
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Robert!

(Thanks to MickelCure for the photo)

We all wish you a very Happy Birthday, Robert. Have a great day, and an even better night. And here's to 50 more! Cheers!

Update: A few mentions of Robert's birthday - Entertainment Weekly / Digital City / MPR (Thanks Kate)


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Robert! Have a brilliant and beautiful day. We are almost done with driving over 1700 miles to see you and the band in Vegas and Coachella and it was worth every mile to get to be a part of your birthday celebrations.

  2. Happy Birthday!!
    May all your wishes come true...

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROBERT! I hope it's everything you wish for!!!


    Sorry for posting it here, but i´m very happy for his 50th bday and for the last night amazing RS-CURE proof of what he-they are the best band in the world for ever.

    I tried to do my best and i wrote a brief tribute to Robert on my blog, it´s written on spanish, but maybe someone wants to take a look at.

    A tiny speech about the big importance of him and CURE in my life, since i knew CURE, back on 1990.

    If here isn´t the right place for posting that, feel free to erase this comment.

    Nice cake....looks delicious but like this, in one piece, looks amazing , specially the sign on it.

    Love the spiders...


    and RS:



  5. Happy Birthday Robert!
    50 legendary years and many more to come!
    Have a lovely day!

  6. YES -= Happy 50th Robert! :)I hope you have a wonderful celebration and an amazing new year. I wish you 50 more wonderful years.

    Thanks for MUSIC and the memories.

    Thanks to RS/TC - I met so many wonderful and amaizng people. Including my HUSBAND (18+ years as of today) and a TON of great friends.! Sooooooooooo many - toooo many to mention....


    *** and the 50th BIRTHDAY CAKE tasted really yummy - Thanks for getting it Angie (we all ate it after the LV show)

  7. happy birthday Robert! thank you for both Vegas and Coachella. I was able to attend both and am still in amazement. take care of your hand and glad to have been there.

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT!!!! I hope you had a blast in the states! and I hope your hand gets better! Thank you for everything you have done, your music is really inspiring! and I have made so many of the greatest friends ever because of you. My life would be boring without the cure!

  9. Happy birthday Robert!!
    You gave me the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER at Coachella Sunday night and I can only hope yours is just as lovely. And hopefully not quite so hot.
    I hope your hand is ok (that was me trying to ask you about it during Push at Coachella) and please don't go playing The Kiss like that any time soon until it heals!

  10. happy birthday!

    and now: please stop touring and give us the last deluxe editions! above all: "disintegration"! in a few days we have the 20th anniversary of this masterpiece.

  11. Happy quintagenaria Robert! Thank you so much for spending the better part of those years sharing your genius with us! Coachella was brilliant! Many love! :^D

  12. @cult_hero, i must have read wrong but it looks like you said to stop touring. why in the world would you want that? i pick a Cure show over a remastered album any day.

  13. Happy Birthday Mister Smith !
    Best wishes :)
    Rod x

  14. Happy Birthday!

    I think I'll need to get some sparkling wine to celebrate Robert's birthday. And some cake too! Wonder if they sell spiders in local store.. :)

  15. Robert Smith is the man!!! :D
    Robert! Cheers!!

  16. midnight California time, happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was gonna get you something Robert but all I could think of was Depeche Mode's new album. LOL. Kidding.

    Many years onwards for you my good sir.

  17. Happy Birthday Robert, hope you have a great day!

  18. Happy Birthday Robert. You made our wishes come true with the Vegas and So Cal appearances (best cure shows i've seen in 22 years). My son and I wish you all the best in your 50th year as it's looking like it's going to be one of your best. But please also wish for that Dark album to be out soon :).


  19. Happy birthday, dearest Robert! hope you'll have a lovely one, 'cause you deserve it like no-one else!
    Thank you for everything, keep on writing wonderful music! we just can't have enough of it!
    Olga =)

  20. Robert - I hope you have a fabulous birthday. I love that you are still as passionate about your music as when you began playing.

    Thanks for everything.

    I hope you continue to create wonderful life!

  21. happy happy birthday robert smith!
    jag letar och letar efter svart marsipan till din tårta.

  22. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT! This weekend was so remarkable. Thank you for the memories.

  23. I Wish the HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY ROBERT !!!! :) :) Ur my favourite Poet & Melody maker !!!!

    LeChienNoir from Brussels

  24. I returned to wish Happy Birthday to Another

  25. Happy Birthday to you Robert

    My favourite artist...

  26. Happy 50th Birthday Robert!
    The Party just gets better and better!

  27. Happy Birthday Robert! I celebrate today because you are my favorite poet and musician of all the rest. Thank you for celebrating with us !

  28. Happy Birthday Robert!!! YEEEAA!

  29. Happy 50th Birthday Robert! :)

    It's the Big 50 today! Wow a half of century! Here's to another 50 fabulous years!

    I hope you are having fun and enjoying your special day! Celebrate it like a Rock Star for sure! A Big Party with lots of family & friends, dancing, music, lots of bubbly, tons of gifts and one huge cake!!!

    Best Wishes to you for another Amazing 50 years! I'll always love you & The Cure. Never change, stay young at heart and enjoy what you do! The music will live on forever!!! Thanks for everything!

