
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reminder: Robert on NME radio today

Robert will do a 1 hour interview with NME radio on Feb. 25th at 1pm (UK time). (Thanks Monghi and Fab G)

Update: The dj says that Robert canceled the interview.


  1. great, i love interviews, although maybe the times interview and this one were made to compensate the fact that the Ask Robert thing will never happen:(

  2. I can't wait! I hope they don't play tons of stupid music. I'd love a nice long interview of Robert! And hopefully some intelligent questions.

  3. Call me a cynic and I'll eat my hat comes wednesday but don't expect much from this..the quality of the substance in the NME these days(i know it makes me sound sooo old) is poor at best...I, along with a lot of you i think, am so dissapointed with the content of the cover cd(out wednesday).. and the suposedly only UK interview a few months was just vacuous tosh...aimed at 16 year old -what ever last month's favourite band was called- "fans"'s just that, in 2009, people shouldn't be allowed to get away with things like this..i say(desperate fan).

  4. Robert will be very busy this week!

  5. oooh sounds good ! anyone going for early beers on Wednesday ? , my mates are not coming along till sixish as they are working Wednesday , are people still going to the beehive ? would be nice to meet some fellow cure fans early doors for beer ...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yeah this is cool!!!

    Doesn’t really matter to me if it is a good or bad interview, I'll be on-line listening to what Robert has to say! I love to hear his voice!

    If it's 1:00 PM in the UK then it will be 8:00 AM in Philly which is just perfect. A great way to start a boring & long work day with a dose of The Cure!

    But I do hope they do ask some interesting questions & play some Cure music, not some crappy emo flavor of the month stuff!

  8. Hi- is anyone recording this?

  9. yes, please any CURE fan, record it and share with all of us.



  10. I'm gonna try to record it with my jetAudio player. Fingers corssed!

  11. I'll record it if I wake up. 5am on my day off. Oh joy.

  12. easy for Radiohead to say 'pay what you like for our album' when they earn a million a show.

    pointless nobhead 'experiment' by a bunch of toffs

  13. okay, well, listening to NME right now. Interesting song they just played by The Killers. I totally don't fucking listen to anything hardly anymore so am always surprised when something actually doesn't suck, but the point of my post ... no Robert interview happenin and it's 1:10 London time.

  14. Gah! No interview after all!


    I planned my entire day around that!

  15. they just said robert cancelled it :(


  17. HAAA! Robert stood them up??? And the interviewer waited for like a half an hour. Well then...

  18. Oh this sucks big time! I rushed to work just so I could hear the whole thing and now no Robert!!! Wonder why he axed the interview???

  19. I think the interview was supposed to be pre-recorded yesterday or something and Robert didn't show up... hmmm.

  20. I cancelled my lunch break to listen to this :o( Robert, you owe me a sarnie!

  21. Gosh...:-( Did he cancel the interview cuz NME fucked up with the ticket sales?

  22. Hope he doesn't decide to can the whole NME awards tonight & the concert tomorrow!

    The DJ who was supposed to interview Robert is quite upset that he didn't get a chance to do so.

    Said he's been waiting 25 years to do that but he forgives Robert for skipping out on him. And he still loves The Cure!

  23. Just listening to the NME Cure covers CD. Marmaduke Duke need to sack their Drummer.

  24. Lame! They didn't even give a reason for it being cancelled. The least they could do was play an hour of Cure hits.

  25. CK- Wha? He's not going to NOT show up at the awards show... and disappoint all those fans?? That's who most of those people are paying to see after all. It'd be interesting to know why he canceled this interview tho.

    Exploding cure- um, actually, Robert didn't break any promise to the fans here. Certainly, he did not announce this engagement on the bands' website... :/
    Well, I guess he disappointed the DJ, but he has no hard feelings. :)

  26. Helsa---Please don't think I was being mean about Robert with my comment. I was just joking that's all. Since I'm not in London, I was a bit disappointed this morning missing out on hearing Robert speak!!!

    I'm sure he had a good reason for not doing the interview. Maybe he just didn't feel like doing it or couldn't make it.

    And I highly doubt Robert would cancel out on the awards show & the 02 concert and disappoint that many fans so last minute. The Cure are the main attraction for the next 2 days!

  27. i kinda hope he cancels i STILL haven't received my ticket after that Trinity Street fuck up....Hope to get them today though.On my way to Brixton in a couple of hours :)

  28. That Pitchfork bit is just stupid high school gossip... someone can't take criticism of Radiohead, heh.

    I am disappointed about the NME interview, but oh well.

  29. Oh, well. Even though I woke up late anyway for the interview, I hoped to catch something or at least a ripped file thanks to someone here. (It was 5 am when I finally realized it would start at 8 am my time!) I'm going back to sleep.

  30. Hello to all my Cure friends! First time poster here :-) Just wondering if there is any possible way that we can watch the awards tonight?? Pretty bummed about the cancelled interview, but oh well what can you do! Just wanting to watch our boys receive the all deserving God Like Genius award!!

  31. Hi, VanillaSmile!
    Me too! I want to watch the awards tonight.
    I hope someone will record and share it later.
    I'm kinda desperete because there's completely no information regarding The Cure in Japan. No nothing!

  32. It's being filmed for Channel 4 so it will surface shortly from the on-demand website i am sure......

  33. Awesome, thanks Perfect.Murder for the info! Something to look forward to out here on the east coast where nothing is happening in Cureland.

  34. the comments on stereogum about the radiohead thing are pretty funny.

  35. Jeff K---I feel your pain about the East Coast too! We are so left out on the Cure Fun!!!

    Hopefully this show will be on the boob tube soon. I need some new Cure video to watch!
