
Sunday, October 26, 2008

HDNet Charlotte setlist

Underneath The Stars, Prayers For Rain, Want, Pictures Of You, The Only One, Wrong Number, The Walk, Sleep When Im Dead, Just Like Heaven, Primary, It's Over. (Thank Darrell and Mike)


  1. im dying to see video of this!!! im so impatient lol :P be really coll if i happen to get shown in there just a glimpse :P AHHHHHHHHH

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  3. the order might be mixed up, have to look again but i think the rest of the set was
    pictures of you, the only one, wrong number, the walk, sleep when i'm dead, primary
    and it's over(baby rag dog book)

  4. That was such a great show that it's disappointing to see what they broadcast -- especially since no recording of the show seems to be floating around.

  5. Yeah, but if they showed the whole thing, it would be online in no time! So I have a feeling we are in for a DVD of this show!

  6. Awesome! I got 4 of the 7 non-4:13 Dream songs that I wanted:

    Wrong Number

    Nice bonus, the 3 best live 4:13 songs played at Charlotte:
    UTS, It's Over & SWID.

    A friend of mine recorded it on DVD for me. Should be in the mailbox by Friday ...

  7. They didn't play Charlotte Sometimes in Charlotte?

    That's kind of silly!!

  8. Well they played it at the show, it just didn't make the cut for the tv version.

  9. Underneath the Stars
    Prayers for Rain
    Wrong Number
    Baby Rag Dog Book (cuz that was it's name in June)

    All in HD! Simon in his HDPHT's. LOL!

  10. It's a great show. I look forward to it on dvd....

  11. i loved watching it. hdnet is a great channel tonight with all the concerts

  12. I don't have HD nor was I even close to a TV to watch this

    According to CPG Anah and I do not appear in all our giddy glory - thank the LORD for that! (The lord I don't believe in...)

    NOR did they show the freakin' FAITH encore, the one that made me go all MANIC

    I still would LOVE to see it. BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE.

  13. This was a great show, way better than the Fuse broadcast as far as setlist (IMO) Faith would've been great, but I didn't anticipate they would show it :-)


  14. This is the show I attended. It was great to be back there again even if it was for only 54 minutes. I hope that they will release the complete show since I was prohibited from entering with my recorder. Yeah, I wish they had put the Faith encore in there. It was just over too quickly!

  15. C'mon, did anyone actually expect them to play the Faith encore? It alone would've taken up about half the time slot, and you know they're not going to do that on HDNET.

    But it was GREAT to see Prayers for Rain, Want, and Primary, especially since they didn't play any of those in Salt Lake.

  16. well, given that they did the faith encore ONLY for charlotte, the implication was they were doing it for HDNET. but perhaps rsx has other things in mind for that recording; let's hope so. dying to see it in full.

  17. maybe one of these days, robert will actually forget that he ever wrote 'wrong number.'

  18. What do you think the odds are that they will release the full concert on DVD?

    Slim, I know. But why would they? Why would they give us everything we want?

    I still want to know Craig's score on BTIntro.

    Hi Cat!!! I love you!!

  19. Poppycock!

    Wrong Number, while lackluster in its recorded form is one of the highlights of the current live set.

    That said, it's my guess that HDNET aired the songs that Robert wanted them to air. You'll notice in the credits that he was the one who mixed the sound for the broadcast.

    As for a DVD.. I think the quality of the camerawork was just fine for a network broadcast. However, to plunk down the $30 or so for a DVD, these days we expect a little more.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. i recorded it on my pvr last night,
    didn't see it all yet but what i did looked and sounded great. I am going to record it to a dvd (standard def only, no hd dvd recorder yet). When I do, i will be happy to upload the dvd video files for everyone if someone can give me someplace to upload it to.
    Let me know, Cheers, Steve

  22. Well with no Faith Encore shown, in one way I'm kind of glad I didn't get HD TV just for an hours worth of the concert. But in another way seeing any Cure concert is worth seeing it no matter what.

    I do hope this is comes out on DVD. Why would they play the Faith Encore and not use it for anything special?

  23. Steve, try to upload files. You don't need an account in order to do so.

  24. Steve - DVD video files seem to big to fit on as cure_kitty suggests. for something that big. i'd just recommend you torrent it. or don't do DVD files, instead do AVI and make the file size around 700mb

  25. I'm a little annoyed that they play Primary a bit slower these days... :(

    just a LITTLE bit annoyed...i still love it ...

    Want sounded great!!!!
