
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Goodbye to Classic CoF...for now.

"Say goodbye on a night like this..." After 13 years of hosting the Classic CoF website, Compuserve is pulling the plug on their Ourworld publishing and hosting servers, starting sometime tonight/tomorrow/soon, and the old CoF website will be gone from the net. But you will still be able to access much of it via the Internet Wayback Machine, and I will put the entire site up again, once I find a new home for it, but that might be a while. So thank you to Compuserve and everyone who contributed to CoF, read it, enjoyed it, and found help & info on it, over the last 13 years. It was a blast! Most of the time. ; ) Goodbye old friend, you served us well. : )

Update: Just to be absolutely clear, the only thing going away (and not for too long, everything has been saved locally, and will be uploaded to a new home soon-ish) is the old CoF site. This one will still be here and will be updated all of the time, just as it has been for the last year and a half.

Update (July 7th): And it is gone. : (


  1. All these deaths!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh Craig, it´s really a shame.

    As you know, most of us got stuck with your great site since we first discovered.

    I use to dig in the info you´d provide of old shows from the marvelous The Prayer Tour, to the very beginning of CoF on 1996 shows and then to nowadays.

    Wow, i can´t imagine how much time have you spent on making the Classic COF !!!.

    Thousands of hours for sure.

    In the meantime, i will remember gladly the Classic CoF, i have a permanent image on my mind, so i don´t forget it at all.

    But now we have this CoF blog, and i think for you it´s easier to make than the previous site, it´s faster to update and more convenient.

    Though Classic CoF will always be special.

    But the main point is, CoF´s still being the ULTIMATE AND BEST CURE PAGE.


    I hope you have your strength at full for making this for a long long time more...

    CURE fan community wouldn´t be the same without CoF.

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH CRAIG FOR THE PAST 13 YEARS...and many many years to come..

    We all respect you !!!

    Cheers !!!


  3. good thing u switched to the blog hey...thanks for all the hard work dude


  4. Wow...I'm almost crying here...CoF was one of the most perfect Cure sites...
    Thanks for sharing it with us!

  5. Oh man Craig!! :o I'm glad you moved to Blogger, but I'll miss the classic CoF. If you need help archiving or anything, please let me know.

  6. It's a pity - I will miss the classic COF, especially pages with concert reviews =( I hope you'll find a home for the archive soon =)

  7. Maybe timely, but I put up a blog post last week about finding CoF and all it's meant to me :D especially during the last year or so.

    If you want to read it, it's here :

    (sorry it's a bit long)

  8. Oh no! Thank you for all your work Craig. You have brought so many of us together. The site will be missed!

  9. Oh that is so sad! I will miss it so much! It's been a part of my life for so long, longer in fact than any relationship I've had :P

  10. Man, this sucks! We won't have no "" anymore! I knew it by heart :-D
    Anyway, as this is only temporary, I don't see much to be sad about.

    PS I see you're a Lost fan as well...

  11. Yes I am! And I love Desmond, brother. : )

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. sad!
    hope you get to put it up back soon.
    and thanks for your dedication all these years to make it.

  14. Farewell then COF..You're symonymous with good times!Long live Blogger!

  15. Craig - I get unlimited hosting and bandwidth on my server if you want to put the old COF up there. Email me for details.


  16. Oh no - what will be my home page now? I can't remember when I didn't open up the internet to COF.

    Thanks for your dedication!

  17. OMG - A life without classic CoF, what a wacky world! Craig, I cannot imagine my life without CoF, Blogger, you and my Cure peeps. Thanks for EVERYTHING you have done for the Cure fans. Love ya work! Long live CoF blogger!

  18. oh man i really can't believe this!!!! it won't be the same without CoF so thanks so much for all the work you put in it!
    will you be able to save all the old stuff and info somehow ??



    A duck walks into a pharmaceutical store. He waddles over to the cashier and says, "excuse me, I would like some lip balm". The cashier says, "why certainly sir, will you be paying with cash or credit?" With that the duck replies, "that's alright, just put it on my bill"

  20. Wow that's too bad, hopefully the archiving will go well!

    Are you going to still have the email address?

