
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coachella webcast on Youtube

At least some of it. I'll add the rest when they're uploaded.
Underneath The Stars / Prayers For Rain / A Strange Day / alt.end / The End of the World / Lovesong / To Wish Impossible Things / Pictures of You / Lullaby / From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea / The Perfect Boy / Wrong Number / Push / Inbetween Days / Just Like Heaven / Primary / Shake Dog Shake / The Hungry Ghost / Disintegration / One Hundred Years / It's Over / If Only Tonight We Could Sleep / The Kiss / At Night / M / Play For Today / A Forest / Three Imaginary Boys / Fire In Cairo / Boys Don't Cry / Jumping Someone Else's Train / Grinding Halt.
(Thanks AnonymityrocksLA, Lovecat44, Debi, and Aaron)


  1. is the full webcast available somewhere for download?
    if not, i'd be nice if someone who has it could put that up. it was a legendary concert.

  2. Livia: Maree has the full show, and was working on it, trying to clear all of the Meebo beeps out of it, but I don't know what happened.

  3. I asked if there was anything I can do to help, and she told me to be patient and that COF would be the first to know.

  4. Just watched Lullaby--good God his hand looks painful!

  5. oh, I didn't know that... sorry. I'll be patient.
    thanks for those who put these videos online too.

  6. I can help put it up as HD if someone can provide the source video

  7. Yep, I'm kicking myself all over for not going as well. Probably could have hitched a ride with some COF people...:)

  8. We will be all patient, dear Maree, take your time if you need it, appreciate your work a lot!

    Thank you.

    Oh, did you notice: before alt. end I think, RS said something like "I eternally love you" to the audience.

    I'm not native English, but this is probably what I heard..

    Isn't it sweet? Thanks Mr Smith!

  9. Ok, his hand is too swollen. I swear he got into a fight at the Palms during the first encore. Maybe he punched one of the sound dudes.

  10. I am so sorry, you guys... I have an exhibit I am getting ready for and have been insanely busy, but things will calm down again in the next week. The source file is 36gb, so I can't send it out to anyone to help with it, but I will get it up ASAP. I have the audio ready, but it's fairly crappy and choppy, so I had been reluctant to upload it and hoping someone else had caught it and could extract it from their file. I hope that whoever is posting it to YouTube would be amenable to doing that. In fact, I could synch their audio to my HD video and voila! My apologies, I really want everyone to be able to enjoy this fantastic show. I am so glad to see it up on YouTube.

  11. Lovecat44: Someone in the audience yelled "I love you, Robert!", and he replied, "I, in turn, love you."

  12. Maree: No need to apologize! Get to it when you can. If you can. And thank you for even trying.

  13. Seriously Maree. Thanks for trying! I'm sure the rest of it will be up on Youtube soon...<3

  14. as an alternative, I have downloaded mp4 files from the YouTube videos. Hopefully the rest is uploaded.

  15. Maree, please don't apologise...
    it'd be great if you could get it done, but take your time.
    if you need any help, just shout.
    I know I can be at least a moral supporter.
    for now, I'll just follow Andy's advice.

  16. Wow so cool! Thanks to all the peeps who posted up their Youtube photos! I wish I was there too! Unfreaking Believable Show!

    And Maree thanks for trying to get the whole show up on-line! It was super cool of you to record it and I hope to see it soon but do not rush. Take your time, we all have something to look forward to when nothing much is happening with The Cure.

  17. any updates or newly found sources?
