling. ; )

  113. It MUST BE annoying. But I think he knows this by now and accept it. Such is the nature of the business, and the nature of humans.
    There's not much anybody can do.

  114. I would like the Dark Album to just come out on a short notice - almost unannounced.

    Then there would be no heavy anticipation, the pressure of having it be so amazing, and if it is not released on that date, there are no big tears around and anarchy.

  115. Or maybe the more obsessive, crazier fans could grow up, and not have their entire lives revolve around every Cure event that does or doesn't happen? Would that be too much to ask for? Why should the band have to cater to the nutters?

    I think my buddy Bill Shatner said it best. : )

  116. I agree Cureheart. Along time ago, I would go to the record shop just to browse. Then all of a sudden find Entreat, or Show 2 CD, or Stranger Than Fiction, or High box, or.... Ok they may have been promoted before a release date, but that was in the U.K., I found these in Covina California at one of my favorite import shops "Hot Rocks" back in the day.

    What a rush to find new Cure, when you had no idea it was out.

  117. Hey, I've had my fair share of pissed off Cure moments in the past, which I am truly ashamed of, but I've never cried over them missing a release date or an RS "lie". : )

    I save my Cure crying for the songs. Both good and bad. : P

  118. yes I think your William Shatner moment did sum it up nicely.
    And I'm guilty, I've totally been one of those whiners, "Oh! The Cure lied!"

  119. Well said Craig, but I think it's too much to ask for.
    Some people are resonable.
    Others are just ready for a zombie-plague.

    But it never happens. ;_;

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. I think somebody's balls are hurting!

  122. Slowdiver: No offense was meant, and I honestly wasn't talking about fans like yourself, but the way some fans carry on like this is life and death, is a bit much.

  123. Thanks Craig, and I apologize to you for name calling. I'm acting immature. But you also have to realize that some people are truly tired of all the announcements for releases that never come to fruition. Time and time and time again. It gets frustrating. I'm an obsessed fan, what can I say?
    On a different note, thanks for your hard work on this site. It is truly appreciated.
    No ass kissing here, just laying it on the table.

  124. And by the way, (and this is off the subject) David Bowie is re-releasing his station to station album beginning of next year with a remaster, 5.1 mixdown AND a concert dvd from that tour....
    AND his reality tour is being released on double cd around the same time. How does this pertain to the Cure?? It doesn't really unless you consider that Bowie is probably his biggest influence. Come on Bowie/Cure fans, stand up!!

    ; )

  125. Hey Craig, I was doing some random Cure related googling and found this little gem about the 30th Anniversary DVD. From 2007 :D

    I can't wait for this to come out, I'm hoping they will release it this year at least, but it still sounds fantastic and I'll be thrilled if and when it happens.

    The same thing goes for the remasters and re-releases of the videos etc., it doesn't matter when they come, just that they do eventually get to us.

    I didn't even know about the BBC boxset happening until this announcement, how amazing is that going to be?!

    I'm definitely coming down on the side of "patience is rewarded" no matter how long it takes.

    Finally, I say cheer up everyone, not too long ago we thought that The Cure were goners (after Bloodflowers and Trilogy) and yet here we are years later with new music, tours, DVDs, one-off shows (Myspace, NME, Vegas, Coachella) appearances on TV and so much more. Long live The Cure!

  126. Agree with the Shatner reference. I've never been one to post on cure boards (except for one where the tone stays polite and focused on collecting). I consider myself a huge fan and major collector, but I've never understood what people get out of arguing over merits of one record over another, fighting over creative decisions of the band, complaining about delays, whining, spreading negativity, and trolling. What's the point? Like the post above, I'm old enough to remember going into a record shop and being surprised by Entreat or something else... not even knowing it was coming. What a joy! All this nitpicking and fighting over every scrap of news like jackals ruins everything. Let's all just relax and enjoy the music, and be glad Robert's still alive and giving us new stuff to be excited about.

  127. scott, i believe that's *my* line. kthx.

  128. sofia, i can't read what you wrote because i'm so drunk, but thanks for telling me i'm awesome.

  129. yeah? well you'll have a surprise when you sober up, pal

  130. Is it Spring yet?


  131. Oh. My. God. Brilliant!

    I'm glad to hear some word from Robert himself that there will be a Disintegration remaster (with remastered Entreat!!!) Terrific, I can't wait. I also can't wait for In Orange and Show to be released on DVD (I have Orange on vhs, but I can't burn it to dvd because of macrovision encoding on my dvd recorder!) not to mention BBC, and everything else. Great news, and I don't care if it gets delayed, as long as it gets out.

  132. Slowdiver, I'm a huge Cure AND Bowie fan, so thanks for the news. I'll be on the look-out for this.
    I thought that they stopped doing the special edition thing at Young Americans. Glad to see they are continuing, albeit at a slow pace.

  133. Sounds utterly delicious and I'm sincerely grateful, but still lusting for the dark album. I'm not crying, whinging, etc. I'm just fucking greedy when it comes to experiencing exceptional art. I make no apologies for that particular failing! ;-)

    Did someone say 'tour'... shall we hope that it is in the stars? Craig? Ya think it might happen?

