
Monday, July 14, 2008

Sleep When I'm Dead video

The video is up on MTV Italy and MTV UK, but as usual, not available to anyone outside of those areas.
Update: Thanks to Aaron for sending me the flv file. Here's the link to download it. If you have trouble viewing the file, get Miro.

Update: Sleep When I'm Dead (Official video)
Let's see how long it lasts. Universal, please leave it alone! Read Robert's post on the official site, he WANTS the videos on YouTube.

Update: And here's the video in iPod format.

(Thanks to Aaron for the first flv file, to Monkeybutt for Miro, to for the second flv file and to Brad for the iPod file)


  1. craig:if someone send you the mtv flv original file, you could please uploading and sharing here?, please not you tube , you tube sucks, i like see in good quality.
    very thanks

  2. Craig: I still can't believe Robert does not give you special access. WFT? I thought he had turned into friend of Cof? Surely, he knows how ravenous we are.

  3. and how important you are.

  4. Well... youtube will do for me all the same so... can't wait!!

  5. Yeah !!!

    We need to see this video.

    We know that will be on b/w as the previous two, but no matter, we want it.


    Thanks in advance.

    Still no news on the "official lyrics" ?

    In that case, happily we have the very accurate from Craig and V !!!!

    It´s just we need to solve the mystery, pony, bunny, chick, chicken and more ?


  6. I hate to go against the crowd but when I watched the video earlier I scanned that a few times and believe he says "PONY". I really liked 'Bunny' but it's Pony. IMO

  7. You're not going against the crowd, well not the "cool" crowd anyway. : )
    We all say it's Pony.

  8. how about 'bony' i.e. a bony puppy?

  9. that's alot funnier to me, mostly because of the painkillers i;m taking...

  10. Monghi: That link didn't work for me.
    Youtube couldn't convert my file. Checking to see if there's a problem with the source.

  11. Just curious. Does it look just like Freakshow and Only One?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I happened to see the video this morning before it got yanked off of youtube. It's the standard b/w studio video but for SWID, I think the video works. FS no but SWID yes! Robert doesn't have his lipstick but there’s quite a bit of tongue action! Too bad the plug got pulled on it already.

    Tomorrow it’s officially out in the states so, I’m sure we will be able to see it on-line at the usual places by then.

  14. Dumb: Yep, all 4 will look the same. All from the same recording session.

  15. watching now. i officially like this song now. something just clicked while cranking it on headphones. love it. best single so far.

  16. Monkey: How are you watching it? What player?

  17. it's called miro- came with the firefox upgrade. i downloaded from that megaupload link and it opened right up!

  18. Sorry, because i´m not a tech geek, is there any easier way to see the video, not downloading the .flv file ?

    Please, i´m sure i´m not the only one who wants the old fashioned way.

    Thanks in advance.

    ( ** embarrasment sight ** )

  19. Thanks Monkey, getting it now.

  20. ive coverted mine to mp4 is that helpful,,,,,,,how do i let you lot access it tho craig?

  21. Sendspace or mediafire would be good.

  22. is that answering me craig?

    couldd i email it to you and leave the techy bit to you lol

  23. Sure dead, but the file might be too big. That's why I mentioned those two websites.

  24. Dead: Click my name up there.

  25. Ok, I've posted it to youtube again, let's see what happens.


    hopee that link works,,,,couldnt email it

  27. I see it on youtube....countdown 3 hours?

    watch it while you can

  28. Oh cool craig, I just watched it 3 more times in case it's not up when I get home from work. Gotta leave soon!

    And thanks for the link deadboy, I'll try to download it tonight!

    The video needs more Simon! He's hardly in it but oh there lots of RSX!!! Yum! LOL!!!

  29. I use the Wimpy Player to play the .flv's. Get it at

  30. Hmm, they haven't removed it, but it's gone back into processing.
    I'll upload again. : )

  31. And now it's back. Very odd. What are you up to Universal? : )

  32. All this RSX TONGUE action is way too much for this estrogen-fueled fool!






    F U C K I N G


  33. now iknow how to play this game
    heres more mp4 vids

    glove;orgy.pmwk and abid
    cure redrock-undernts too

  34. And wow - Robert sans lipstick - is that a first in Cure vid history?? I like the look. I always thought he would look good sans lipstick but with manly stubble. Mmmmm....manly stubble. Or dark lipstick ala the Never Enoug vid.

    I have to fan myself from watching all that tongue action... is he trying to tease us or something?

