
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Robert confirms Oct. 13th and more!

Robert has posted at the official site and confirms the Oct. 13th release date, a 4Singles remix ep, and work on Paris/Charlotte/NYC tv and dvd projects. Just go read it. Robert seems to be in a good/playful mood. It's a lot of fun to read. : )

Also notice that he says the album is still untitled. Maybe Dream 13 is just a working title or a placeholder that the "mighty U" is using.


  1. No surprise. And perhaps this is not the last delay of the album. I hope the album is released this year before Christmas :(

  2. was that the sound of a deflating clockwise cat???

    Oct eh...I really am pleased to see Robert has jumped on this info quickly, and this ep sounds interesting and if the album is 17 tracks long then i am a happy boy.....

    still i was looking forward to sept 15th

  3. I think this is great news. I LOVE the idea of a remix EP. Can't wait to find out who Robert commissions to do them.

    Speaking of mixes, I wonder if the "Mix 13" versions of the singles are actual remixes, or if they are simply the album versions.

    Anyway, as for the album delay, I don't feel like it's a big deal. We've already waited this long; another month isn't going to kill us.

  4. tv/dvd? what does that mean? i don't think rcmh was taped?
    more from msg?

    "until the next postponement"


  5. Sofia: RS said previously that he would do a remix/reshuffle of the Fuse set for a later broadcast.

    And he was joking about the postponement. He seems to be in a great mood and just kidding around.

  6. maybe its also to give the rest of the band time off with their families etc......

    good on them for doing things the way they want, even if it makes me shudder inside with desperation

  7. you can be a heart-soother, craig.

    i guess i'm feeling low for other reasons and it's mighty easy to take it out on something that isn't going the way you want it to.

  8. Although I am saddened by the delay - I love the vibe of Robert's message - he seems to be in a really good mood.

    (sighs... remembers those pre-web golden days of surprise... )

    I love it!

  9. yeah for once I'm not really disappointed. The cheerful tone has kinda reassured me that the delays were not due to some panic regarding the quality of the album. The remix EP sounds tossed off and I'm sure we'll get some crappy Mark Spike Stent mixes but whatever...

  10. I would have figured 13 tracks.. nightmare 17 doesn't have the same ring.. Can I suggest a solution. TWO (putting the "double" question to rest) 13 track discs. first disc for the Pube's (public) and the other for music lovers. thats only nine more songs, Im sure they have em...

  11. The ep is obviously just to fill in the gap now that there is an extra delay, since the whole idea was a release per month up to the album release...but in all reality who the f**k is going to buy it after buying all the singles every month ? Not me

    The delay is bad news but not unexpected...I wish he would stop wasting time on new f**king dvd's and release what we all want. i.e the album

  12. I am very excited about this news. I like it that we get the remixes, I am interested to hear what comes out of it and supporting a worthy cause is very cool. I am also stoked about the prospect of a DVD soonish, and the wait for the album is all very tantalizing. :^D

  13. Keith - I'll be buying the ep - I can't help myself - I MUST have everything

  14. I delay everything, so I understand, and he never screws us on remasters like U2 is with the War remaster full of remixes and missing many b-sides and rarities despite being around 40 minutes on the bonus disc.

    Also, 17 songs on one CD sounds pretty cool as long as all the great songs are eventually released on disc, as he promised a few months ago. Even if it doesn't happen and we get two albums, it means he's willing to give fans bang for the buck! I like that in my musicians. Enough of this 40 minute album crap, Radiohead! I hate changing CDs when I'm driving that frequently.

    Sofia, to continue on what Craig said, Fuse and perhaps another filming crew said The Cure would get the rights to use the footage. So, whatever Robert mixes for TV, he can then put onto DVD. Awesome! I just hope he doesn't do any wierd effects. The show's light effects are gorgeous as they are!

    iceblink luck, I get the feeling the Mix 13 versions are (hopefully) different. "The Only One" had the intro in concert and when's the last time you heard a Cure song with no intro! However, you could be right that the others may be exactly the same. I'm not sure, but I think I'm siding with many hoping for a slightly more pronounced bass line.

