
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Perfect Boy / Without You on iTunes

The Perfect Boy and Without You are up on iTunes (US).
(Thanks Brad)

Some store reports:
"The single (both 7'' and CD) is out today in Ireland @ HMV" (Thanks Vikk)

"My local FYE store (Tacoma, WA) had four copies of The Perfect Boy when I dropped in during my lunch break." (Thanks Brad)

"I got the CD today from HMV on Market Street in Manchester." (Thanks John)


  1. i love how the itunes releases have artwork for both the A side and B side.

  2. andy just in US itunes releases the artwork for aside and bside. Here in Italy there is just the aside cover

  3. So, people, how do the new songs sound?

  4. The new songs sound fantastic! The Perfect Boy has this great driving force behind it and Without You is just an amazingly layers song that kind of sucks you in after about 30 seconds and doesn't let go.

    Honestly, with all 8 songs and totally about 29 minutes, I am so happy I could burst. It's like having an amazing Cure EP. Definitely the strongest material since the Wish era me thinks. The Wild Mood Swings singles gave me hope because the b-sides were so good but the a-sides, while entertaining and fun, just didn't give me that 100% Cure feeling. It's almost like this album picks up where Wish left off in a way. Thanks to Porl?

  5. Cool,Mike! I've been saying for a while that the new material sounds like their best effort since Wish, my favorite album of all time. You're right, at this point we essentially have a Cure EP with the singles, b-sides, and live performances of Underneath the Stars, Baby Rag Dog Book (hate that title), and A Boy I never Knew. Hell, we have an entire Cure album.

  6. jpx - Yeah it really is awesome. And based on how much I like the studio version of the songs (I know some people don't....but...really?) I am absolutely going to fall in love with Underneath The Stars studio version. Baby Rag Dog Book will be a fantastic album closer if it is indeed that...

    So based on all of this...I can say ALMOST for sure that this album will be in my top 5 Cure Albums which are currently (And always in flux of course):

    5 - The Head On the Door
    4 - Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
    3 - Wish
    2 - Disintegration
    1 - Faith

  7. I sure wish I could see the b-side art... <_<

  8. hynrec: I just send them to you, the b sides covers.

  9. I LOVE Without You- It is my favorite of all the songs. Very sweeping, I love the acoustic guitar. Everything is perfect with the exception, once again of that AWFUL LOUD mixing! But gorgeous overall- I am not disappointed.

  10. also- didn't someone here say that he whisperes "without you" at the end? i didn't hear anythign like that on the iTunes version.

  11. Thanx Aburgac!!

    Still got to wait till I get home to see it though. lol.
    My work does not allow me to access hotmail.
    Oh well, only about 7 hours to go...

  12. the "without you" is almost not audible, you have to really turn the volume up, its great

  13. While I may not consider it "the absolute best" since Wish, it all brings me to 1992. I love it!

  14. IMO, best single and best b-side...i absolutely love both of them!

  15. will the ashley simpson remix be a b-side? or an itunes only download?

    maybe pete wentz will let her press play on the backing tape while he remixes...

    what is porl up to these days? is he back at the borg collective? :D

  16. Those are my favorite albums as well, Mike. I love all the studio cuts and I can't wait to hear Underneath the Stars, a strong rival to Out of this World. The first song on a Cure album is always great.

  17. Okay, do you all seriously find that the vocal effects actually enhance TPB? I ask in sincerity because I am violently wavering on this issue. I am listening again during my lunch break and in all frankness, I am finding the vocal effects to be TOO MUCH right now. Perhaps when I get the actual CD and play it from my stereo I will feel differently?

    It's still a damn good song, but something right now feels WRONG to me mix-wise.

    I'd appreciate your thoughts either way. :-)

  18. if i may make a criticism (not about either song. i love them both especially the shimmery 'without you')

    the typeface they use for their logo and everything now is really ugly.
    it's hard and jagged and not swirly or soft like i like and it prevented me from buying a t-shirt at the show.
    souvenirs and mementos, people!
    and no. i didn't like the one with smith's giant face either.

  19. I think you're the only one able to wave violently on anything, Cat... ;-)

    I love the vocal effects. Makes me feel a sense of dread I didn't feel before, a warning of sort, a dark texture. And now that I know what the words means, I think it's appropriate.

    Makes me feel a bit like the first time I really understood Just Like Heaven, the part where he wakes up and realizes his love's been stolen. The sadness, the anger, being unable to do anything about it.
    That feeling that you've been fuck over (excuse my french!) in so many words!

