
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heron on Studio Brussel

"I just got interviewed for a broadcast on Studio Brussel in Belgium about Coachella and the 30th Anniversary Book for Robert Smith's 50th Birthday. Listen to the show by hitting the link here." (Thanks Heron)

Update: Great job, Heron! If you missed it, the interview is archived here (click on cure-fan), along with an interview with Vicky, about her page in the book. Or get the MP3 here.
(Thanks AndytheCurefan)


  1. Cool rev, I'll be tuning in to hear it!

  2. My contact says it's still coming up, so no, you have not missed it.

  3. They didn't give me a time. They said it will be archived as well, so we'll be able to link to that when it is available.

  4. omg how awesome!!!! I LOVE YOU REV!!!

  5. Okay. I'll keep listening. I see Deep Green Sea is going to be played in a few minutes, maybe it will air with that.

  6. Yes, Craig, that was my "request" at the end of my interview. I tried to get something off 4:13 played, but they didn't have the new album at the studio!! :O So you'll hear me right before that.

  7. I'm listening too. :) Very exciting!

  8. Thanks, Heron. And congratulations!

  9. OMG, one more song, I'm nervous now! LOL!!!Love you too Sarab!

  10. Hmm, I wonder if TMU even bothered sending them a copy of 4:13?

  11. This stations plays a good mix of music some alternative some techno. I just wished I spoke French to understand what the DJ is saying. (I believe that is what the DJ is speaking but I could be wrong.)

  12. I don't know, I did try to request off it so it would promote the new album. :( I was bummed.

  13. this is exciting! rev is famous!

  14. How did this all happen rev? Must have been so exciting to do!

  15. Jeremy told Sara that Robert has the book. : )

    Great job, Heron!

  16. Wow that was excellent! Thanks for letting us know rev! I loved it!

  17. I know Craig, I forgot to say that, LOL... I did this interview within 20 minutes of waking up this morning so before coffee and everything.

  18. Thanks craig, I figured he had it but I was just double-checking to be sure.

    Lots of work went into it by Rev & the peeps who submitted a page so it would be a shame if he didn't get it!

  19. That was awesome :). Well done REV! :)

  20. CK, how it happened is that one of the folks that put a page in is from Belgium and she gave them my contact info. So they got ahold of me and I did this interview at 10:30 this morning so they had time to edit it.

  21. rev u need to teach me how to interview! u did great! i would have been lk "ummm ummmm" haha

  22. They interviewed her about her page in the book to, I have asked her to translate it for me.

  23. can you guys let me know when it finishes so I can stop recording?

  24. I missed it! :(

    Please let me know where to hear it when you find out! ;)

  25. Wow that is so Awesome she did that for you! I'm glad the Belgium Cure Peep got you connected with the radio station! So cool, the book will be famous!!! Thanks for sharing this experience with us rev! :)

  26. Andy: The interview is over, but DGS is still playing.

  27. hey andy! yeah its done now! just ffromt he edge of the deep green sea just ended!

  28. It is done Andy thanks so much for taping it for me!

  29. @Craig,

    thanks, I left it recording at home and at work now so I can't listen.

    I stopped the recording and uploading now. The mp3 is 33 min long, go ahead and forward it to Rev's part. As soon as I'm able to hear it, I will edit it to only be Rev.

  30. Cool Andy, thanks for recording it! Love to hear it once again! It went by too fast!

  31. CK, yes they aired her interview about the book earlier. Craig, Vicky's interview is at


    there you are.

  33. Thanks for the link Rev. It's cool but too bad they are speaking Dutch!

  34. If someone could use Audacity to clip the mp3 and repost it, I would love to hear it. I'm at work and can't do much. :(

  35. Yo! you say skip to 20:41?


    someone tell me where it ends and I'll clip it from work to my home computer and not even need to hear it!!!

  36. Andy: Maybe add a second on each end.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Nevermind guys, they already posted the archive! That was fast! It is on the same link as Vicky's where it says Heron is een grote Cure-fan - you click on where it says Cure-fan.

