
Monday, September 14, 2009

No more remastered CDs from Rhino?

Kent asked Rhino about when the next remastered Cure CDs would be out, and got this very disappointing answer: "We do not have current plans for further Cure reissues, but thank you for your email. I will forward your message to our suggestion box.
- Dr. Rhino" (Thanks Kent)

Update: Chris White says that the Disintegration and Wish remastered CDs are still being worked on, and that as of last week, release dates were still being discussed, and that Rhino would be the last to know when/if they were coming out. : )
(A million thanks to Chris for clearing this up)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I haven't got to say this since I was about 6 years old but that is a total jip! Really??? Crying and a ritual suicide are in order!

  3. This does not seem to make sense at all... :(

  4. No universal to pay for them. A shame, because there is evidence out there that Disintegration, or at least SOME tracks would be in 5.1

    20th anniversary has come and gone...

  5. OH HELL NAW! not right before kiss mex3...
    heads will roll. who do i contact?

  6. Some kind of update from Robert would be nice!! Nothing from him in ages.

  7. There might be something very soon.

  8. Was really looking forward to hearing those four instrumentals that were recorded with the Wish sessions and were only available on a rare cassette. Thought they might be included on the Wish bonus disc. Disintegration would have been fantastic too with the remastering finally doing justice to all the layers of instrumentation on that album. Shame... :-(

  9. I think it´s time to get some word from RS or some reliable source about what´s going on about CURE future plans, remasters, Dark Album, tour, new albums, etc, etc.

    It´s totally pointless to get info from here and there randomly that, under my pint of view, only makes more confusion.

    Out there there has to be someone with a little of common sense about this matters.

    It´s almost unbelievable to think seriously that Rhino isn´t planning to release Disintegration and Wish.

    We need to see the light at the end of this endless confusing tunnel...


  10. It can't get much more official than coming from the company that is releasing the remastered cds. I think they would know the status of their own releases.

  11. Mad Bob RJS, you nailed it. RS was pumping this 'dark album' for a long time. After 4:13 came out, and it was very poppy, I thought it was just the first part. Songs like 'The Boy I Never Knew' showed a lot of promise...and then...nothing.

    4:13 Dream was a commercial disaster, it barely moved 40K copies. I think that is the problem. The Cure can't sell records anymore.

    Even though Dave has had his issues this round, DM are still marketed and managed at a far superior level to The Cure. Sell out shows, SOFTU has moved close to 200K copies...frequent updates...

    RS needs to call Dave and Martin up and get some guidance.

    Since the tour ended mum has been the word on this and we've heard hide nor hair on anything since they pulled the plug on them at Coachella.

    Now the remasters for Disintegration and Wish are dead in the water...

    I will be surprised if we see another Cure studio album before 2015, lol. RS really botched it up touring for an album that didn't come out until 4 months after the tour ended!!!

  12. im starting to think the cure is finished.

  13. Oh, if this is true, it is heartbreaking...

  14. paul, don't say it. don't even think it!

  15. im not happy about it either, believe me, just had a bad feeling they're done for the past few months.

  16. too many singles and a tour before 4:13 did it in. It's a great album. Better than the BS current companies are trying to unload on consumers. Hungry Ghost is one of my ATF. No more singles and videos. Just beautiful full albums and small scale tours. They could get by on that with Robert's genious.

  17. BTW, anyone know why it's taken one and a half years for the remasters for My Bloody Valentine? That one just seems to be mostly Kevin unable to abandon the "Bong". Now that is frustrating because it was promissed. Robert should have some answers soon.

  18. Relax people. There are other companies out there that can distribute remasters. They can even be sold by the band. Disintegration and Wish are already awesome. If they don't get remastered they are still amazing albums. Nothing will change that.

  19. Lamer than:

    - The distortion in the Pornography remaster

    - The missing chunk of the Shake Dog Shake intro

    - The KMKMKM "bonus" disc.


    Well that just plain sucks... no remastered Disintegration or Wish, no "Lost Wishes" tracks on CD, and no Mood Swings bonus disc (could be potentially interesting, say what you will about WMS).

  20. Yeah, KM3 already came out, with the last batch. The re-release sounds way better than the original CD mix, and has "Hey You!"...

    ...but the "bonus" disc was lame. Unlike the previous bonus discs, which had show intro music (no "Eyemou"), unreleased tracks or free-form early demos, it was a not-too-drastically-different demos of most of the songs, and some live ones, following the track order of the album itself.

    A shame considering the story behind the recording sessions, and the true collaborative nature of it all.

  21. Well, this post might as well have just pissed in my cheerios. :-(

  22. I think what's most discouraging is that we haven't heard a peep from Robert in a long time. The official site has been inactive for months. It would be nice if once in a while he gave his fans a short update.

