
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Robert interview on Sirius today

Don't forget that there's an interview with Robert on 1st Wave (Sirius 22 XM 44) with Richard Blade today at 11am eastern, 10am central, 9am mountain, and 8am pacific. Don't have Sirius XM? Get a free 3 day trial here, and listen online.

Update: Here's the interview in MP3. (Thanks Pussycat)
And Andy's version on Demonoid, ThePirateBay, and SendSpace. (Thanks AndytheCurefan)


  1. just set it to record. now off to bed. i will have it for you guys in the morning in the same quality as before.

  2. I'm recording it. I can't wait! I'm getting all excited!!

  3. its 10,45 in argentina, what time for my country , its the interview? someboody knows?
    im lost jaja

  4. Just minutes away! I wish I could figure how to record it, but I'm glad I at least get to hear it!

  5. Hey, it's 11:01 and they're playing Depeche Mode...

  6. animotion - obsession great 80s song

  7. Hmm, maybe they'll play for four hours soon! HA.

  8. Haha, he knows we're sitting here waiting for him to mention the Dark Album. ;)

    Did I just hear him say something about lots of keyboards...? :)

  9. Ha ha V, at least he gave us a little tid bit about the dark album.

    I don't remember him saying lots of keyboards. Just dark weepy songs.

  10. MGG: Okay, that's me being half asleep still I guess. ;D

  11. A little slap to the the Mighty U.

    I'm loving this, but I wish they'd just TALK for the whole hour!
    (Robert selfishness)

  12. I'm loving this!

  13. I love his laugh! AWW!

  14. I can see Robert searching YouTube for Cure cover bands. Funny.

  15. Wait, you mean "goth" doesn't mean "happy jazz music"? :)

  16. Hmm, I wasn't expecting Robert to really give any details into his personal life, but I admit I did get excited when they said that at the beginning.

    Reading. We knew that! We (or I) want to know what he cooks, how many shirts he really has and if Mary dyes his hair for him!

  17. That was a good one V. Next time someone asks me what goth is, that's what I'll say. D)

    Robert gives the best interviews!

  18. Oh no! It's over! That wasn't an hour long...sniff, sniff.

  19. MGG: Yeah, kind of abrupt.

  20. Kind of like the Las Vegas show...

  21. LMAO

    Gosh, I've never posted this much!
    Must be tired, I never get up at 11:00. I'm gonna have to go back to bed! :)

  22. Just kidding, I don't think I could sleep now. Too excited after hearing Robert!

  23. Yeah, I thought about going back to sleep again, but I think I'm up for the day now. :) Oh well.

  24. Hmmm. I missed it. First one to post up a recording gets an internet Hi 5.

  25. Link to my recording of the interview....

  26. *high 5 Pussycat*

    Thanks for the recording!!

  27. I finally got to listen to it. GAWD I LOVE THAT MAN!

    What a nice treat but yes it ended with no end,
    O how he loves to leave us wanting more....


  28. V: He did say the Dark/Nightmare album will have a lot more keyboards! Best Cure news I've heard in a very long time! : )

  29. Craig: Okay, so I wasn't dreaming after all. :) Awesome!!

  30. thanks Pussycat for recording. Beat me to it. I won't be sharing afterall since it's already up. And honestly, who needs FLAC for an interview? :P

    and guys, i'm listening and he said they filmed Los Angeles.

  31. Andy: And Paris, New York, and Charlotte, too.

  32. @Craig, I knew those but LA filmed? or just recorded? what LA show? im interested.

  33. I thought he was just talking in general about how they'd filmed shows in the big cities, and listed Paris and Los Angeles as examples of places where they'd filmed in the past (not necessarily on the 4Tour). But maybe I'm wrong...

  34. Don't know. We know Hollywood Bowl was recorded, maybe that's what he means.

    That was a very good interview, but it feels like that was just part 1.

  35. @Craig & V,
    I don't know. I was just kinda hoping he would give some info about it as to whether or not it was the MySpace Secret Show. :D I didn't see any cameras at the time but a recording would be nice.

  36. V: No, they filmed Paris on this tour, and I think he's talking about the MSG show as the one they filmed in NYC. And of course Charlotte was on HDNet.

  37. Craig: Gotcha. :) My listening comprehension was not at its best this morning. :)

  38. Andy, I saw Todd recording the Myspace Secret Show, maybe they'll release his footage :D

    GREAT interview, but I agree it ended sort of strangely. Awesome to hear him mention the Curse!

    His joke about Goth music made me LOL!