    Anyway, moving on from the horny fangirlyness... I really am loving this song now. I actually thought it was kind of in between boring and awesome live (if that's possible), and the studio version is rather joltingly different from the live version, but I find it wonderful now that I'm used to it. It's got a lot of passion and verve...the production is a bit KM era but in a good way.


  35. Cat: Sorry, it's officially PONY. Just talked with RS and he confirmed it for me. Sorry, you lose. ; )

  36. Pony!

    With out a doubt, this is the most absurd "argument" ever. : )

  37. Cat: No, he used the COF Hotline. It's a private line that only RS and I can use. It's like the old US/USSR red phone. Just there in case of an the bunny/pony debate. : )

  38. Give it up, Cat! It's totally pony and you know it! :P

  39. LOL... you're crazy, Craig!

    V: BOOO TO YOU! I thought we were friends, but NO! You had to go side with the Puny Pony Camp!

    Pooh on you all! It's rabbit all the way for this gal!

    PS I'll go back to being a vegetarian if it's pony... that's how sure I am that it's not! I am weak-willed these days when it comes to meat, sadly...

  40. Bunny/kick... pony/kick... hmm... :^P

  41. well, ponies are more well known for their kicking, but bunnies kick too!

    and if it turns out to be pony, i'll still sing bunny... and RSX will fuck it up live anyway and prolly sing elephant or something :-P

  42. Trust me, ponies definitely can be slotted into the "kick" camp... bunnies tend to run for their lives. Heh.

  43. Yay, Cat will be a vegetarian again! Awesome!

  44. when i was in france (just came back a little while ago), i saw tons of lapin/bunnies! they are aBUNdant there. very strange to see them on the sides of roads munching away on the grass. anyway, i am going to ask my bf tonight if bunnies can kick since he's such the lapin expert (i won't say why, it's offensive to even me). i mean, we KNOW they can kick, but do they have a special bunny karate chop kick or what?

    we shall soon find out...

    on another note, i find the lyrics to SWID both boring and intriguing. the animal references are very funny and weird... the rest are kinda meh.

  45. Cat: But the lyrics are about the adventures of jesus. : )

  46. hmmmmmmm.... okaaaaaaaaaaay...

    says you and a crackpipe?

  47. I agree with craig it's about Jesus (or Brian?)! Anyway I love you craig, thankyou for uploading that. This song is an instant classic for me now.

  48. I don't mean to create factions in our happy little CoF family, but I'm coming down firmly on the side of BUNNY!

    I think that the lyric "give it to the bunny, and see if she kicks" is a reference to when they used to use rabbits in pregnancy tests, and if it died you were pregnant. I'm glad that they don't do that any longer, and that no animals were harmed in the making of my children.


  49. that's FIVE FOR BUNNY! Possibly SIX but I have lost count!


    *hopping off to dinner now*

  50. All of you bunny lovers are in for such a letdown. : )

  51. craig, HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW? hmmmmm? RSXXX ain't posted the lyrics yet!

    *REALLY hopping off to dinner now*

  52. Cat takes this a bit too seriously.
    : )

    I know because V tells me it's PONY! Therefore, it HAS to be Pony. : )

  53. Since you seem to be taking a vote of hands.....I say PONY.

  54. Craig, seems like it's time for a new poll!

  55. Thanks to whomever sent Craig the file and thanks to Craig for uploading!

    If Universal has been taking down past files, it's idiotic. This site is the only way we know about Cure news and the singles. TV has completely failed to attract Cure fans -- as has pitchfork, unless you wanna know what crack-voice Lil' Wayne is up to.

  56. Rev: Done! : )

    Come on Pony people, Vote!

  57. muld, my videos of the song during the 4Tour all got "silenced" by Universal this morning. I noticed that almost all of the other concert footage of Sleep When I'm Dead has suffered the same fate.

  58. 10 to 4 in favor of the pony!

    I'll bet most casual readers of COF have no clue what that poll is about.
    : )

  59. Haha! A poll. You guys are too funny.

    Okay, I voted....

  60. I voted as well! :) Goooooooooooooooo Pony!

  61. OMG THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME! I FUCKING LOVE YOU CRAIG! A PONY/BUNNY POLL! And most people reading are like, "WTF is UP with Craig these days?" and Robert's like, "He's gone right mad that chap."

    60 to 40 in favor of Pony.

    *goes off to create new accounts*

    *i kid i kid*

  62. Thanks again Craig.

    As soon as I opened this page, it started at the bottom and I only saw the words "Stupid fucks!" and I said to myself, "that's got to be Cat". Cat, you are precious. :p

  63. i'm in the bunny camp! But i am not sure i really know why. Haaa....

