
Friday, March 13, 2009

Behind the scenes at the NME awards

Derek Frey was at The Cure's table for the NME awards, and has posted some photos from the event. He also has some from the Big Gig. (Thanks Heron)


  1. There are some really neat photos here.

    I love Red Stripe, but in a *can*?! :)

  2. Great finds Rev! The photos were great! They really capture the spirt of each night! I know I would have died if I could have hung out at the Cure Table that night! ;)

    And at least now we have another photo of the mysterious blond hair person sitting next to Robert. It's definitely a guy and not Robert's Mom like a few people told me it was! Still wonder exactly who he is???

  3. Someone on flicker commented that it was Chris Perry in that photo. So I found an old picture of him with Robert from the 80's and the profile of Chris face and mystery man in the photo look very similar. So I think it was him too. Make sense that he would be there since he was working with The Cure for so many years.

  4. I would be very surprised if this was Chris Parry..From what i remember he looks nothing like this guy(even though there are no recent pics of him as far as i know), and besides it was my understanding they had a bit of a falling out when he sold Fiction to Universal....Could be wrong though...

  5. Where's Simon in all this before and after stuff? Was he at the table too? Does he just hide out and only appear to play?

  6. old pic of Chris Parry (on left):

  7. the blondie looks nothing like chris parry. there's quite a lot of chris on 'play out'. and it would be very suprising if they were sharing a table as the cure and chris parry didn't go their separate ways in good terms. at least that's how i understood it.

  8. deffo Chris Parry - gone a bit mental...

  9. Yay! He hadn't posted his Big Gig ones last I looked. Great stuff! :D He's also got photos in his stream of Tim Burton at the Alice in Wonderland wrap party.

  10. love-the-cure there are some photos of Simon in that stream, 2 I think. Also other people took photos from above of the table and he was sitting there with the wifey.

  11. On 2nd glance with the photo from hellboy, it's really doesn't look like Chris Parry but then who knows??? And it could be possible that Robert has settled his differences with Chris but then mostly likely they didn't. Whoever the guy was, he was lucky enough to be able to sit next to Robert the whole night!

    And it's cool to see that Derek's from the Philly Area! Lucky Dude! It pay's to have friends in Hollywood!!! He takes really good photos too!

  12. I have no idea if this is true or not but I did read a post on a message board where somebody identified the man as Robert's older brother Richard.

  13. Ok, Ok, I saw a picture of Simon in those. I missed it before.

  14. ahhhh, that bowie/40mins segment was great :)

  15. The blond haired guy looks more like the guy on the right of that picture posted by hellboy.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. OMG CLOSEUP OF PORLS SPECTATORS!!! *hyperventilating*

    hellboy's photo link reminded me of the interview kinda thing that goes with those photos
    cure in 85 cali
    the blonde dude to the right in that photo is actually howard thompson, then vice president of elektra's A&R - who actually IS NORTHFORK SOUND on flickr and blogger.

    so its more likely blonde dude in that NME pic is roberts bro

  18. cure in 85 (NY i mean):

  19. Hi- it is Robert's Brother Richard.
