
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lullaby from Fuse

Fuse has put up a clip of Lullaby from the MSG show. Also on Youtube. (Thanks Aaron and Beau)


  1. Thanks guys for da links! :)

    Hey beau--How have you been lately?

  2. There is also the "SWID" Fuse clip and some Cure videos.

    I liked the video quality.


  3. Hey guys, i would hope to find the other FUSE videos soon so i can uplaod and get the full load! But thanks for watching!

  4. Hey, cure_kitty i'm pretty good thanks :). I don't know if you've been on MFC recently but I made it into the Uni I wanted to go which is in my home town. My GF is going to Cardiff though so I shall be going up to see her. :)
    I passed my driving test at the end of July (I don't know if you knew about that) so overall its been a pretty good couple of months. Apart from the terrible weather :(.
    How about yourself, Diana? :)
    You had an enjoyable summer?

  5. Sorry I should say "My GF is going to a different Uni though so I shall be going up to see her :)" Rather than mentioning specifics.

  6. ....... come into my parlor
    said the spider to the fly
    for i have a little something here ..........

    ( Robert makes a sucking noise )

    tres cute!

    thanks for the links .......

    and btw, i'm new here

  7. thank aaron and beau!

    beau! *hug*

    cardiff?? AAAH!! please visit spillers records ;)

  8. Birdmad Gurl - I haven't seen the video yet (cursed work Firewalls) but at the Adelaide concert when Robert sang that part, he pretended to be smoking a joint ;)

  9. DJ :). *hugs*

    I shall be visiting it I assure you :). I was talking to my gf about it the other day actually and I said she had to take me there when I saw her :P.

    How have you been? :)

  10. Cat - the future gets brighter with every passing hour..... it IS Friday after all!

  11. Wtf, am I putting kisses for?
    Sorry kisses for everyone xxxxxxx.
    Urgh, i'm too tired.
    Ignore me :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi beau,
    Would have responded sooner, but I didn’t see this till now.

    No I haven’t been on the MFC most of the summer so I missed your good news. That’s great you got into Uni in your hometown. Is your Girlfriend’s Uni far from yours? Have fun! Not sure if Uni in the UK is the same as it is here in the US but it’s all parties & good times. Oh and studying too! Good Luck to you & your girlfriend, I hope you both do well. And congrats on the driving test and having a good summer. Bad weather, was it hot or did it rain a lot?

    As for me, I’m good but the summer went by too fast. I took a lot of weekend trips and was busy helping my Grandmother. She’s not doing too well so my Mom & I help her out a few times a week. All in all summer was nice. Weather was great, not too hot or rainy most days. I’ll be going on vacation next week with family to the beach down in North Carolina. It should be a fun week.

    Hey I have to send you a proper e-mail out soon. Take care & enjoy the weekend.

    CK :)
