
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Cure For Love

Rev. Heron has penned a new article called The Cure for Love.


  1. That's very sweet. I don't know if I'd include "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea" as a love song, though. It's pretty clear the guy wants to leave, but keeps getting pulled back by doubt and his sexual desire for her. If you include the painful side of love, The Cure has a wealth of songs, so why only pick this one.

    That's my interpretation anyway.

  2. Interesting reading of "Friday, I'm In Love", though. I actually thought it was about the days of the week, and that Robert was personifying the days. But this makes more sense...

  3. Amazing stuff, Rev.
    Muldfeld, I'm with you - I would never have picked FTEOTDGS as a love song. In fact, I have always thought of it as a stroy of an affair.

  4. I thought "Why can't I be you" was about his fans.

  5. I've read quite a bit of fans interpretration of cure songs along the years, but i liked this piece.It is concise and not trying to extrapolate and that's refreshing.Well done!

  6. what about all the songs about his love of drugs?

    FTEODGS i read somewhere where robert actually said that was about drugs.

  7. Thank you for sharing, Rev. Heron!

  8. An affair, drugs? These are all interesting interpretations. I've always thought From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea had such incredible lyrics; I hope the new album reaches those heights!

  9. Muldefld - I hear ya!!!! Roll on October 13

  10. "FTEOTDGS: drugs again"

    R. Smith, cure news number 14, September 1993

  11. but yeah the song clearly hints at some drug-based relationship and the kind of hyper sensitivity one could have around other people on ecstasy

  12. I like the idea that the drug reference is in relation to 'love' rather than something more illicit. *wonders if her naivety is showing*

  13. so who wants to write an article on robert's love affair with all things wal-mart (especially when on tour in america)

    one can only dream that there will be a lovesong of this sort on the upcoming album:)

    yeah and one can dream that the sun revolves around the earth and astrology works oops ;)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. when was i nasty? i just stated an opinion backed up with fact,,,(more than 500 years worth) interjected with a lil humour...

    but if i must i will take the full onslaught of the goth/emo lashing...

    purge me, i have been bad...oh and RB? do we know each other that well yet?

    or do you just get a little rosey cheeked saying bunghole? go on, give it a shout...

    i promise no one will giggle...


  16. Robert's "Bottom"hole - *blushes* Sorry, I may have misread what you said - I just love a happy COF land - I hate it when it gets 'tense'.

    For the record, I am not a goth or emo - so if there is a lashing to be handed out - it won't be from me

  17. and in anticipation for future retorts..yes i do have a life, i am just choosing not to be involved in it at the immediate moment as this is more fun than its late and i cannot sleep, and there is only shite on the tele..

  18. Where are you?

    It's bedtime for me now

  19. to altr2elise:

    if i paid you, would you be goth/emo and give me a lashing? if its legal in your country/district/shire/or smurf village?

    if you're good i'll be bad ;)

    ok i think i just creeped myself out

  20. Robert's "Bung"hole - *becomes more confident in using that term*

    I think I am becoming more goth as the days go by, but I am not sure that my whip handling skills would be up to your expectations.

  21. and in anticipation of a response - it is time for this (future) goth to retire.

    It has been...........interesting, Robert's Bunghole.

    Until next time :)

  22. believe it or not the screen name robert's butthole was already taken...

  23. Another wonderful post from Rev! Thanks for sharing! The interpretations are excellent! :)

    With a few of the songs, I had the same feelings as Rev does but the some others I did not. I always thought FTEOTDGS were about drugs too and maybe that was Robert’s intentions all along. However, Rev’s post has opened my eyes to see beyond my thoughts, feelings & impressions and see what else Robert could be saying with his lyrics. We all take something different out of each song & I truly enjoy what Rev had to say! I wish I could express my feelings about the lyrics as good as she does. I love her blog!

  24. Rev says "The Only One" is the last track on the forthcoming album. How does he know that? And why would they pick the worse single (or song) as the final track in the first place? You should always end an album with a great track.

  25. Thanks to those of you who've left kind comments. It was hard to choose just 13 songs! I know I left out a ton of good choices, but I felt that 13 would be symbolic of both their anniversary date as well as the new album.

    I know that FTEOTDGS is "officially" about drugs, but I think the lyrics portray it within the context of their relationship and reveal their emotional responses to each other. That's my interpretation anyhow, and as always, you are free to disagree ;)

    Happy Anniversary again to Robert and Mary, and may they have many, many more years of happiness together!!

  26. Rambowl, you misread my blog post. The Only One is the last track of the playlist, not the album. If you go by the 4Tour concert setlists, then the first track of the new album will be Underneath the Stars and the last track will be Baby Rag Dog Book.

  27. Um, does anyone here notice the glaring error regarding JLH? The b sides are Snow in Summer and Sugar Girl. I am pretty sure there is no song in the canon named "A Perfect Girl".

  28. Sorry namepa, you are right about the B-sides to JLH. I meant Sugar Girl, but wrote A Perfect Girl. I think I had The Perfect Boy playing when I wrote it. Thanks for catching my mistake! :) It's fixed.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. There is a song titled "The Perfect Girl" on KMKMKM. So, it does exist :D

  31. Rev, thanks for these intriguing Cure insights. It's so interesting to read different takes on songs, and even if there is a definitive "meaning" IMO all good art is ALWAYS subject to varying interpretations.

    Maybe one day I will be bold enough to send in my own Cure blog. :-)

  32. auch. it feels like valentine's day! :)

    i love love and i loved your article, rev. xo

  33. Please don't demean music by calling it "art". When something is termed "art", we lose the ability to be critical and analytical, because "art" is held as as such a subjective term. Even people who think they just listen and enjoy music are still highly critical, they just do not realize it. You criticism leads you to listen to what you like and not GWAR or JLo or ZZ Top. I listen to The Cure for very objective reasons and I would guess that many others feel similarily disposed. I don't like mainstream art, because what I think is great someone else can say is lousy and vice versa. Someone can say the Mona Lisa is boring and uninspired and a DaVinci freak can't really argue because it is a subjective opinion. On the other hand, someone can say I don't really care for The Cure, but they can't say that the songs aren't well crafted, executed, have a certain level of mathmatical complexity etc...

  34. I respectfully diverge from your classification of music as "not art" but I find what you say very interesting nonetheless.

    And I like ZZ Top, and all sorts of stuff others might balk at. :-)

    Quite a provocative post, though. :-)

  35. *cough* oh crap anyone else like Gwar? yah me neither heh heh *cough*

  36. What's a Gwar? Is it from Star Wars?
    The new movie coming out, perhaps?

  37. Be happy you are unaware of GWAR, your dreams will thank you for it.

  38. very nice article...I really like your choices for the songs

  39. Interesting Rev. The great thing about Cure lyrics is that they can be ambiguous. Drugs, Love, Affair? It's up to the listener. And that's what makes a perfect listening experience.
    In Elise's words, there truly is a "Cure for every mood".

  40. i've always thinked Deep Green Sea was about a destructive and depressing relationship, destructive and depressive in the sense that both of them consume drugs, and i've always thought that in the end she ends up killing herself.. but thats just my interpretation of it:)

  41. Thanks for clearing that up Rev. Heron. You almost gave me a heart attack. :)

  42. nice article. not sure about your readings of wciby or fteotdgs though, although the beauty of all art is that it's meaning is open to interpretation. yes the cure's music is art, obviously.

    also, i thought they were married in bolton abbey in yorkshire. maybe i'm wrong...