    I'm glad Robert's at least taking time to get things absolutely right with all kinds of subtleties and touches to make it the best album since -- and maybe as good as -- "Wish".

    Waiting is part of the fun anyway.

  15. 17 songs...
    We know that the session songs number was 33.
    Now we have 17 songs on the upcoming album + 4 bsides = 21 songs

    12 songs for the "dark album" is a perfect number!!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Elise: Good morning! I'll be buying the EP too. No complaints from me.

  18. The rumour turns true, so, i have to see the bright side of RSx mood.

    Good sign that he promptly comes out and gives an explanation.

    I hope the EP will be released world-wide, not only all Cure fans are from Europe and US.

    It´s always good to see that Cure is giving away the royalties for a good cause.

    It´s strange that the final cut and song order isn´t finished yet.

    I hope Cure isn´t over-worked the album...

    17 songs = 80 min it´s a real pretext for release a double cd ( and make everyone happy ), don´t you think ?

    I wonder which it´s the "real" reason for the delay, but i´m hoping will be a very good one.

    I´m not negative at all, but for me, looks a little bit (much) misterious the release and the dvd/tv stuff,it´s like put a steam curtain for avoid fan critics and such, maybe for gain some extra time to make things works out right ( this is what must to be done !!! ) and no more "delay surprises".

    But anyway, i´m satisfied with RSx explanations and excited for the projects to come.

    Even i lose for completely my sleep, right after reading the delay confirmation.

    This was like a "RSx Caffeine" overdose to me.


    What do you think about the "surprise remixers" ?

    I go for something like the Mix Up era, famous dj´s mixing Cure songs, and maybe this time, some Cure friends such as Trent Reznor, Korn, Martin L.Gore,Placebo, Billy Corgan.

    Have i the right for dreaming, ok ?

    Sorry, is the lack of sleeping...


  19. No surprises there. We've waited so long, another month won't hurt us ;)

  20. Good morning, Craig! What? No running hug?

  21. at least now i have more time to save money just in case there's going to be promo shows.

  22. *running hugs in slow motion for everybody!*
    Geezz! It's not easy to keep track of the more recent news with the different time zones... I'm still dizzy with all the new posts!!

  23. No problem in waiting till Oct! The closer to Xmas the better! It will be the perfect Xmas for me, listening to dark Cure songs; can't wait!!

  24. If he releases a Charlotte DVD, I will never have sex again, because that will be enough to keep me contented forever.

  25. Poking fun at himself for his proclivity for postponements is pretty damn funny.

    I really don't think he's going to postpone it much beyond October, though, as the whole point is to release it close to the singles. If I'm wrong, as I said at the official - I will do a duet with Ashlee Simpson.

    The re-mix CD sounds intriguing... I'm sure the cynics will call it a money-grubbing move, but it's clearly a gesture of goodwill due to the delay... I am actually excited to hear the songs in a different form. I like their current mixes quite a bit, though.

    And hell yes - change the name Dream 13. It's just not doin' anything for me.

    I wish he would confirm UTS and ABINK...

  26. I just realized that Robert wrote that EP royalties will seemingly go somewhere other than the mighty U's pockets! Excellent news! Robert, my humble homeless-feeding-in-the-parks group can use some moolah, especially as the ranks of homeless are swelling in imminent-depression Amerikkka, and are targeted by our fascist government. Lemme know and I'll give you the address, k?


  27. Good morning, Cat.

    Up bright and early again this morning AND already firing!