  23. craig- what do you know??? , your statement sounded very definate regarding something very soon , dont hold out on us

  24. oh,
    4TH JAN for mbv apparently
    the 4 lostwishes are on youtube, have been fr ages if you cant find a tape ,, or one of them naughty digi things

  25. DBC: Just a rumor that is going around at the moment. I'm hoping it isn't true, and want to get some more input on it before posting anything. But if true, we would hear from Robert by next Wednesday.

  26. Oh, and 4:13 is over 87k sold now. Thanks Friend of CoF. : )

  27. fourms are down too...

  28. craig, you're hoping it ISN'T true?
    i don't like the sound of that. at all. :(

  29. Sofia: Yeah, we don't want this rumor to be true. And there's a good chance that it isn't, or that the info has been misunderstood.

  30. Well, Craig, I don't like that sound of that at all.

  31. Well don't worry yet, it could all be bullshit. Wouldn't be the first time. : )

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. man i have been waiting and waiting for Wish! I was hoping they include "Lost Wishes" on the 2nd CD. bah!

  34. *waves at Craig* You're welcome.... I've missed you guys :(

  35. jo... *hug* i wish everyone was here tonight.

    "just like the old days"

  36. Let us hope this is only a little bump in the road. Maybe we've not heard anything from Mr. Smith because he's been busy fulfilling new dreams for us. We can at least hope and keep our fingers crossed.

  37. I was hoping the lag in the remasters was due to the new album and RS being so heavily envolved in them. I thought for sure that after the 4:13 phase was over we'd start to see the remasters again. Darn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. *running hug* Sofia....

    At the moment, I would rather be anywhere BUT work... stupid people piss me off!

    COF is my distraction, even though the news is "possibly" not so good.

  39. to be honest, it's not hard to see why the general public would be confused about buying 4:13 dream. it's an odd one, you know? but it's got some classics on it. it's brilliant. i still listen to it very often.
    casual fans don't know what the hell anyway. feh.

    while i'm here endlessly blathering, craig, can you tell me where i can find the rome video or mp3s? i put it on my external hard drive and now i can't find it.

  40. Craig, this is very true. And I have to second Luke. I am a long time listener, first time caller. lol

  41. I still think there is some very important information being held back at the moment (and I'm not talking about Craig's potentially bad news).

    Tim Pope has been dropping some cryptic notes on his website about a "top secret project" due for release around Christmas... Makes one wonder doesn't it ;)

  42. Sofia: The Rome audio can be downloaded here:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    And the video is on Dime.

    Hope that helps. : )

  43. Welcome, Bobby and Luke - always great to meet Cure fans!

  44. Mmm.. just read all the previous posts, what an unfortunate turn of events..
    As somebody wrote, Rhino is not the be all and end all for getting the remasters out there..
    What we must remember is this is a group with a long and fruitful career and a group that despite 'signing with labels' has essentially been its own boss and does whatever it pleases.
    As disheartening as it may be for us, The Cure is no longer really at the forefront of the people involved lives,which I think is pretty much fair enough.. All good things must unfortunately come to and end..
    Chin up everyone..let's keep supporting Craig to do what he does best.. All will be revealed in good time! *waves to altr2elise and AndrewV127*

  45. craig, you know that helps! you're the best (as usual)!

  46. thanks for the welcome :) i actually have a couple of pics on CoF, i have 2 Cure tattoos :). I sent them in quite a while ago, and Craig posted them in the tattoos section, i usually go by "NINCure" on the internet, i think he put them under that name, not sure though, but thank you for the welcome :)

  47. Luke - yep, I recognise NINCure.

    *waves at Madbob*

  48. why is everybody talking break up? STOP THAT! STOPIT.

  49. in my personal opinion, i do not believe they will break up, after all, they just got Porl back, and we know how much of a great guitarist he is! I seriously doubt they would use him on one record and then "disappear". as far as i know the Cure had a 3 album contract, maybe they don't have that anymore, but i sure hope another album comes out! (totally off topic but supposedly NIN played their final show... i doubt it will be though!)

    if anyone cares to see some great Cure pictures from 2004, dallas and houston, check out my website, (it also has pics of more bands that some of you might like!) /end shameless self promotion ;)

  50. They NEED NEED NEED to release these...I have been waiting........................

  51. altr2elise, Thanks :) I really hope they wouldn't finally get Porl back and then call it quits. What a waste that would be.

  52. yup, exactly my point Bobby.Dollhands!

  53. Backcombed haired heads will be rolling if that happens!

  54. That rumour that is going round in the net at the moment is a total rubbish, spread by the same guy that had an ominous tracklisting of 4:13 Dream months before Robert posted the real one at the offical homepage. And that tracklisting spread by this guy was total rubbish as well. As for the remastered CDs, Rhino does not have any current plans, which means there will most likely no more Cure stuff out this year, but there's no mention that their won't be any further remasters at all.

