
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hypnagogic preview

Check out out some Hypnagogic preview clips here. (Thanks Bill)

Update: And at the official site, too.


  1. Surprisingly, the one that intrigued me the most was the Gerard Way remix...And of course the 65DOS one is beautiful so far.

    The Only One remix is sorta odd...Not quite sure where it is going yet, but we'll see...

  2. sounding godawful, all.

    but since i'm a completest...

  3. I kind of like what I hear so far, but I really want to hear the full versions. Kind of a techno thing going on there, which isn't always a bad thing.

  4. Given that I have no musical talent at all, I try not to be truly critical of anyone that actually tries anything musically.... but, with those little snippets I am dreading hearing the full version destruction of Freakshow and Perfect Boy.

    But same as Sofia, the collection must be complete :)

  5. OMG. The first 4 suck. Thank God for 65 days. It's the only one that sounds interesting.

    I wish Robert had done the others on his own a la Mixed Up (or whomever did those) I can't wait to hear the "first side" (my big brother had it on tape) of that when it's remastered.

  6. From the samples I really like The Only One remix from Jared Leto, cos it gives the song a complete other direction and atmosphere. The other three remixes seem to be total crap. Exploding head syndrome sounds promising... and oh, I'm almost 100% sure that if the Jared Leto remix would be the 65 Days of Static one, most of you would like it. And if the short Exploding head syndrome sample would be the one from Leto you would dislike it. That's what I think... well *you know I'm right, eh?* ;)

  7. Made for eurotrash techno dance floors???Yeah let's wait and see..

  8. Actually, I take the negativity back. I kind of like what I am hearing after all. Maybe I'll change my mind again when I hear the entire remixes repeatedly, but for now, I am actually intrigued.

  9. Well... I'm fully in love with the new Mogwai record. It's awesome... I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead is the best song they've ever made. That made my month of September. So I can wait until whenever 4:13 Dream will be released.

  10. Whatever happened to those classic Extended Remixes? No one does them anymore. Nowadays, people take the song, add a bunch of beats that has nothing to do with the song and it's turned into something completely different. I'm too old fashioned.

  11. sucks sucks lease mixed up had structure and added dimensions to the songs without taking away or distracting from them...

    and before i get slagged off fr basing my opinion on these clips, which should be enough to make a sound judgment anyway, i got to listen to an advance copy..even the 65 days version is a mess, like someone said if they switched the name around and jared did the exploding head syndrome veryone woul probably hate it and if 65 days did the only one people would love it....weird bunch of people on here

  12. moontear: is the mogwai out then? i need to get it. i see them sept. 15th. first time since curiosa, when i saw them 6 times. can't freakin' WAIT! i was kinda disappointed in mr. beast, truth be told, so i hope i like this one better.

  13. No it's not offically out yet. But I found it on megaupload. Don't worry I'll buy it physically as well when it's out. ;)
    And yes, it's fantastic. Much better than Mr. Beast. I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead is worth the buying alone. It's awesome. Like a more powerful version of Auto Rock... loads of guitars. Thank You Space Expert is fantastic, too. I would have prefered if they'd added at least one song with vocals but now it's one hell of an epic instrumental record.

  14. I still detest the Jared Leto (?) remix. The others don't sound that bad though. We'll see.

  15. I don't like the vocals for Mogwai. I prefer the epic instrumentals. Can't wait to get the new album.

  16. WOW these are the worst remixes since the "the 13th" CD single went out.

    Only # sounds at least interesting.

    I will buy the EP only for charity but it's crap.

  17. the only one by jared let.. uhm well this short preview.. uhm, well i liked..

    freakshow-sleep when im dead-perfect boy... booorrrrrrring, too much cliche, too much techno cliche..

    65 days of static, as someone said.. it sounds promising

  18. I have pre-ordered the disc, but my "predicted" delivery date isn't until September 22. Isn't that a WEEK after the release?

  19. I'm not disappointed with what I've heard, but then I like stuff that's geared toward dance floors. After it's released, I'm going to see if I can get the guys who do the Transmission dance parties in Buffalo to play this, as I know that they're both big Cure fans.