  39. @Rev,
    me and Craig are trying to edit the mp3 so we can all have it. the archived link from what I am told is a stream.


  40. @Craig + COF,
    on a side note, one of my coworkers here at my college, a math instructor, came up to me and said "hey, i heard your band likes to play with no power."

    made my day. :D

  41. Well done Rev! That was awesome!

  42. LOL Andy!

    Thanks so much Paul - I have to tell you that your page got a lot of oohs and aahs when I showed it to everyone in Vegas!

  43. Andy: Got it all, edited it, going to upload the file now. : )

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. OMG REV! That was great! Now can I really have your autograph?LOL....that was super!

  46. You know, I just wanna throw this interview in the face of my co-workers and friends who think I am a total dork and nut case for liking the cure so much...they all know about my fan page and were teasing me about it....HA!

  47. Rev: Really? Wow, that's just made my day!

  48. This is so cool, I hope we get an update from the Man himself about the book soon, something nice on the official site from him would be cool! and of course announcements about plans for this auspicious year of course.

  49. WOW! Heron you gave an excellent interview. Such a great idea to give Robert a book from the fans, Awesome!

    PS: I did see you at the casino in Vegas before the show!

  50. Hey Heron! Great job! Thanks for that..and the book! and thanks to everyone here who make my life so much easier by uploading all that stuff on.. needing just one click of the mouse!!..i really appreciate it..Cheers!

  51. How amazing! :)
    I knew I should have taken the time to look at the book when Nicole_Forest was looking at it!

  52. Great Job Heron,

    i am so bummed i procrastinated and didn't send you my page. Damn!!! But, i'm happy you did this wonderful idea for the fans. Also, cool valley voice in the interview (very laid back American).

  53. theres our rev!!! we're so proud :D

    RH factor - i did the same too, *head to desk*. my plan is to give it to a roadie next tour and tell them to give the band the page so they can put it in the book. itll be late, but better then than never!

  54. Rev - You did a great job! Wow, can you think on your feet! You've done us Cure fans proud!

  55. Coachella 2009 Virtual tour at guess who they show on the main stage?

    direct link here

  56. find the guy with the red beanie, and im on the top left of him behind a guy with a hat.

  57. unfortunately I am not seeing any Cure pictures.

  58. Very cool! You represented Cure fans very well. Loved your song choice too!


  59. random question:

    did anyone get to hear "The Only One" remix by 65DaysofStatic? Not the "Exploding Head Syndrome" one, but the one that was supposed to get released on iTunes as a bonus track.

  60. LOL.

    That's great Heron! All the info coming out about the show REALLY makes me wish I'd been there now... awesome for the people who got to be there.

    How many pages was the book btw??

  61. Great job, Rev. AWESOME BLOSSOM!

  62. Hi everyone, almost done with my work day so I can go home and relax and start working on uploading all the photos and videos from the show. This morning was a great surprise and listening to it again I think I sound more on top of things than I felt, LOL.

    I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to thank Vicky on air for giving them my contact info, and I'm really sorry I wasn't with it enough to plug CoF as the greatest Cure fan site in the world :D with the nicest Cure peeps around. I really appreciate everyone's kind comments, you all are so sweet. It's always a treat to meet CoF friends, what a blast it was to get to meet so many of you in Vegas!

    Helsabot, the book ended up with 53 pages, and as Sarab said, it's been confirmed that he got the book. I hope to be able to post so much more in the next few days! Cheers, Cure love and happy Robert day to everyone!

  63. I gotta say that's really cool you guys got the interviews in Belgium! Very, very cool!

    Heron-Thank you again for orchestrating this book. I am so very honored to be a part of it!!

    Thank you!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.


  66. @Aaron,
    i don't see a download link but I am excited.

  67. nevermind, the HEADER/HEADING is the link!

  68. Man, looking at it again, i wish i didn't write all that stuff on my painting....especially my info. It kind of looks tacky now that i see it in the book and finished.
    OH well, sorry for being tacky guys...