  55. thanks for that, Moontear! i'm going off to other sites, but i'll be back to read and comment later on :).

  56. Moontear: Thanks for that! Glad to hear that the rumor is from someone that has spread false info in the past. For whatever it's worth, the rumor that was sent to me started at A Pink Dream . Some guy claimed he worked at BMG in London, and that there would be an interview with Robert next Wednesday, where he would announce the end of The Cure.

    Also thanks to Beau for letting me know that it was posted elsewhere, and that next Wednesday would be the 20th anniversary of the end of The Prayer Tour. Seems someone is having a bit of a joke. : )

  57. Sofia: What have you heard? Is he joining the band? Keyboards? : )

  58. So, Craig. About your news.. does that still apply now??

  59. No no, he's the new manager isn't he, Craig?! Haha..

  60. Notherbob: Nope. Unless there's really something to this rumor, we can just go back to waiting for Robert to tell us what's next. : )

  61. DM and most bands have an excellent marketing dept. The Cure needs a good solid team. I mean, their Myspace hasn't been updated since....

    Maybe that's why we go so nutso with this band as they are so elusive - that when they do come 'round, we lose our shit.

    When a band updates and communicates with you, you feel a little special and that you are part of the team.

    We want to be on the team damn it!

  62. Maybe there will be big news on Wednesday (in RST November). Another tour would be fantastic!

  63. I would NEVER believe Robert would ever stop making music - EVER! Whether it's with The Cure or solo or collaborations, he won't stop. C'mon people! We can't speculate and become like the main website forum and make up shit. We will wait for the man himself to speak. Until then..

  64. Just to clarify things a bit, the Rhino remasters news is not a rumor, that came straight from the company.

    The rumor that seems to be untrue was about an alleged interview coming out next Wednesday, that would have RS announcing the end of The Cure. That seems to be a hoax.

  65. i'm way more inclined to believe it's a hoax. especially since we all know RS's history ;). BTW, Craig, I have been reading CoF since i can remember, I've been a Cure fan almost 20 years now (started liking them when i was 8), and i just wanted to say a HUGE thank you, for CoF, and everything else you do, i am so glad you have kept it up this long, it really is the best place to get news about The Cure, BIG BIG THANK YOU :)

  66. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. My best friend still tells me everyday that Ashley Simpson is the 5th Cure member cause he read it on the internet somewhere.

  68. rofl Bobby.Dollhands, that would be quite an odd duet... haha.

  69. Wouldn't it though? Not something I would ever be interested in suffering through.

  70. ugh. that ashley simpson thing was a lowpoint in my life. seriously. let's not dredge up the reasons for my deep fugue states. the other, of course, being the korn "duet". and then there was blink 182...

    *eyes glass over*

  71. ** joins Elise in sending good vibes to the Universe **

    Come on people! The death of the band has been announced many times, even by Robert, and yet here we are, just over a year after the world tour ended and not even a year before 4:13 hit the streets as an album! We're just a few months past the UK events, and the shows in CA and Vegas!

    The Tim Pope project has been revealed as a 30th anniversary DVD in interviews. That's great if the hints are that it'll drop by Christmas!

    I trust Robert and the band to do right by their fans as they always try to do, and maybe the Rhino thing is a signal that they are finally getting ready to go independent.

    We've been spoiled by the ever-increasing pace of news in the past year or two, remember there have been FAR longer gaps in Cure news than this!

    Thumbs up to Craig for holding off on unverified rumors and big hugs to all my Cure peeps here! I love and miss you guys!

  72. rev! xoxo
    can always count on you and jo for positivity :)

  73. Sofia, I think we would all like to forget the Blink 182 fiasco.

  74. I agree with you guys, let's stay positive! (cause I'm starting to get a nervous stonach ache :P)

    Personally I don't think Robert would dare say The Cure are ending because we've heard it so many times before, no one would believe it anyway.

    He's probably just relaxing a bit, drinking a lot and recovering from the tour.

    Or maybe he's out shopping for a new shirt...

  75. Oh yeah, I also don't think he would deprive us of the remasters. He'll find a way to get them out, even if it takes 20 more years! lol

    He knows Disintegration is the one most of us have been dying for. I honestly don't think he would let us down like that.

  76. You had to go there with that shirt! I imagine RS closet looks a lot like a cartoon characters. You open it up and it is like 10 of the same outfit hanging there.

  77. LOLOL! 10 black shirts and 10 pairs of black pants, maybe 3 pairs of the same shoes? LOL. i imagine it would be funny to see his closet!

