
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicago celebrates 30 years of The Cure

More info here. (Thanks Kamar)


  1. If only The Cure themselves would do any actual celebration...

  2. Who knows, Nico.. they may surprise us all with one of their famous one off christmas concerts.. One can dream..

  3. i have always wanted to do something or "host" like this. but i would do ALL cure, and i would do it over 7 nights for a "cure week". each night would be an "era" or 3. including b-sides, collaborations, re-mixes, good demos, live, ect. (roughly in order)is that legal to do?

  4. maybe have a look-alike contest while carnage visors plays in the back ground.

  5. I'd certainly be there for a seven day Cure-fest, Andrew! :)

  6. On

    They have a cover of Boys Don't Cry by German singer Norman Palm.

  7. andrew,
    well they used to have cure conventions. only one night, but the same principle.

  8. i'm at work listening to the head on the door and thinking how much i still love this album - man, wish i could head downtown tonight - sigh

    at least i got to see them at Lollapalooza, Tinley, and the Rosemont - fantastic shows


  9. Richard, i (THECURELOST13)just uploaded a 5 part interview with Robert from the "HOTD" tour on youtube.

    Sofia, only 1 night??? i dont know how that is possible? it would have to be ALL b-sides, or all rare non album stuff, or something like that. no singles. never mind me, just dreaming.

  10. Last night was a lot of fun! It was supposed to be blocks of Cure songs mixed in with what we normally do but for some reason The Cure just didn't mix in well with other dancey new wave stuff so we said fuck it and played the cure non stop from about 2 to 3:45. I'll probably post the playlist soon. there's like 2 or 3 monthly smiths events in chicago but nothing for the cure. thinking of starting one up somewhere.

    for a proper cure night, you'd probably need at least two days (10 to 12 hours). even when we did six hour cure nights there was always a lot of stuff that we never played because of time restrictions.

  11. If only is right...

    Craig, please break your Robertesque silence and tell us if you think that the dark album will drop and if a tour might ensue. Please? Pretty please, etc., etc...

  12. Chicago is kick ass! I think they have the best art scene in the country....!

  13. All right... nuff said... I'll go watch the grass grow... for a few months, years, etc...

  14. Whatever I choose
    It amounts to the same
    Absolutely nothing
    I'm alive, I'm dead
    Chicago students
    Killing each other
