
Friday, January 23, 2009


Aversion has A Night Like This as their Vintage Video today. (Thanks Kate)

The Watson Twins' cover of Just Like Heaven was used in this week's episode of Fringe (Episode #11 - Bound). You can see/hear it at the 29:48 mark here. (Thanks JP and Scott)

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan was on the Late Show with Craig Ferguson on Monday, and said he loved The Cure, and Craig agreed, saying how great they are, but then it took a typical "but have you seen Robert lately?" angle, and Robert got compared to Elizabeth Taylor. You can watch it here at the 31:20 mark.


  1. cover of a forest was used on fringe preview as well.

  2. Silly CBS. They say the video is too old.

    My mother has been making the Elizabeth Taylor comparisons for a year now. So mean!

    However, I understand why Robert does it. He would look totally different if he cut his hair fully. He might want to trim it a little, though. He looked great during the WMS period.

    Has anyone seen this Cure Galore promo video with Tim Pope and Robert; Robert keeps trying to "shush" him. :)

  3. Is that really Robert on the cover of "Galore" when he was a toddler?

  4. muldfeld: nope, not a chance. check out the other photos of the baby inside. They're way too high quality and it was a dedicated photoshoot for sure. Probably some kid related to him, but no, not him. I'd say another case of the tall tales there... :D

  5. Thanks, hellogeri. I guess that's why Robert says at the end "if only" after claiming it was him. What a funny sense of humor he has!

  6. I have a Cure spotting:

    first of all IN MY DEFENSE I was only watching this b/c my 13 yr old was watching it...

    On "Another Cinderella Story" staring Selena Gomez There is a part where this Goth girl, who is only seen once, stats her TOP 4 songs on her playlist. I can't remember all of them for sure but I think they were: PUSH, HIGH, JUST LIKE HEAVEN, BOYS DON'T CRY, of course she delivers them in a very dry depressed voice and then ends with "by the cure"

  7. That kind of stereotyping really pisses me off. Yeah, the goth depressed girl also likes the most upbeat songs. Why couldn't the writers be honest and admitted that either 1) they love those songs and had happy or "normal" characters say they love them or 2) they love those songs and admit to being depressed as well.

    There's such a negativity about Robert's honestly. It's so much more healthy than Bono's idiocy about "beautiful days" and "elevation" this past decade, which is somehow characterized as healthy instead of escapist self-delusion. Bono is the one of the two who, after all, admits to getting suicidal, but not really in his art.

  8. and, add to that, why, if a girl goes off the rails in the movies, does she always end up looking like a goth?

  9. During VH1's 40 Greatest Reality TV Moments, they played "Boys Don't Cry" during the bit about the guy who cried on Hell's Kitchen. ...which I didn't even know happened until I was flipping through VH1.