  20. hyrenck: thanks so much for your thoughts. you've given me a new perspective on the song. i thrive on hearing other perspectives, postive or negative. for me, the most important thing is that they are contructive and well thought-out.

    sofia: i hate the giant smith-head shirt - fugly - but i love the mayan monster one. i also love the lettering now. diff strokes!

  21. I'm with Cat on the lettering - I think it looks really cool. :)

  22. Cat - I have had the tracks since Saturday, and I still don't like the effects. The song has a very simple structure and I don't think the echo/delay enhance it at all.

    I also don't like the overdriven bass in the beginning. The live versions had a more cleaner tone, which I liked better.

    But it still is my favorite single of the new bunch. As much I love their dark and heavy material, I am a sucker for their pop songs.

  23. msp000: Aww, I love the way the bass sounds at the beginning!!! :) One of my favorite parts of the song!

  24. I'm still not "in tune" with the vocall effects; when you turn the volume up it doesn't sound "right" to me.
    I can understand hyrenc's perspective, though, especially while sipping some tea ;).
    I'm just hoping that they don't use these effects in UTS...

  25. Like hynreck, I think the vocal effects add a nice texture. I don't find them at all distracting.

  26. I still need to hear it cd-quality-wise though. My shipment is a bit late as I've ordered a Lynch cd that takes a little while to get.
    Oh well, should be soon, patience boy.
    I can always munch on S'mores while I wait.
    No I can't! I don't have any!!

  27. Cat, i think it's an issue of having heard the live version first, since i wasn't able to go to the concerts and also didn't heard the live recordings too much (on purpose), i'm free of the comparisons.
    The vocal effects make the song poppier in a way, but also exciting and fresh, well, i like it.

  28. Sometimes I think I am really really easily satisfied by what Robert cooks up. I'm sure if he could clone me he'd be very happy indeed.
    Oh well, at least I'm listening to a quality band, so I can't be completely wrong, now can I?

  29. I haven't heard the full song yet but my impression when I heard the sample was that there was something wrong with my computer that made Robert sound like he was drowning (or needed to clear his throat). I hope it's not too much of a distraction to an otherwise excellent tune.

  30. Aburgac - I think I am a victim of the love-the-live-version syndrome.

  31. i think the echo makes it sound like he's falling. or falling over. it's unpredictable and makes me a little tense and that's why i like it!

  32. I also really like the vocal effects

  33. the single (both 7'' and CD) is out today in Ireland @ HMV


  34. j'aime le chandail avec la face de robert et je le porte une fois par semaine !! Ma blonde elle porte boys dont cry!

  35. Ya'll rule, period. I bask your intellectual glow. Thanks for your insights!

    I will wait to make further judgement later on today, when I have that CD in my hot little hands.

  36. "I bask your intellectual glow."

    i'm trying to figure out how this works... :D


  37. le son est très bien sur itunes ,j'achète les 4cd prochainement !!

  38. The Perfect Boy Is mediocre at BEST. Without You is an insult. Are we revisiting the Bloodflowers album here or what?? The vocals on Without You are absolutely HORRID!! Would somebody please slap him and save him from himself! Was there nobody there to put their foot down and say "Robert this sucks, I insist you stop singing like a huge turd or I'm going to have to leave the band." This is just embarrassing and I'm not going to pretend this is good. Only the truly earless would think so. Very much more of this shit and my neighborhood will be smelling the stench of burning plastic if you know what I mean.

  39. FYE comes through on The Cure singles again. My local store (Tacoma, WA) had four copies of The Perfect Boy when I dropped in during my lunch break.

    It's hard to beat $2.50 with no shipping charge. Otherwise, FYE's prices are horrendous. Who pays full list price for new release DVDs?

    I wonder how much they plan to charge for Hypongogic States since it's an EP as opposed to a single.

  40. Well Hello Mister Fancy Pants! (Brat)I'm glad you weren't there to put your foot down! Cause I like it and I'll thank you not to insult my ears and me, and all the other brainwashed turds who visit this fine site and like it just well.
    You know?
    Or not?

    Do you masturbate when you post filth?

    Okay I'll stop before I'm accused of being a slave to Fat Bob.

  41. I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are yours.
    You know?
    or not?

    No, I masterbate before I post "filth" and I think of you when I do it. If you would post a picture of yourself, I would have much more than your fantastic name to go on while jerking.