  78. Well, that sucks. All we can do as always is hope somebody will undo this decision someday (50th anniversary? :-P)

  79. I don't know. I think there is only one pair of shoes. They get real dogged up.

  80. Well that certainly spiced up my cornflakes coming on here this morning!Shame about the Rhino news :(
    As for the rumour,i am french, and the whole tone of the post on that Pink Dream website makes me think it's untrue..the guy says he's been on the site before but never bothered opening an account...then it's all matter of fact, all over with his big news within 3 lines...and no big reaction on the forum after that! maybe we'll get some news on the 23rd, but i doubt RS will come up with a"Breaking News" style announcement...

  81. Yeah well personally I think Craig should give 'A Pink Dream' a miss altogether as a source.. seems to cause nothing but trouble..

  82. Bobby & Luke: LOL I cannot TELL you how mental it makes me wondering if he just has the ONE set of clothes...or many of the same!!!

    I have actually lost sleep over this in the past.

  83. Maybe, the next batch isn't finished, so they can't give out information about a release they don't have a date for??? hopefully. It doesn't make sense. I love the currently available remasters, didn't they sell well? Why would they just stop at they 2 most successful albums? The music industry is a mess...too many people steal...blah blah...i better stop now.

  84. mock, I think if it was just one set that it would have fallen apart by now. He's pretty sweaty, and take it from another overweight and sweaty person, one set of clothes isn't going to work.

  85. Bobby, I know it makes more sense to have many, but sometimes I think he just has them dry cleaned every day. Although, that wouldn't make much sense at all really.

    I truly drive myself mad with the things that perplex me about him. It's such a curse to be so obsessed with someone!

  86. He could but he doesn't seem to be the dry clean type. I don't think he is so weird, really. Just a procrastinator.

  87. The official site is completly down...

  88. 1. Rhino are only a distributer. They are not responsible for putting out the remasters..Universal are at the ment.

    2. There has been NO conformation of a split with Universal.

    3. The Cure have been silent for much much longer periods than this

    4. Robert does not like anniversaries

    5. This is a load of hysterical nonsense created by someone to stir things up because of the lack of news...are we still in the silly season ? I think so.

  89. goes down from time to time. Nothing to worry about. : )

  90. Craig, you really are the glue that holds us Cure fans together. lol

  91. Some very good news from Chris White! He says that the Disintegration and Wish remastered cds are still being worked on.

  92. Also remember the remasters/reissues were through Rhino in the US, not in the UK. So who knows whats happening that side of the atlantic.

  93. it looks like a false, delayed deal... An album like Disintegration, which is not my absolute favorite, and I know every word and adore every groove, simply cannot recieve another look...It'll happen...BUT WHAT I'M WAAAY more excited for is WISH...I absolutely cannot wait to tap the album into my car and drive down some scenic road with 'OPEN' going and going and going...It'll happen COF'ers....good art takes time...and Robert has ALWAYS come through...just about....simple as that...Your fellow cof mon' -mark b.

  94. PS: My focal point is: The Cure are similar to Stanley Kubrick in that Robert is a bit of a perfectionist/methodical genius. Continuity has always been a big deal...They are completely symmetrical in sound and presentation. Which is why they will never leave us with half their discography on our bookshelves, etc...Alright, enough of me....ha...Glad is back...-Marko....pps: funny story: I was expecting the Wish re-release to come out I gave my old shabby disc to a three night stand.....bad....I miss the "Deep Green Sea"

  95. One of my roommates kept "borrowing" my Disintegration disc over and over again. I had to buy it 3 times already. Once the remaster is out will make 4.

  96. Craig..pardon my ignorance but who's Chris White ?

  97. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea is my absolute favorite Cure song, which is nice, because they play it literally 99% of their shows. They don't play many (or any) b-sides, but i'd LOVE to hear them play "A Foolish Arrangement", that's in the runnings for fave bside haha, along with Harold and Joe, i love that song! :)

  98. Keith: Chris used to put together the band's official newsletter/magazine Cure News, and is a friend of the band.

  99. sounds like a good source of intel then!

  100. Chris White, as an example, used to put up the official 'Cure news' magazines, so I guess he's a reliable source close to the band.


    In the past, Robert announced the 'end' of The Cure many time, and, unfortunately, as time goes by, one day it will be true... It will be terrible news when it really happens, though!

    4:13 didn't sell that much (only 87k compared to over 1million of even WMS!) so I can understand that a record company which put a lot of money in it is quite annoyed at the poor sales and doesn't want to take the risk of keeping them and loosing more money in another album recording that shouldn't generate more sales, there's no reason.

    i've read that Robert planned the remasters and had been working on them for years and years, so I can't beleive my eyes when I read "Dis and Wish are still being worked on"!
    In my opinion the commercial plan for these remasters has been terrible.
    I think it would have been much more impacting and interesting if relesed on every month over a year for example, or a tryptic every three months... but... it seems to be done without any sense.

