
Monday, July 7, 2008

Roger update

Roger has a lot going on in the next few months, so be sure to check out his website. A quick summary:

Live shows - Roger will be playing a few live shows this summer. The first date announced is July 31st at Synthetic in The Cavendish Arms pub in Stockwell, London.

Songs From the Silver Box - the new album is now scheduled for a November release.

Remixing -"Just finished a remix for a crazy Toronto band called Pony Da Look. Its difficult to describe them really , there are four girls all playing cheap synthesizers with and English girl singing lyrics about sorcerers and demons .... very weird!" Hahaha...they ARE weird!

Also, check out the Roger Remix site.


  1. oh cool! roger should stop by cali. how bout the silicon valley? ;)
    i like him and erin working togethor, hopefully theyll do more live shows

  2. Cool! It's great to see what Roger's been up too lately.

  3. Good song from Pony Da Look.
    Good taste Roger!
