
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cure secret show at The Troubadour

"12:13 Dream"

Doors @ 8:00 PM
@ The Troubadour
9081 Santa Monica Boulevard West Hollywood, CA
(310) 276-1158

There will be no line ups allowed before noon on Saturday.
If you line up before then, you will be asked to leave.
As always, this show is first come first served.

Update: LA Weekly has a story about it, and says you must be a Cure Myspace friend to get in. No idea if that's true or not.

Update: As suspected, LA Weekly is wrong. KU says no printout needed to get in.


  1. Nutty. How many people can fit in that place? I predict thousands of people showing up and about 1% of them getting in. Wondering if I can pull it off myself.

  2. are you effin' kidding? lucky peeps

  3. If any of you get tickets, we would love to get live reports from you. : )

  4. Man, you Californians get ALL the fun! Enjoy it for the rest of us, will ya?

  5. Wow, that's amazing! 500 capacity? You could be on first name terms with everyone in that room by the end of the show!

    Come on Robert, do something like this in the UK; we love you over here too!

  6. FROM ANOTHER SITE: But, hey. The Cure is playing the Troubadour. To gain entry, you must be a MySpace friend of the band. As I've never scrambled for a MySpace ticket, I don't know the exact protocol, but I'm officially a Friend of the Cure on MySpace now, and will let you know what arrives in my inbox


  8. f me side ways and call me crazy - I am in La la land!

    the show tonight was amazing just feet away from RSX's FEET! you could tell he wanted to play more.

    I am SOOO freaking excited!


  9. im going....already in progress of getting in line. i will do txt updates
    am i dreaming? this is crazy!!

  10. i'm pretty sure you don't have to be cure's myspace friend. how are they going to check that at the door?

  11. *screams in excitement!* aw shit...I live in LA....that's Lower Alabama. Have fun all who will be lining up for this today. Can't wait for the fresh youtube of this. :)

  12. Limit of 500 people for LA? Are they crazy? Stay safe people, don't let anything ugly happen.

  13. Love the poster! How exciting!

  14. wow. Those will be 500 of the luckiest damn people on the planet tonight.

  15. I'm a myspace friend - if anyone needs my details to get in, just drop me an email - I'd be happy to live vicariously through you!!!!

  16. I'm pretty sure I was a friend of them when I had a MySpace account. I remember adding Porl as a friend but he never confirmed it . . . and I don't think he ever denied it either.

  17. Wow, can't believe I couldn't make it down for all this LA stuff.

    I am happy for all my Cure peeps that are there though. I hope to friggin God they all get in.

  18. So, I'm wondering if you show up at noon and they do a wristband thing, then if you happen to get tickets you go back in the evening for the show.

  19. With other myspace secret shows you have to print out your front page showing the band in your top friends. You then show the printout at the door as your ticket.

    However, I see no mention of that process for this show anywhere.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Good luck to everyone who tries to get in.

    It is bedtime for me now, but I hope that my tomorrow will include live COF updates for the Secret Show.


  22. I think you should be a friend of MySpace Secret Shows US, not The Cure's.
    Here's the link to it.

    I guess you'll get the detail of how to get into the show through a bulletin once you become thier friend.

  23. WOW!! The Cure week is certainly a dream! I sooo wish I could be there. Keep us posted with all the info!!

  24. CAT: This is when you'll meet Porl. LOL. I hate you all with jealousy!!!


  25. This is when I get sad that I moved away from San Diego. SIGH.

    We want plenty of pictures and updates! I'm so excited for al of you!!!

  26. Okay, what's the deal with this? It looks like The Troubadour shoved three bands out of the way to make room for The Cure, because here's what's listed on their calendar for December 13...

    10:15 pm The Jon Thomas Band
    9:15 pm Clear Spot
    8:30 pm Unlimited Warranty

  27. the 3 bands was used as a cover; no band was really pushed out of the way.

  28. I'm so happy for all the folks in L.A.! I hope they get to hear some songs from the dark album. :)

  29. Oh, and something for those attending to keep in mind...

    * Still photography (without flash) may be taken ONLY with artist's prior consent.
    * No flash photography--ever.
    * No video recording.
    * No audio recording.

    From the club's website. Why they have something against flash photography under any circumstances, I have no clue. Heck, I used a flash for some of my shots at the Cleveland show, and no one complained.

