
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Trains On Bridges now available

From Roger's Twitter update (I will not say tweet!): "Just finished the packaging for my limited edition EP release Charlie Crow - Trains on Bridges. Limited to 250 CDRS burnt from the master!"
Get it now. I just did. Twice. : )


  1. Yay for Roger! I look forward to getting my copy. ;)

  2. Hmm, did I say my extra copy was for you? : ) Maybe I bought it for Kate. : P

  3. Did I say I didn't buy a copy for myself? :P

  4. Are you saying you didn't honor my request? : o

  5. Poor Kate! Getting all of this nonsense in her inbox. : )

  6. LOL!!!

    Craig and V, I love you both! *hug*

    I am enjoying my inbox, thankyouverymuch. :P

  7. Craig: I made a promise to myself, I wouldn't buy a copy of Roger's EP and I'd wait until I got it from someone else! ;) (If you say it really fast, it fits in time...)

    Kate: Thank you for putting up with us. :D

  8. some f roger's solo stuff is ok, but in my opinion, it sounds a little to elevator music to me...maybe its the overuse of the moog...

  9. I have heard it and its a very fine EP

  10. do you have any notice about the cure in argentina? there's some rumors, but i don't know...

  11. If You got nothing better to do.. You can listen to my new songs.

    1. Wish
    2. Even Rachel Wood


  12. Love the two songs on Roger's space, Trains on Bridges and Three. But then again, I do love some good jazz on occasion. However, even more so, I LOVE the video posted of Charlie Crow! And what beautiful countryside Roger lives on! And the crows, or ravens, make quite the good leads!

  13. Fairly obvious question,but , tomas, what rumours don't you know about? Do tell..

  14. I agree to some point at the last comment, I thought the 2004 album was so uninspired and going through the motions and if you watch the 2004 performances, it looked as if they were all ready to hang it up, they looked so bored on stage, the music on the 2004 release was fine, but the lyrics were retreads, Taking off, which could have been a great single was about....nothing, I am ahuge Cure fan and I felt myself forcing myself to like that album, in the end I dont, now onto 4:13 Dream, I love this album, the lyrics are so much better and inspired, new life!!!!! having said that, I feel the song selection was questionable, I feel that All Kinds of Stuff should have been on the album and Freakshow should have been the b side, it didn't fit the feel of the record to me, I actually liked all of the b sides better than Freakshow. people also complained about the vocal effects and multi tracked vocals, this is nothing new to the Cure, it is on every album, anyway, I still think they put out great music, I dont think they lost it, the only stumbling block to me was the 2004 release and I think it had to to with a bad work environment and disgruntled and complacent band members. Now lets talk about not evolving, Depeche Mode, I used to be a huge DM fan I loved Ultra and then......Exciter came out, with that title you would expect it to be....Exciting? The Body Speaks was my favorite on there, but then again it reminded me of Waiting for the Night. that concludes my views, thanks for the tolerance!

  15. just a serious question and by no means is this meant to be mean spirited...but how many of you honestly would be buying or listening to rogers solo stuff if h was not in the cure...

    i would like his stuff more like i said if he laid of the moog a bit....less is more...

    and FYI my fav cure song is a roger composed one..fear of ghosts...

    so i was just curious...please don;t respond with hateful diatribe.. its just an honest question to which i am curious if people would answer truthfully,,,granted without him being in the cure he would not have had the exposure but lets but that aside for a moment...

    oh the same goes for levinhurst...

    how many would really be listening to it or buying it if the cure angle was not attached to it....

    with all that being said it brings me it another point..
    sadly as much as i love/ed the cure..i feel they have not evolved very much musically since 92 and t some extent 96 ( WMS is not as bad as most people think, its like the 90s version of the top) granted its not one of their best but it was different and i applaud them for taking that chance..

    if these new albums robert and co keeps putting out are in roberts own words the best they have ever done..why is it we never hear much from albums from 96-2004 just a song here or there..and usually not the best ones..

    i cannot tell you how much ihate maybe someday ( why not play loudest sound, hell they are using enough loops now, or out of this world, or even where the birds always sing) as for the 2004 album...end of the world really labyrinth,,,porl could really have fun with that track and its one of the better ones on that album...or going nowhere, anniversary, even taking off is much better than EOTW...but truth goodness and beauty would be killer...

    anyway these are my thoughts...just wondering if anyone out there especially older cure fans feel the same or if they still think whatever they put out is quality.

  16. Craig and V: I miss you guys *running hug*

  17. i got didn;t get an extra copy but would gladly give mine away,,,or maybe it will sound better set on fire :P

  18. Dean, to answer your question, I'd be more hesitant to buy Roger's stuff if he hadn't been in The Cure, as his style of electronic music, at least his first album, and at least part of the second, isn't really my thing.

    Lol's music, both in Presence and Levinhurst, however, yeah, if he hadn't been in The Cure, I'd still get it.

    I'd say the same about Phil Thornalley's music. Yes, he released an album after he left The Cure, titled 'Swamp'. It's very '80s in its' sound, and it's pretty good, which makes me wonder why he never released more stuff.

    As for Simon's 'Fools Dance' stuff, I feel pretty much the same way about it as I do about Roger's stuff.

    With that said, that doesn't mean that I think that Lol's stuff is better than Roger's stuff, or that Phil's is better than what Simon did. I just know what I prefer musically.

  19. got my copy today and i like it!

    it's more interesting than the last cure album which is sooooo booooooring.

  20. Well, I just got my disc from Roger today, and it is quite good, but remember, I am a fan of Jazz as well. As for the packaging, love it!


  21. I got #1, and it's brilliant. If you are into the new jazz, also check out the Mattson 2.