  20. I think you have it exactly right, timothy!

  21. The Only One - kind of unlikly sounds for that song...but the officle-site-preview, especially the explosion in the end...seems promising despite all that

    Freakshow - uhm...awares of REALLY BAD techno stuff

    Sleep when I'm dead - dancy...but in a positiv way 'cause it really fits in the song. like that :)

    The perfect boy - difficult to remix that I think...quite minor...

    Exploding head syndrome - promising to me as well...but to be honest...this was 15 sec of a 20-minutes-track

  22. but in fact it's no matter how you like or dislike it, please buy just for charity!

  23. I'm here run!!!

    Anyway, I truly laugh out loud at Freakshow, I'm not saying it's good, I don't know, but it's so cliché and far from the original, I really started laughing. So I guess I'll give it a plus for making me laugh! (think positive people!)

    The Only One (jared leto) intrigues me, sounds interesting with the 2 snippets we got. Then again, as for the rest of this mini-critic, I don't know until I've heard it all.

    SWID, full-on cliché, exactly what I expected/dreaded from the beginning. OK so far, but we'll see. Less hopeful of the bunch, the less changed so far.

    The Perfect Boy, too cliché too, but more contrast. Weird beats tacked on, like somebody said. We'll see.

    65dos seems the most intriguing so far, could even be fracking good if the quality keeps up for 21 min.!!! But possibly, it could justify the buy by itself.

    and dear bunghole, it's okay, you have the right to your opinions and you will be respected by most of us. Just don't be paranoid (about us flaming you) to the point of insulting us. You were right on the edge, bro!! Peace out!

  24. I'll just add that these mini-critics were made from first listen only, so I reserve the right to change my mind and contradict myself!!

  25. so far it doesn't look like i'm getting this one, at least we're just a month away from the real meat.

  26. @Clockwise Cat: The new Mogwai pre-album EP Batcat is released tomorrow. I already have it and it's genuis as well. Containing two none-album tracks and one of them features Roky Erickson on Vocals and it's fantastic!!! ;)

  27. I agree with moutheyesheart - please buy it for charity. Yes, you could go and donate blood and $4.99 to the charity of your choice, but the thing is POWER IN NUMBERS. If all Cure fans buy this EP we are giving a large chunk to IRC. It's 5 bucks for Christ's sake. $5 x however many Cure fans can do alot of good. Then, if you don't need the EP in your collection, like I do, then give it to the Goodwill and you're giving to another charity. Nuf said.

    I think the 65DOS sounds very 65Daysish, and I can't wait to hear the whole track. 21 minutes....I hope it sounds as good as the firs 10 seconds. :) The others are very blah and I don't get much into techno-dance music. I prefer the original Mix 13 versions myself. TOO, TPB and FS didn't ever need to be remixed. Maybe re-recorded for better sound quality, but they were perfect the way they were. But again, the idea of getting several mainstream artists together for charity is a wonderful gesture.

    Ben - where've you been? I miss ya! Busy with school?

  28. Are we terribly sure yet that Geffen/Universal won't profit at all from this? I still want to buy the thing, but RSX never made it clear whether or not they are forgoing their profits as well. I want to buy this regardless, but it makes me much more wary if Geffen sees $$$ from this. Or did he make it clear somewhere that they too were forgoing moolah?

    And of course if leaders weren't so corrupt and people such sheeple we wouldn't *need* charity... but I digress...

  29. i favorite is Freakshow, jade did a great job. and it makes me want to listen to some Blaqk Audio. And my 2nd favorite is Sleep When I'm Dead. I never really listened to Julien-K, seen them at Projekt Revolution with Placebo. They were okay. Gerard Way from MCR is awesome. Sounds good.

    I really had high hopes for the Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz remix, the clip disappointed me. Hopefully the full track is better. And I loved the 65DoS remix. How the clip was building up in the end.

    The Jared Leto mix is just weird and not how I would interpret.

  30. yeah I've been a little busy with school lately caterpillar, towards the end of the week i get more time to play though.

    i don't think it makes a difference how we give to the a direct donation of 5 bucks would actually give more than buying the single once you subtract the manufacturing costs. plus i don't want to send the message that i like something when i don't. my dollar is like a vote to me. when i hear more i may buy it, i might not have heard enough to make a good choice yet, we'll see.

  31. Wow, so far I like what I hear!!! It's good gym music! Can't wait to hear it all. And I have to say I was one of the complainers when I first hear who was doing the re-mixes (except for 65-Days).