    THANKS Pussycat for your recording! :D

  39. And by the way, i've decided to share my recording afterall. I am splitting the interviews and the songs they played.

  40. @Rev,
    if this "Todd" is Porl's son, then
    A. You know way too much about his personal life
    B. how exciting and i believe i saw him recording too while wearing a 12:08 Dream shirt.
    C. do you seriously think that camera was good enough? :P

  41. Re-listening, he DID say that they recorded on the last tour, and that they recorded in Paris, New York, Charlotte and Los Angeles.

    Andy -

    A. You're right
    B. Yes that was him
    C. Maybe it was HD, maybe not. I wasn't close enough to see :>

  42. Yes.

    Paris - unreleased
    Los Angeles - Hollywood Bowl?
    New York - Fuse Rocks The Garden
    Charlotte - HDNet 4Play in Charlotte

  43. What about LA Shrine? Could they have recorded that? Wouldn't THAT be a show to see....

  44. @Rev,
    agreed. that would be the show to relive. :D

  45. "hardcore" "diehards?" Who are these people?

    My guess is Hollywood Bowl and I can't wait for The Kiss.

  46. Robert's so chatty! It's lovely to hear.
    I wish they'd recorded the Shrine show too; that kicked the ass of the Bowl show IMO.

  47. LOL Debi! "What do you mean, die-hard?"

    So, you were at those shows, did you see cameras at them?

  48. I didn't see high-end professional camera, moving ones at the Troub, which is not an easy place to have high quality stuff, but who knows. I listen to that show in my car all the time; the sound is perfect.

    My guess is Hollywood Bowl for the acoustics, outdoors, lighting, etc. I remember Robert was really sick at SB and he really came through on HB and knowing he was ill just made me have more respect. And it seemed more commercial than Troub.

    I want to see Coachella! Okay, I would like to see all of them; who are we kidding? 5,000 hours of shows

  49. btw paris last year was definately filmed.. uit was fgull of swooping cameras and loads down in the pit too

  50. anyone know when this was actually recorded?

  51. Grim: Most likely in April, but I'm not sure. I've asked Richard Blade about it.

  52. hello from france !
    May Craig or someone post on cof main information, release dates, if robert will one day answer questions we sent to ... ?

  53. David: There was no news like that in the interview. Only real news on the Dark Nightmare album is that there will lots more keyboards, and that Robert still needs to record the vocals for the songs. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to be released. : )

  54. Will BE lots more keyboards. : )

  55. nothing about the fact that 4:13 dream has sold so poor ? about the bad promotion they get from geffen and tmu ? radiohead ? do you think they'll release the dark album soon ? a dvd from the last world tour ? new deluxes ? dvds of orange and show ? something special for the 30th anniversary ? do you believe in a collaboration with Tim Burton ? will Robert answer the questions we sent one day ?

  56. David: Why not download the interview and listen to what he had to say? No talk of anything new being released, and very little about the lack of promotion.

  57. Andy and REV:

    A: Robert asked Tod to do it.

    B. Yes he got TONS of great Video
    (which I have been BEGGING for a personal peek at)

    C. It was a HD Video Camera (Roberts personal camera I believe from what I've been told)

    MY DREAM come true would be a Release of the 12:13 dream with a DVD of footage from that night

    Robert had it filmed for either his personal collection or with the intent of sharing! GAWD I wish I knew his intentions!

  58. I can't get the interview on my iPhone, it doesn't work out. And I'm also interested in getting fans opinion.

  59. Thank You so much to Pussycat for putting that up.

    and KelBel: O.o

    Craig: He also said he would release "his solo" album too, LOL.
    We can still hope for The Dark Album though!

  60. "GAWD I wish I knew his intentions!"

    LOLZ! XD

    Me too Kel, me too...

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. He's been releasing his solo album since 87. Yeah, I sort of stopped believing that nonsense a long time ago. : P

  63. Thats really amazing that Robert knows who The Curse is. I thought it was really cool that he even knew who we were let alone have seen or listened to any of our videos on you tube. Im kinda Jealous of the Australian tribute that they actually got to hang out with the band but I dont think any of us in The Curse would ever have the audacity to say anything like "We sound more like The Cure than you do"(no offense to the Aus tribute). As for being Peeved at The Cure of course were not mad and we totally understand they couldnt mention the secret show. The thing about that night was that both Brian and I were SOOOO bummed out that we couldnt go see them when they were only a few blocks away. I was especially upset because the 12:13 Dream Secret show was my 30th Birthday and I would have loved loved loved to have been there at the Secret show but we couldnt get out of our show at the House of Blues. But enough about that night. Anyway Im still very honored to know that Robert knows who we are and has seen some of our videos. I hope he knows that The Curse is a tribute in the truest sense of the words where we dont try to make a mockery of the band but instead focus on staying true to the music and play everything note for note the way The Cure does. Sorry for making such a long post but I just finished talking to Brian(Exploding Boy) a little while ago and he and I thought it was awesome that we were mentioned in a Robert Interview. Anyway Rev, Andy, and everyone else that I met on the 4tour I just wanted to say hello and I look forward to seeing you guys again soon.

