
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trilogy edit airing in Mexico

"A 1-Hour Trilogy show, will be broadcast on Mexican Cablevision Suscriptor Channel, on Friday 15th 9 am to Saturday 16th 7 am."
(Thanks Jorge/Mad Bob RJS)


  1. Damn.. i live in Mexico but too bad i dont have that TV channel i hate missing things like that even if i have already watched it or i i already jave the dvd in this case, maybe next time. thanks a lot anyways!:D

  2. pardon my grammar mistakes in that past post.. i just noticed them.

  3. Jeff - they play an "edited" version in Australia too. Basically, they pick out a couple of tracks from each album and play them. Not the same as the full show - but it is always good to see our boys on tv.

  4. oh like that edited version of the mona lisa! :) just messin arouns thanks al2e

  5. Jeff - exactly, like that cut down version of Gone with the Wind - hang on, that would probably improve it..... now I'm confused

  6. A few weeks back MTV2 or VH1 played an edited version of Trilogy. I had my non-cure friends calling me to say something new was being shown by The Cure. What little do they know but still it was nice of them to call & tell me about it.

    I agree with elise, cool to see the band on TV but it would have been better if the whole show was played. What's another two more hours going to do, turn all the viewers away???

  7. im always glad to see them on tv also....when i want to watch trilogy i need to sit down and schedule the three hours so i can watch it all at once...its a sacrifice, but one i'm glad to make:)

  8. I don't care about this, I want Robert to release some news on the new album, damnit!

  9. i cant wait for the album, partly because i like the interviews.. i wanna know where he got the inspiration for the songs, and stuff he usually says on interviews, i find them quite amusing

  10. Elise how can you say a cut down version of Gone with the Wind would be an improvement! LOL

    I am surprised though that they would do an edited Trilogy, seems to take away from why it was done.

  11. I think Robert should do a Peter Jackson and release a 5 hour extended version.

  12. Heh heh, Andrew. Actually it wouldn't surprise me that if, sometime in 2041 after all the re-mastered CDs have been released, there isn't a "19 Disc Trilogy Mammoth Massive DVD"

    With all sorts of extras:

    Deleted Additional Lyrics for "There Is No If..."

    Alternate Ending for "Short Term Effect"

    Director's DVD Commentary: "As you can see, in this scene, the band is playing a song. I thought it would be interesting to get close-ups of the band"

    (Does anybody ever listen to those commentaries?)

  13. Elise!

    How are you my dear? I hope things are going well for you!

  14. Hmm. I think Bob should do a few Discology shows once he hit retirement day at 80.
    All the albums in order, one show! Bring on your diapers.

  15. Does anyone else ever dream of the day that they come to COF and find that Craig has posted a picture of the new album cover along with the tracklisting? It's exciting to think that this day will indeed come some time in the (hopefully!) near future.

  16. Shut up. For a moment I thought there was a cover of the new album somewhere here and that for some reason, I couldn't see it.
    I had wild mood swings for a second! My heart can't take this kind of pressure anymore!

    Ooohhh, why oh why can't we have more info, just an album title, pretty please? I'd settle for a visually updated official website... anything!

  17. jpx---I'm tired of dreaming, just get the album out in October Robert! No more delays!

  18. i hate to say this --and prove me wrong, craig-- but i have a sad feeling the album won't be coming out this year.

  19. I can't imagine Robert delaying this album again, he must know his fans are on the verge of going on a kill spree. I can't fathom what the delay would be at this point. All the music is recorded. Isn't it just a matter of figuring out the track listing? It seems like all Robert needs is like 30 minutes to put this thing together - all the hard work has been done already. Okay, admittedly I know zero about the music business, but it seems to me that Robert has had much more time than he would ever need to give birth to this damn album.

  20. Maybe arturo is in fact Robert Smith the man himself delivering a cryptic message to us about the future of the album?
    Why else ALL CAPS otherwise?

  21. I don't care when the album comes out; I just want another tour next year. :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I'm working on decyphering the code, but it's hard.

  24. Is it: Why, why, why, can't I find a title for this?

  25. Yeah. At this point I also would not be surprised if the album were delayed again until next year. I have nothing to base that on. Just a feeling.

    Maybe they'll pleasantly surprise me and actually put out the album in October.

    I'm still thinking the title of the album will be "The as-of-yet Untitled 13th Cure Album" :)

  26. You forgot the Satisfied? at the end of that title.

  27. I think the ultimate Trilogy edit would be the one that omits Bloodflowers completely -- one third less fat, I'd say.