  28. Hey, an off topic thought....

    I just saw footage of the Pope travelling through Sydney in his PopeMobile. Do you think he listens to music as he travels around? I have this mental image of him listening to FTEOTDGS :)

  29. Hi Elise!
    I can just see that, especially in the part " put your hands in the sky"!!

  30. Hi Jupiter,
    I don't know why the thought popped into my mind, but as soon as I saw the footage of the pope it was all I could think of. LOL

  31. I just had the epiphany while getting my morning caffeine (diet cherry pepsi) and breakfast (piece of bread) that NONE of this has such a grave import as I attach to it. :-)

    I really need to get back to work... I have NO discipline or focus when I'm not working.

  32. PS Good morning/afternoon/evening Elise and JM! :-)

  33. Cat, if it makes you feel any better, I have no discipline or focus at all at the moment - and I am working :)

  34. Elise: LOL. You have a point. Fuck work! It's all about The Cure!

    Now I'm really confused...

  35. It's all I can do to get through the work day, so I can come home and chat to my Cure buddies again.

    Hang on, I think you are right - we really need to return to real life - where we belong :)

  36. Hi CCat!
    I prefer to linger in The Cure Universe where everything makes much more sense to me!
    And just go to real life once in a while!

  37. And real life is....? Anyone? Anyone?

    I am hard-pressed for answers.

    At least this summer hasn't been fucking boring for me, that's fo sho! Five Cure concerts, one Tom Waits concert, two weeks in France, three Cure singles and three Cure b-sides, album postponement, RSXXX tongue... who needs REAL LIFE?

  38. Sorry Cat, maybe I've had too much caffeine by now... Or it's just the hot weather, it must be 88 plus ºF around here!

  39. My real life has everything to do with The Cure but until I met you guys I thought my real life was a dream; does that make any sense?...

  40. elise: it ain't so great, trust me. :-)

    it's fine, but whatever... somewhat mundane. i loves my man, though, and my house and kitties... but i could do without having to work for "the man" ever again. i would rather do my webzine and volunteer work for a living... be my own boss, as it were.

    but that ain't gonna happen most likely. :-)

  41. oh, but of course, I DID have the five Cure concerts if that is what you are referring to. for that i am very lucky... but it's NEVER ENOUGH!

  42. Jupiter - it makes total sense to me! I LOVE this new life!

    Cat - I hear ya, it would be nice not to have to work again and spend life doing the things we are passionate about

  43. Well, Elise, we do what we can in our spare time, eh? And really, I feel like a brat for complaining at ALL... there are many many unfortunate people in the world, fucked over by our oppressive system, and I have been born into a more privileged family, etc. and at least I have a job at all, unlike millions of unemployed... the latter makes me so sick. That anyone should be homeless... it's a fucking crime! The homeless I have known all WANT to work... it's the pitiful dearth of JOBS that keeps them from it... and lack of affordable housing. I could expound for DAYS on this, as it makes me ill at my stomach to even consider any of it. Anyway, point being: I am a spoiled brat for complaining about my overall pretty happy life.

  44. Still, if I were liberated from the shackles of a "real job" I could do more volunteer work and become even more politically active...

  45. and then maybe make more of an impact. i am the type of person who is compelled to all sorts of radical action, if only my job didn't impede that. i do protests, but i have to stay within the law for fear of losing my job. otherwise, i would trespass and do whatever i had to do to make a point that we are being FUCKED by FASCISTS!

  46. (and craig is sighing and wishing i would STFU)

    (okay craig, I will)

    How 'bout that album delay?

  47. Interesting...and I'm not really surprised by the delay. Quite excited to hear that the album is still untitled...looks like it won't be Dream 13!

  48. I would never complain about my life (to any great extent). I really have nothing to complain about. I have a husband who 'lets' me enjoy my Cure world without an issue, fantastic friends, a job with wonderful people, I live in the most beautiful city on earth and have a wonderful family (most of the time).

    There are always things we would like to change, improve or stop, but in all honesty, life IS good.

