
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NME cover and interview

Read the NME interview at FemaleFirst. (Thanks Tobber and Kate)
And read Part 2 at NME. (Thanks JC)

(Thanks Andrew)


  1. im going to get this this afternoon!!!

  2. Return? I didn't realize they'd gone anywhere! :)

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  4. "I hide behind what I look like with the make-up and the hair," Smith admits. "I know I do, I'm self-aware enough to know why I'm still doing it. It's uncomfortable on the very few forays into real life that I have, getting petrol and shopping, but I've had it my entire life. I'm with a girl who likes the way I look and when I don't look like I look she doesn't like me as much, it's that simple..."

    that's AWFUL. i'm not one to say bad things about mary as she is my idol, but christ.

    come to me, my love. i adore you any which way!

  5. Okay, here's the best part of the interview, right at the end:

    "I love the way this album goes through the first five songs," Robert enthuses, twitching excitedly in his seat, "because it goes from you thinking, 'Oh right, here we go, it's six minutes and it's really downbeat' and then it jumps into a classic Cure pop song and then suicide is in the first line of the next one and then it goes into 'Freakshow' which, for me, is the weirdest song on the album, and then into 'Sirensong', which is an acoustic waltz with slide guitar. Those five songs set you up so you don't actually know what's going to come next."

    It actually describes some of his thoughts about the album.

    The other quotes from Robert are about his hair or taking loads of drugs.

    Oh, and about how influential they are with current bands. Which is a less-interesting-than-he-thinks hang up of the writer. Seriously, he pretty much credits The Cure for the invention of modern music. Enough, already.

    This kind of writing just annoys me. Instead of really listening to the guy like he's a person and drawing an insightful or at least straightforward portrait of that person/conversation, it's all about, "WOW, I MET A CELEBRITY!" How can they call this an interview when 85% of it is fawning filler?

  6. Oh cool I'll have to see if I can get this magazine after work too when I get the CD. If it's not at the stores, then this clip will be the perfect thing to read! Thanks for sharing!

    Oh well I didn't get a chance to go out to lunch to get the CD. My boss is on a panic attack today & asked if I could work through lunch! What a pain in the ass but I'm too busy to focus on the music right now so it's not a big deal.

    And it's still a perfect day for the CD & it only looks the same for tonight so when I listen to this CD for the 1st time the mood will be just right! It's still quite dark & quite dreary in Philly! :)

  7. When we started to get well-known I was saying that if I looked like Ronald McDonald that would be the goth look. I imagine an alternate reality where Ronald McDonald was the goth icon.

    RS is a funny man. :)

  8. that was a hilarious article but it should have been longer.

    that bit about The Reasons Why is pretty intense...

  9. What a rubbish interview! I am glad I got to read it for free on the net, where are the questions? just more of the same old english journalistic tosh, birds nest hair, focussing on the black, pope of mope etc.....blah blah, what a wasted opportunity that was.

    So glad he is going to do the interview for the official site as that one was utter tripe (fact)

  10. "Universal didn't want a double album,"

    what a load of shit.

  11. "they did it all while being the UK's best pop band disguised as glowery freakazoid zombie clowns with permanently priapic hairdos."


  12. Ughhh! I can't get my hands on a copy. Everyone is sold out!

  13. Seemed to me like the interviewer wanted to seem like an expert on the Cure, and then only include a few things that Robert said.

    It was as if the interview wasn't about Robert, but it was about this big-dark-giant-hairspray-cloud of The Cure's influence, and Robert was just there to comment. The only really interesting parts were when Robert actually was talking, lol! I loved his Ronald McDonald theory!

  14. i thought robert was funny, article as a whole was irritating.

  15. andythecurefan

    what evidence do you have that it's a load of shit? I actually find it easier to believe that at this point in the BIG record companies legacy...they don't want something like a double many double albums have really truly succeeded? and that was when universal/geffen was doing REALLY well. now they are doing horribly...they want something short and sweet to get out there...nothing too challenging...something to pick up sales.

  16. URRGGHHHH!!! I loathe this kind of writing! What's with the "Pope of Mope" and "bobster" and "Bob's your Uncle" bull shit? I remember when I heard an MTV VJ call RS the Pope of Mope in 1987 when she introduced the "Why Can't I be You?" video. didn't she find it ironic then? Every single time they interview Robert there are all of these catty references to his hair and if it is a surprise that he dresses that way.
    Where are the questions about the songs themselves? How they felt about the 4 Tour? The fan outrage at the US tour postponement? i coudl go on and on. I am so very SAD that this is the only interview we will get.
    I hope beyond hope that someone with half a noggin over at Geffen picked some meaty fan questions for the website.

  17. I think Robert made his thoughts on the feral reaction to the usa tour postponement pretty clear at the time ie a tad over THE TOP!

  18. I agree Swifty- but it is still interesting.

  19. "Smith himself famously wrote 'Disintegration' on a pretty huge amount of LSD."

    Why have I never heard of that? I knew previous records were fueled by all kinds of drugs/substances, but if they/he was on acid for most of Disintegration... that might explain some things...

  20. "'I think this is like a five-foot line of speed and this straw means we're supposed to snort it.'"

    and might I add, LOL. XD

  21. Yeah, Robert's said that while writing Disintegration he was using LSD to deal with his depression of turning 30 and becoming a bigger star, etc.

  22. It was'nt much of an interview, really.

    It was a funny read tho, 'specially the nude tennis thing


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  24. Just got my copy, and what a waste of a interview.....NME has been shit for a long time now.I reckon RS was in his late 30s when most MNE'S readers were born...Nothing said about the songs, nothing said about the band..vacuous journalism(again!!).What a shame if this is the only interview we'll get..IMO all this MTV and NME only promo vehicle is to attract an even younger audience and the band certainly don't need's a real let down , as i think the music is still great if not inovative anymore...What next? Glo sticks in the crowd? I certainly hope not.

  25. It would have been ok if it wasn't the only interview he's doing.

    Under those circumstances I'd hope for something a bit more in depth, like that one he did for the Face all those years ago-you know: deep/ interesting questions that would inspire him to give frank answers. If you stand Robert in a room full of Tim Burtonesque scenery for two hours and then ask him questions about "Goth" and taking drugs he's going to get bored and take the piss!! Quite rightly!

    By the way, the comment made by Drew McConnell from Babyshambles in the news section announcing the award just about sums himself/themselves up: "they (the Cure) represent true gothic music". Arsehole!

  26. If I read the word "goth" one more time I was going to scream.

  27. Part 2 of the interview is now online at and it's a whole lot more interesting(in the sense that part 1 was fucking awlful.)

  28. Did you ever have any bad trips while taking all that LSD to write ‘Disintegration?

    “No actually I have never had a bad trip, never. It does set you off though, you take other drugs at the wrong time at the wrong moment and it does set me off again. Some of my younger nephews and nieces say ‘come on uncle Robert have a bit of this’. And I'm like ‘oh yeah, alright’ and then I’m like ‘fuck!’ I'm sitting there an hour later and they’re going ‘are you alright?’ ‘what?’”


  29. Don't they ask questions during interviews ? This read more like a short story.

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  31. Last week I went around to a few local bookstores to buy this issue but all of them do not carry NME anymore. So after reading that so called article/interview I'm glad I didn't get it.

    Well the parts written by the magazine guy was the typical crap for NME and I only enjoyed what Robert had to say! Funny! LOL!!! :)