  28. I agree with V, I don't care when the album comes out - THEY JUST NEED TO TOUR AGAIN ASAP (an acoustic set in my living room would be a nice addition *wink*)

  29. craig:

    ooh! theyre liking 'without you' this time!

  30. elise: i feel the same ...

  31. I am really trying to be a patient Cure fan....

  32. What a uneventful weekend in Cureland. I haven't been on for three days I thought there be something new from the band but I didn't miss a thing.

    Come on Robert announce some sort of tour or more news on the album, DVD's, tell us what your doing for summer vacation, what you got Mary for your anniversary.....something anything, I need a Cure Fix!

    Really I'm just extremely board at work today and there's not even anything new on here to read to kill the time with. Maybe I should play some video poker today or something else???

  33. Kitty - I know what you mean. I was just realizing we have to wait two months (hopefully that's all) for the new album. TWO MONTHS?? Will there be no new news till then? No news of when they'll tour or what their plans are? What of the dark Christmas album? I wish they would be more forthcoming with their plans, at least to the full-time fans like us.

    Come on, Robert, let us into the Cure inner circle.

  34. there is never going to be a 'dark christmas' album. people need to give up on that.

  35. Oh you'll see. There'll be a dark Eastern album!!

    DARKBUNNY will conquer all!! And be on the cover of this unforgettable album.

  36. i need some cure news!!! my eye is starting to twitch here!!

  37. from

    Frontman Robert Smith of the popular 80s Goth band The Cure announced today via a press release that he would be leaving the gloomy moors of his Northern England estate for the sunnier climes of Los Angeles, California. "I've always loved America, especially California, and I feel now is the time when I should make the leap, so to speak," he said with his trademarked shy grin.

    Interestingly enough, Smith follows in the footsteps of Morrissey (nee Steven Patrick Morrissey), ex-front man for The Smiths, another 80s band, who relocated to Los Angeles in 2000. "I've always loved the Moz," Smith said with a snerk. "I can't wait to meet him for some sushi!"

    Smith says the move will not delay the many-times-delayed, as-yet- untitled 13th album from his long running band. "We're at the top of our game now, musically. This album will shock a lot of people. And I think I may be able to sway the American fans a bit by popping around Los Angeles in person!"

    Smith declined to mention whether he would be bringing his famed collection of miniature Doberman pinschers, but did say his wife Mary was very excited about the move.

    -Alex Mangold, CNN.

  38. Oh I almost fell for it until I read the Moz part! LOL!!! You can always count on MB for a good laugh!!!!!

    h&j I love the dark bunny idea! :)

    Dark Bunny

  39. I can already hear the screams of outraged fans all around the world if Smith releases the dark bunny album.
    But it would be a lol moment for sure.

  40. love-I hope your feeling better than you did last week.

    Yeah two months to go for the new album maybe more and will there be a tour??? Only time will tell.

  41. Wow, is this true MB ?

    Can you give us the link of CNN for that news please ?

    If RSx moved to LA, is it for a long time or just only temporary ?

    I think RSx will miss soon his loved UK beach......

  42. Mad Bob: It's a joke. Not real.

  43. Hynreck and Monkeybutt, ya'll should form a comedy duo. LOL!

    If the album is delayed any further, I might literally explode. I *love* all of these singles (well, except for SWID, which I find a little lackluster) and ADORE the b-sides - they are ALL freakin' TERRIFIC - and I just know the album is gonna rock my buttocks. And if it doesn't, I will start stalking Neil Diamond.

    I NEED this album and another tour. RSX, e-mail me, please, with album leaks and tour updates. Tx.

  44. WTH !!!!

    I´ve been fooled, upsss !!!!

    Thanks Craig, i feel awful, no much to do than laugh about my stupidness.


  45. mad bob, you're not stupid. i was just hoping the doberman pinscher bit would make it obvious, but i suppose my superior writing skills lent a certain authority to the article... ;D

  46. OK MB, i thought it was a real news.

    Well done.

    It looks like i´m the only one who swallow it.


  47. and cat keeps her nose right there to find out the next scintillating bit of news!

  48. ROFL


    mmmmmmmmm monkey butt

  49. I've missed this sparkling repartee! Nice to see it back.

    and, MB - it was the collection of miniature Doberman pinschers that made me laugh the most :)

  50. Yeah elise, that was the best part of the story! LOL!!!

  51. monkeybutt--- your too funny. i must say, it sounded kinda convincing but not completly fooled. what gave it away for me was not the doberman pinscher bit, but the quote of Robert stating the band was on top of their game. too funny much props.

    mad bob--- dont feal too bad MB is a good writer.

    ps mad bob
    your request for a link to the breaking news was THE FUNNIEST PART OF ALL. LMAO