  49. JENNY!!!!! You've just reminded me, I haven't tried the wafer biscuits yet. I am going to open the packet right now!

  50. Hiya Elise! Haha, now this is a moment of suspense. Will Elise enjoy the wafer!!??

  51. elise: that makes me so happy to hear that your life is great. :-)

  52. Elise, please let us now ASAP if you like wafers or Craig might start a new pole! =))

  53. Craig, just kidding!! I had a blast with the last one!

  54. Jenny - the verdict is in - I like them. but I think they are a "one at a time" biscuit, a little bit rich..... this from the girl who eats peanut butter with a spoon.

    The good thing is, they are individually wrapped, so I will be able to savour them.

  55. Elise - glad to hear that you like it! Now I'm so relieved. ;) I agree that it's a kind of "one at a time" fact, it can be bought separately in store here. But I do love its richness! Goes well with tea IMO.

  56. Jenny - I will definitely try one with my cup of tea on Saturday morning - when I am joining the "Friday night" chat.

    Thanks very much.

    I still have your picture of Robert up in my cubicle at work. It confuses the hell out of my work colleagues 'cos they can't work out who "Elise" is. :)

  57. There's no surprise at all. When I saw information about the new album on the HMV Japan website, I sensed it wouldn't happen because there was no official announcement coming from both the band and Universal. That's why I advised my friends not to be excited too much.
    Yeah, I was right.

    I'm really looking forward to the live DVD stuff. I'm eager to see their fantastic shows again whenever I want.:-D

  58. I say we all LEGALLY change our real names to our screen names. :-)

    Jo = Elise

    Alison = Clockwise Cat


    Actually, I had a friend years ago who did that. I kid you not!! His screen name was pretty cool, too. Now it's his real name!

  59. Cat - I am trying to merge it into my real life, already. I had to have a new sign on set up at work, and they couldn't use a 2 letter name, they were going to use Joanne, but I told them to use Elise instead..... and they did!

  60. No wonder HMV UK had no listing of the shm cd! I so want that version. Any version with better sound quality and more tracks can't be bad. Even if it's gonna be 80 mins anyway I still obviously want the shm cd. But HMV had no listing of The Perfect Boy. I listened to Bowie's Without You and I can so imagine The Cure doing. I don't really go in for covers or remixes but I'll still buy the cure remix ep in the album's void as you never know they might be better than the single mixes. I hope the album mixes are better then that gives us something new to listen and look forward to, new intros, longer versions etc. And that looks like a nice album cover, Robert's probably tinkering with it. It might be the remix ep cover though.

  61. TLS: I *HATE* Cure covers so I REALLY hope WY is NOT a cover. Their Bowie cover of YA BLOWS!! Big DISEASED DONKEY BALLS! The Cure is NOT a cover band, never will be. And nor are covers of Cure songs ever any good... except for the Cowboy Junkies "17 Seconds." That one was decent, but still eclipsed by The Cure's original.

    On the other stuff: I think a remix EP is very exciting, actually. I adore the mixes now and really don't get some of the naysaying; guess I'm just deaf and non-discerning. :-) But I think remixes are tres cool... gives us a kind of "cubist" perspective on this stuff.

    I don't think that pic is an album cover... I think it's merely an "autumn" pic to coincide with the Oct. 13th announcement.

    I hope it's not an album cover! It's nice and all, but...

    I propose Marc Chagall artwork for the album cover. :-) Or something Chagall-inspired...

  62. Okay, ya'll have a good day/night, peeps. I'm enforcing a no-internet day for myself... :-)

  63. Good luck with your 'no-internet day', Cat

  64. No Cat: it's not the same without you! Please!

  65. Jupiter - what time is it in your world?

  66. You've still got plenty of time to chat with other CoF friends.

    It's 9.25PM here..... not too much longer to chat for me :(

  67. I don't mind the delay...
    I have faith in Bob, this album is going to be great! I'm all hyped and such.
    Come on Bob, cook up a most unusual title for it!! Lino Distressed!