    And finally, you know what? I don't believe Robert cares about anyhing we might really says. I can easily understand he could stop the cure, take a long rest, do other things, release his own record, and we could see some reissues then or then made by a record company randomly when they think there might be little money to be done. It wouldn't surporise me at alll.

    But the announce of a fifth member would be a better news! so I'm looking forward to wednesday!

  101. Good to hear there is work being done... somewhere. Whew!

  102. new member of the cure? so they would be a 5-some again? i wish they would bring Perry back, he was my favorite besides Robert of course! and i actually got a couple pictures with Perry.
    Whoever it is, i hope it's for keyboards!!

  103. this is getting ridiculous

    There is not going to be any annoucenment about a fifth member !

    That was a joke by someone earlier that the announcement was going to be about ashlee simpson becoming the 5th member

    what's next ?

    Oh here's one...the Cure are playing the Pig & Whistle (capacity 65) in London 15th will be from Michael George and they will be playing all the tracks from Bob's solo album in a bossanova style. Michael George will also do a guest duet with Bob on a jungle version of Catch to be released on
    cupidstunt records on April 1st 2010

  104. Well, it seems I just missed the shitstorm by a few.
    Anyhoo, now that everything's "quiet down", I do hope there is some news, any kind of news, coming soon.
    For real. o_q

  105. LOL Kieth! I love the running Michael George joke the group has.. didn't think many people knew that..

  106. where can I buy the Pig & Whistle gig ticket, keith?

  107. I already have those cd's. I don't need another copy... unless it's a nice vinyl package.

  108. Fabien G - are doing a special offer on one get two free...

  109. simply, really, had I the choice, I'd much better like to hear they recruit Ashley Simpson as 5th member than they stop the band.

    Whatever, as long as it's someting 'positive' and not 'the end'.

  110. For those who can't read french, and to make it short, the post on apinkdream reads:

    - I'm Ludo, live in London, work in BMG, Robert will announce in a special itw the end of The Cure.

    Follows on a lot of comments and questions such has "there has been already hundreds of people in the past who used to come and say "hi, I'm x, i know this, I know that", and in fact absolutely nothing was true, so it just might as well be just another rumour, especially since The Cure are not on BMG but TMU.

    So it might be a possibility that robert may want to stop the band (a way to end the contract with TMU and sign with Sony-BMG), obviously 'pinkdreamers' doubt.

    Now you know.

    Again, whatever, I rather pray for good news next week.

  111. notherbob: michael george bit was on 'play out' so why wouldn't many people know about it?

  112. If they really leave the big corporate monster label Universal just to sign with the next big corporate monster label BMG I start doubting Robert's sanity. But actually, I rather doubt what that guy says is true. I got a feeling there will be no Cure news whatsoever on Wednesday.

  113. Wouldn't be surprised at all if there was no news on wednesday either.

  114. A more positive suggestion could be that they will be announcing that they are playing the BBC Electric Proms at the Roundhouse in London in October with additional musicians...

  115. I don't know where this talk of an announcement of a 5th member came from, as that was never even mentioned by that guy.

    But whatever, that post from Ludo at A Pink Dream is total rubbish. Chris White has confirmed it with 2 people who would certainly know if there was to be any sort of announcement.

    So there is no announcement coming on Wednesday. No breakup, no 5th member, no plans for RS to announce a trip into outer space. : )

    And as of last week, RS was still working on the release dates for the next set of remastered CDs. So whether Rhino knows it or not, they are still scheduled to be released.

  116. wow, what a bunch of raving maniacs. ;)

    doesn't everybody already have lost wishes on CD/digital format anyway?

    and if robert really wanted to do right by the fans, he'd write better songs for the next album. here's hoping!

  117. Didn't Roger O'Donnell (when he was in the band) used to say he found out what was happening with The Cure from COF before hearing it from RS, lol?

    I've been a Cure fan for a long time, 20 years+. If I had a dime for everytime I heard a rumor that RS was ending it I would have $20, lol.

    The bottom line is that RS has NEVER been very good at communicating to the fans - even with the Internet. I also don't believe he will ever 'break up' The Cure.

    They may go into extended hibernation for a few years, but in reality he had played a gig almost every year of the Cures existence with the exception of 1988, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2001, and 2006 I think.

    He's 50. I think we'll see more Cure tours over the next 5 - 7 years. I doubt we'll see too much more new Cure music.

  118. What happened in here? I go to sleep for a few hours and I come back to Robert Smith becoming a trapeze artist who has given up music to ice fish. geez...

  119. you're right Miller, about Roger reading Curenews here first! how funny... (puzzling?)

    So thank you Craig! And Chris!

