
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Perfect Boy reviews

Obskure, nerd [heart] geek and Stereogum have reviews of The Perfect Boy. (Thanks Emmanuel, Sofia and Paul)


  1. These are actually pretty good reviews! Not just because they are positive reviews of this song (which deserves positive reviews) but they (especially the first review) are quite thoughtful and supported with examples etc. I used to write reviews for a couple of different magazines, and nobody really wanted single reviews, but I always thought they were essential. I'm biased, but I love single reviews. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have to say that I agree with the reviewer who wasn't particularly thrilled with the vocal effects during the pre-chorus and chorus. Totally unnecessary, at least at the level that was used. Other than that, TPB is awesome.

  3. the nerd heart geek review is excellent. it does not merely bask in the glory of the song, but is constructively critical where the song warrants it (i.e., regarding the vocal effects).

    that said, i have almost completely reconciled myself with those effects. they do add an interesting texture and tension to the song. and i wouldn't even have an issue with them had i not heard the more stripped down version first.

    still cant completely get into WY, though.

  4. Cool reviews especially the geek one!

  5. Whilst I am still a dunce when it comes to identifying the effects in songs (vocal and instrumental effects), I love the geek's lyrical explanation. A great review.

  6. "still cant completely get into WY, though."
    Yeah, i get that too...1 minute i hate the vocals, the next i think they work..only to dislike them again with the next play...I love it musically though...For me it's the hardest song to get into out of the 8...but it will come i think:)

  7. Thanks for the comments folks!

  8. Paul,

    Great review, truly. You can check out my Cure reviews at my Cure blog and my literary webzine, to be found in my profile.

    Thanks for being such a great writer and Cure fan. :-)

  9. I agree, Paul. You are a fab reviewer and writer. Well done!

  10. I hope the geek review is right about the non-mix13 version on the album not having those stupid vocal effects. It's such a good song and those effects drive me nuts!!

  11. I wouldn't bet too much on it. It was just wishful thinking from him. Might happen, might not.
    I bet on not.

  12. My French is not good enough to understand the Obskure article well, but I'm a bit disappointed in the fact he gave "The Only One" 65%, Sleep When I'm Dead 60%, and The Perfect Boy and Freakshow both 70%. Yet he gave the last batch of singles better marks. "The End of the World got 80% and unforgivably copycat Taking Off got 75%.

    He also gave the 2004 album 75% and Wish only 80%.

    These were all by Emanuelle. I can't square this weird taste, unless she became a harsher critics these last years and simply didn't lower her earlier scores.

  13. Sorry, "he". Emmanuel has one "l" and no "e" at the end, so it's a man.

  14. Well i'm french and in my opinion, this article in Obskure is a load of old bollocks...It's over long and saying nothing..using words that make reading it confusing and uninteresting..voila!

  15. French too!
    That obskure article was nothing to write home about.
    Basically, the reviewer is happy tpb is decent, rather good, just like freakshow, and find the other stuff meh.
    He doesn't think mighty Cure is doing much worth doing nowadays just like in the last few years... and yeah... nothing much positive about it. All in all you're not missing on anything.

  16. Actually that site just got Gold medal at verbal masturbation in my opinion.......I've just read all the reviews backwards till Disintegration and it's doesn't get any better.

  17. Must be the author's hobby: bashing all Cure things. One wonders why some people even bother to do things like that...
    Must be the equivalent of a psy punching bag!

  18. It's not even the Cure bashing that gets to me, cos to be fair there are some(very few) valid points in the reviews, but it's the "up its own arse" french "prose"that gets to me...He also mentions Wish "from 1991" 3 times in different reviews, and i'm like, mate... do your homework better..."Oh how it nags"(P.Morley)

  19. To tell the truth I haven't read past the singles review! I had enough. I guess it's a good thing there's some glowing moment, but yeah, le manièrisme était plutôt ennuyant, voir irritant.

  20. This is the first single that I like as much as the live version. The other singles seemed to be lacking when compared to their live versions. I can't wait to hear the rest of the new cd.
