
Friday, October 17, 2008

Ask Robert

From the official site:

Ask Robert
10/17/2008 12:00:00 AM - by Geffen


  1. Yep. Maybe I'll send some when I get home.
    Like why don't you get O.B. Laden killed?

  2. With the title, I was tempted to ask advice but I couldn't think of any I needed, heh.

  3. If you need spray net tips...

    ...aww, I'm disappointed with myself.

  4. I like his tie in that photo.

  5. its kinda hard! i have a lot of doubts, but when it comes to really asking them it gets hard.

  6. Well, my difficulty was in thinking of something that he many not have been asked a million, million times!

  7. Do you think that if everyone asks something along the lines of "why do you never keep your promises ? I'm sure the dark album will never come out " he'll get piqued and release the album just to spite us?
    Elementary psychology. Well, that's the problem, maybe Rob is too clever to fall for something as obvious as that.

  8. Ohhhh exciting! Just sent my question in... it's really difficult thinking of something both interesting AND unique though; I'm not expecting to get an answer...

  9. I asked about why he doesn't feel like saying every album is the last one anymore.

    And also how he looks back at Bloodflowers, given that they've moved in a more vivacious, "band"-like sound since then (especially The Cure, which was "live").

  10. dear robert, is there really a santa claus?

  11. i actually sent many questions, i didnt know if there was a limit or anything so i sent like 10 to see if at least one of them makes it through

  12. I asked him what his favorite song on the new album is, and what band he's listening to the most right now.

  13. i asked this:

    Do you have any plans for touring next year? (i know he said no, but maybe he'll come around)

    What are the things you like the most about this current line-up?

    Which are your favourite songs on the new album 4:13 Dream and why?

    What prompted you to make 4:13 Dream the way its done? What inspired you to write those songs?

    Are you aware of some of the fans discontent on the way Jason plays the drums? If so, what do you think of it?

    What do you enjoy the most of playing live with this line-up?

    Would you reconsider bringing back the keyboards for some songs instead of pre-recorded tracks on the live performances?

    What do you think of global warming, are you an echological person?

    What was the most enjoyable thing when recording this album?

    In which way would you way it is different this album or better or worse than the other albums?

    What's the reason for removing the keyboards?

    What was the reason for firing Perry Bamonte and Roger O'Donell? (i know its a bit late but i really don'd know! :S)

  14. i sent in a couple.
    i think we all sort of have standard questions though. i'd like someone to ask something we've never heard before.

  15. I asked him what it's like working with his brother-in-law since I know how hard it can sometimes be to work with family. I told him it looks like it's working great from the outside looking in, thought! :D

  16. Maree - I know, I had a hard time trying to think of something pressing that won't already be asked 5,000 times.

    I like the pic. :)

  17. i asked who he'd vote for in america if he could.

  18. My question:
    "Music-based video games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero have become incredibly popular in the last few years, as they allow fans to "play along" with some of their favorite songs. The games have included hundreds of licensed songs from artists including Interpol, Bob Dylan, the Pixies, David Bowie, Dinosaur Jr., and more, primarily through a paid download service similar to iTunes.

    Is there any chance we might see Cure music available for either Rock Band or Guitar Hero in the near future? "

  19. id cry if i saw the cure on guitar hero!

    im like the only person who doesnt like that game. =/

    to me it be adding to commericialism. they already did the HP thing.. so i guess it wouldnt matter if they did it agian *sigh*

  20. yeah, well you're lactose intolerant too. so there.

  21. I like that question about who would he vote for as the new America president. I'm fascinated by that.

    I know a lot of the people who come to this site don't live in America. But I'd be curious to know who they think would be the better American president...Obama or McCain?

    Or maybe they just don't give a rat's ass. I, for one, couldn't even tell you who ran for president the last time in Canada...And they're attached to us! :)

  22. Dear Robert, why do you think Cure fans are so negative, ungrateful, pessimistic, pedantic, spiteful, short sighted, rude, thoughtless, fickle, whiney, and unthankful toward you and the band?

  23. destinb: Mine was almost a carbon copy of yours :)

    Video games such as Rock Band and Guitar Hero have proven very popular lately and have been a great way for artists to get their music out. Is there any chance that The Cure will one day feature on one of these games?

