
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"It's Over" at the Big Gig

NME has posted a video of The Cure doing "It's Over" at the Big Gig. (Thanks Ollie)


  1. What a great video. The window opens small, but you can click the "Go Full Screen" button to see it in its full glory, and it looks great.

    This is full of the usual Robert antics: mixing up verses and lines, and missing bits entirely!

    Good stuff, nevertheless.

  2. I just adore the heavy crunch / thump / stomp of this song. It's somehow very Cure-y but at the same time very different. Seeing it live, you sort of stand there having your hair blown back like the guy in that old Memorex commercial. I think that this is the kind of thing Robert was talking about a few years ago when he wanted the ST album to be the "heaviest thing we've ever done".
    Heavy stuff, and very awesome! MORE PLEASE!

  3. Jason looks like he has something fun in his pants... look at the faces he's making!

  4. Hahahaha....I don't want to know! : )

  5. Yes Kate! Baby Rag Dog Book! Love love this one LIVE. I don't know all the words, but I remember giggling about it.
    I had a good shot of Jason. He was working his arse off that night. The blonde highlights and tan may have given him a new attitude ;o)

  6. I could say something...but I won't. >:)

  7. Say it, you little devil, I dare you! : P

  8. V: Do you really want me to force it out of you? ; )

  9. Quick, V, to the loving room! ; )

  10. very well said, rev-ables.

    Baby Rag Dog Book was THE most evocative Cure title EVER. they coulda kept the title and put It's Over in parentheses or something.

    i love the maniacally psychedelic studio version of this song as well. it really is just a killer tune.

  11. Uh oh, I'm in trouble now! ;)

  12. I know what's hidden under your bed, V. So yes, you are in serious trouble. ; )

  13. Don't you two have a room somewhere? LOL

  14. I think RSX is right - It's Over is like an intermission, I am seriously wondering what is coming next.

  15. I still refuse to call it "Its Over". I was so in love with the "Baby Rag Dog Book" title.

  16. this song sucks.
    it's only good live because the bass sounds so good (actually being there, not audio or video)

  17. Okay, I mean - that old Maxell commercial :p

  18. The drums were a notch or two too high in the mix, and Robert's vocals were at best average. However, the rest was excellent.

  19. I think Porls guitar is far too low in the mix for that great song. Or maybe there is something wrong with my headphones. Otherwise: good song!

  20. Cureheart! Baby Rag Dog Book LIVE is amazing...

    Clockwise Cat and Dumb Anguish: I, too, will never call it "It's Over" BRDB is such a great title!

    Andy: Thank you for inspiring me to dig out my old Peter Murphy records.

  21. You know, I really appreciate the amount of Jason coverage during this clip. It's nice to see him at all, much less in such good quality.

    On another note, I remember seeing this live. And, my experience was similiar to Rev's. I just stood there, feeling it wash over me. I have a tendency to always be dancing/wiggling during the songs, but not during this one! Amazing.

  22. For about 10 seconds I wondered: "is this a new track? I don't know this title - and what an horrible one..." And then I realised... Baby Rag Dog Book...
    Why did they have to name a song with this horrble, popular title!?

  23. i love this song....ever since i heard it i knew it was one of my favs...

  24. That song will always be known to me as Baby Rag Doll Book!!!!! Why change the name but whatever, it's just so cool! The Cure should do more songs like this.

    Awesome performance! Thanks Ollie & craig for the link! A highlight of the 02 show for sure!!! :D

    After months & months listening to 4:13 Dream, I have to say this is my favorite song on the Album! It kicks my ass over & over!!! It will never be over doing just that!!!

  25. That was great! What is cool is how much fun they were having with it, especially Robert and Jason.

  26. I never liked the live recordings of this song. I remember listening through the album for the first time and thinking "this next one is going to suck balls", then when it came on it glued my jaw to the floor for about a week. I love it, as I do all of 4:13 dream.

  27. The second best thing about them opening with UTS was knowing I was going to hear Baby Rag Doll Book in an hour and a half! And what went on inbetween was also sublime

  28. Man, I can't wait for the show in Vegas!!!!!!