    Craig ~ glad to hear all is well with you!!!

  32. The Only One - its okay. but i have no love for it all.

    Freakshow - the most disaapointing of all. I do not like what i hear. I had such high high hopes for Jade Puget. blaqk audio stlye isnt perfect, if they arent careful, they sound too much like euro techno/house trash. and this was jade's mistake with it. ruined the original. because I had high expectations for jade, this remix seems worse than the only one and the perfect boy. it sounds like any predictable "electronica remix a song". like people said, its a cliche.

    Sleep When I'm Dead - luv you gerard and mikey. love it. in fact, i like it more than the original MIX 13! (but not as much as the live version)its AWESOME. the beat and texture really fits right in with the funky lyrics.

    the perfect boy - well thanks for sucking out the emotion from it. it sounds so teen pop. but that was expected from FOB.

    exploding head syndrome - i don't like what they did to to robert's vocals =/. but the piano sounds nice. of all the mixes, they sound the most original.

    the jared leto remix was better than jade puget's. my heart is broken. :(
    and too many jared leto mentions in one day make me grumpy.

  33. genital ben, we are fans of the cure, why can't you just see it as a message that you like the cure when they do charity and your bucks as a vote for the humanitarian cares of your favorite band. :)

  34. but that is the thing - why should we feel FORCED to give to charity? charity is such a fake notion. dont get me wrong - i have give to causes and even do volunteer work that could be considered charitable, but i don't do it to make myself feel better or any such nonsense, nor do i consider myself any sort of freakin' saint for doing any of it. i do it because it is necessary in the face of lack of real leadership. we shouldn't NEED charities - civil rights, human rights, animal rights - these should already be honored through the everyday process, to the point where "charity" is rendered pointless. charity is a sham - its a way to lure us into feeling good about "making the world a better place", blah fucking blah. well, the world would a better place if we all woke the hell up from our collective comas and pushed for REAL change through action - celebrating life instead of focusing so much on fear which creates all of the havoc anyway.

    it makes me ill that we should be in such DIRE need of things like the IRC. it's WRONG. i am not dissing the existence of the IRC - it is necessarily there. but i am dissing the mindset that thinks that such catastrophic circumstances are inevitable. THEY ARE NOT! and that only "charity" can solve the issues - what truly solves the issues is PUSHING THE LEADERS to change! through protests, direct action, etc. like the civil rights, unionist, suffragist

    sorry, i am off on a raging tangent today. i don't mean to denigrate anyone's good feelings... it's great to do SOMETHING, but i am so tired of these fakey feel goody things. not that the IRC is that at all - i am just don't like to feel that we MUST give to them, when the reality is, we MUST be more proactive in our everyday lives as far as petitioning the government, etc.

    ah forget it. i can't explain myself. carry on. i love you all. :-)

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  36. clockwise cat, you're completly right! but why not support the IRC, Amnesty ect. if there's such a 'plesurable' opportunity to us? if we don't take these one, which one do we take at all, at that if we can really help by all of us just spending the money for the damn EP? Would you take in hand a project beside the EP also beeing able to move that much?
    and there are people needing help so you can't cosider it best to put down youself and say: if we all where just a little bit..." we AREN'T right now! and if someone needs help, we should care instantly. i know..we normaly don't. but as leat we should if we get remembered on things like IRC and that it is dependent on our help...and the old qoute that third-world-people don't care if your help is a feel-better-thing or whatever...well, its simply that.

  37. cat I think totally opposite from that. If you made us pay taxes or something to help them THATS being forced to pay for others. Charity makes people feel good about giving instead of making it a requirement. It like that saying, "it's better to give than to receive", not "it's better to have your shit taken from you and given to others than to receive." C

  38. absolute cack the whole lot of them...first Cure product I wont be buying since 1984, charity or no charity

    I would much rather have waited the extra month with no product than seeing the Cure's name on this nonsense of a gap filler

  39. moutheyesheart: I see your point.. I just wish we could get past the mentality that charity is the solution when it's so much **simpler** than that, in the end. But of course I don't denigrate the EXISTENCE of charities - they are necessary, but only because of government corruption and social apathy. That's all I'm sayin'.