  21. I first ran into that site around 2000 or so, when I started to get on the net heavily. You did an amazing job with it, Craig, and I'm sure you will continue to do so. In any case, the blog has become the main place for your news, but whenever I'd refresh my browser, I'd have to head over to the easy to remember "" just to find my way back here.

    Thanks again for all your work, Craig, and also to everyone else who uploads stuff and makes it a friendly place.

  22. So sad :-( Hope you can put it soon somewhere else.

    Thanks for all your efforts Graig!


  23. The king is dead; long live the king!!

  24. Thanks for putting up the best Cure site on the net & and a big hooray in advance for CoF Reloaded...

  25. i feel like crying myself, 13 years!!!

    no words for this.. i hope its very temporary

  26. Thank you! I'll miss you.
    I've been following for almost 5 years!
    I admire your courage how you managed to put it all up again after Cathrina disaster..
    And recently (last couple of years) I entered even on daily basis.
    You are great!!!
    I hope you'll have time, will and energy to continue later somewhere else with it!!!!
    Thank you, Craig
    You were great!

  27. I love this site and check it every day! Thanks Craig...Get the next incarnation up soon! Thanks again! -mark

  28. I'm really sorry to hear about the classsic CoF site going down. I'm sure you know how much the site means to soo many of us. I know you'll have it up again in some form but Its still kinda sad to know the original site will be gone. Anyway Craig thank you very much for all the work you put into this.

  29. craig, you're just the best. nothing else to say.

  30. i could do without the news archives, but what really gets me is the setlist notes and all.

  31. CoF is dead, long live CoF...


    CoF has become almost like The Cure itself, its form may change, like the line up but at its core there is one dedicated man and thousands of fans - some more entrenched in it all than others!

    Thanks for classic CoF, it helped me get back into the band aound 6 or 7 years ago and without it I would not have got to see them again nor meet such great people as all the contributors to the blog.

    good luck with getting it all back up, that's got to be a major task.

    And finally, I will have to update my favourites to come straight here rather than via my old friend "Classic CoF"

  32. I can't count the number of hours I've spent at the CoF archive. (I too had the address memorized!). I hope it finds a new home soon, and in the meantime, my home page is the blog of course. :P

    Thank you for the best fan site on the web!

  33. Glad you hear you have stuff saved, Craig. I was tiring myself trying to read all these old interviews you have. I can take a breather now. :)

  34. Wow. The end of an era. Sad to see you go, old friend. But as long as you've got this going, Craig, the spirit lives on. I hope the upload to a new site doesn't cause you frustration!

  35. Craig: THanks so much for making the site available to us Cure fans. I have enjoyed this site for several years or so and will miss it. I'm totally bummed!

  36. i just go straight to here. but how will we remember the Classic COF era?...

    *montage of Classic COF to a sappy piano ballad*

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Need a place to host ? I may have it for you. One question : How much space do you need ?

    Sorry, I saw that you can reach me if I don't let you a way to. , I'm i&Pt.

  39. Nice Lost quote!

    Classic CoF will be missed. A lot of memories on there.

  40. As I can see, it look like a it's a 60MB website ?
    If you want I can archive it on my site, just let me know that it is Ok. If you had not reply before august 2009, I'll understand that you didn't want to host it.

    Thank anyway that turn out.

    P.S. You can use this form to reach me

  41. Thanks to everyone who offered to host old COF, but it won't be needed.

  42. It is officially shut down now.


  43. Sigh...I miss it already. But it will be back. Just not right now. Have to work out the issues surrounding the domain name. It's a bit complicated. But once that is sorted, I'll find a new home for it, and it will up and running again.

  44. Good luck Craig, fixing the "issues" of the domain and everything else.

    We´ll wait paciently for see it again alive.


    But this doesn´t save me for feeling, kind of sad, yesterday i used Classic CoF because i needed some info about a couple of 96 shows.

    Goodbye CoF...