    (And it's still annoying to have to bide one's time till His Royal Reticence deigns to speak to his demanding, sometimes infantile subjects! ;-))

  134. OMG!!!

    I knew Robert would come through, he mentioned these things AND MORE, about 2 years ago.

    BBC box set???? *faints* Wow!!!

    Spring...far away, but not too far. Always something to look forward to...he is the master of anticipation.

    Ah he knows just how far away to dangle that carrot...

  135. I kinda understand the frustration of Cure fans who want the albums now. As Ronald D. Moore, head writer of Battlestar Galactica said it best (as opposed to that self-absorbed prick William Shatner who lambasted "Deep Space Nine" for being "too dark and depressing"), all that anger and complaining over the art "is really another way of expressing love."

    People who truly hated The Cure -- like that ass Ryan Dombal of Pitchfork -- wouldn't care one way or the other. It's the fans who get upset over late releases and, deep down, all it means is that they care.

    As someone who's late with everything, I understand Robert being late, but it does get a bit much.

    Regarding "Blue Sunshine", I am positive that the vocals on CD 2 are from the mid-'90s or later. There's no way in hell that it's '80s Robert. No way. I don't care what the liner notes say. Robert was either careless or is, yes, lying to us about that. By the way, I hate that way of singing; it has only gotten worse and ruined a lot of potentially good tracks on the latest album. He's really forcing the growly deep part of his voice to sound "bad ass" and it sounds awful.

  136. I remember a couple of releases that Robert talked about, but which haven't, and probably never will come to fruition. What am I talking about? Well, Dream Tour Europe 2cd and Dream Tour North America 2cd. Robert was supposedly poring over the best live versions of the tracks played on those legs of the tour, but it's been over EIGHT years since he mentioned it. It looks like Bobby got just a bit sidetracked.

  137. muldfeld, Steve Severin confirmed that the vocals on the tracks on the second cd from the 'Blue Sunshine' deluxe remaster are indeed the original guide vocals, so I don't know why people are still debating this. Why is it so unbelievable that this is the case?

  138. Such great news! I had to come out of hybernation to say: HELL YEAH!!!

    P.S. Hi peeps! I know, I know... Yes, I'm still alive!

  139. FANTAC!!! it had to take something big like this from RSX to wake you up, we've missed you!!

  140. FANTAC!!!!! YOU NEED TO COME BACK!!!!! no more hibernating!

  141. SatrdyWait: OMG! Somebody backed me up..
    I knew all the information about why Robert wasn't allowed to sing on all of those tracks long before the remaster even came out..

    Not that this has anything to do with this thread, but I feel Robert's self indulgence and freedom from The Cure/Banshees in Blue Sunshine was a real milestone for Robert's vocal/writing style. I feel he really found his voice in this period.. from the very beginning to Sunshine/Top and from then to now you can hear a distinct difference and obviously a real turning point in general for the band..

  142. Where's a DeLorean when you need one? ;-)

  143. I am super happy that RS announced a remastered, full-length vinyl. I truly hope that the record is sourced from analog, or at least a 24/96 digital master[sacrilege, I know, but some recent color-vinyl issues of Cure RM's have been sourced from even lower-fidelity, so I've read].

  144. re: "Blue Sunshine" disc 2 vocals.

    I thought RS threw out a pretty big hint near the end of the liner notes of the redux.

    Quote... "Singing songs that stayed in a drawer for 23 years..."

    That kind of spells out the timing of these vocals in question to me.

    But, then again... who knows?

  145. RE: Quote... "Singing songs that stayed in a drawer for 23 years..."

    Hmm, no, 'cause, the "singing" could be either Before or After the 23 years.

    To me, only 1 possibility seems correct :

    1) BEFORE :
    Singing songs(=RS's vocals) that would stay in the drawer for 23y.
    --> OK (it's what presumably happened)

    2) AFTER :
    So, during those 23 years, the only thing that would have been staying in the drawer would have been LANDRAY's vocals :
    Well they didn't really, 'cause they were out on CD and were even reissued in the 90's somewhere.
    --> Not (really) OK

    Well, that's how I interpret it

  146. i always hoped they'd do a remaster of Entreat and fill in the missing tracks - now it's part of the Disintegration pack - bargain!

  147. Off topic, but does anyone watch Jonathan Ross? He had Barbra Streisand on last Friday and I kept waiting for Robert to come out and punch her in the nose!

    I love Jonathan Ross. She asked him if he liked one of her old movies and he said, "no not at all, I thought it was bonkers."

  148. ok why doesnt he put one of these London shows in with the remaster as part of the set? That would be a considerable increase in the number of sales. Of course I guess its a mute point if Entreat is going to get a treatment also.

