
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

NME interview - part 2

NME have posted more of their exclusive interview with Robert. (Thanks JC)


  1. pretty funny that Robert parties with his nieces and nephews!

  2. Now I worry about Bob. He's getting a bit old for doing drugzzz...

    But on the other hand, if it allows a Scream 2, I won't mind that much.

  3. Am I reading too much into
    'On the 4 tour I think we’ve played 83 or 84 songs so far and it hasn't ended yet. I was trying to get it up to a hundred.'
    'So far' Does that mean a few more 4Tour dates in the new year, other than the big gig?
    I hope that's right!!

  4. I don't know, I don't think it's an age thing. I mean for me - and I also did a lot of LSD back in the day - even smoking a bit of pot can on occasion set me off. I very rarely ever use drugs anymore as a result. One never really can know what to expect, lol, and I am definitely at the point of wanting to choose my experiences more carefully.

  5. um, that interview ended rather abruptly...

    so he still takes drugs sometimes??

    i like the interview, actually

  6. I had just finished reading the reallife printed version in the old fashioned, actually printed way and was thinking "So that's it, the only interview, Robert goes to the trouble of hosting the NME for the evening and that's all they print? Nothing new and I doubt it will even sell many albums.." and I was about to post these very thoughts here in cyberspace when I see the link to the other half of the interview and how much better I feel! Some actual content worth reading.

    I fleetingly got excited about "4Tour's not finished" but then had the same impression as H&J and it was done a while ago but it can't have been. He speaks about Rome and the US shows.... Maybe there's some more to come!

    And he takes drugs with his YOUNGER neices and nephews - Now that is worrying! I suspect that's RSx up to his old interview tricks again!

    It did end a lttle abruptly didn't it Cat!?

  7. hehehe...Robert said "C**T" and Morrissey in the same sentence. I agree the second half of this was much better- i was feelign pretty jipped yesterday.

  8. hello robert but not the robert (lol at the name):

    yes, i wonder if there is more to the interview but it just got cut off somehow?

  9. i agree, the interview ended abruptly, this bit was better that the one yesterday, i'm kinda surprised at the drug thing, but not worried, bobs a tough guy, he has said it himself, if anything he will start writing as someone said "the scream 2" and stuff like that, so "GO JUNKY BOB!"

  10. The thing I liked most about this interview:

    "On the 4 tour I think we’ve played 83 or 84 songs so far and it hasn't ended yet. I was trying to get it up to a hundred. "


  11. The Scream is absolutely cosmos-shatteringly devastating.

  12. well don't listen to it too much then; i don't want to get sucked into a wormhole.

  13. OFF TOPIC:

    Tim Pope updated his website a few days ago with this message...


    Anyone understand that? Answers on a postcard please.

  14. of course now I have to face images of RS playing tennis in the nude on top of explaining to my husband why I still care about the CURe so much. yay for me...

  15. TxLola: I struggled to get to sleep last night - I think I might have had nightmares about Smith vs Smith at naked Wimbledon. Not pretty - even in 1989!

    Cat: Cheers for that! There must be more but will it get posted up?

  16. Andrew: You said:

    "Tim Pope updated his website a few days ago with this message...


    Anyone understand that? Answers on a postcard please."

    I believe he's saying "Ask him [Robert], not me."

    Does this help?

  17. Well the 2nd half is way better than the 1st part but then it was all Robert! :)

    More touring!!!---YEAH!!!!!

    Drugs with the kiddies!!!---Not such good of an idea Uncle Bob! One of my friend's relatives went to jail for that!

    Robert playing naked tennis!---Now that's something I'd like to see! Well maybe??? LOL!!!

    Robert's Hair---Well I'd hope Mary wouldn't leave him just because he changed his look but if she wants to let him go well I'm available.....Yeah Right keep dreaming LOL!!!