  30. Zephyr, why use them as a cover? Why not just say that the club was closed or unavailable?

  31. shawn-w, the date was listed as closed up until a couple of days ago. my guess is that some of this leaked, so they posted a cover with a list of bands. this was done in the past so that real fans only know about it. i like that they did this. sure, made it hard to suss out at first, but us fans know about it now.

  32. Hmm, okay. That makes sense now.

  33. The place is small. If you use a flash in a small room, you will blind the band. If you have any respect for the band, you will NOT use a flash in a small venue. Well, you shouldn't be using a flash at all. But that's a separate lecture. :)

  34. S, I've used a flash in venues that make The Troubadour look big, and haven't had any issues with blinding anyone, and have actually come out with good photos, though I'd prefer to have a better camera and not have to use said flash for some of my shots.

    By the way, it looks like there's no way getting around the MySpace issue. Everything that I've read thus far indicates that you need to have a MySpace page with the band and MySpace Secret Shows on your Top Friends list, and at least one MySpace Secret Show earlier this year required people attending to have a printout of their MySpace profile on hand to get in, so it's probably not going to be any different here.

    I think that there are going to be quite a few unhappy campers in Cure land.

  35. I think the real question here is how many fans are actually going to get in? If you think about it I bet a major part or the venue will be packed with label people.

  36. "I think the real question here is how many fans are actually going to get in?"

    They are going to have a huge swarm of people there.

  37. youd think robert would mention what you need in his post ,, but he just says first come first serve eh..

  38. no, in the past its been fans that get in, no worries.

    ive looked this up - traditionally, whatever band is playing AND myspace secret shows must be in your top 8, then you must print out your profile page showing that. THAT is your ticket in - that proves you are a friend of MS secret shows, as only friends of them can get in.

  39. Yeah, that's why I'm wondering if they're doing a wristband thing for free tickets or what. There's still vagaries here.



    lol...was wondering what the band was doing on saturday...

    should i blow off my mother who just flew in from another country for a visit?

    decisions decisions...hmmm...

  41. I am not trying to be a debbie downer but I heard from a reliable source that works for the Troubadour that under 50 fans are going to get in. I hope this is not case as I would rather have fans get in than label people who could care less.

  42. "should i blow off my mother who just flew in from another country for a visit?"

    If she truly loves you she'll understand. Actually, bring her along.

  43. "than label people who could care less"

    at a big venue it's probably no big deal to the band to have 450 label people. at a small place it'll be a downer for the band playing for less than 50 fans

  44. Just heard from Sara B. Rev. talked to Keith Uddin, and he says you don't need a printout to get in.

  45. So, they hand out tickets to the crowd until there's no tickets left?

  46. Yes, they are giving out wristbands. First come, first served.

  47. Do you know what time they'll do wristbands?

  48. Then this particular MySpace Secret Show is operating by different rules than previous shows. That's fortunate for the CoF crew out there.

  49. Damn! I'm happy for you lucky few who will be able to get in! Makes me wish I lived in LA! Hopefully with all the stuff they have been doing it will be a sign for another tour in the future!!! Fingers crossed!

    I hope everything goes alright for the show too, because if it's first come first served, then there's bound to be some crazy stuff that will happen.

  50. Just found out is it still worth coming down? Anyone able to get 2extra? I am about an hour away in Costa Mesa.

  51. I'm training at Second City, and thank you, Craig, I knew this show was going on since the morning...I thought it would take a while for them to pass out the tic's.....I was wrong...I drove 495 miles through Hollywood and LA's Boyz Town to get to the venue...I parked and ran a half mile at 3:05 PM...They pointed at the door. "SOLD OUT" it said...I threw my arms in the was lame, being denied by someone who prob thinks robert smith is a tool...anyway, I got to meet some of the cof crowd...that was cool...i went home and drank champagne and watched the favorite movie....CRAIG...i check this site 4-5 times a day...I honestly thing 4:13 IS THE BEST SINCE WILD MOOODS... :)

  52. oh gee! the troub probably did only give out 50 wristbands because i was there at 12:30 pm and only about 30 people were in front of me and they had already handed out like 100 of em, and there's plenty of room inside for everyone who was in line, anyway i didn't get one.

  53. Are there any sites selling copies of that poster? I want one.

  54. Wish they would do something like this on the East Coast. But I'm glad some of the COF peeps got to go!
