
Monday, October 20, 2008

Ask Robert update

From the official site:
UPDATE: We have received 10,000 questions (Thank you!) and have reached the breaking point. The "Ask Robert" email is now closed. Stay tuned for Robert's answers.

I think it might take a few days to go through all of those questions. : )


  1. Can't wait to read his answers to those 10 000 questions...

  2. does he HAVE answers for 10,000 questions?

    i wonder how many were "HOW DO U GET U HAIR 2 DO THAT?!"


  3. Sofia, I made the mistake of lingering on the official site shortly after the "Ask Robert" announcement, and if the comments on there are anything to go by I think an awful lot of the questions are gonna be about Robert's underwear...

  4. i dont think he is going to answer all 10 000 questions, its ridiculous, plus i bet half of those questions are the same three questions,which means about 2500 questions are about robert's underware and 2000 questions are about the dark album and 1000 are about the keyboards. so that leaves us with 5000 questions from which he will only choose like

    i's still pretty excited though:) its going to be interesting, hope they post it really soooooon!! only 7 more days to go:)

  5. Well, after 9 607 questions who's going to be left to count?

  6. Aw, Carlos, did you have to bring logic into this?

  7. I'm hoping this will be part of the new 4:13 website, so maybe we'll see it this weekend, or monday at the latest?

  8. haha im sorry hynreck, you just make like you never saw my comment and keep on dreaming:)

  9. Yep, I agree with Craig's wish here. I too, thought it would be to open the new website.
    *fingers crossed*

  10. eeep! I hope so too hynreck! Can't wait for those 10,000 answers! :p

  11. Yes, put me down as one who thought it was probably going to be part of a new site design launch... I hope we are right! :^D

    I am sure that with repeats, etc there can't be more than 20 substantial questions to answer. 10k, lol. Someone is going to be busy!

  12. JAYSUS

    at least 9,000 of those were mine!

  13. ...I would just love to see Robert's expression as he peeks at some of those emails. I mean, how sawweeeet would that be. Perhaps a nice shade of fushia?

  14. They'd probably find that after removing the "will you marry me?", "when will you tour again?" and "how do you do your hair?" questions, there will be less than 500 legitimate questions.

  15. Kay,
    I think Robert's most likely turned a few different shades of green... I know I would! :D

  16. oh, and I like your profile pic of Robert. He looks quite handsome in that shade of blue... <3

  17. I wonder how many he is really going to answer. I hope it isn't the easy questions that all of us already know the answers to, lol.

    I actually asked some semi-normal ones (I think, lol) Here is what I sent in (plus, if they use any of the questions, you saw it here first!)

    Robert, Do you ever listen to the older Cure records just for the sake of listening to them, or do you find it strange, especially with albums like Pornography where the band was in a sensitive state?

    Do you think the Cure will ever tour again?

    What ever happened to your Jazzmasters? Will they make a comeback in your shows?

    How many shows do you think The Cure has played over its lifetime?

    Do you ever watch the covers of Cure songs that people post on YouTube?

    Lol, I probably could have been more original, but I think he has enough weird questions already to sift through!

  18. Actually, I WAS tempted to ask about his hair... :P I asked some questions I KNEW many people will ask (i.e. the Dark Album) but I guess the more people ask, the more likely he'll answer it! And I really couldn't help it...

    Really looking forward to this. Hope this really comes with the new site!

  19. Oh I always miss the new news from Robert! I should read the COF more often on the weekends. And now it's too late to submit a question too! :( I just wanted to know, does he use Goth Juice???

    Even if I did know about this sooner, I really have no idea what I would have asked that didn't sound dumb or has been asked before. Should be interesting what gets answered and what Robert will say. And I wonder will Robert read all the questions or will some flackie from TMU deciding what to give him? Nothing controversial or pervey I'm sure.

  20. I'd be surprised if Robert goes through all the questions himself...that’d be very interesting indeed. But I guess some people from TMU will pick them for him. :(

  21. This is what I sent in.


    You've now acknowledged my M sign at two different Texas shows. Do signs like mine bother you? Should I leave it at home next time?

    Do you know what Simon thought of my Reading Royals jersey with his name on the back? I know he saw it in Austin, TX.

  22. Cure kitty - I asked if he has ever used Goth Juice! I really want to know!
    Apart from that i asked stupid questions i can't remember except if there will be a follow up to 10 imaginary years.

  23. I asked "Where the F**K did you get that tie!?"

    Amongst another 12 questions!

    Just posted this on the wrong thread!

  24. I understand he got the tie in Bangkok.

  25. Lila--Oh good I'm glad you submitted that to him! I know someone would have asked him that question too. Let's hope he answers that one! LOL!!! :0

    Silly fan girls stuff is the best!!!

    Please don't mind me I'm having a fan girl moment!!! ;p