    I'll stop before I'm accused of thinking for myself.

  42. masturbate only has one E. sorry, had to weigh in on that. it takes away the impact of your retort.

  43. Calling out a spelling error is always the easiest way to attempt to say something when you really have nothing at all to say.

  44. fair enough. have fun belittling everyone and dying friendless and alone.

    just kidding. don't die alone. at least get a cat.

  45. Dying friendless and alone would be better than dying in a room full of people who like 'Without You' and it's high flying creativity.

  46. *waving white banner behind a wall*
    to brat: I too am not crazy about the voice effects, but couldn't you just try to see if there are any positive aspects about the songs instead of just "smashing" them around?

  47. Sure you can have your opinion, brat, and keep it too if you know what I mean? Especially when you plan on insulting us while giving it away.
    Learn to give your opinion without insults and maybe we'll talk again without all the flames.
    You know?

  48. well this has gotten interesting...

  49. First of all, thank you jupiter for allowing me to have an opinion. Second of all, there are no positive aspects to the fact that Robert and his stupid ass just butchered what could have been one of the best songs he has ever written. And I'm not being sarcastic when I say I'm insulted...COMPLETELY!!! How he thought this was actually good goes so far beyond me that there are no words for it. This is crazy.

  50. Okay, so far my very favourite of all the new studio tracks is Without You. I like The Perfect Boy immensely, but I fucking LOVE Without You. :^D

  51. don't thank me; for that you have this blog and everybody in it to thank for...
    i think you have made it very clear how you feel about this songs, maybe you'll like the ep better?

  52. i just had singaporean food for lunch. it was really good, although they made the spice factor "medium" when in fact i'd asked for mild. i got noodles with shallots & an egg on top, with some mango juice to drink. it was really quite delicious, and i highly recommend it.

  53. mb: I'm thinking you're problably a gastronomer?

  54. jupiter, yes, i'd agree that you're right. among other things. ;)

  55. that's because besides being lovely and funny, you're smart!

  56. Brat, I agree that Without You could be one of RS's best songs but I differ on the vocals. What is it about them that bother you so much? I mean, it would be easier to respect your "critique" if it had substance rather than just hyperbole. o_O

  57. the band peaked with "wish" they have entered the realm of aging wuss rock like sting, u2 etc. They do, however have occasional moments of clarity where they will release a good song or two (e.g Burn, Cut here, labyrinth, adonais, are a few) and the random robert collaborations (perfect blue sky, truth is...) have been good, but despite those, they really have not put out anything memorable.

    i mean many of us mainly listen to albums from wish and before...rarely will something newer be played...even the band themselves convey this message during tours. How many times have you heard songs from WMS, Bloodflowers, The Cure played? and when they are they are crappy songs like "maybe someday" and end of the world, or alt.end (which was better the first time when it was called
    "in your house"

    it seems to me that robert just is not putting out interesting music anymore and as, i believe simon said during the cure sessions, the band has become more of a cover band of themselves.

  58. Hyperbole - 1. obvious and intentional exaggeration. extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

    By this definition, my statements are not hyperbole. This is truly the way I feel and I very much intend them to be taken literally.

  59. i can say without hyperbole that this is the worst thread ever. let's talk about elephants or video games or sex or something. forget the cure.

  60. leave it to that goofball monkeybutt to change the subject. what a nerd.

  61. Have you seen the Elephant Sex video game Scott? It's on the Wii and you have to see what you do with the Wiimote! Hilarious!

  62. jerry, i believe i've missed that one, but now i must find it...

  63. Jerry: Hahahah. ;) I was waiting for someone to combine all three topics into one conversation. Didn't see the Wiimote bit coming, though. ;)

  64. I got the actual CD today (the 12th) from HMV on Market Street in Manchester a whole day early. I have been playing both tracks and love them both, particularly the perfect boy.


  65. john, how dare you change the subject.

  66. MonkeyButt: No kidding. Now we're off-topic again. :P

  67. Yeah man, Wii Strap on, it's all the rage in Japan. ;-)

    Anyway the new Cure single. Perfect boy is quite good but the weird triple tracking on the chorus vocal is not very savory for me. Without You; music is ok, not super but ok. Vocals for the most part don't do it for me. The rising and diving parts just fall flat for me. I wonder if he didn't do that would the song be better for me.

    This is my opinion of course, just sharing with the class...