    Let's stay as mad about The Cure as we are, and I'll see you around when the next rumour is out before Xmas. (but frankly that was a good one this one, wasn't it?)

  120. Miller: Yes, he did. Perry and Simon, too. : )

  121. I heard that RS was releasing a solo country album under the name Gaines Chris slated to be released early 2012. lmao...

  122. I thought so Craig. I bet had you reported that The Cure were going to be playing 'Wish' in its entirety Roger, Simon, and the rest of the band would have starting rehearsing their

    RS is an eccentric. It means you won't get much out of him that is based in reality until it actually happens.

    Again, my bet is the old boy disappears for awhile. 2007, 2008, and even the first part of 2009 were very active Cure years...

  123. Craig,

    It was 20 years ago today, The Cure played in Dallas. One of the best concerts I've attended. I always say it was like a movie or a perfect dream.

    Best wishes and thank you for your work,

  124. Christopher: I was there! My second Cure show, and it was incredible! Still one of my all-time favorites. Changed my life. : )

  125. Antti: Unless you're an ebay freak, the 'Playout' video isn't that easy to come by, at least nowhere near as popular as the DVD releases such as 'Trilogy', 'Greatest Hits' and '2005 Festival'..
    I came across my copy of 'Playout' completely by accident, knew nothing about it until I saw it..
    Fingers crossed converting all the VHS releases to DVD/Bluray is next on RSX's to do list...

  126. Do you get the feeling that Cure fans are starved for information? 146 posts on a 'breakup' rumour, with the addition of a '5th member' rumour thrown in for good measure.

    I love and miss my Cure friends :)

  127. Nothing like a rumour of the END to shake a guy out of summer relaxation mode.

    There seems to be too much unfinished bizzness for Robert to pull the plug now. Like the already completed tracks for the next CD; the 30 year DVD; the release of the remasters of the 'Golden Era' albums.

    And also the fact that I think The current line-up is a really a happy one that Robert seems to be enjoying playing in.

    BTW Craig, do you have any idea what the 30 Yr DVD will include, other than interviews? Hopefully that Prayer Tour concert????

  128. Dear RS,

    Please speak to us and give us fans approval. Hugs, kisses, and the myspace you never update.

    - Cure Fans

  129. Thank you Craig for this information:

    "So there is no announcement coming on Wednesday. No breakup...."

    Now I can breath again but still have a bad feeling.


  130. So......rumours abound of The Cure's imminent demise. Gee wizz, how utterly earth shatteringly original. Anyone, who for even a split second, believed this nonsense, should apply a good uppercut on their own chin in order to knock some sense into themselves. SILLY NONGS !!!

    So I trick myself...
    Like everybody else.

  131. Swifty - I completely's really is unbelievable how gullible some people are.

  132. Keith, that's easy to say 151 posts in.

  133. He couldn't have said it any earlier because I didn't post until 150.

    But what I'm really wondering about is this re-release of Catch/Jungle groove, out on cupidstunt records(can't say I've heard of them). Is the release date of April 1, 2010 meant to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the Royal Albert show?

  134. Uhh, Kieth was making a joke about the above topics..

  135. Eh, just wanted to see if I'd have the last word in this topic. <_<

  136. ( you won't!) :)

    I agree with the ones who say that it's really easy for some to go "how can people believe such bullshit".

    Why couldn't we believe? The problem I think is rather the stupid idiots (to say the least) who spread such a rumour.
    Because considering the poor sales, bad relation with the records companies, lack of communication, and so on, I can kindda be worried when such a 'news' comes in. I'm not a "people in the know".
    Call me naive, so what? I don't see the point of lying. Well, at least this joke didn't make me laugh.

    I am absolutely not impatient to see The Cure split up. Maybe you won't regret it when it really happens (apparently many people wouldn't mind). But I will!
    Ok Robert's solo album, if it ever see the light, will be interesting to hear but I'm so fond of The Cure as a band, I can wait for another 10 years.
    I wonder how you can tell for true "everything is going very well in the band, they have got many more plans, they will go on for years". It's just as stupid.
    Or else you are a reliable source? ho yeah...

    I've got free gig tickets for whoever wants them....

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  139. I was being Tongue-in-cheek notherBob!

    Give yourself an extra uppercut for being from Perth *oh god I hope Elise doesn't read that*

    H&J - Hows the bun in the oven coming along?

  140. *CRACK!!* Ow, Sorry Swifty.
    I sorta kinda figured but wasn't too sure..

  141. No need to apologise, Bob. You weren't to know that what I say and what I mean are often poles apart :/

  142. Thanks Swifty! Going well, I guess. The mother feeling rather poorly most of the times, these days mostly due to a lack of energy.
    But it's not so bad as I'm a big kid now and am surrounded with all my toys to keep me occupied (while I give support and so... don't want to sound too much like a selfish bastard), plus there is so much porn on the net, how can you be bored?
    Of course, there is also occasionally the odd rumour about a Cure break up. That entertainment.

