
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Update: Full Coachella webcast

Update: And now, an NTSC DVD ISO - Demonoid & Pirate Bay and a PAL ISO - Demonoid & Pirate Bay. (Thanks AndytheCurefan)

Here you go - Demonoid and Pirate Bay. And split into 3 RARs - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3. Or watch it on YouTube. (Thanks to AndytheCurefan, Ariel, Zoe, Aaron, and everyone else who helped put it all together)

If you need it as an MPG - Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
(Thanks Pussycat)

Get the MP3 of the full webcast (Thanks GloomyRemy).


  1. I recorded the webcast.
    It not cut yet so its just a long thing....would it work?

  2. @Z,
    Pussycat was telling me about that. Yes, yes it would! God bless your soul if you could send that to me.

    my email address is and you can upload it to (if it is 300mb or less) or you can upload to (if it is over 300mb)

  3. you have an MSN account?
    I don't know if I can do what your talking about...

  4. @Z,
    if you could send that to me, i would gladly merge the file and have this ready soon!

  5. @Z,
    I DO have one. Contact me at

    Did you want to use MSN Messenger?

  6. @Z,
    you're the best "astrangeday82"!!!

  7. Trying to send the email now...

  8. Ha ha! Its still sending! :P

  9. you're sending the whole file? I doubt you could just attach it to an email like that. it sounds like it should be huge if it's the whole show.

  10. I see you use AIM, could you perhaps sign into AIM and IM me and click the "Send File" button or something similar?

  11. Umm...I haven't downloaded the AIM thing yet. Sorry!
    The email should work...

  12. I'm on MSN now..want to sent it though there?

  13. @Z,
    For a free Windows Live Hotmail account, the maximum size for an
    attachment is 10 MB. For a paid Windows Live Hotmail account, the
    maximum size for an attachment is 20 MB.

    If you recorded the entire show, chances are the file is larger than 20 MB.

  14. I've sent long files on MSN just takes a while. :P

  15. Yes! go ahead and add me on MSN Messenger as I think that would be better.

  16. I added you...did you add me?

  17. Still installing. LOL. sorry. be there in a second.

  18. if you have msn id love to have yours andy!

  19. I posted it above Aaron, but I am hardly ever on. I'm more of a AIM via Meebo person.

  20. Z: Had to delete your last comment. We do not support people who bootleg shows and sell them.

  21. Oooh, I hate to pile on since Craig has already laid the hammer down; but please don't try to charge people for bootlegs. That's one of the reasons why this community, along with many others, works so well. It's people coming together to share music.

  22. Yes, thanks Andy. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. What an endeavor!

  23. I'm not selling it!

    I hope you got the recording!

  24. thanks Zoe, I got the recording. Just haven't gotten the chance to hear it. I am at work now (late, ha, but my own fault.) I will check it out when I get home.

  25. that's the thing with you people. you tapers, every last one of you. sure, you do us all the favor of taping the show and credit is due to ALL of YOU. but the part you have wrong, is thinking the content is YOURS. it's not, it's The Cure's. I'll be damned if someone who doesn't represent the label/the band tell me that I'm stealing. Are you telling me that I'm stealing from a thief?

  26. i'm just gonna stop. this is quickly just going to turn into insult after insult. i really don't see the big deal. and if it makes CoF and Craig look better to you, I won't even share it here. But the people that know me know they can get it from me.

  27. taper = anyone who records a show. any method. video, audio, webrip.

  28. Crowbi_Wan: Sorry I had to edit this, but I've been asked to remove all mention of someone in this thread.

    From crowbi_wan:
    Andy, I recorded the webcast and will GLADLY lend it to your project. Mine is far from perfect as it contains some diginoise at the start and a few blips and bleeps here and there. However, I'm not one to give the middle finger to the fans. Been there done that. i used to put restrictions on my recordings which were never kept. Long story short, i got tired of losing sleep over who was doing what with my shit. Best to just put it out for the fans. THAT right there is what it's about. Robert doesn't care about fan recorded shows as long as no one is profiting from it. The label might, but fuck the suits.

    Once you put something out there you lose control of it. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. There's absolutely no reason to be going off like you are here. If you want to keep a recording private, do like some others do and only trade to those you trust or just sleep with your tapes under your pillow.

    @ Andy - Have you asked the guy that seeded his source on dime if he would lend it to this project? I know he said no sharing on fan boards or something to that effect. Might not hurt to see where his stance is here. If he says no, my source might have to do. I'll get it split up tonight and sent out to you asap.

