
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Watch Live in Paris 08 on Zattoo

For those of you in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK, you might be able to watch Virgin 17's July 11th (10pm) airing of The Cure Live in Paris 08 on Zattoo. (Thanks AndytheCurefan)

Has anyone found a way to make this work? Is it working for anyone? Only for French fans?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No, it says it's completely free.

  3. It is free but only available in those countries. If anyone creates an account and gets it to work, could you share your login details with me? My email is in my profile.

  4. Hey Andy,
    thanks for finding this!
    I've created an account (they want a lot of personal data...) and even managed to find the Virgin17-Channel, but I can't watch it...The player only comes up with all the regular TV- and radio-stations plus some weirdo subject channels and a number of Spanish regional stations(!), but I can't click *watch* on Virgin17 :(
    Maybe someone with a French IP could try...? ;)
    Meanwhile, I might go and watch Extremadura TV :p

  5. I have it but its only giving me english channels, maybe you need to lie and say your from france?

  6. I just logged in and changed my 'language' to French as I couldn't find a way to say I was from france in the details and still no luck :(.
    I just had a quick look in the FAQ's and the site does indeed track your ip address through the country you are living in. When I go to the list of channels on the main Zattoo webpage, Virgin 17 is there in the list but the option to 'watch' isn't there like it is with most of the French channels. There are a few others that are don't have the watch icon next to them too, so maybe some channels are restricted to their home countries :(.

  7. I've been able to fool the browser that I'm from France, but I wasn't able to watch anything with the standalone viewer, it kept catching the US IP address. Need to do some more research into modem / router proxy usage I guess....

  8. @Rev,
    nice work. i couldn't even get a French proxy working in Firefox. I tried so many.

    I will check my router to see if i can fool it with a proxy.

    I really hope someone could view the channel via this method.

  9. No cant view Virgin 17 here, only other channels, really dont need more BBC channels . Oh well i tried.

  10. I do apologize for sending in useless news, I really did think it would work since I saw the channel on their channel lineup.
