
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cure special on Sirius XM radio

"So the rumored show on Sirius 1st Wave is happening on memorial day weekend, Robert will be introducing songs and they will broadcast a Cure concert, they did not say what show will be broadcasted." (Thanks Paul)


  1. AH!!! I'm so excited! I'll be spending that weekend in the car, I think ^~^

  2. yeah same here, im thinking roadtrip for memorial day weekend!!!

  3. i think i get Sirius too, but it's on my satellite provider. i think i'll have to record it on DVD then rip the audio, lol.

    anyway we can look up a schedule or something? maybe a particular channel?

  4. If you want to listen (or record it) and don't have Sirius, just sign up for the online trial offer. Anyone know how long the offer lasts? I wouldn't sign up too early just in case it's only for a few days.

  5. Crowbi: I tried the free trial last year, and it was only for 2 days.

  6. Try SIRIUS FREE for 3 days.Sign up using your email address to get a FREE 3 day online trial.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. andythecurefan, you're so helpful with all these links..thanks!
    Which brings me to my point(off subject by the way) BUT today is the 20th anniversary of May 13, 1989 - Loreley (Germany) 'Bizarre Special Festival' where the Cure played an great set...i have a video tape of this concert taken from the crowd which, along with tons of other rarely seen videos i have of the Cure(mostly interviews), i would like to share on YouTube..

    Any of you can recommend the best way of doing that(from vhs to dvd i guess)?It might take me ages to get round to doing it but there's a few things i bet lots of people would be interested in viewing...I'm a technophobe, and i apologise for the long chat but these vids are gathering dust, and i'd like to do something about it..Cheers.JC

  9. @perfect.murder,
    if you transfer it to DVD, i have a program you can use that can rip the DVD video to a 700mb AVI that should be easy to upload on and if you'd like I can splice the video by songs to upload on YouTube and of course CoF peeps would love the complete 700mb AVI file.

    the process is slightly time consuming but very worth it in the end, let me know if you are interested.

  10. @perfect.murder,
    actually, im going to sleep soon, but if you are interested, download and install the program FairUse Wizard 2 and once the VHS is transferred to DVD, put the DVD in the drive and run that program. I must warn you though that a good rip could take a few hours to do so best do it overnight or when you're not really using your PC. But we would love for you to share.

  11. Thanks Andy, contacting you via mail now..

  12. Nice. And after the car wash ripped my XM antenna off of my car, my XM unit's been housebound... now I have no excuse NOT to record it...

  13. Can't wait for the interview and concert broadcast. I guess I know where I'll be all memorial day weekend....AT MY COMPUTER!