    And ben, darlin', I have to strongly diverge from your point about "forced" taxes. Taxes benefit all of us. Capitalist ideology has foisted this idea onto us that we must fend for ourselves, blah blah blah, but taxes support services that are essential: healthcare, roads, post service, schools, etc. etc. We cannot live in a society void of taxation - such a structure would crumble amidst pervasive poverty. Charity is the concept invented in the absence of a solid social structure.

    All the same, it's better than nothing. But still; I can't help but get annoyed with this lofty feel-good idea, when deep suffering CAN be prevented. Suffering is a part of life, but it doesn't HAVE to be such grave suffering.

    And I am in no way putting down the Cure or people who support charities. It's still a good thing to do.

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  41. Craig, I'll stop posting, okay? It will easier on you since I am such a divisive character. A lot of others post political viewpoints (that evolve from the topic at hand) but none draw such ire as mine. Ergo, I am off. I love you Craig and other COFers muchly! :-)

  42. the cure with a club beat- wierd...

  43. clockwise cat: i've been reading the blogs comments on COF for years and i never understood postings like vic's one against you. what actually are you dong then stating your mind like all the other ones do as well? i never saw you unfair on anyone in discussion. please stay an keep on posting! :-)

  44. Cat - so many people here do like you and I for one always listen to what you have to say. I still admire your progressive mind. Don't stop posting about your convictions just because someone can't handle a different point of view than yours.

    That said, I see where you're coming from but this day and age we still need charity, and lots of it. In this world, it's not about mentality so much as it is humans wanting to come together to help out when others need it. Even if the mentality were that all humans are equal and deserve every benefit out there, there will still be a need for lending hands all over the world. There will always be disasters, natural, and ones caused by ignorant humans. Think about it....your house burns down and you have no clothes and no home. Who helps out? In the USA it's the Red Cross. It doesn't really matter if you're black, white, poor, middle-class, educated, or illiterate. When disaster hits on a small scale or large there will always be a need for the IRC.

    I will gladly buy the EP and I absolutely don't feel forced. It's The Cure....of course I'm going to help out in a charity sponsored by them.

  45. cat, most people don't have a problem paying taxes for things that benefit them, like roads or whatever. but when they have to pay for something that doesn't directly benefit them it's kind of annoying. it's not human nature to put someone's interests above your own. but if you give someone a choice to give instead of taking it from them, and inform them about your cause it becomes much more meaningful. it feels good to be charitable, it doesn't feel good to be taxed.

    and vic if you want to jump on my nuts too, save your fingertips, because i don't give a shit. :)

  46. Cat,

    I love you, darlin'. I always like what you have to say. And if other folks don't like, I say they can just kiss your rosy red ass! :)

    I think I'm the only one who really likes the Freakshow remix. I think its the best of the bunch.

    I don't want to get down on charities, either. But they're all lathered in bureaucracy. You have to wonder how much of the money you cough up for the EP will actually end up helping somebody. But, as was said, it is better than nothing. I'm just one who prefers to donate time rather than money...You get a lot more out of that.

  47. ya'll are too sweet! what peeps like vic don't get is that i am 100% sincere - not looking for attention at all, just trying to do the right thing and spread a little love. and i will never back down from my convictions, ever.

    it's up to craig, though; if he wanted me outta here, i would leave in a heartbeat. i love cof too much to compromise its integrity.

    and ben, again, i adore you, but i completely disagree with you about human nature. selfishness derives from fear; the highest human ideal is altruism, and we are abundantly capable of that at any given moment. :-)

  48. vic-vamoose- Everyone's entitled to voice their opinions. The only person who is allowed to tell someone to "GET OUT" is Craig, because he is the host. You are not the host, so if it bothers you that much, then please scroll past it.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to "ruin" the "Cure talk" with some of my own "horseshit".

    Cat- I hear you on the charity thing. I remember writing a paper in which I made the point that, while it's great that charitable organizations exist, there is something fundamentally wrong with a society that needs to rely so heavily on them. Throwing money at a problem never solves it, it only puts a band aid over it. It's great that charities like "Feed the Children" exist. I don't know how long they've been around for, but it's clear that starving families in poor nations, as well as those who live in "less impoverished nations" such as our own great country, are relying on charities like these more than ever before. It's great that people give to charity but, I think the overwhelming majority are simply band aids, with the exception of Amnesty International and a few others. I think some people have questioned their giving to charity at times, because among other things, nothing seems to actually change, it's always the same bloody problem. It shouldn't surprise anyone that donations are down; way too many charities have been caught misappropriating donor contributions, including the Red Cross for god sakes! If we really want to solve these problems, then we need to get to the root of the cause.
    Oh and Cat, I looked at your blog and, I just don't know where to start!! Or maybe the colors threw me off… Hah, I need direction…

    Ben- I like what you said.
    "i don't want to send the message that i like something when i don't. my dollar is like a vote to me."