  68. ...and lunchtime is over; gotta work a bit. I actually like my job, but it's just too hot today to do anything else than listen to CURE! and eat waffers! =))

  69. See ya, Jupiter - it's been great to catch up. Don't work too hard, and keep cool.

  70. Jupiter *moves back for a run up.......running hug*

  71. Seriously they should put another single out, if it's 17 tracks it will still leave us with 13 unknown recorded version songs plus i would love to hear some of these single mixes with intros.

  72. I think this album is going to be big - I can feel it in my bones. It's plain to see they really want to get it right before it's released. Please please please let it be a double.

  73. Aww, Elise, I'm really happy that you like the pic of comic Bob. Do your colleagues know who the funny little guy in the picture is? LOL.

  74. Guten Morgen, Elise, et al! Cat, if ur reading this, get your feline ass back in the game! :-*

    I've just read the news and lurked at the official site. I have good feelings about all of this, and am really stoked about the ep charity offering.

    Did anyone else go a bit batshit over the pic? Hover over it -- it appears to be an RSX creation! I really believe it is, and am glad to see that he's still doing photography, especially since he has the eye for it!

  75. First my son kicks me in the nuts this morning and now THIS?!?!

  76. I don't understand all you guys that are so upbeat about the official posting. It doesn't sound to me like he's in a good mood AT ALL. And it also doesn't sound to me like there are FOR SURE 17 tracks. I dunno... I love their music but as far as getting what you're promised or told goes... this band is INFURIATING!!!

  77. I love how he put "HA!" at the end of his post. Silly Robert. <333

    The EP is great news, I can't wait to order the vinyl!

    And as for Oct. 13th, it's so fitting, how can anyone be upset?

    Notherbnob was right, this album *is* going to be huge. Big. I can feel it...

  78. Zach, maybe you are not in tune with your true self, with nature itself and with Bob Smith.
    He is in a good mood, can't you feel the playful vibe?
    Look deep into your own dark well, there you will find the source of your misery.

  79. Clockwise Cat said...

    "If he releases a Charlotte DVD, I will never have sex again, because that will be enough to keep me contented forever."

    Lies! You'll never want to have sex again after seeing my armpit in HD! Admit it!

  80. do any of you like any cure covers that have been done?

    im generally against them, but i have a soft spot in my heart for dismemberment plan's version of 'close to me'.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.


  83. anah, you and I both know that Cat is way too much horn dog to give up sex for anyone/anything! >;-D

    @sophia: LOL!

  84. 7~That is so true...but then again, you haven't seen my armpit! Just kidding, it's a rather sexy armpit indeed. ^_^

    And Sofia, that comment fascinates me... Why have they run dry?

  85. OK, So I read Sofia's comment like this,



  86. I guess you did not feel MY playful vibe, too?
    I don't really care what you do to your head.
    Stop being Mr. Pessimisterr...

  87. I'm the most playful, UN-pessimistic SOB this side of the Mississ... just don't like it when people don't follow through with what they say they're gonna do. And as far as The Cure is concerned... they excel in that category. LOVE THEM THOUGH!!!

  88. OMG - you guys are so funny. Just woke up and scanned the last 94 messages.

    Anah, I look forward to seeing your armpit in HD. Might catch a glimpse of my own armpit and a shot of the "girls" bouncing around on the dvd as well, you never know.

    But - I will still want to have sex. Can't see that changing. :)

    Although I like my screenname I think I'd rather keep my real name.

    People might look at me funny when I get carded and see "Caterpillargirl Crawford" on my license.

  89. zach, dear, he sounds playful to me as well. He's even starting to 'talk' in board speak, which I find delightful.

    I understand your frustration -- been there, done that myself. After a while, you learn that everything runs on RST (Robert Standard Time), which means that specified dates are subject to change up to the last millisecond. Fwiw, I think the treasure will prove to have been more than worth the wait. :-)

    @anah: Can't wait to get a look at your sexay pit! :-D

  90. LOL! Cat I look foward to your duet with Ashlee. Please say it's true! OMG, girl you are such a trip.

  91. I just hope they are like extended mix's or something, I don't care much for all that fancy disco beat hooplah.

  92. Make Love Not War!

    All these pissing matches the last two days need to stop. I vote you all make out instead of fighting.