    I wrote and ask Robert if he could write a song for my future boy birthday, but, as of now, no answer from the almighty.

  143. I think the band played a show in 1993 and a few in 2001.

  144. KentButabi - I said it from the very start..and before Craig was able to confirm with news from Chris White

    Fabien G - You're obviously not a Cure fan very long because otherwise you'd be able to see through the obvious bullshit. The Cure make albums every four years and go silent for very very long periods of time afterwards...thats the way it has been since the early 90's. Bob doesn't like the easy accessability the internet gives the fan to information about the band so he shuns it as much as possible when he wants to just go off an do his own thing.

    Unfortunately theres a hell of a lot of people who can't accept that he and the band are all in their middle age with a lot more going on in their lives other than playing in The Cure. They want fu**in daily updates !

    I remember when we had to wait for magazines and radio to give us information about new Cure albums coming out in the 80's !

    You're correct though, I don't know that everything is 100% perfect in the band or nor do I claim to be a reliable source, but I do know from following this band since 1981 that if something smells of always is bullshit.

  145. Hi Keith,

    i've been a fan for a while now (not 81 though unfortunately) but I always fall for it! :) If someone says something I suppose that's the truth. How childish, isn't it? (I still haven't got my tickets! ^^)

    Yes I know about the album every 4 years, about the long silence, frequent rumours of the end, but I can't help it. Maybe it's because I've never seen the point of spreading a rumour. I can't see where the fun is... It's just a waste of time. Why not rather create a real interesting topic. There are people i don't understand, really...

    i'm personnaly enclined to believe at 99,9% what Chris says!
    That said, this evening on Apinkdream, the guy came back to write:
    "Yes indeed Robert was at universal last week to plannified the remasters, noone denies it! But I can assure you that there will be no new album and Robert will make this announcement next week. So only the remasters + no new album = ?
    there will be a small 'party' for the 30 years of the band, the remasters are part of the gift, a nice end in the end. i'm just passing the word, I don't ask you to believe in extraterrestrial life"
    These are the words.

    Now news next week or not, good or bad, we'll see. i didn't say I trusted this guy or not, I just say I don't want The Cure to stop.

    Now come on Craig, couldn't you have Chris give you a "interview" or something? After the Cure News years, he knows how to handle both the band and the fans, he should take over the website, he could provide us with some regular updates.
    That's what the band need, not only a keyboard, but some guy dealing with the official site! (I'd vote for Craig - well, after myself, that is) :)

  146. keith,

    "Bob doesn't like the easy accessability the internet gives the fan to information about the band so he shuns it as much as possible when he wants to just go off an do his own thing."

    that's not true. during the cure house days robert smith was very involved in informing the fans and giving them access about the band as much as possible. he was essential in running that site. he wasn't shunning anything. i think he doesn't run anything now because he doesn't have the time, not because he doesn't want us to know anything.

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. On behalf of all us Chicken Littles who 'bought in', let me say I think that most of us took the info with a grain of salt. We follow RSX rule #n: It ain't official till you see it on the official site, (you know, that dreadful thing that, sadly, is now attached to the url; (Naturally, if Craig confirms things with one of his unimpeachable sources, that's good enough, too. :-)) In any event, it was perfectly natural to be affected by such apparent but yet-to-be-certified-as-gospel news.

    And that, my dears, is enough clucking on the subject from this old hen.

    On a related topic, i.e., the demise of the band, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. All the members are mature men with families and priorties that have likely evolved over the years. Also, Simon didn't look like he was particularly grooving to the scene during the last tour, and if he hangs up his bass, I can't imagine that the band will go on. Perhaps 2010 will be 'The Year of the Solo Act'?

    Notwithstanding all of that, I still hold out some little hope that the much-anticipated dark album will be released. The mere thought of it makes me salivate, and its release would make for a good stopping point -- i.e., ending a stellar run with what is almost certainly another timeless masterpiece.

    Finally, thanks to Craig and Chris for clarifying things. Btw, I think that an interview with Chris is a fab idea.

  149. @Swifty - I resemble that remark ;)

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  151. Finally that would be good news !!!
    Smith on the same level of Bowie or Lennon ! Solo concerts (maybe Mr Gallup would come and help with the bass) !
    The Cure's magnificent songs played by lonely Robert !!
    Sounds like a minimalistic & pure dream coming true...
    Hope Hope Hope

  152. Francois: The rumor is false. That comes from the band and those close to them.

  153. sofia - sorry but I don't agree..The last few years of The Cure
    "House" site was updated even less than the current one ! Robert has also complained regularly in interviews about the internet and the fact that in the "old days" fans just had to wait for information and it only came out when it was official !