  68. Heh V. My son plays his Wii a lot so I get to see the Wiimote in action plenty! Also I have a twisted mind! Wii Porn is only a matter of time! ;-)


  69. I am listening to TPB blaring from my stereo. I am wildly ambivalent about it. The song itself is great, but turn down the damn vocals and enough with the vocal effects. I'm sorry - that's the way I feel at this point. I felt the exactly the same way with B43, though, and ended up loving it anyway.

    I am hoping and praying I can get past the really bad mix and enjoy the song for what it is.

    And I don't like WY at ALL. I'm sorry - I just don't. Perhaps that will change. Perhaps not. Stay tuned. :-)

    Brat - expressing critique is fine. It's how you express it that makes all the difference. Insulting others for their tastes gets you nowhere - but I suspect your intention is to rile people up.

    And for the record, I listen to WMS and BF far more than I listen to Wish or Disintegration or KM. I listen to early Cure and late Cure more than mid-period Cure.

  70. Lately, it feels very good sharing opinions on here...

  71. I don't understand - I enjoy the mix of ALL the other songs except TPB. I like the textures and so on - so much better than some of the mixes on self-titled. But TPB - it seems to ME they lost the plot there. I could be wrong, as clearly many others love it. Maybe it's just my aural sensibilities at this point - dunno. I am far from being technically versed, but: something seems very very wrong about TPB.

    Perhaps I simply can't get past the live version sans effects. Maybe at some point I will. I hope!

  72. Cat I think you hit on something. I wonder how we'd feel about these tunes if we heard the studio versions first then live. I think some of our minds made the connection with the live versions and we're keen to the differences, whether good or bad...

    I'll hold off complete judgement till the record comes out in 2010 or 2011! ;-)

  73. *sets up a chair and waits oh-so-patiently to find out what happens with cat and TPB.*


  74. Look at Jerry, being all optimistic and stuff.
    : )

  75. For the record (what record??), I absolutely love the feel and music of Without You but the vocals are indeed the one major weakness of the song in my opinion. But the music is great. There's something quite "Glovesque" about it (reverb during the "chorus"?). And it has one of the worst endings to a Cure song ever! Gosh... Terrible.

    As for The Perfect Boy, I don't really care for it. I actually find it a little boring, repetitive and flat but it's alright to hear. I won't listen to it much but I won't skip it when it plays either.

    My God! I almost sound as a bitter Morissey fan!!!

  76. i listen to bloodflowers all the time. it's bloody brilliant.

  77. Craig you can call me Jerry "Silver Lining, Glass Half Full" D. ha!

  78. Okay, WY is not that bad. But turn down the damn vocals! Why do they insist on mixing his vocals so high??? It nearly ruins the song!! I thought they would have learned a thing or two from self-titled. Why this obsession with making the vocals so prominent? It sounds much better just mixed within the songs!

    How can they get FS so right and TPB so wrong? At least to my ears.. I realize not everyone feels this way.

    I am really not trying to ruin the good cheer here. I'm just frustrated. I loves me some Cure and it makes me sad when something Curey rubs me the wrong way.

  79. i've been bummed about the vocals as high as possible mix style since WMS. i think this is probably robert's choice?


    BF wasn't that bad with the vocals!

  81. Being in the music industry I can tell you that who ever is in charge is who you will ultimately hear the most, typically anyway. There's also a lot of people who prefer that "IN YOUR FACE" vocals but I'm not one of them. I prefer balance and some space but hey I'm not mixing them am I?

    When I did do some mixing back in the day each performer always thought their instrument was "low in the mix"...

  82. jerry- i hear that. i managed a studio for a few years when i first moved to l.a., and those musicians can be such little baby kids when it comes to the final mix!

  83. When I did do some mixing back in the day each performer always thought their instrument was "low in the mix"...

    LMAO. i agree with that!

    i wish they wouldnt smack so many effects on the song though, it doesnt feel so organic. =/. but i still like it.

  84. well, i am distraught. i don't want to hear TPB ever again. i dislike it immensely. perhaps i am pmsing. when am i ever not? ;-)

    i am seriously bummed, though. i don't like hating a cure song. there are plenty of cure songs i hate. well, not PLENTY, but a few. maybe a dozen, maybe fewer. anyway, i take heart in the fact that i hated the only one at first and now i love it.

    and there is always freakshow. freakshow and i are getting married soon, didja hear?

  85. Final mix is the worst, you almost have to kick them out and just do it with the producer. Someone is always going to be unhappy, that you can count on it!