    I just don't see the point in buying something that you are not going to use, it's too damn wasteful. I think it's just as well to take that money that you were going to spend on the EP, and give it directly to the IRC.
    The other good point that Cat mentioned was, IF some of these royalties are indeed going to GEFFEN, then the IRC wouldn't be seeing the entire profit from this venture anyway.
    No one should feel "bad" or like "they're not doing the right thing" if they don't buy this CD.

    Craig, if you do not find this political/social discussion in your forums appropriate, then please say so.... um, we DO care about what you think! 8)

  49. Helsabot - you are so right when you say that nothing ever really fixes the root of the problem. You're also right when you say we can never be sure who gets what profit. But again, there is power in numbers and this is a chance for Cure fans to unite for a good cause.




    He does say ALL THEIR ROYALTIES. Who knows if Universal will profit or not? They probably fucking will for all Iknow. We may never know where those dollars go to. But if the Cure are donating their royalties, I wanna be a part of it. Hell, I've been giving The Cure royalties for many years and I think it's a wonderful gesture to have them round up their fans and try to create some good in this world. All politics aside, I'm all for it.

  50. cat, i adore you too, it speaks something that you think of human nature that way, we're probably projecting ourselves.

  51. Helsa,

    Once again you are absolutely right. Throwing money at a problem doesn't always fix it. One of those charity deals. I don't know if it was We are the World or Live Aid or what is was. I read where they raised all this money and bought all this food. But it didn't matter. Because these countries in Africa didn't even have the freaking roads to get it to those who needed it.

  52. Well from what I hear so far, I am interested in hearing the full versions.

  53. I'm actually moderately impressed with a fair few of those songs. Mainly because they are not the complete clusterfuck I thought they would be.

    However, as usual I will keep my full opinion until the thing comes out.

  54. caterpillargirl-
    I think it's mistaken to believe that throwing money at a problem or throwing money at a charity for that matter, is going to solve the problem in any way. Finding and "attacking" the root of the problem is the only way to really fix it. We're dangerously overreliant on charities as it is; many are just too overburdened and overwhelmed at this point.

    If Geffen gets even a small portion of the profit being generated by this EP, then it defeats the purpose of buying it "simply for charities' sake".
    Wouldn't it make more sense to give that cash that you were going to spend on the EP, directly to the IRC instead? At least that way, you'd know the IRC would be getting all of
    your money... It also makes no sense to buy something if you're not going to use it, it just creates more WASTE. Waaaaaaste... :p

  55. i'll buy it, since i'm a stupid completist. but i'll never play it.

    ya'll are boring. lol. that means i'm "laughing out loud."

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Cat, I agree with everything you have said regarding charities. You are 100% correct.
    Vamoose is a very nice person because he doesn't attack the Cure's music, he just makes VERY PERSONAL attacks on people who actually have something to say besides reminding us what LOL stands for.
    I am suddenly reminded of the old saying "ASS BACKWARDS".
    Give me a fucking break.

  58. monkeybutt - from where do you get the assureness, that not at least EHS might be some awesome stuff or will at least have its interesting moments? from the 10 secs? I don't believe...
    cat - glad to see you posting again :-)

  59. i personally would like to strangle whoever is responsible for the total screwup of Freakshow... *sob* I love that ditty.... the others? well, I can take them or leave them, although a couple of em got my toes tappin'... but Freakshow..*WwaAAhh*
    murdered, totally... *sniff*

  60. i think jared leto got beat a little too hard in fight club to make a coherent remix

  61. *sigh* I'm hearing everything you all are telling me and understand what you're saying.

    I still think that if The Cure are sponsoring an album for charity it's a nice gesture. Like I wouldn't buy the fucking EP anyhow, you know? Give it directly to the IRC....well maybe I will log on there and donate $5 just so I can feel good about it. LOL! But I gotta tell you, it's more fun to buy a release of remixed Cure songs.