    Peace everyone. It's just music. Music is meant to be heard.

  29. oh well i use it a fair bit, but i will probably add you anyway :P

  30. hey Andythecurefan, i would love to help or have a copy
    ive got Aforest if you need it
    already uploaded to web.
    just say the word and love the tease!
    Hi Aaron


  31. Can't wait! Thanks for doing this Andy!


  32. I can't wait to see it!

    Thanks so much!
    You get a big cure hug! LOL

  33. Hey Aaron! how do i know you?
    did you used to log in on my FTP ages ago?
    Somehow i know weve traded?
    Rob HideawaY

    For everyone! aforest cochella 2009

  34. Thanks, Rob. But the link doesn't work?

  35. your ftp?
    i used to use a music ftp... what was the name.?

  36. i am DONE! uploading shortly. but I have decided against sharing on Chain of Flowers since some people were bothered at my attempt to revive this project.

    for anyone that knows how to use Google and find or ThePirateBay, you will find it there.

    for the people that don't do torrents, I'm hoping my friend Mad Bob will post links I give him. that is all.

  37. Thanks Andy! Look forward to viewing it! Can't wait to see your final product. :)


  38. Yay! I can't wait to see it!
    AGAIN! :P

    Thank you sooooo much! :)

  39. I posted it on other Cure sites. Look around people. now im going to sleep. 6:19am. i get no sleep when i do such things for you people. i swear. :P



  41. you're welcome guys. sorry if it's not perfect, i tried my best as you can tell in my torrent descriptions. later i will make a smaller sized one, for now this is it.

  42. really andy, i get your frustration and many many thanks :) you're great

  43. You Rock as always Andy. Now seed people!

  44. At the request of Andy i have set up a youtube

    i will upload it all there when i get the file =]

  45. and this is why andy is one of our cure heroes :)

  46. its going up now, UTS is ready to view =]

  47. Andy, do you have that thing (continuous one) from Zoe?

    btw thanks for your work!

  48. @Aaron, thanks!

    i do have the file from Zoe. it's soundboard quality of Coachella. I will clip that later and post.

  49. Oh wow! Thank you Andy. I'll get seeding when I get home tonight.


  50. no problems andy, will get it done tommorow probably! =]

  51. I wish I could just download it now! Aww! :(

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. If anyone wants the recording and has an MSN account I could send it to you.....

  54. Please everyone, after downloading please SEED! When I left my house this morning there were a ton of people who were trying to download it but only 4 people (including myself) that were seeding. :)


  55. ...Also known as THE BIG HAND Concert : )

  56. Well, downloaded the file and burned on to a DVD, BUT no sound .... video fine on the TV, but I reiterate no sound. Anyone else have this problem?

  57. @rob,
    It could be that your DVD authoring software requires you to install the DivX codec.

  58. All this is very good work, thanks to Andy again, but could some good soul get the torrent for those who can't use torrents, and split it if this is too big, and put on megaupload? Megaupload is good 'cos it allows files up to 1 GB to upload. That would be really great, maybe someone will come up with this.. thank you very much.

    btw - how many MB is Coachella video? And it's not the late highlights, it's the entire show, right? With Jumping.. /Grinding Halt, everything from beginning to end, as it was webcasted?

  59. @lovecat,
    your "good soul" is here. I have been asked by others also. I am gonna upload multiple RARs split at 700 mb each and you will have to download all of them before you can extract the file.

  60. @ andythecurefan

    can you please upload the webcast stream directly. i will make a dvd of this show,but you have the stream reencodet to avi and for dvd i must this reencoding to mpg. 2 reencodes are not good for the quality.

  61. @moloch,
    i didn't record the stream, but the person who did, recorded it into split mpg files. they didn't have audio though, so i had to add an audio track to it using VirtualDub and then I rendered them to AVI. then I joined all the clips. I then edited "To Wish Impossible Things" and had it start right away since Coachella decided to broadcast people on the campgrounds for a short while.

    I can give you the mpgs, but it seems you would have to do the whole process all over again. I already burned this to a DVD using ConvertXtoDVD 3 from the AVI.

  62. Ok,thanks. Then i will take your uploaded version and convert it to mpg with ProCoder 3.


  63. I have tried doing the manual codec setting with my Cheetah DVD software, still no sound.

    Does the file require an "odd-ball" audio codec? Fustrating ....