  69. Heron:

    I'm so happy that they will be able to read my letter, and see what artwork I had time to do for them. It means everything that they know what they have done for us, and that we truly love them.

    Thank You again for such a wonderful idea and all the work you put into it :)

    I was smiling all day today because it's Robert's birthday. I was even smiling when I was at work!

  70. @Aaron,
    i am 100%, downloaded at my college and their internet is fast! unfortunately I will have to redownload at home. this sounds good so far, a fan recording and not from the webcast. I hear the waves!

  71. @Andy
    WOW, my net sucks to be fair, but still, i could cut it up tommorow if people are busy, but i will check how it sounds.
    its 3am here, and im waiting! 70%

  72. @Aaron,
    i don't work at all tomorrow, i will try to do it tonight. i'd be glad to.

    the only thing that bothers me is that by splitting the tracks i think I might be reencoding it again and worried about the loss.

  73. @Aaron,
    unless! i convert the 1 files to WAV, then split the WAV into mp3? or is that still the same. darn.

  74. Still the same as if i just cut it up as it is without losing anything it already has, im sure i could, im used to chopping video though! :P

  75. "Recorded by Morris Coffey"

    thank you Morris!!

    that isn't OUR Morris is it?

  76. @Aaron,
    it sounds like it's late for you. it's barely 7pm my local time, i could get home at 8:20pm from work and have it done by 10pm I would hope.

  77. Michelle:

    Don't be silly, I think your page is really nice. Not tacky at all! :)

  78. @Rev,
    I heard the interview. sounds great, really happy for you!

    *i found headphones at work*

  79. @Andy - good point, you may as well then, i could tommorow,
    gosh you have been the MAN recently with others, ive had no vid to get stuck into! :(

  80. @Aaron,
    did you read what I wrote about you? About how if you couldn't capture The Cure's webcast no one could? I'm glad Maree did though. Can't wait for it to be uploaded. You're always on top of things and I love helping as much as I can and giving back to my friends.

  81. Haha, believe me, I WAS UP AT 6AM trying to get it, but i couldnt even watch it due to the error people had :/
    But thank you! Its good the cure community has so many people on the ball! =]

  82. @Aaron,
    i know what you mean, i was bummed that I didn't get to watch the webcast...because I was there.

  83. Awww! Rev.! What a great interview. Very elequently spoken... :)

  84. @Andy
    Well being over in the UK is an issue :P
    and not the money or right age for that kinda trip on my own!

  85. @Aaron,
    i was only trying to make a joke. and yeah man, you're super young and you know a lot about computers. glad to have you on the team.

  86. @Andy
    yeah, i got the joke dw, im not that tired :P
    Yeah, i do try, and thank you!

    I will still try to help out! I best be off for now though.

  87. Heron, that was AWESOME!!!!!!!! And you got to say "fuck" on the air. HAHA!!! Makes me wish I would have contributed something but oh well. Congrats! You are now part of Cure history!

  88. Anah:

    awhh thanks :) That makes me feel a little better.

  89. Everyone, pull out your MySpace Secret Show files that crowbi_wan recorded at the show.

    now go to the end of Pictures of You. you notice that bit at the end of the song, once it's done, it sounds like part of I'm a Cult Hero.

    I always thought Simon was playing this at the end as a joke, but after paying close close attention at both the Vegas and Coachella shows, it seems to be a tape of some sort that they play after POY.

  90. Hello everybody,

    I'm Vicky from Belgium or Trust... at the official page and at

    It's just wonderfull to read all these comments, it makes me really crying ... So sweet, so supporting Heron. Just Wonderfull.

    All of you are great.
    I'm a daily visitor of this site, I even followed every live report.

    I enjoyed so much the live reports from Coachella, I was so glad to make a page for The Anniversary Book. I've bin here so many times put didn't post many comments. I feld always as a stranger or something, and now the peeps are writing all of this, I was crying.

