
Thursday, June 4, 2009

"I need to sing a song called Faith..."

"This is for everyone that died (20 years ago) today in China."
The Cure - Faith (Rome 6-4-89 Tiananmen Square version)
"And don't forget!" (Thanks to Chris White for the suggestion)

And this blog mentions the performance, but gets every detail wrong. (Thanks Kate)
Update: The blog has been updated, and a new post has been added to correct the wrong info. (Thanks Emily)


  1. No, we don´t forget...

    A terrible tragedy.


    This is, for sure, in the Top Ten of the best FAITH live performances.

    Full of intensity, anger, impotency, sadness...

  2. As heart-wrenching today as it was then. Thanks for the post, Craig and Chris.

  3. Chris White from the old Cure news?

  4. Heron: You're welcome.

    Brian: Yes, that Chris White.

  5. Oh god.. I remember downloading this version of Faith in about '96/97 from some dodgy FTP site. Fantastic.

  6. I was at the gig that night here in Rome - PalaEur... What a "performance"...

  7. There's also a performance where Robert tells someone in the front row off and jumps down to beat the shit out of him. Anyone know or have that show? I have the entire Rome show and it's brilliant. Must be something about Rome. China today is just as bad as it was.

  8. Today is definitely a day to remember our blessings, and to think of those who aren't so fortunate.

    Thanks Craig and Chris.

  9. yes, we shouldn't forget.
    thanks for the post.
    I was very impressed the first time I heard that version, years ago.

  10. Link is expired. Can someone upload this somewhere else please? Thanks!

  11. I wend there some years ago and listened to Faith Tiananmen-version on the very square and wondered if I'd be in trouble if the authorities knew what I was listening to and was thankful to live in the free world...

  12. i love this version, my favorite performance of faith.

  13. Jason: The link still works. Try again.

  14. Wow that is a great quality version for being mp3! I have a FLAC file of it, and it is kind of fuzzy in the background. Maybe it was recorded by another audience member? Anyways, thanks!

  15. thanks chris.

    its just ridiculous and tragic to be in a time with *this* still happening

    hoepfully we will get to see the day when (true) democracy comes for the people of china

  16. Thanks Craig and Chris! I haven't heard the name Chris White in a long time.

  17. Chris is now managing The Soho Dolls, so check them out if you get a chance.

  18. someone set that blog boy straight!

  19. Wow, it gave me goose pimples all over. Beautiful version.

    Thanks you for that.

  20. ... I remember doing a paper on this in high school... reading many of the newspapers (on microfilm) from that time... so many horrific images... all the bodies piled on top of each other. I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

    Everyone needs to stand up for what they believe in. I hope that if I ever find myself in a situation like that, with a fucking gun in my face, that I can be as brave as those people whose blood was shed that day. They didn't die in vain though.

    And yes, the Tiananmen version of Faith is especially powerful...

  21. RH Factor:

    It was Brest 1989. I was there... Robert jumped in the crowd to beat the shit out of a skinhead who spat in his face.
    That was such a great show...

  22. that blog post is complete awful. he didn't even get the song right! he shouldn't be righting things taken out from his own memory.

    i'm surprised about that badass robert kicking the crap out of someone rumor