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I don't have the foggiest what Andy & Co are chatting about, but I do know how to install my Dream 4:13 cd into my cd player and crank the volume ear-bleedingly fucking loud! Woooo yeah !!

  66. for those who don't do torrents,

    i am splitting the AVI into 3 RAR archives. download all 3 before extracting with WinRAR or another RAR opening software.

    Here is part 1 -

    Also, for those who want to view the complete show on YouTube, Aaron has created a YouTube channel at

  67. Part 3 -

    by the way, Part 1 is 700mb, Part 2 is 700mb, and Part 3 is 253mb

  68. @Rob,
    download and install the Free DivX codec at and when asked, just install the codec. go ahead and try afterward.

  69. @moloch & rob

    if you're still having issues let me know. i was able to convert the file to mpg with no sound issues. i'd be happy to upload it and share...


  70. here is the Coachella webcast audio as given to me by Zoe -

    this is Andy by the way, just logged into my friend's computer.

    enjoy guys. and thanks to Zoe for the mp3. I didn't split the mp3 because it would be transcoding. if you want to do it for your personal use then go for it. keep in mind that originally on the Coachella webcast, they showed "To Wish Impossible Things", then cut it off after a good 20 seconds, showed footage from the crowd earlier in the day, then reshowed "To Wish Impossible Things". this is reflected in the audio.

  71. looks like i got pretty much everything covered. enjoy everyone. thanks Aaron, Zoe, Ariel, and anyone else who contributed to this project. :D

    and thanks Craig for posting it.

  72. Thanks Andy and Zoe..........great work. Does anyone have a program (or recommend one) that can take one long MP3 and splice it into individual songs?

  73. @Tired,
    you can do that with Audacity as long as you have the lame_enc.dll file when you choose "File > Export Selection to mp3" but I didn't do it since mp3 spliced to mp3 is more lossy than the original mp3. too bad we don't have wav of it.

  74. Your welcome everyone. :)
    I'm glad I could help! ♥

  75. I completely struck out on all attempts to get the vid/aud to work on DVD ... I can still watch it on my computer, and will likely just use an HDMI plug to feed the computer into the TV.

    I downloaded the DivX software, as per Andy's advice, but of course the damn thing would not activate the "burning function" ... only playback. Frustrating, to say the least. I have never had this problem before with downloaded vids.

    Yah, pussycat is upload the mpg file, I'd appreciate it!

    RS (but not THE RS)

  76. I hate to sound lame, but how do watch the files? I downloaded all 3rar files, but I have no idea what to do with them.

    Can anyone help?


  77. Im home from cricket, the rest of the show going up now.

    (Aaron by the way)

  78. Ghost: The RAR files can't be watched as they are. You have a 3 part file that needs to be put back together, using a program like WinRAR. After you do that, you will have the original avi file, and can watch that.

  79. can the RAR files be burned into DVD??

  80. RAR folders are just compressing the data, you could put them on dvd but not watch them in any way.

    an update : youtube is almost done, BDC going up, then the historic finale! =]


    The video alot of you wanted, the finale!

  82. @az,
    is that you Aaron?

    @Carlos & Ghost,
    since we're already on the path of downloading pirated material, go ahead and download WinRAR and install it. then open 1 of the RARs and extract the contents.

  83. be careful
    i think the mp3 file is not a stereo file, just mono!

  84. Yes Az was me, it was my curecoachella gmail i was using to post.

  85. here is the audio mp3 stereo 320 kbps

  86. @gloomyremy,
    so all you did was change a mono mp3 and transcode it to 320kb/s?

  87. i have extracted the audio from the video, with 2 channels and bitrate of 320 kbps

  88. @Gloomy, funny thing is, the audio I previously posted was the audio I used for the video.

  89. I didn't have Internet access in recent days so I'm doing this now -

    a big THANKYOU to Andy for splitting the webcast in 3 files & putting this up on megaupload. This is so nice of you - thanks for your effort and time.

    You are truly amazing and helpful person!

    I wouldn't have been able to see this otherwise
    *getting it..*

    And THANKYOU to Zoe for her file.

    To Craig too.

    Thanks to all that make this possible.

    Kisses from Poland

  90. Your welcome. ;)
    Cure kiss back! :)♥♥

  91. Hello,
    This video file is "AVI".
    DVD players will not play "AVI", so this webcast can not be played on a DVD player.
    Can you please tell us exactly how to convert it without any quality loss into a format appropriate for burning to DVD?