    All those comments 115 ones. I had less than 1O peeps who said something :(, but those who did, I really appreciate them :-)

    From now on, I will try not to forget my password and you have a poster extra :-)


  91. Hey,

    You can find my translation and also the mp3-files here:,6154.0.html

  92. oh forgot to say:

    I don't understand that the radiostation had no 4:13 album ??

    When it's came out, I sended an angry e-mail, that they talked days and days about the new album from Metallica and so, and didn't say a word about that from The Cure.

    So in the program, the same as that's where you could hear Heron, they played a few songs from the new album and spook about it ???

    I will send a mail what they did with this wonderful album ?!?


  93. Hey Vicky! That was very cool that you took the initiative to write to the radio about the book! And to write to them about 4:13, that's what Cure fans are all about! Supporting the music! You should join in the conversations here more often!

  94. Very well done Heron!!

    Brought a tear to my eye listening to it. I always get made fun of at work too about The Cure, but I have listened to them now for over 23 years (wow - been that long!) and I am not stopping now. They are a huge part of me and my life and always will be.

    Thank you so much Heron for all your work on this book. You did an awesome job. I am so proud to have a page in the book. (My one is the painting of Robert's face with the green handprint over it - Steve and Deb, Kansas City at bottom) Thank you for all the great comments about it.

    Feels good to know that the band might be looking at it as I write this.

    I wish I could have met your all at Vegas and Coachella. I do post on here from time-to-time and read what's going on EVERY day.

    You guys are great.


  95. Wow, how great was that!? Well done and well spoken indeed, Rev!

    Thanks Rev, Vicky, Andy and Craig for making it happen and allowing us to hear it... :)

  96. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for your comment.

    And I will post more in the future :-)

    I love to be here !

  97. Hi Vicky,
    Thanks so much for making the Studio Brussels interview happen and PLEASE don't be a stranger. The more posters the better in COF land.

  98. Thanks again to everyone for your comments and support. When the project started, I really had no idea that it would blossom into what it became, and it ended up the way that it did precisely because all of you took the time to create something that came from your heart and share it with us. The book would not be what it is today without the dedication and support of everyone who sent a page in. I was blown away almost daily when these incredible works of art kept arriving in my mailbox. It was like having Christmas go on for weeks, in a way!

    Vicky, I think you are discovering what we have all found out, which is that CoF peeps are so nice and helpful and amazing. As Altr2elise said, the more the merrier! One of the best things about the CoF threads is that everyone is welcome to come and post, so please don't feel like a stranger. And all you lurkers out there, please feel welcome to join in the conversations!

    Regarding your question about the album, yes I did try to request a song from 4:13 Dream. At first they said OK and then as I spoke to Bram, they came back and said they do not have that album in the studio, and so to pick something else. I asked about the other albums and found out they had Wish for sure, so FTEOTDGS was my choice. Then they threw that question at me about why it would be perfect for his birthday! Haha!

    Steve and April, I understand about getting mocked for our Cure obsession at work, LOL. I have my little Cure shrine on my desk and get the raised eyebrow and the occasional comment about it too. But that will never diminish the love we have for the band and for our Cure peeps! :D I almost feel sad in a way for people who have supposedly grown up and have no passion for anything left in their lives.

    Long live CoF and long live The Cure!

  99. It's funny because i've been working at the same place for almost 2 years now and they hardly really understand/know what kind of music i listen too. most of the people there are not really into music....kind of bland :(
    so in conversation with my boss the other day i had told her that i was up until 3:30 sunday night watching the cure at coachella and she said "wow I didn't realize how into this band you were" haha

    so today she came up to me and said "I looked up this band the cure you're really into, i think i need to start wearing my lipstick like that!" then she laughed and said "i had no idea you were into that stuff...."i had to laugh, (i'm thinking, what stuff??)

    i don't dress like that normally so i think she figured i'd look like that if i was into that..
    i'm pretty reserved or quiet or whatever so she was shocked that i liked "rock"

    i get that everywhere i work it seems