  62. Seriously vic-vamoose, have you ever considered NOT READING Cat's posts???

  63. Fantac, that's a little difficult considering my posts are sometimes rather ubiquitous. I talk too much for my own good. That said, thanks for defending me. Now, let's move on.

    I am rather excited for this EP after all, but I have to say, I don't like that FS mix terribly much. DONT MESS WITH THE MIGHTY FREAKSHOW!

  64. *looks ubiquitous up in the dictionary*


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  66. As usual I've logged on hours behind most of you. Phew! What a polava.

    Cat, I don't know what it is you do, but you always seem to attract the flamers, don't you! Never mind! Just keep doing what you do.

    I'm not sure that my opinions on charity are as strong as yours, but I take your point about the labels getting a cut.

    From the snippets of Hypnogogic States I've heard the worst for me is TPB. It is exactly what I'd expected from Fallout Boy: a remixy electronic emo rock song. Yuk!

    I had the same reaction to FS as Hynreck (hello H), as it made me laugh out loud too.

    SWID seems like a load of dancy remixy cliques.

    I like the sound of the other two, though. The quiet bit of EHS reminds me a bit of Sigur Ros and TOO sounds pretty groovy in a sort of industrial electronica sort of way.

    But as loads of you have said, this is all gleaned from 10 second sound bytes, so they could all end up being completely different.

  67. Hello pjw,

    I'm hungry and I don't have a Cure!!
    (also I'm at the job so... gotta go work I guess)

    Funny stuff, I don't find the snippets so bad right now, after a few listen. Call me brainwash, that's probably what I am!
    But... I'm curious, for sure. Let's see where this is going.

  68. Yeah I always wondered what a pile of shit sounded like. Now I know. I'm glad I visited the World Wide Web today; I learned something new.

  69. Do you think it'll be any good on my flower beds?

  70. moutheyesheart: i get the assureness because i've been a cure fan for 25 years or so and this is the worst crap i've ever heard. i'll buy it for the collection, but i know i'll never want to listen to it. kind of like the self titled album.

    and what do you mean, you're glad to see cat posting again? when does she ever STOP posting?

    ps. ask her what he favorite song is of the new's tough to guess.

  71. these mixes just plain suck, least "mixed up" kept the spirit of the original songs and used subtlety rather than m hey lets thrown in all these new sounds on garage band, logic pro or reason into the mix i m sure it will sound crap...and i wouldn't even give money to charity for this crap....

  72. I will try to keep an open mind, but those snippets make me think that this will barely even rise to my low expectations. Please tell me that version of Freakshow is just a practical joke. It's so ridiculous I'm in denial it could actually be real.

  73. I'm not so sure I agree with all this talk about buying the EP just so you can have the full collection or to be a completist.

    Maybe I'm just not gung-ho enough, but if I think something is crap, I don't buy it. Like the Mixed Up album. To this day I still don't own that album.

    Why would I do something that would encourage the Cure to go out and have even more bands remix their songs into total crap? Its like giving your dog a Scooby snack after he pees on the carpet.

    I agree with the individual who spoke about voting with your wallet. I don't need to buy bad music in order to donate to charity.

  74. pjw... good fertilizer?
    Perhaps. Time will crawl... hmm I mean will tell.

  75. actually, if my dog pees on the carpet, i beat it severely. in the spirit of that, i plan on buying several of the hypogogic eps, calling robert on his personal batphone, and burning them in the background, so he knows JUST HOW I FEEL.

  76. I like to think of Mixed up as flawed but definitely not crap...

  77. And also Mixed up was avant-garde in many respects..these mixes are going backwards.....and nowhere me thinks!

  78. monkeybutt - you're twisted. Awesome.

  79. mokeybutt - cat wrote, she'll stop posting in here due to her 'divisive character' always attracting ire and personal insults like the one from "vic-vamoose" (just scroll a couple of comments up) So I was happy to read when she didn't act on her threat!

    her favorite newbie? freakshow, I guess. uhm...and why do you want me to have a guess??

  80. Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be negative but the fact is that those remix samples are just awful. I will definitely not be picking it up. Even as a completest I can't bring myself to purchase something I know I'll listen to once and then toss into a drawer never to be heard from again. So are we getting a new album next month?

  81. thistle- thanks.