  24. I think these things are kind of lame. They act as a press release by proxy. The questions are sorted by staffers and then ground is covered from there. It's not like anything interesting of a musical nature will come out. Plus there are untold numbers of idiots who will ask questions about lipstick or food or something blatantly obvious. Couple that with RSX bad memory, outright lies (if it suits or amuses him, not malicious lies)and the fact that many of us have a far better grasp on the bands history than he does makes this a bit underwhealming I'm afraid. It should make for some conversation and maybe a little humor as well.

  25. "May your neighbours discover Rock Band" is a powerful curse. :^P

  26. I wonder when the interview happened? Any news? Well, I submitted just one question.

  27. I agree, it's probably going to be bland. Putting the best spin on it, they'll probably pick some questions that were asked by a lot of people -- in other words, that are bland. And then Robert will answer them quickly, in caps lock.

    I like Rock Band and Guitar Hero. They are pretty fun. I don't see it as the same as putting a song in a commercial. It's not associating the song with a new product like a printer or a car, it's just another way for people to engage with and enjoy the music.

  28. Meh, I don't think of video games as being much different from movies. That being said, I would far rather hear a Cure song in Ico than in GTA. I mean, being selective about which projects you associate with still applies. I suppose with the immense popularity of games like Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Karaoke Revolution, Dance Dance Revolution, etc it becomes a trend like music videos(though not as important perhaps) that at some point one might want to contribute to on some level. I wouldn't mind seeing a Cure hit in any of them really.

  29. Robert is cooperating with the label? For an "exclusive" on their OWN site?

  30. 2 questions sent! Thanks for the heads up, Craigers.

    One was about if he's changed his mind on writing about politics in art, since he seems just as suited to provide solutions to problems as Palin or Bush, and more so.

    The second was about whether his family structure and willingness be sad about the world prevents him from feeling suicidal.

    Though I didn't ask, I also would love to know how he can be happy enough to not feel suicidal and confident in his approach to life, but seemingly think he's not up to being a parent. Always puzzled me.

  31. I asked this:

    "Has anyone found Cat's nipples on the 4 Tour?"

  32. Already sent my questions. It's quite exciting to send questions to your most apreciated musician!!!

  33. "Do you feel you´re contributing *against* global warming by not changing your black shirt since 2001?"
    "PS: short pants and skirts don´t count."

  34. I asked if any novels inspired 4:13 or The Dark Album. Yawn..but he's answered that in the past so we'll see.

  35. I love that picture of him. Isnt the email closed now?

  36. Carlos, I can answer some of these right now. He is well aware of what some people think of Jason's drumming, and has already stated that he thinks that Jason is the best drummer the band has ever had, and to please put the Boris vs. Jason stuff to rest. He removed the keyboards to change the sound of the band. He also fired Roger and Perry to change the sound of the band.

  37. Shawn- i have read some of those answers on peoples comments but i just wasn't sure, thanks for answering:) so no personal reasons for firing Roger and Perry? just sound reasons?

  38. "the fact that many of us have a far better grasp on the bands history than he does"

    It's 6:24 am right now and that still made me laugh!

  39. Sent some more questions a few hours ago:

    1. Why does he insist on rhyming his lyrics nowadays, as it restricts his word choices; his older albums had few rhymes but excellent lyrics.

    2. When does he know to stop working and adding things to a song.

    3. Has the working dynamic changed? Is this a collaborative album or more driven by his dictatorial tendencies or in-between? How did the songs come about? (Demos, jam sessions, etc)

    4. Has he watched the politically insightful, dramatically realistic new Battlestar Galactica yet?

  40. I hope Robert selects them himself and it's not some Geffen person who might not care about interesting questions and will reduce everything to generics.

  41. well, all those twats who have asked things like "why have you still got Jason in the band" or "do you know lots of fans don't like him", be prepared for a large fuck off as your answer. I can't believe the lack of tact some people have PLUS Robert will take it very personally, I mean, he really likes the guy as a drummer and as a friend. sheesh... and how do you think Jason feels hearing all this rubbish? back off the guy for the love of christ..

