
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Vote for Simon

NME has another one of their endless Greatest/Best polls up, and this time Simon is up for Greatest Bass Player. Click here to automatically rate him a 10/Genius. If you don't think he rates that, and have something wrong with you : ), go here and rate him whatever you'd like. (Thanks Chris White)


  1. So if I don't think that Simon is a 10/genius on the bass, then there is something wrong with me??
    Ummm, ok....

    Simon does his job well, but to call him ANYWHERE NEAR a genius is sycophantic at best and absolutely fucking preposterous at worst.

  2. I'd have expected more reaction on this !!

    Come on, where are the Fans ????

    Click on the total 10 link
    and refresh (F5) One Hundred Times !!

  3. Slowdiver: Oh come on, it was a joke.

  4. This is about how much we love them

    Come on, get your Boners out and bang that mouse for SIMON

  5. DumbAnguish exercises his American right and votes for Simon

  6. Well I think Dee Dee is the best, but I voted Simon.

  7. Simon is good/great, but Peter Hook is amazing. Vote for Hookie before some old lame rocker wins the award.

    Not a "fan" contest. Drank with Simon, like Simon, but Hook set the bar for what "lead bass" shoud be.
