
Monday, June 8, 2009

4:13 Dream and the bible

Music Spectrum has a couple of articles that compare songs from 4:13 Dream with passages from the bible - Hungry Ghost, Switch, and The Reasons Why. They also have a review of Faith (remastered). (Thanks April)


  1. I'm sorry ... but what a load of bollocks.

  2. the "Switch" one was a stretch, haven't got to reading the Faith one yet.

  3. Reminds me of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster "correlation does not imply causation" example that the reduction of pirates is a cause of global warming.

    Come to think of it i believe "the perfect boy" to be completely inspired by Pastafarian mythology.

  4. "English Dance Rock: The Cure's Faith" :D

  5. just this:

  6. I didn’t know anything about Goth in the 80’s, but I listened to the Cure, the original Goths as it were. I listened to their imitators, Dead or Alive.

    Is where i stopped reading the Faith review..

  7. .each one seems to reaching.reaching for the sky.

  8. Hmm. That Faith review made me cry tears of blood.
    He loves it, that's for sure, so I'm not gonna bring him down, but we are so apart from each other in the ways we feel about it or/and how I would describe it.
    Must be our different upbringing to blame, here.
    Culture clash and such.

  9. uh hynreck, "he" is a woman LOL

    i skipped it all and went straight to faith, lost interest after the first paragraph

  10. lol the bible versus sound nothing like the cure lyrics... the bible language has no relation to today's language therefore you have to make up your own stretch of the imagination reason as to what the versus in the bible really mean.

  11. When asked at the NME Godlike Genius Award if he had a wish for 2009, RS replied "Ban all religions for a year"........

  12. All I was doing was looking for a pic and I came across these articles. They were amusing to say the least.

  13. As Rev said last night "Can't you just picture Robert paging through the Bible for inspiration?"

  14. Oops, sorry DJ.
    I was so baffled that I started hallucinating Elvis.
    Or something close...

  15. I have never heard or read anything so absolutely stupid. You obviously know nothing about Robert or The Cure. Plus, you know, outside of certain areas of the U.S., religion is basically non existent. If fact - extinct. I am originally from England and have now lived in the States for 7 years - I guess close to the so called Bible belt. Some people here are very weird, freaky and obsessive about religion and are also some of the most hypocritical people I have ever met. There are probably only 5% of people in England that are religious. It just does not come up in peoples lives. We are all very easy going people that don't need this kind of crap. Robert is one of them i believe. He has better things to do and also believes that religion is the reason why most of the planet enjoys blowing each other up.

    Get out - visit the World a bit - if you dare pull yourself away from your story book - sorry bible.

    I think most people from England would agree with me.

  16. LOL April, I think I said, can you imagine Robert the ATHEIST flipping trough the bible to get inspiration for his songwriting. Not to knock this individual as they clearly enjoy the Cure's music, but as Perfect Murder recalled for us, Robert is pretty famously anti-religion.

    That being said, though, he does turn to many different sources in order to write lyrics, but the example of the Hungry Ghost is probably the closest one that I can think of which would be inspired by spiritual belief. There is also a quote from section 14 in the Tao Te Ching in the lyrics of Truth, Goodness & Beauty (thanks to Genital Ben for that discovery).

  17. Not what you said, Rev. :) What this writer is saying. :) xoxo

  18. oh yeah Rev, I forgot the atheist part :)

  19. i do think that the writer overeacted and made some ridiculous comparisons with the bible and the album lyrics, specially on The Reasons Why and maybe Switch, but i read a few weeks ago that Wikipedia article that Wornmouse just posted, and i wouldn't be surprised if Robert had in fact gotten some inspiration from the bible, cause i really think that The hungry Ghost is based on that old myth of greed and ambition that is described on Wikipedia, so why not then read a little from the bible which basically describes the same old myth, considering also that most religions have many maaaaany things in common. so yeah, the idea that The Hungry Ghost lyrics where inspired by both catholic religion and some eastern religions doesn't seem so crazy to me.

  20. It might be, but you interpret the bible, like everything in life, however you want, so...

  21. i'm happy to say that i am a faithfully happy CHRISTIAN. The Bible rocks as well. Thanks for reading this.

  22. I don't think he was implying causation. Just commenting on what he noticed. Why don't you bozos chill out and accept things for what they are? Just because a religious document is mentioned, doesn't mean the author is setting out to convert you into a believer.

  23. Tenuous at a stretch but interesting to check out all the 4:13 nonetheless. Give the writer a little credit for making the effort. Perhaps they could look up the 10:15s too!

    SPCDesigns - I am from England and agree that to most of us Religeon isn't very important to them but still claim to be "Christian, CofE, Catholic, or even Muslim." Few bother to go to church and many are hypocrits. I am devoutly atheist, open about it and proud about it but it is not a position I came to easily or without searching. The album Faith is about that journey and how Robert got to this same position.

    I wonder where in the Bible Us or Them is can be referenced!!!!

  24. Who you calling Bozos, Miche?
    Maybe you should also chill a little.

  25. Insincere talk that hides what you are really thinking is like a fine glaze on a cheap clay pot, Miche.

  26. jeez. and this person also seems to think that 4:13 is refering to TIME too. and i think most of us agree it refers to:

    4 = 4 band members
    13 = 13th album

    this person obviously likes the cure - so they cant be all that bad - a bit misguided - but still...not bad.