  42. My question is, Robert, are you currently considering any collaborations with any other artists? I really enjoyed your work with Junkie XL, Junior Jack, Paul Hartnoll, Tweaker, blink-182 and others. I wanted to know if you were thinking about working with for example: She Wants Revenge on their next album or something. It'd be excellent if you would.

  43. I asked my question... hope some of us get in there.... he'll be inundated !!

  44. Sun., Oct. 26 - 8:00 PM ET
    5:00 PM PT The Cure - 4Play in Charlotte - Premiere - The multi-platinum, ground breaking British band that defined a decade as the quintessential musical voice of the 80s, The Cure, perform in Charlotte, North Carolina, as part of a summer tour while working on their new cd release, 4:13 Dream. They perform tracks from all 13 albums, including “Just Like Heaven,” “Pictures of You” and “Prayers for Rain.” The Cure are one of the most popular alternative rock bands in the world, with over 27 million albums sold, and if you’ve never seen them live, this is a concert that can’t be missed!


    this is from their HDNet Concert Series 10/20-26 Schedule Newsletter

  45. and it will also be on

    Mon., Oct. 27 - 12:34 AM ET
    Sun., Oct. 26 - 9:34 PM PT


    Mon., Oct. 27 - 5:04 AM ET
    2:04 AM PT

    according to the newsletter

  46. Posted that back on Oct. 1st. and it's been on top of the page for a while now, too. Haven't added the repeat dates, but will get around to it soon,

  47. And in case you missed this info, too, the show will only be an hour.

  48. I don't think it's Jason's drumming people dislike... I think it's the snare sound, and people think that's entirely his fault - but it's not. It's quite dry on the Mix 13 versions of the new songs... But that's more a problem with modern production... Seems like people are trying to get as far away as possible from that reverb-soaked 80's sound. Listen to the new Metallica single... The snare is dead as a doornail! Lots of artists that found glory in the 80's have made conscious efforts to modernise their sound and I respect them for that. Just means that what was perhaps an element of a band's signature sound has changed and it feels uncomfortable. But seriously, this new material is SO good... The Scream, Switch, It's Over... My god, Jason could be playing dustbin lids for all I care. It all rocks!

    For th avoidance

  49. Dumb Anguish : I do not know the answer to Robert about it but I think OBAMA would be a good president for U.S. It is my opinion of course.....
    There will be a lot of stupid questions.
    What matters is not written in English will be read???????I think not ....

  50. Well said, Feather... while I am certain it probably has a lot of incredibly redeeming value, fame would seriously send me over the edge! It just seems that there are about a million times more ways to be exposed to the asshattery of humankind. I don't think I would have RS's restraint when fielding comments like that about my projects and the people I choose to work with. %^P

  51. Okay, I think I JUST figured out what The Real Snow White is about...and it made my blood run cold... so disturbed me that I started to tremble. Scary. Seriously. Haven't even looked at the COF lyrics yet... What's scarier is that it coincides with an actual dream I had... NOT a happy dream either.

    The Scream also makes my blood run cold, but for different reasons. I feel my blood pressure drop, I get goose bumps. It builds up, slowly leading into the final minute of the song; a violent torrent of swirling guitars, and frantic, insane, desperate (but beautiful!), percussion from Jason. I think someone on here said this song could've been on Pornography... obviously a much more technically and musically advanced version! I think Switch could be put in the same category.

    There's a lot more pain and anguish on this album than I thought there would be...

    Of course, everyone has to judge for themselves. I've been trying to listen without any preconceived notions. Just listen without bias and FEEL what's going on. All the songs (sans Freakshow) have an underlying "dark" fervor to them, even UTS.

    I think they are heading down a very dark road. Where will this road lead? Is there a way out? Or does further seeking only lead to more endless darkness?

    2 things after listening more carefully:

    1) Have they come full circle here? or should I say, are they beginning to approach that point? (via the future "dark" album)

    2) Is Robert losing (more) of his mind, or is it that he's in the process of exorcising some of the grimmest, most dreadful demons he's ever had?

    Serious prediction: Once this 4:13 dream business is over, we will be in for the most solemn, bleak, and plutonic album we've ever seen....
    it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...