    If I had a nickel for everytime I hear " Jerry, bro, you can't even hear my _____! ha!

    What studio's did you manage Scott?

  86. Yeah brat, you almost sound 13 years old the way you express your opinions...


    But... let's ignore all this... unpleasant business. I say, with all those flames, I want to roast myself some S'mores! And watch elephant sex, why not.

  87. I'll just leave with this comment....
    Smart bands know when to hang it up. Dumb bands go on to ruin their once brilliant legacy.
    Thanks Robert for pushing another fan away. I hope the new record makes you plenty of money so you can take Mary to Disney and maybe get a New York smile out of her.....dunno.....

  88. you ever heard of greg ladanyi- engineer/producer for jackson browne, don henley, fleetwood mac, the church? he had a small project studio (in a condo, no less) that i ran for 3 years. then i moved over to glenwood place in burbank, an actual commercial studio, but i was only there for a couple months. had to get out of the music business; it was making me hate music!

  89. Cat: I'm sure the song will grow on you; maybe the ep will help (long shot?)

  90. jupiter: dunno. i am going to shut up about it though. there is nothing worse than someone bleating on in a negative fashion. if i don't end up liking it, i'll live, certainly. :-)

  91. Brat, your insightful "huge turd" review was scintillating... now you bring in some commentary that discusses how weak you view their "dumb band" legacy as being - vulnerable to attack from new "huge turd" stuff - and then apply your intelligent repartee to a personal assessment of RS's financial and relationship goals... it all certainly leaves an impression. o_O

  92. HI Cure folks, i was reading all your respectable opinions.

    Here´s mine:

    I think that with TPB is happening the same as the 3 previous singles.

    We heard them tons of times on their live versions first, so most of us are used to this sound, and whn the studio tracks comes up, for some people sounds better and for others sounds worse.

    I think is the risk Cure took in presenting the songs live as a novelty.

    Every single time we listen a new Cure song for the very first time, ( no matter if it´s live or studio track ) we´re more receptive to this new sound and that remains etched in the memory and is difficult to change the view many times.

    And when you hear the live or studio version,with big probability, you´ll have issues on comparing them.

    So, that´s what i´m think is happening with some of us.

    I´m very happy so far with the new tunes, some likes me more than others, but all are very good for me.

    I think it´s better to feel what you want, but in the end, enjoy the tunes, that´s what they´re made for.

    I don´t forget that we know UTS, BRDB and ABINK live and when their studio versions see the light, for sure we´ll have the same reactions.

    I almost sure that The Cure golden years are gone, but this they are offering to us, is far better than most of the music you can find everywhere else, so..

    Be happy !!!!.


  93. one toke over the line.

  94. Darn Maree, I was trying to walk away. (considers the irony...)
    What more do you need to know about how I feel? To suggest that I need to give some kind of meaningful explanation of why I think this material is vomit inducing is ridiculous. You may find me vulgar and shallow but that is of no concern to me. If you don't like to read my "scintillating" entries, then don't read them.

  95. I got pretty loaded with Greg at a Yamaha Digital Mixer symposium years ago in San Diego Scott! Yeah being in this industry can sour you pretty fast!

  96. everyone got pretty loaded with greg. sometimes it felt like that's all with did over there. i probably met you at namm or aes at some point. i was there from late 99 to late 2002.

  97. I have done the NAMM and/or AES since 1991. I'm actually taking the next couple of years off from trade shows, I'm burnt out! I'm sure we have crossed paths! Maybe we shared a lousy $10 sandwich? Or $8 latte or $10 shitty beer? Oh it's so glamourous! ;-)

  98. Brat... don't mistake my comments as an inquiry further into your views or a request for any kind of explanation or elaboration. I assure you that what I have read so far is quite enough. I did enjoy reading them. Have a nice day.

  99. *sighs* and there I was thinking that today COF would be all hearts and flowers today. *dream shatters*

    You know what I love about The Cure, is that there is a song for every mood, every moment. I know that there are songs that please some and not others.

    Personally, I LOVE The Perfect Boy - I don't get caught up on the vocal mix, or the sounds - it is the melody and lyrics... and I love, love, love it.

    But, Without You has NOT grabbed me in that way yet - is it the lack of intro (I miss my layers), or is it the strange timings - I don't know.

    What I do know, is that I am grateful every day that they are still making music and that I still have my COF buddies to play with.

  100. awww, Elise. hear, hear!