    MEH (or moutheyesheart, since MEH isn't the nicest abbreviation), i was joking, since cat states her opinion in just about every thread. multiple times.

  82. vic-vamoose: If you can't deal with Cat's opinions on things, you are more than welcome to oppose her (or anyone else's views here) just DO IT IN A POLITE MANNER PLEASE.

    Telling her to "shut the fuck up... and ...light herself on fire" is a disgusting display of immaturity and will not be tolerated. Thank You.

  83. ...and again there's that sewer smell hanging in the air.
    I think I'm gonna go out for awhile.

  84. Hyrec: I combat the COF sewer smell with an infusion of love, peace, and all things happy ;)



  85. "when there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire..."

  86. btw, that's a quote from a song by the canadian band stars. not a suggestion.

    love, everyone! peace and love and non-sewer smells! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. monkeybutt, the spirit of hst is alive and well within you.

  89. Sofia, that's an insult to Hunter. Please reconsider.

  90. Cat..a suggestion for you.
    Maybe the reason so many people bag on you is because you are light years ahead of them intellectually.
    Kind of like a Barack Obama talking in a room full of Sarah Palins.
    Ya think??

  91. and sofia, thanks. i worship hunter, and don't think i'm anywhere near as good a writer or reporter as he was, but i love the comment regardless.

  92. hmmm...there's no way i can keep up with your wicked intellect. i fold.

  93. *Comes in with a gas mask*

    Some people may smell good, but they won't for long if they keep hanging around the turds floating here and there.

  94. i'm not judging till heard them all thro proper system.
    i am a big fan of dance/electro/breakbeat and like some cheesy stuff too, but these mixes would of been better if done by "proper" remixers who know how to do it right.
    although freakshow does sound like a basshunter/dr alban b-side!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. If I could kiss you all right now, I would.

  97. anah: you can kiss me at my blog... ;)

  98. MB: I'd much rather kiss you *on* your blog rather than in it, :P

  99. sofia, knowing he'd actually softened slightly towards nixon after so many years of bush, i can't imagine his views of mccain would be much better. and yeah, selfish though his was, that's really the only way i could imagine him going out.

    anah, we have to figure out a way to do this...i'm open to suggestions. :D

  100. Suddenly I smell the stench of the Official Cure Website. I'm pretty used to it. Bleh.

    Don't worry, I brought the Febreeze in your choice of Vanilla or Strawberries n' Cream.

    Back on topic, peeps?

  101. CG2, what about Country Garden?

  102. mb: well he was always going to shoot himself. he said so and i couldn't see him going any other way either, but the timing, man. the timing was just so wrong.

    it's weird. i never met him but i miss him damn near every day.
    i hate sports but i read his espn articles religiously.

  103. Totally off topic, but does Palin really hunt wolves from a helicopter?

    Seriously, wtf.

  104. well damn, looks like some people were grumpy this morning.

    IMO, i think SWID and 65dos mix have promise. perfect boy has no hope at all! and freakshow .. *shudder*

  105. The Perfect Boy remix is how I think the original should have sounded... sonically it's how I had hoped Sleep When I'm Dead would have been produced, and it's got the edge I hoped the album would have, but probably won't...

    Sorry that's all a bit dour, but am I alone in thinking the drum and bass sounds on the singles have all been a bit... well, soft?

  106. I agree with sunny a few posts above...

    "i am a bigut fan of dance/electro/breakbeat and like some cheesy stuff too, but these mixes would of been better if done by "proper" remixers who know how to do it right."

    So far I liked clips for Freakshow & Sleep While I'm Dead, not too bad. The 65DOS Mix sounds like the best if the bunch. Not too thrilled by the The Only One or The Perfect Boy--(dead awful but then what do you expect from Pete Wentz). But that's all I'll say for now till I hear the complete mixes. Can't really say how good or bad they will be with a short 10 second clip.

    Yes I'll buy it but I'm not going to get it till I get back from vacation on the 20th. It's not something I need to have right away.

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  108. Keep posting whatever you want to cat! You speak your mind well & I'd miss your wit if you left!

    And charity is important but it's a shame all the money that's collected doesn't end up helping the people who need it the most.

  109. I agree that people should speak their mind but when it starts to bog down a topic due to its lack off relevence, and then it starts personal attacks, it should be left to a minimum IMO.