  52. as for the US elections...
    I'm from Portugal
    Always vote Democrat...
    Only the narrow-minded inbreeding non-costal americans would prefer to keep shagging sheep with Reagen, the Bushes and McCain

  53. my quetions were:

    Why is the voice so loud in the mix in the last three albums?

    Why do you insist on singing too many times the title of the song or other things as soon as it starts?

    Please explain why did you leave for good the use of the pure sounding Fender VI and Jazzmaster and Telecaster and... in favour of more metalic sounding (custom-made) guitars?

    Do you consider Jason someone you can rely upon musically (live)? Wouldn't you prefer someone more 'outburstive' criatevely, spontaneitively and energy-wise?

    Why did you and Severin tried to fool everybody stating the 'demos' on the bonus CD2 of The Glove's deluxe edition were from 1983?

    Music For Dreams?

    In Orange, Live In Tokyo, Staring At The Sea (with all the in-between bits), Picture Show, Play Out on DVD????? When?

    A new DVD made of TV appearances?

    The 2009 dark album? Will it happen? will it be postponed ad aeternum? Why do you say it's dark? Trying it to be dark doesn't make it dark...

    Carnage Visors, Eyemou and other things on DVD?

    Janie, from the International Information Service (CureNews) - How is she?

  54. Feather said:
    "I can't believe the lack of tact some people have PLUS Robert will take it very personally, I mean, he really likes the guy as a drummer and as a friend. sheesh... and how do you think Jason feels hearing all this rubbish? back off the guy for the love of christ.."

    i never said i am unhappy with Jason as the cure drummer, in fact i like him ALOT especially with the new songs, i just sent that question because it also annoyes me that people are always saying crap about him, and i'm interested in what Robert things of him as a drummer. my question never mentioned me being rude or complaining about Jason.

  55. helsa,

    "Okay, I think I JUST figured out what The Real Snow White is about...and it made my blood run cold... so disturbed me that I started to tremble. Scary. Seriously."

    well i'd certainly like to hear your interpretation now!

  56. Sofi, I don't want to give anyone any specific ideas. (read: specific, preconceived notions)... I suppose, um, I could email it to you if you'd like...?

    Wait, isn't there a chat room somewhere?? eh, maybe email would be safer.. lemme know.

  57. Todd- I just wanted to respond to your earlier comment "this. here and now. with you, sounds like it was written by an inexperienced band"

    There IS a very fractured, dysfunctional sound to it, but I believe it's intentional. There's an attempt to sound "composed" but at the same time, something is unraveling, coming undone, and I think that is what the music is supposed to reflect.
    That song made me feel uneasy at first, but now, I think it's one of the saddest, most heartrending songs he's EVER written... it's very painful. The Reasons Why is equally as depressing. It sounds to me like they are going back to their roots in many respects, while simultaneously staying fresh.

    On a separate note, I think his vocals are mostly off, "dodgy", on The Real Snow White...and for good reason I suppose... after the song is over, he says, "It's definitely hard work doing this in front of people...!" INdeed... still love him to death though.

  58. helsa, my email addy is in my profile! i'm intrigued...

  59. Hope he doesn't mind being asked 'when is the dark album coming out'??

  60. Trying to be less obvious:

    1. Best Lyre


    You have played many 6 stringed guitars/basses over the last 35 years. If you could only take one through the pearly gates, which one would join you in the clouds?

    2. Tapes & Loops


    As a live band The Cure, for the most part, have always physically played what you here at the concert. The new lineup, as adept as you guys are, require more loops and tapes to fill the gaps. Does this affect the pride The Cure have always had about their live shows, "No Overdubs!", or does the current energy you guys are producing on stage out weigh having to use these effects to fully complete the songs for the fans?

  61. What does D.N.A. stand for?

    National Dyslexia Association

  62. I asked 13 questions including what he thought of COF!

  63. Oh I always miss the new news from Robert! I should read the COF more often on the weekends. And now it's too late to submit a question too! :( I just wanted to know, does he use Goth Juice??? LOL!

    Even if I did know about this sooner, I really have no idea what I would have asked that didn't sound dumb or has been asked before. Should be interesting what gets answered and what Robert will say. And I wonder will Robert read all the questions or will some flackie from TMU deciding what to give him? Nothing controversial or pervey I'm sure.
