
Thursday, May 14, 2009

NME polls

More pointless NME polls to waste time with. Greatest Indie Album and Greatest Guitar Riff. (Thanks David)


  1. hmmm. i'm not sure i would consider the cure to ever have been an indie band. certainly not from, say, '85 on.

  2. Oh no..... my carpal tunnel syndrome was just starting to heal.

  3. Man, no "Doolittle by Pixies" or "Loveless by My bloody Valentine". And what's up with Muse? Are their guitar riffs really that much different than everything we've heard for 50 years?

  4. there were some good albums on there.
    i had to give 10s to jeff buckley (because)
    and bakesale from sebadoh because that album is CRIMINALLY underrated.


  6. what are the direct link things?


    Boys Dont Cry guitar riff one

  8. Guitar riffs are so seventies. How about some "RIFFS" that actually show emotion. Like the intro to the Kiss from the Cure. Or the guitar solo from the Figurehead. Nothing beats The Cure live from 1982 on the Pornography tour. Holy schlitz !!!!!!

  9. I love the ending guitar solo on Subway Song, the concert version found on the second disc of the remaster...

  10. Moontear, RH factor is right, it's from "Debaser" by Pixies.

    In a January 1994 Rolling Stone interview, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain revealed that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was an attempt to write a song in the style of the Pixies, a band he greatly admired. He explained:[4]

    “ I was trying to write the ultimate pop song. I was basically trying to rip off the Pixies. I have to admit it. When I heard the Pixies for the first time, I connected with that band so heavily that I should have been in that band— or at least a Pixies cover band. We used their sense of dynamics, being soft and quiet and then loud and hard. ”

  11. thanks Ghost, someone knows, what the hell...

  12. I don't speak about Smells Like Teen Spirit. I speak about Come as you are. This song is a complete rip off Killing Joke's Eighties. Listen to the Killing Joke song and you will immediately know what I'm talking about.

  13. Yeah, Nirvana totally ripped off Killing Joke for Come as You Are. I beleive the got sued real bad as well. Part of the settlement included Dave Grohl drumming for them on a tour I think.

  14. Not that any of this matters... It's just fun trivia stuff, but...

    Killing Joke dropped the law suit after Curt killed himself. I guess they didn't feel like adding fuel to the fire. It would have been bad timing anyway because at the time (especially for those of us old enough to remember it) "grunge" was huge and so was Nirvana. It would have looked like sour grapes on the part of Killing Joke.

    That being said, yes, it is a total and complete rip-off of Eighties, no question about it. Not to bash Cobain but his 2 biggest songs were rip-offs of other great songs.

    As far as Grohl goes, he always loved the band and played on one of their albums in 2002. He didn't tour with them though.

  15. I live in Nashville and the teacher of our Entertainment Law course in law school (not nearly as interesting a course as it sounds from what I heard) is Courtney Love's lawyer, and my friend tried to ask him about this lawsuit. As expected, he refused to give anything away.