  149. Blue sunhine-

    i've never bought that those were old vocals. listen to them. it's modern era robert in 'demo' voice mode or trying to sound like old voice robert.

    i think the original vocals must have been of poor quality or lost and robert thought re-recording was a viable way to make the bonus content worthwhile to the fans (as opposed to just having instrumentals.)

    i could be wrong i suppose but i just can't beleive that's circa 83 smith when i listen to it.

  150. regarding the blue sunshine traks, does it really matter if theyre from 83 or from 200? ?
    i was very happy to get a version of blue sunshine with roberts vocal s on all the songs , i dont care when he recorded them or if he told a fib about when he recorded them or if its true(although it does strike me as odd he'd bother lying as there doesnt really seem to be any expidient ),, its dead easy ,, dont listen if you dont like otherwiae enjoy

  151. Robert, can you say (type) 'DARK ALBUM'? Even the barest whiff of a hint regarding its birth, death, suspension, etc. would be welcomed by we-the-rabid...

  152. Yea! I'm so HAPPY!!!!! Especially, the In Orange DVD!

  153. Yes, I can't believe too that Blue Sunshine demos have the '83-ish Robert voice!

    The vocals were clearly done around Dream Tour era!

  154. Blue Sunshine is the only remaster I didn't buy
    (less copies in the shops).

    And hearing this

    I must admit it seems more, indeed, like the dream tour Robert

    He could have thought the fans would accept the new material better by thinking it's from 83.

    Didn't they rerecord the 86 b-sides too without telling it ??

  155. CONSPIRACY FILES: A Forest was re-recorded they say because the master tapes were stored near a washing machine and were erased...I say, Robert has an addiction to re-recording vocals....Chris Parry leaked this information that the Disintegration master vocal tapes had been stored on giant electromagnets, Robert Smith all the time hoping that the tapes would be erased so that someday he could re-record the vocals again....This is why the Disintegration Re-Masters have been delayed so long...

  156. Actually there is some truth to the vocals for 'a forest' on 'mixed up' bring re-recorded as the '17 seconds' master tapes had been lost. Robert said so in an old cure news.

    As for 'blue sunshine', they are original vocal demos. Don't see why the conspiracy theorists keep this one alive.

  157. For whatever it's worth, this is what Steve Severin posted on his website back in August of 2006:

    "All the vocals on CD2 are from 1983. I admit it is a bit confusing calling them "RS vocal demo" but this is how it worked.....

    All the Glove tracks were written in the studio (bar PMWK) so the music you hear isn't a demo per se, it's a rough mix of the final thing. Lyrics were written at different times in the procedings so whenever they were, Robert would do a "guide vocal'. That explains why some tracks are more developed than others. For instance, I hadn't written the bass parts for "LAA" when RS did the guide but the strings had been put on ORGY before he sang. Does that make sense?

    We could only find these versions on cassette and Robert did some extensive "soundsoap" work on them going as far as stripping out the vocal, treating it and adding it back in. We've obviously done a good job because so many people think it's all new!'s 16 new would think most fans would be leaping for joy, wouldn't you?"

  158. There you go, kids.
    Straight from the horses mouth..

  159. Holy crap, that just made my day!!!

  160. I think (hope) that the Spring they refer to is the US spring, most Cure things seem to be US-centric in terms of releases now, being that they seem to deal primarily with US wing of Universal.....I say this in the hope it is the case as it would mean we get it sooner and it would make sense to come out sometime around his birthday.

  161. US Spring is Europe spring so...
    happy waiting..

    I don't understand that thing with vocals. They sound so around-dream-tourish I just give up. I want to hear the originals.

  162. I think there's a middle ground somewhere in this Blue Sunshine debate (I really don't consider it a "conspiracy"... just a miscommunication of some form).

    It is possible that Severin might be mistaken or misinformed about the vocals? Granted he's one half of the duo, but maybe the actual compiling of these demos for this deluxe reissue was more RS's deal.

    I've read what Severin said (back when he originally posted it) and I've read what the passionate Robert-would-never-tell-a-lie fans say. I say to everyone, *use your own ears and make up your mind*.

    Personally, I love the vocal tracks... I'm not bothered by when they were recorded. But I still think they're new. A Severin posting is probably not going to change what my ears tell me. Having said that, I'll still continue to enjoy the set (as I have for three years now). It's really not a huge deal.

  163. I totally agree.
    So is Cellardoor.


  164. I consider it closed.
    Let's use our own ears.


    ps - if you didn't understand the HUMOR in the first one, or this ~ SHAME ON YOU!!!!

    Phil Hughes (# 65), New York Yankee relief pitcher has this personalization stitched onto his glove: Phil Hughes ~ 65 ~ he secretly advertising for The Cure?!?!? Did he help re-record THE GLOVE vocals?!?!?
    The 'CONSPIRACY' on this will NEVER DIE (just like Flowers of Blood)....have a sense of humor and common sense.....

  166. c'mon, what's the flowers of Blood thing?


  167. In that nice artikel that Craig referenced

    there's a good link

    to WENDY WALDMAN's site

    where you can hear a nice selection
    of her songs

    Worth discovering

  168. Number 23 in the player

    is her own version of

    Very nice song