    Once again, Happy Birthday to my favorite front-man!!! Thanks for the amazing music over the years, awesome concerts, fun videos, crazy antics, the powerful lyrics and so much more! The Cure Rocks!

  30. YUMMY!

    Happy Birthday, Robert! :)

  31. Oh I love that Cake! Looks so yummy!


    Forever Yours...

  33. Happy Birthday, my darling Robert. I hope you have a wonderfully perfect birthday. Thanks for eveything. It is because of you I have met lifelong friends that I love to death and couldn't live without.

    Too bad I have food poisoning today and can't really enjoy the day with you.


  34. Happy Birthday, Robert. Thanks for staying true to your ideals and doing your best to protect we the fans from being exploited by record companies (no bonus tracks across various countries) and itunes (the Hypnagogic States thing), and for always performing more than any other band I love. You're very inspiring; I'd love to hear more of your views on politics in an upcoming DVD; your comments in Hungary that went against the reporter's anti-Communist/pro-democracy expectations were very interesting. So, you're an admirable intellectually and not just for your art, too.

  35. A very merry
    Unbirthday to you,
    To you, A very merry
    Unbirthday to you,
    To you,
    It's great to
    Drink to someone ,
    And I guess that
    You will do,
    A very merry
    Unbirthday to you!

  36. Happy Birthday, Robert! I wish you the best today and for always. And always thank you for the joy you gave me with your music and your words and with the shows I was so lucky to attend. Love you.

  37. robert,

    happy birthday! thank you for the music.
    never ever stop!

  38. Happy Birthday, Robert Smith!! It's a perfect day ...

  39. Happy Birthday Robert! Make it what you want it. Here's a little William Blake to celebrate the day of your birth.

    My mother groand! my father wept.
    Into the dangerous world I lept:
    Helpless, naked, piping loud;
    Like a fiend hid in a cloud.

    Struggling in my fathers hands:
    Striving against my swadling bands:
    Bound and weary I thought best
    To sulk against my mothers breast

  40. Happy birthday to my very own(well perhaps a few others)poet laureate. I wish you a beautiful day of love and laughter, more good times filled with you sharing your genius with all of us.

  41. Many Happy Returns, Robert. :)

  42. Happy Birthday Robert!My illustration of Robert Smith (Happy-Birthday-Version)

  43. Love it mrpinkeyes! Thanks for sharing!

  44. Happy Birthday Robert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks soooo much for Vegas and Coachella!

  45. Happy Birthday Mr. Smith!

    Have a birthday with a perfect blue sky, magic moments and lots of cake and drinks!

    Cheers :oP

  46. If Robert is back in the U.K he couldn't be more pleased with the weather I'm sure, blue skies all round.

    Happy Birthday Mr Smith... Can I have some cake?

  47. Robert , when you're young , 50 sound a hell of a long way off....
    and then time speeds by and you realize nothing has changed except
    your age......
    Keep your youthful spirit and celebrate the passage of time.....
    Have a Great Day!

  48. Robert , when you're young , 50 sound a hell of a long way off....
    and then time speeds by and you realize nothing has changed except
    your age......
    Keep your youthful spirit and celebrate the passage of time.....
    Have a Great Day!

  49. What flavor is that cake? Makes me cravy! :)

  50. I've been a fan for 25 Imaginary Years- wow that's half your life !!!

    have a great birthday week !!!!!!


  51. A very Happy 50th Birthday Robert !

    And also to my daughter (Elise) who will be 3 tomorrow.

    I have been a fan of The Cure for over 30 years and just wanted to take this opportunity to say "Thank You, from the bottom of my heart" for everything you have ever done.

    Here's to many more years of great music from a great man !

  52. How can he be so, so, so, perfect?
    How can he do everything right?
    How can he make our lives happier and better?
    How can he do it?

    I don't care...Maybe I shouldn't know, but I just can say when I met him, he just cured me.

    Happy 50th Birthday, Robert!
    We love you!
    We will always love you!

  53. What a great cake!!!! Happy Birthday to you, Robert!!!! Lots of Love!!!!

  54. Happy Birthday to you, Robert, and all the best!!

  55. Happy Birthday Robert! Have an amazing day. Thank you for 30 years of life changing music. Thank you for giving us all those amazing songs and may your Muses continue to Inspire you for more of that life changing music that we've had the honor to be able to hear.

    The Curse

    P.S. And if you decide to do a a last minute birthday show somewhere in Los Angeles we'd love to be able to celebrate your birthday with you!

  56. Happy Birthday Robert!


  57. O-tanjobi Omedeto, Robert!
    And many many more happy and healthy days ahead of you...

    "...there's always a silver lining" <33

  58. Happy Birthday Robert!

    Here's to one of the BEST LIVE ACTS IN THE WORLD!

  59. Happy birthday Robert! You will always rock my world.
    Many happy returns! <3

  60. Happy Birthday, Robert!!!

    My husband and I loved seeing the show in Vegas last weekend. We flew down from Alaska and even met another Alaskan fan on the floor with us. Alaska turns 50 this year too... you should come and visit. :)

    Have a wonderful day, and thank you for your beautiful music.

  61. Happiest of birthdays to you Robert. Thank you for the consolation in bad times and joyous manic celebration of the good times. Millions of concert memories and friendships have been made through your work. Let's hope 50 years is just the opening act!