  64. LOL helsa...thanks i think! seriously, though, universal can suck my left tit.

    craig, i think you could actually make the poll more explanatory if you wanted and perhaps more casual cofers would know how to vote. just a thought. i think it's an hilarious debate! i love goofy shit like this.

    can't wait 'til i'm proven right by RSXXX.

    bunnies forever!

  65. I voted Pony but after a few more listens, I have to admit it kind of sounds like it could be bunny too!
    Personally I'd rather have him sing kitty!!! We need the official lyrics to end this feud!!! LOL!

  66. Having been kicked by both, I think the real power has got to be behind the pony.

  67. P.S.:

    Pony, because you can't ride a Bunny.


  68. Whoever is wrong will receive a tongue-lashing from Robert.


    Make that whoever is RIGHT will receive that tongue-lashing. :-P

    *wiggles her fluffy tail as she hops out the door*

  69. anah, what does riding have to do with it? am i missing something? is robert suddenly riding these animals? i thought he was just wanting someone to "give it" to them.

    what strange lyrics, the more i think about them.

  70. okay, I just posted this over at the cure page, so to save you and me the time.
    "I say BUNNY. Why? because in the next verse he says "give it to the puppy..." and both words have the Uh sound in them. And we all know that pony has the OH sound... so, Bunny then Puppy... ya dig? so THERE!"

  71. EXACTLY Helsa! u roooool!

    And on that note, I lay me down to dream... about big fluffy BUNNIES!

  72. PS Poll is rigged... Craig and V are creating false accounts and voting multiple times.

    The evil bunnies will come get you in your sleep. Beware the Beelzebub Bunnies!

  73. Cat: No way. We don't need to rig the poll because we're right! ;)

  74. I'll eat my left shoe if it's pony... I just don't hear 'ONY... I hear 'UNNY!! 'UNNYYYY!

  75. Bunnicula is coming for you all.

    But I still say pony because you really can't ride a bunny Cat, unless you were Thumbelina.

  76. I had to listen again, Helsabot after your very good point, but......I still think pony.

  77. anah, you big dork, what does RIDING have to do with it? robert doesn't want to RIDE the bunny, he wants someone to "give it" to the bunny! for the last time! when will you kids learn to listen to Dr. Wise Cat?!

    helsa nailed it - it has the "uh" sound, not the "oh" sound.

    besides, ponies suck! it's all about the wabbits!

  78. and helsa, i'll eat my earlobe and poke out my eardrums if it's pony! and i'll hand in my Cure Fan Card and stalk Hannah Montana!

  79. but anah, he says "give it to the (bunny).." and then he says "give it to the puppy..." Did he say he was going to ride anything? I didn't hear that in the song? 8/

  80. Cat, why wouldn't Robert want to ride a Bunny? They're very soft!

    And on an off subject: Didn't Simon first marry Porl's younger sister and have Eden and Lily with her? Wouldn't that make Porl Eden's uncle?

  81. oh, for minute there Cat I thought you said "puke out my eardrums"!

  82. and besides which, you can't ride a dog or a chicken or a kitten!

    he doesn't say, "ride when i'm dead you bunnies..."

    or does he?

  83. You sillys, you know I'm just being dingy with the Pony riding!



    Only here does that sentence make any sense.

  84. anah, i don't know much about Cure incest, sorry.

    helsa, now that's just gross.

    sounds like an RSXXX lyric.

  85. anah, yeah, he married Carol first. So Porl is indeed Lily's and Eden's uncle.

  86. Who says you can't ride a kitten? >:)

  87. Ha! The Pony is winning now! Down with the succubus bunnies!

  88. isn't robert overdue for the curesingalong thing?


    i won't be able to sleep until i know!

    sleep when i know you chickens

  89. Helsa...then why is Eden trying to convince me otherwise!? LOL!

  90. v, i'd rather not know about your personal life, thanks.

  91. LOL, The Daily Show just rickrolled everyone.

    Sleep when I'm done you Rick Astleys...

  92. V: Not me, that's for damn sure! ; )

  93. If I tried to ride my kitten, it would get smashed.

  94. of course, you can ride COF kittens...

  95. Anah-
    "LOL, The Daily Show just rickrolled everyone." HUH??

    "then why is Eden trying to convince me otherwise!? LOL!"