  92. I was able to convert the .avi file to .mpg using AVS video converter (it is not free). I'd be happy to share the file but it is now too big for me to upload to rapidshare without splitting it. I don't know how to split the file like Andy did so if someone could help me I'd be more than happy to upload it.


  93. email has been sent to lovecat44 and Pussycat

  94. It seems A LOT of people can NOT put to DVD Andy's great work, so I am sure it would be very much appreciated by many of us if someone could please kindly convert Andy's file into a DVD format, that would be wonderful for many of us!
    ---Can this conversion be done without any quality loss from Andy's original AVI file?

  95. hi all,

    andy has given me the info that i need to split the .mpg file. i am uploading 6 files now. i will let you know once i have the links available.


  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Thanks, can you please answer, when you converted Andy's original AVI file to MPEG file did the MPEG file lose quality compared to the original AVI file?

  98. @Stephen,
    Nope, I didn't notice any diminished quality once I converted the file. :)


  99. Is there a technical answer to this?
    If you convert AVI to MPEG are there particular settings you have to use to make sure no quality loss etc?

  100. @Stephen,
    im not too sure. i believe moloch may have the answer to that one. hopefully he pops in to this thread again.

    i don't see the problem in burning AVI to DVD. I do it all the time. I used to use Nero but now use ConvertXtoDVD 3.

  101. I was also able to burn the .avi file to DVD without a problem. I use Nero 8 to make DVDs. The program automatically converts the file to DVD format upon authorizing/burning.

    Here is the .mpg files as promised. I've never used megaupload so hopefully this works.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Part 6


  102. thanks for answering, but i already have WinRar. my question is, in what format does the file comes after i extract it with WinRar and what do i have to do to burn it into DVD?? if anyone is kind enough to answer again please?:)

  103. Thank-You-Very-Much for the MPEG's, and thanks to all again!

  104. Too many questions on how to burn it to DVD. When I get the chance I will upload DVD files in NTSC and PAL.

  105. So is there any way to find out if Pussycat's AVI to MPEG conversion was done without any quality loss?

  106. @Stephen,
    the quality isn't even that good to begin with. the recording has many visual lag and jumps and is just the way it was recorded.

  107. Hi Andy,
    Yes I have seen the webcast, but I am just wondering if the AVI to MPEG conversion lost any quality?, because of course it's best to preserve as much quality as possible!

  108. Hi Pussycat,
    Did you realise all your MPEG's are a little bit too big to fit to DVD?

  109. @Stephen,
    no offense man but this is just getting too darn difficult. i am going to upload DVD ISO's for NTSC and PAL. NTSC will be up before PAL though, so please download that and just burn the thing directly to a DVD. it's already chaptered and everything.

  110. a question for all : im transcode to dvd im use convertx to dvd, and in a moments the video have slow camera, someone more have this problem?
    very thanks

  111. Why would I be offended?

  112. @explodingcure,
    that is because that's how the video was recorded. sometimes the video has a lag in it and there was nothing i could do.

    i don't know, i don't want you to think that i don't want to help you. im just trying to find alternatives since you seem to be having trouble.

  113. Not at all Andy, you have clearly made a massive effort to help all of us, THANK-YOU!

    Just a question about NTSC and PAL.
    What is the original recording you have?, is it NTSC or PAL?

    And when you convert NTSC or PAL does it lose a bit of quality?, or is that when you convert PAL to NTSC?
    I'm sure one is correct?

    Thanks again for your big efforts.

  114. NTSC and PAL are just region codes for DVD. No quality loss.

  115. Oh sorry man, I just realised the original file was NOT either NTSC or PAL, therefore there is no conversion from one to the other anyway!

  116. gonna put up the PAL ISO in the morning and seed all day tomorrow. Just want this NTSC version to get off the ground.

  117. taking a while for this 4.11gb (no, sadly not 4.13gb) ISO to pick up. it's only got 6 seeds at the moment. as soon as i hit 10 or 12 seeders I will start the PAL upload.

  118. Thanks again, Andy. That was a lot of work!

  119. You're welcome everyone.

    yeah, I've done all I could now. the next thing for me to do would be to burn DVDs myself and mail out to people who want them, but that's just not practical. I really hope I have covered every method of getting this show out there. It was a really good one and I was so lucky to have been there (thanks to Sarab543 of course).

  120. Pas fort !! Commencer a copiƩe des show s'en l'haprobation du groupe ??!!??

  121. Thanks again for your work in getting these NTSC and PAL versions up.
