
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Exclusive interview with NME

Robert has posted an update at the official site. Exclusive interview with NME, on sale Oct. 29th.


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  2. Craig, I know this has been asked before, but when do you sleep??? (the time says 5 something am)
    Or do you work? you exist?
    If you don't , I suppose you're god!

  3. seriously, i 2nd that.

    craig - why don't you just make COF your job? sell some ad space or something. you're always on. then again, so am i, but i'm 20 and don't work that much. what's the deal?

    thanks for all the work, don't get me wrong.

  4. Interview with NME?! O_o That sounds interesting.... Some scans, anyone (when this issue comes out)?

  5. Wow an "audiovisual extravaganza"?! Can't wait for that! =D

  6. Isn't the audio visual extravaganza the widget thinggy???..I will endeavour to send scans, should be able get the NME in London on tuesday

  7. wonder if that is the cure tv he mentioned oh so long ago

  8. Number of points:

    Craig - you must get alarm call alerts or have a hotline to Robert!

    "Comeback!" Only in the sense that the NME has decided (owing to the polls) that it has to take notice again after all these years.

    Audiovisual extravaganza means that there is a definate re-hash of the website and maybe, maybe that Cure TV thing. Al the videos, the rights to the MTV/Fuse/MSG...PARIS??? recordings...

    .... or footage of poor Robert wading through 10,000 questions on a laptop! (Haha!)

    I will scan and send from the UK (if I am not beaten to it!)

  9. Comeback, lol.

    Visual/Audio extravaganza, YES!

    Bring it on!

  10. I think Craig is a machine working for SkyNet.

  11. I think it's funny that NME gets an exclusive...

  12. Isn't the audio visual extravaganza the widget thinggy???


    If the last x-number of years the official site has been around is any indication then you might not be too far off the mark!! An animated GIF might qualify!

  13. er... did anyone notice that THIS week's NME - out today has reviewed 4:13 Dream and given it 8 out of 10???

  14. sunflies : Any chance you could transcribe that for us? :P

  15. Sunflies: No I didn't, i've been looking for that issue and NME haven't updated the review section of their site either :(.

    Thanks for the news though, i've been wondering which issue they would put it in. 8/10 is a good score! All been 7s and 8s so far! (touch wood).

  16. I always look forward to the interviews in all of the magazines when a new album comes out; even if they say the same thing. bummer.

  17. why does nme suddenly care about the cure? the magazine has always hated them.

  18. can you buy NME in the states? If so, where?

    Sounds very exciting! Maybe that is when the web site will be updated too??? I can't wait to see it!!!! :)

    And what is all this nonsense about a Comeback? What comeback are they talking about? Did the band hide under a rock or hibernate in cave the past four years? NME has been blind for too long! I haven't really read the rag in years but I'll buy the issue to support the band.

  20. The last issue of NME I bought was the GOTH! tribute one with Robert on the cover...
    That must have been about 4 years ago...

  21. singled out---Try B&N and maybe even Borders, they do carry most of the popular music magazines from the UK. However at B&N, they usually they don't have the most recent issue out until two weeks after its been released in the UK but still it's worth a try.

    Too bad Tower Records has no more stores in the states, they always had an awesome collection of music publications from around the world.

  22. beau that's the last NME issue I got too!!! :)

  23. Robert's hairstyle on the cover there looks to be ages old...

  24. Yeah I remember this picture from a NME cover from 1995 or 96...

  25. is supposedly streaming 4:13 dream.... anyone notice that?

  26. sith: yes, but i didn't feel like registering with them.

  27. Sithswimmer, good catch! Does NME have permission to do that so far ahead of the official release?

  28. Looks like they're just giving snippets of all the songs on the album.

  29. Thanks Cure_kitty. I agree about Tower... I miss going there. I'm one of those instant gratification people who prefers CDs over MP3's. It sucks that all of the music stores have closed :( Maybe I don't want to wait 3-5 days for a CD!!!!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Sorry about being off topic, but I've just found that the complete version of Coca-Cola Live is now up in dime. It's in the DVD format and includes the interview at the beginning. Here's the link:

  32. Junko,

    THANKS! any other cool dimeadozen cure stuff you recommend?

  33. junko, is the quality any better do you know, or is it just the youtube videos put on a dvd?

  34. Mike: Well, I don't know much about other stuff on dime. All I can say is this complete show is most popular among the Cure related files now.;-)

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  36. Robert looks like a cross between a Troll Doll and a Rasta in that NME cover pic :)

  37. corrosiveheadpollution: A good quality. Not those YouTube videos. It must be captured from the original broadcast because there's the MTV logo on the upper right of the screen. The file size is 4.16 GB.

  38. humptydumpty- I've called Craig "some kind of Jesus" before, what with all his throwing of presents down our respective chimneys .... but I honestly believe that he LIVES IN THE INTERNET TOOBZ...

    Kate said...
    "I think it's funny that NME gets an exclusive..."

    ME TOO!!! WTH?!

  39. yeah, WTF indeed - why is RSX only doing TWO interviews???

  40. I think he should do 413 interviews. At least, that's my dream.
