
Friday, August 14, 2009

Curse of the Universe strikes again

Update: Tonight's show in San Diego has also been canceled. : ( And if the tour is too much for Dave, why not let Martin have more songs in the set? Let Dave rest his body and voice, and make us Martin fans happy. It's a win-win situation. : )

DM have been forced to cancel their show in Mountain View, Ca. on Aug. 12th. Get well soon, Dave.


  1. OMG, glad I got to see them last was PHENOMINAL!

  2. Oh please please let Dave be well for Hollywood, Santa Barbara and Vegas. I was dying to see Beastie Boys and now this. Thank you Robert Smith for being the trooper you are and forging onwards on 4Tour.

  3. Get well soon again, Dave. :( I'm not even going to tempt fate by asking what's next for this tour! :(

  4. Yep had to call 5 friends tonight and cancel the trip to San Jose tomorrow night.

    Good news they will all be coming to my house for beer and chatting instead.

  5. TOUR OF THE UNIVERSal healthcare system

  6. Maybe the schedule was too ambitious. It didn't help that Dave needed emergency surgury at the start of it all. Mini tours may be a better idea for bands - rather than one huge grueling tour a series of regional mini tours with breaks inbetween might work better and do less damage.

  7. Singled-Out's mini-tour idea is right on the money... a lot of bands are choosing to do this. Something like a week-long residency in a big city (NYC, London, LA, Berlin, Tokyo, etc)... then take a week off, then set up shop again in another one of those big cities for another week. Some of us wouldn't be able to make it these shows, but the fact that there would be a good amount of seats available for each city would be a plus for those of us able to travel out.

    And... less stress on the 47-48 year old band members. ;-)

  8. Dave is really having a hard time on this tour. DM as a live act may be winding down.

    Next time they just need to schedule regional shows, with time off in-between like U2 did. Hit 15 major markets in Europe, and 15 in the States and call it good.

  9. All those "whooo's!" and "yeah's!" night after night are just too hard on the vocal cords.

  10. he should just do a concert of hip thrusts and butt shakes, no vocals. i'm sure the point would still come across.

  11. man, it seems people aren't getting the full picture here... i mean, the guy had a (malign) tumour extracted from his bladder! my uncle, who was more or less his age when doctors found exactly the same thing, in exactly the initial stages, lived 3 more years and then died... and my uncle wasn't a ex-junkie who had a lifelong history of self abuse and didn't spend night after night singing and dancing in front of thousands of persons... unfortunately i don't believe that DM are going to last much longer, i don't even believe i'll be able to see them in november when they come to portugal again... i mean, as it is scheduled to happen...

    cheers you all

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  14. Yes Poor Dave, but looks like his yrs of self abuse are catching up with him, looks like Roberts appreciation of ale and pies is much more conducive to going the distance

  15. Geez guys, Dave's not on his deathbed. DM will be around for quite a while I'm sure.

  16. Hmmm similar to the Blasphemous Rumors lyrics. As soon as he straightens himself out, all hell breaks loose. BUT Robert wasn't always into ales and pies, other things include heavy acid use along with coke. The entire 82-82 period nearly killed him. Not sure he ever "chased the dragon" like Dave did though. Just read Siouxsie's biographies. They were a bunch of coke-heads. But a few years back, a long time photographer of the Cure mentioned that Robert, too, has a lot of health problems. Only seeing them about every 4 years or so, we are not that privy to it and he did get pretty ill on the 4tour, but he did push through it; however, he did not require surgery during the tour as Dave did. I think we all need to wish Dave and the group well and whatever happens with the tour, those that have seen them this go around, should consider ourselves lucky. After all, they do it for us,,, partly.

  17. the show i was supposed to go to - but couldnt go in the end, canceled!!

    this is the 16th time this tour. next week will be especially grueling, i hope he can do it. *GOOD VIBES FOR THE UNIVERSE*

    moontrip - im amazed how they all didnt turn into addicts with such heavy use.

  18. I hope the SD show will be good since he's had a good rest for 2 days. Dave will be fine guys! Depeche Mode will live for a while.

  19. The way he yells and screams it's no wonder to me that he needs to rest the vocal chords.

    Give it a rest, Dave. Calm down.