    *squishy hugs*


  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. At 3:47 pm Maree said to me "Brat, I agree that Without You could be one of RS's best songs but I differ on the vocals. What is it about them that bother you so much? I mean, it would be easier to respect your "critique" if it had substance rather than just hyperbole."
    At 7:04 pm Maree said to me "Brat... don't mistake my comments as an inquiry further into your views or a request for any kind of explanation or elaboration. I assure you that what I have read so far is quite enough. I did enjoy reading them. Have a nice day."

    Hmmmmm (scratches head violently)

  103. This thread is hilarious!

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course, but I think it's best to refrain from using argumentum ad hominem, calling people "huge turds" and "stupid asses", when trying to critique their work. Nothing wrong with having dissenting opinions, but why make personal jabs?

    What I've read about these singles is that they've been mixed too loudly, which is what's causing a lot of the distortion, especially when you try to turn it up. :(

    So far, I'm liking TPB studio mix better than the live version, I think it sounds more dynamic.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. i'm LOVING without you. ijust wish the vocals were more chill, like a lot of others. but i still really REALLY love the music.

    but i also really liked WMS... meh. i just love The Cure. i just wish they could go out with a real bang. maybe next time..? or this time..? well, truth be told i hope they never 'go out' at all.

    op. gotta run. womens floor exercizes is on the olympiad. my favorite!

  106. The female Chinese gymnastics team members CANNOT be 16 years old!!!

  107. Brat, you missed the comment I was referring back to:

    Blogger Maree said...

    Brat, your insightful "huge turd" review was scintillating... now you bring in some commentary that discusses how weak you view their "dumb band" legacy as being - vulnerable to attack from new "huge turd" stuff - and then apply your intelligent repartee to a personal assessment of RS's financial and relationship goals... it all certainly leaves an impression. o_O

    August 12, 2008 5:38 PM

  108. How about the two of you letting it go now, ok?

  109. I enjoyed both songs very much. Perfect Boy is fun, come on stop complaining. I mean really people who complain about this song or any these songs are the same people who complain that the King Kong remake was lame, action movies have no substance and so on slash so forth.

    Last time I checked a Big Gorilla fighting T-Rex is kinda cool for the inner child, and actions movies are made so you eat pop corn. What is wrong with that?

    Ok I got off the subject. Instead of finding the wrong in the things that entertain you just let them entertain you. Thats why this band still sticks around. They know they have the ability to stir the pot still and entertain.

    So stop kvetching and just simply enjoy. Someday you you wont have new stuff to piss over about my friends.

  110. Sean: I understand where you are coming from regarding the incessant complaining. Hence why I always try to couch whatever critique I have in language that does not directly insult others. I find that excessively lame. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean that someone else who does has any less of a valid opinion. Sorry for my convoluted way of saying that...

    That said, I do think if we have a critique to make, we should make it without fear of backlash. I am sure you would agree. Constructive critiques should be encouraged, IMO.

    I have been very happy with all the Cure singles up until now. I have liked or loved all of them, including the b-sides.

    The studio version of TPB has not resonated with me just yet - and perhaps it never will. Or, it may one day suddenly hit me that I love it! I am hopeful for the latter response, because it's a great song.

    Anyway, I understand your point, and am eternally grateful to have new Cure stuff. :-)

  111. I agree, Cat. I actually like to hear well-thought criticism, I find it interesting to hear different perspectives, etc. What I don't like are reviews that amount only to insults at the band and at people who like the music.

  112. fantac: you are absolutely right. They look like they are 12. Which they probably are. ...commies. (kidding. I know they ~aren't commies)

    However, I did go to china in April. Beijing, xi'an and shanghai. It was amazing.

    (this is believer_ko by the way. I'm on my iPod so I have to use this name; my real one.)

  113. That's the spirit, Monkeybutt! Constructive critisism!

  114. *sips hynreck's tea*

    (get your minds out of your respective gutters)

  115. Once again I didn't pre-order but I did buy it on-line tonight. Should have it by the weekend. Glad we have the net so that we can hear the songs before we get the actual hard copy. So I've been listening to the new singles on-line all day today & yesterday too.

    I do love TBP and WY is growing on me too but I still feel it's missing something. Will I really love it in the long run? I'm not sure but so far it's not too bad.

    And I don't mind reading the negative criticism, I like to read everyones opinion but it get annoying when some people bash people in the process.

  116. I have to say that though the Perfect Boy is my favorite single so far, I like Without You even better!