    The Curse

  64. Just got to listen to it... "40 days and nights..." lol.

    I really liked this interview, and the DJ wasn't a twat or anything, go figure! Very, very nice. The ending was definitely abrupt though, like there's supposed to be more??
    All these little morsels we're getting on the "dark companion piece" leave me with an uncomfortably tense feeling of intrigue. 8C

    It's a weird thing, but when I randomly get a Cure song stuck in my head, it's almost always a song from Bloodflowers and I've no idea why; happened yesterday, "There Is No If..."

    Thanks Andy, Pussycat, and everyone else for sharing. Cure peeps are great.
    *wistfully* maybe one day, *I* will be useful too...


  65. gahhh, cant hear the interview til i get back home. sounds interesting and im so glad rsx mentioned the curse! how cool!

  66. I agree Helsabot. This is probably the best interview I've heard in a long time. Sounds like the DJ was actually a Cure fan, and he did not ask those annoying "why do you wear lipsticks" questions.

  67. Hi Xuan!

    Richard Blade is a long time Cure fan. He use to DJ here in L.A. back in early 80's (maybe even late 70's). Back when KROQ was a GOOD radio station and they use to play The Cure ALL the time. Most all their songs B-sides and all. He also use to host VJ a show here in L.A. and use to play loads of Cure videos.

  68. Hi Alexis, I laughed this morning when I heard the interview and Robert mentioned you guys and when he said you guys were peeved off and I knew you guys were just upset that you missed that show because of HOB prior commitment. And how Brian had said you guys had lived up to your name THE CURSED on that night. Okay maybe now that he mentioned you guys it makes it a bit not so bad you missed that show... no? ;)

  69. Oh dear, well I guess the dark album wont be out this yr anytime if he hasnt even recorded the sodding vocals yet...sigh.

    You'd think there would be some news about the 30th anniversary eh....

  70. We're starving for information here!!
    It's not that we need something new right away (some of us, in any case), just that we'd like to know some work is being done, that things are moving forward.

    I must admit the fact that the vocals are not yet recorded is a bit disappointing.
    I'd be surprised if it came out this year. Well, let's hope it's not going to be 2012.

  71. I guess that means that THE BOY I NEVER KNEW is not one of the tracks for the dark album.

    Richard Blade had a set of CD's come out back in the 90's with a ton of rareties, 12"'s, etc... He is probably one of the best radio personalities to interview a CURE member.

    Can he at least get back to finishing the remastered collections?

  72. Look on the bright side he said the ONLY thing that is left to be done is VOCALS!

    The cup is half full in my eyes the majority of the work is done!

    My guess is that they will release it in 2010
    (which is fine by me b/c Troubadour and Vegas has left me broke)

  73. Kent: Why would you think ABINK isn't on the Dark/Nightmare album?

    If it's because of those leaked tracks, which had vocals already, those 3 tracks (Boy, Strum, Please Come Home) were not from the "4:13 Dream/Nightmare" sessions. They were recorded during "The Cure" sessions.

    They have recorded a new version of ABINK.

    If that's not what you were talking about, then just forget all of the above. : )

  74. Craig-

    recorded a new version of ABINK?? i mean other than the live ones they've played?? :O so do you think it will be included on the next album??

  75. Robert has said that they re-recorded it, so yes, I would imagine that it has a very good shot at making the next album.

  76. *Fingers crossed*
    *Monocle stuck I'm not telling you where!*

    Please Come Home would fit nicely on the dark album...

  77. The vocals not being recorded yet doesn't seem like a big issue to me (and it may be better in the long run if you think about it, that means they might not be mixed in the same way as the Dream one's, i.e layered with effects).

    The songs have been written to the best of my knowledge and scratch demos may well exist. They just need to be recorded properly.

    I still think a 2009 release could be on the cards. The most likely release date (which no one has mentioned yet) would be October.

  78. cpg will nut herself when she hears him talk about charlotte. it's kind of surreal to hear him say "charlotte, north carolina".
