
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Maybe if Dave stopped the ass shaking...

Fletch tells The Washington Post why Depeche Mode shows can't be as long as Cure shows: "The hardest thing about our set list is actually compiling it. It's so difficult with so many songs. We can't do a Robert Smith and play for three-and-a-half hours. I don't think Dave can run around and dance for that long. The problem with the Cure is they did it a couple of times and then when they went back to a normal set people complained." (Thanks Heron)

So, how about less dancing & ass shaking, and more songs? : P


  1. LOLers, thanks for this one Rev!

  2. I agree. Dave doesn't have to run around the stage so much if it means a longer concert!


  3. Why not just add more Martin songs to the set? That wouldn't be any more work on Dave's part and would make the sets longer... ;)

  4. V: Exactly! Dave could keep shaking his ass all he wants, but give Mart 4 more songs and let Dave take a break during them. : )

  5. Yes, yes, yes. More Martin songs. I won't go see another DM show because I've been so disappointed in the set lists the last two times I saw them in concert.

  6. Don't want to compare this two bands live...They are so different...In fact they are my 2 favourite bands and I have as much pleasure seeing both of them live...Sooo great to see they're still here !!! I don't want Dave to stop shaking his butt or dance less..But I do want to see Martin sings more for example ! And they have many great slow songs during which Dave could sing quietly ^^ Anyway, DM do The Cure :)

  7. Freddie Mercu.. I mean Dave Gahan should seriously calm the f down on stage before he injures himself again. He's not 25 anymore.

    DM live are not that great IMHO. I'm going b/c my wife has never seen them. I agree with joefrog91 that their set lists suck.

    And in regards to Andy Fletcher - what the heck does that guy do in the studio or live? It's like he just stands there and isn't even playing half the time. Seriously.

  8. I agree with Stéven. You can't compare one with the other. Both The Cure & Depeche Mode are great performers. To be still recording & touring at 50+ is amazing. I love them both!

  9. i wish they would play less of their new stuff and more of the older rarities..

    more martin songs would be perfect. *waves to joefrog*

    kent - HEY I LOVE ANDY! :'(
    leave poor fletcher alone. he DOES play on stage, and he manages the band, kept martin and dave from strangling each other over songwriting/singing duties and has been so important in keeping them togethor. it wouldnt be DM without this founding member

  10. Craig: See, I think this is an excellent plan. Really, the more songs Mart gets, the more rest Dave gets, the less likely he is to injure himself, and it really just works out best for everyone involved. ;)

  11. So what he is saying is that The Cure cannot go back and play normal sets again because people expect them to constantly play 3 hour ones?

    So therefore The Cure are trapped by their own awesomeness?

  12. Just got back from that show. It was good. Not amazing in the way a Cure show is, just different. There is just something about an organic band over everything predetermined and sequence. The energy is much more raw. My girlfriend had never seen them live and LOVES Martin so we went to DC to catch them before Gahan breaks a hip. Dave still runs around like a madman and the LCD backdrop is awesome as well, just watch the projection for strangelove. I thought it was going to turn hardcore lesbian porn, which it's very close. But both bands have influenced my life very much and I quite enjoy seeing bands live. Plus with the internet and torrent sites, it's how I literally pay homage to those I think make or have made legendary music. Just my two cents.

  13. The Mode set lists are always the same so they can't have much problem chosing the songs. Also don't have much time for people waving their arms about during 'Never let me down again' - however they are a good band.

  14. That's fraking hilarious!!
    For my part, if Dave would just quiet down the yeahs and whoos and stuff he screams all the time, it would make their shows better.
    It's annoying how some of his live screaming just doesn't fit the mood of some songs.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Just my two cents here... as a huge longtime fan of both DM & the Cure, and on such a passionate forum on this I can understand how people fervently defend the Cure, sometimes at the expense of other bands.

    But the notion that a live Cure show is *that* much more organic than a DM show... it's just not true. Jason, despite the fact that he's a great drummer, has always loved the drum loops... and after that great 2005 run of festival shows (where they challenged themselves and the fans by reworking the classic tunes by ditching the keyboards), they have since added keyboard sequences to the mix.

    Again... I love 'em both, and I understand that DM has always prerecorded/sequenced at least 50% of what you hear at the shows (per Alan). But the Cure seem to be headed that direction too... it's just not that obvious.

  17. Fair point but DM will play virtually the same list every night. You only have to look at the recent set lists to see what I mean. Policy of Truth has taken the place of one of the new tracks and that's about the only change that's happened. Not really defending The Cure, just saying the Mode set lists tend to be set in stone.

  18. Sinking, you're absolutely right.

  19. I didn't know he managed too. That's great. However, on my Live in Paris DVD you can tell that for long sequences he is just standing there while the tour keyboard player WAS playing. If I go to a concert I want to know that the people I'm there to see are playing and not backup/tour/session folk. No disrespect to them.

    Oh, and IN SYMPATHY was the new song taken away. Very hurt about that one going away... Their new album is fantastic! I would pay to see them do just that at the show. And the LIGHT b-side too.

  20. Kent, I have to agree with that.

    I mean, I appreciate his founding member status, all he has done to keep Martin productive, and his ability to help keep the band in one piece for the past thirteen or so years... but if you ask me I'll still say (purely from a *musical* standpoint) that the wrong member of Depeche Mode left in 1995.

  21. Oh yeah I miss Alan so much...Even if what he does with Recoil is great ! But I absolutely love what he did with DM !!!

  22. I always wear a condom
    when I go to a DM concert
    'cause I know this shaking
    makes me cum. It's nice.

  23. If the condom is not doing it anymore, you could try wearing rubber pants...
    or a swimsuit, might be more stylish...
    than there is always old folks diapers.

  24. yay that...but I admit I do love to see Dave bopping around and gyrating- I mean come on !!!!! I was watching DM101 today to get geared up for the Seattle show-- ahhh the Dave in those white jeans... Alan.. Martin less sun exposure.. and *clap* I love Fletch... lol..

    I'm just glad that my 2 fave bands are still going after decades !!! how lucky am I/we ???