  20. I think they should have postponed the tour after Dave's surgury and reschedule all of the dates for next year.

    I saw them in NYC and they were great and I was amazed at how great Dave looked - it was hard to imagine that he had had surgury just a couple of months earlier. But it may have been better for Dave to take several months off before attempting a world tour. He's a human being, not a machine.

  21. I agree, He pushes himself too hard! Maybe now he'll chill out a bit. I had 10th row center for the Mountain
    View show, 400$ for a pair of tickets. Still trying to get a refund. Hope they can finish this tour it's a long road ahead! Right they should have rescheduled the tour once he found out he had a tumor.

  22. I feel like I dodged a bullet , being at the Seattle show... poor Dave :(. I hope he recovers for all the fans...hi April and DJ :)

  23. And so the curse continues...Tonight's San Diego show is canceled. :(

  24. And if the tour is too much for Dave, why not let Martin have more songs in the set? Let Dave rest his body and voice, and make us Martin fans happy. It's a win-win situation. : )

    Makes perfect sense to me! :)

  25. yes, I am sure Martin is quite capable :P...

  26. Martin taking on more of the show... that would be great!!

    V: you will be at the Red Rocks show- right??

  27. That was the first thing i thought, er..second, first was...@uck! Martin can just do all his songs, maybe Dave can sing a few, hell the gig isn't being rescheduled, it'd be special and charming to most I'd think. But alas DM can't change there set list on the fly, everything is programed etc.. blah blah blah...just like the gig won't be rescheduled due to their busy schedule...@uck it I'm going to see the Bunnymen do Ocean Rain with an orchestra. and it's only $42. Get Better Dave!

  28. i was going to see them 11 july in portugal, but they cancelled 1 day before, i got so fuck*d up man. :( they say they're coming here in november, but since this tour is all messed up i dont know if they are REALLY coming

  29. OK, I'm officially worried now. I bought tickets second-hand and if that show gets cancelled I might be screwed.


    If so, what songs of his would you like to hear? For me:

    Things You Said

  30. Okay, almost 24 hours to go. I have tix to the next 4 shows and tomorrow is my excellent seat. Twilight, are you going to Echo's LA show? I'm going as well. Should be most excellent.

    In the meantime, where is ROBERT and the dark album!


  31. The show at the Hollywood Bowl was much fun...A great venue for the cure and I've now seen them both there.....! A+!!!

  32. Glad to hear they are "back on their "feet". Hope it lasts the rest of the tour. Cureheart, I'm actually going to the Oakland show. I hear the theater is nice. Although they don't move much. Echo and the Bunnymen sound Amazing live! Can't wait.

  33. sorry to disagree with you Craig, but I think more Martin = a lose/lose situation, ever since Ive loved the Mode, the songs he sings have always sent me straight to the FF button, so simpering and annoying.....

  34. To everybody going to the Echo show, I saw the last Ocean Rain show at Radio City in NY and it was a total triumph, including the full set before O.R. - enjoy! Glad the L.A. DM shows were a go too...

  35. In case anyone cares, here's my links to DM pics at HB on 8/16.

    Last night, I was near the soundboard and someone working there was sporting a beautiful 4Tour hoodie!

  36. @cureheart

    Great pictures....

    you said you were near the soundboard... about how far away from the stage is that at the Hollywood Bowl?

  37. I was front row center for Sunday night. There is a good 15 feet from stage and the stage is high up. It's actually perfect.

    Second night, I was near soundboard which is end section middle of the Garden Boxes.

  38. They've been pretty much touring non stop over 3 years! I'm thinking this is the last of it, why have they pushed themselves if not to give it a last hurrah? Saw them Aug 4th at the Garden, luckily it wasnt canceled. I wish them the best, especially Dave. Why is anyone comparing Robert to Dave, that's absurd really. Saying Robert didnt do drugs is good for a laugh too, many old druggies are still going strong since they cleaned up their act, just ask Richard Hell.

  39. My reference to ales and pies was for his latter days, we all know to well of his love of other substances in his earlier days!

    If this is the last tour of DM, and who knows why it would be, then damn them, they never come to NZ...sigh