  154. It's only with the internet hat fans get impatient. They visit CoF every ten minutes & when there's no news they panic. There can't be news everyday.

    Cheers to Keith's post above.

  155. you're just right keith with your quote.

    ...but there SHOULD be a curenews every 10 minutes! ^^

  156. Phew! Wednesday passed without incident.

    Lord be praised!

  157. Craig, are you quite sure that all the guys are still fired up about doing the band thing?

  158. Friends

    it was supposed to be the next Wednesday


    first day of autumn,
    ot the anniversary of the last Cure show in 89


    it's a hoax to get Bob speaking

  159. Let's get Bob speaking!!

    Bob speech!
    Bob speech!
    Bob speech!

    o_q Jolly good I say!
    Good chap, go on! Speak the truth.

  160. OMFFFG, NEXT Wednesday?!?!?!?!

    The first day of Autumn never felt so cold. Never felt so...

  161. Wow, a whole week of suspense! Will the Cure community survive the pressure? Tune in to the COF channel everyday to find out!

  162. Well, thanks to the rumor

    we actually got news !!

    Nice technique ;)

  163. Yes swifty, actually yet 5 days are left although I dont expect that to be anything serious. However the time left to that day stretches here to the extent of infinity, at least for me.. ;( strangely..

  164. Quick question. Is it just Disintegration and Wish being remastered next? I seem to remember hearing rumors of Mixed Up getting the treatment as well.

  165. I remember Mixed Up being mentionned as well.

  166. hynreck, i missed your monocle, old boy

  167. The program for the 4Tour said Disintegration, Entreat, Mixed Up and Wish were next for the remaster treatment. I hope the '86 mix of Boys Don't Cry is on Muxed Up. I actually liked it. Also, I read on another site (sorry Craig) that there maybe a DVD from the video feed from the Dallas Prayer Tour Show. I don't speak or read French, so it wasn't Pink Dream.

    Finally, I think there are so many comments on this thread because we all miss eachother. Finding company to discuss the Cure was never easy, even more so now. As always, best wishes Craig and the COF peeps.

  168. Christopher, your posting made me smile.

    If Entreat is in fact remastered and rereleased, how great would it be to have the full Wembley show?

    Mixed Up was the first Cure album I ever bought (I was 13 when it came out and *very* excited after one full run-through on my tape walkman!)... I'm actually a bigger fan of the re-recordings of The Walk and A Forest than the original studio versions.

    I would love for RS to include on the Mixed Up bonus disc the re-recordings of The Walk and A Forest *before* they were extended and "remixed"... so basically the same forms as the originals, but with all the new instruments and vocals.

  169. Christopher: Those comments about the Prayer Tour dvd were made in an interview that I posted here. But as you see, he says the Dallas show is from Texas Stadium, which they only played on the Wish Tour, not the Prayer Tour, so who knows what he's talking about. And more to the point, will it ever really be released? : )

  170. Andrew: The original plan was to remaster everything up to, and including, Bloodflowers. Not sure if the plans have changed, but it seems like only Disintegration and Wish are next on the release schedule. But Mixed Up was definitely being worked on and being planned. And there was supposed to be a new Mixed Up, but again, who knows if that will ever be released.

  171. I need Cure fan friends :-( I have to force my regular friends to listen to my constant ramblings about them.

  172. Bobby - Cure fan friends are the best!

  173. I know! I need to be with my own kind. A gazelle cannot thrive with an army of frogs. It's just not natural.

  174. I Can't believe this thread is still going, come on folks, let's crack the 200!!

  175. I think we can do it! What do you guys say?

  176. And the winner! Ha ha, sad really...

  177. This is the thread that refused to die! I am enjoying myself, I don't know about the rest of you.

  178. Holy crap, after 200 posts it starts a new page. haha

  179. Bobby: I know exactly how you feel. I have a few great Cure friends but they live all over the country.

    Several weeks ago I was at some friends' home and we were watching America's Got Talent from The Palms in Vegas. Every single time they showed the sign for The Palms I'd say "did you know The Cure played there in April and I was there!" and then I would giggle for 5 minutes.

    After 1/2 hour of this they were getting annoyed, saying "what is WRONG with you?" and then threatened to duck tape my mouth shut.

    They just don't understand...

  180. mock, I know exactly what you mean! I had a friend over last night and we were watching the Festival dvd and I rambled on about them for 2 and a 1/2 hrs straight without really realizing it. He would try to interrupt me with questions about them that I guess he thought I didn't know. I would answer and keep right on talking. I think if I hadn't been in a car wreck a few hours earlier I would have had my mouth duct taped too. lol