  96. That gives a whole new meaning to the next COF get together.

  97. Cat: Of course the other way round works just as well. : )

  98. Helsa: Rickrolled... um, It's hard to explain. My best advise is to google it!

    And Eden... um, he told me that. LOL.

  99. helsa, you didn't know? it's some weird trend now to give someone a link to a certain youtube vid, only to have it turn out to be rick astley singing never gonna give you up. poor guy. it's called being rick rolled and it's quite hilarious.

    anah, you must elaborate about the eden thing.

  100. GASP. ohmygod... is it getting freaky up in here? :cues stupid porn music:

    Anah, I know what Rickrolling is... I was just wondering what happened. I'm guessing the Ep is new? ah, I have to watch it.

    I wonder why Eden would say something like that??

  101. Craig: For kittens to ride COF?

  102. seriously tho, did Craig just say what I think he said?

  103. Never mind. Leave COF out of your perverted kitten/bunny fantasies. : )

  104. Clockwise Cat said...
    of course, you can ride COF kittens...

    Craig said...
    Cat: Of course the other way round works just as well. : )


  105. Chicka Chicka Chicka WoOoOoOOow

  106. I'm so confused now because I hear both words in the song. Sometimes I hear pony and sometimes I hear bunny!

  107. it's a hybrid pony/bunny... a punny!

  108. OMG Cat.... maybe it IS PUNNY?!?

    Just watched the video.
    Robert is quite delectable all stubbly and sans lipstick. He does the STRANGEST things with his tongue, that man...<_<.. >_>....

    I think he's going to gradually phase out of the make up and give himself time to get used to not wearing any?

  109. helsa, that is what i was thinking too, about the make-up. actually i love the make-up but i love him sans make-up too. i like the eye make-up the best... highlights his amazing eyes. and yes he is TOO delectable and tonguey in that vid and i just can't watch it anymore. and i can't wait to crank that fucking song; i hope my local shop has it tomorrow or i will pee all over them.

  110. Me thinks that Craig's previous insistence of being "innocent" have all been voided by this conversation.

    Anyone recall the song that used to be dedicated to the COF Kittens as part of the Poppy encore? I seem to recall that was LGTB.... was this where it all started?

  111. Elise: I am INNOCENT!

    *Craig loves the timing of this comment, but can't say why* ; )

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Never said I wasn't having fun Elise.
    ; )

  115. OK, so now I've heard the whole thing through a couple of times I have a bit more perspective on how it differes from that wonderful version they played in Boston, and it's actually helped me understand the bigger picture as to how I feel about all the singles so far...

    I think with Porl's return and the relegation of keyboards to the background, the focus has become the guitars, and as a result the bass and drums sound too clean and dry. If the bass sounded more like 'Shiver and Shake' and the snare was a bit more snappy I think this would rock... The tempo IS OK.

    Here's hoping the album version sounds a bit more aggressive.

  116. sa resemble beaucoup aux autre clips (only one ,freakshow ect...) tout pour faire croire a un nouveau clip !!!!!!!!!!

  117. Umm...don't really know where to post this but pitchfork just talked about the SWID video here:

  118. a bit late on this, but i'm going with BUNNY...
    reason: listen to how the "p"s pop on PuPPy. there is no such popping on the kicking animal.. thus, bunny... b's are more easily slurred. bunnybunnybunnybunny.

  119. Wow, I leave the country and miss the PONY-BUNNY poll? Damnit! :)

    And what's this about Jesus?

  120. Hey, Kate! Where did you go on your trip? (Did I see you mention you were in Deutschland?)

  121. Hi, V!

    Yes, Germany. In Leipzig for a choral festival, and Berlin on our own. Fabulous!

  122. Kate, that's awesome. Were you singing in the choral festival? I was in Berlin earlier this year, and it is one of my favorite places on earth. Love it there! Can't wait to see pics. :) (I assume you took some?)

  123. Hi, V! Yes, I performed during the festival, along with a small group from my chorus. It was wonderful!

    Berlin was amazing, and I wish we had had more time there. I would recommend it to anyone!

  124. Kate, that's so cool that you were performing there! What kind of chorus are you in, and what music did you sing? Also, what part do you sing? (I used to sing, too, so I'm curious. :) )

  125. V, it was very exciting - an international choral festival!

    I am in a group at a local university. Men and women, four parts. There are usually 80-90 singers, but only a few went to Germany. I sing either second soprano or first alto. We perform mostly major choral/orchestral works during the regular season.

    For the festival, we prepared a selection of traditional American songs, folk, etc. All of the groups participated in selections from Elijah.