    And of course we want pictures!

  93. Yar. Sure Bob Smith's not going to follow thru with what he said.... I mean he's Bob Smith for frack's sake!
    Robert Standard Time, I like that quite a lot.
    So true.
    Sure I might be a little annoyed at all the delays, and one more and one more, endless blah-blah, but in the end, I think to myself, I'd rather have an album that finally escaped from the artist than a rush album. Cause you can't rush art!

  94. And with that last comment, I didn't mean I'd rather have an album from Prince than from Rush. Don't get confuse!!!



  96. I'm happy for this news as long as we get SOMETHING on September 13th.

    As far as potential remixers go, I'd nominate Trent Reznor being one of them. (Maybe)

    For any who'd be stricken with grief at this possible outcome, I don't care.

  97. pourquoi pas un autre dvd ,mai j'aimerais aussi un remix des autre show comme the show ,in orange en dvd!!

  98. i like glowworm's cover of 'friday i'm in love.'

  99. Better have a Junior Boys remix on there...and is that ugly picture the cover art for the new album? I bloody hope not...

  100. Ugly? I think it's lovely! :-|


  101. I like the picture too. Not sure if it will turn out to be anything important, though.

  102. Damn I always miss the news updates when they get 1st posted onto the blog! I need to come on here more often at night!

    Well I'm totally not surprised by the delay, I had a feeling it was going to happen. Glad that Robert told us on the official as to what going on. Nice to see him in a happy-fun mood!

    I'm somewhat disappointed to have to wait another month for the new album and I hope the extra time will prove to be worth it. The EP Mixes sound interesting and hopefully the DVD's will be great too. I’m still very excited, lots to look forward to in the upcoming months.

    In one way the delay works out in my favor. I'm going on vacation during the time the album was to be release in Sept and I most likely would have missed out on all the news/chats for the new album release. Now with Oct 13, I won't miss a thing!!! Yeah!!!

  103. The picture to me just looks like a filtered version of leaves falling in the Autumn. Maybe having something to do with the whole October thing?

    I don't quite understand though how everyone is getting that the 4 song EP is somehow indicating that these 4 songs from the singles WON'T be on the final album?

  104. he should better release the last deluxe editions. it's better than to get more new boring stuff!

  105. I'm pretty sure they will be, this is all a promotion FOR the new album, why wouldn't these songs be on there? The Only One having a longer intro live makes me think the album version will be like that.

  106. okay, i suck. my no-internet thing lasted a mere hours, not a full day. oh well...

    i too have read (over at MFC) that a 'source' says the new album won't have the singles. that would be sheer disappointment! but of course nothing is confirmed. it seems to ME that the EP is merely a re-mix thing, and not a statement in and of itself that the singles will be excluded from the album.

    on the OTHER hand: a deliciously DARK album sans any pop would be very welcomed by me as well. Dark as in deeply melodic (UTS, ABINK) and heavy (BRDB, etc.). Salivating at the thought.

    but then what would become of the singles? would the EP contain the original mixes PLUS the remixes?

    cuz that is what makes the most sense IF the singles are to be excluded from the album.

    it's all so frustrating and yet enticing simultaneously. i honestly think RSXXX is the flakiest person in the music biz... but that is not in itself a BAD thing, just a quirky funny thing. and yet he will get dumped all over for his idiosyncrasies. whatever. of course, if they delay the album any further i might commit hari kari, or whatever it is called.

  107. I think his name is spelled Harry Carey if you're talking about this guy:

  108. hara kiri! Or hara carri (suicide yourself by eating too much extra spicy indian carri ?) ?!

    I don't know about that source, it seems to me that the singles MUST be ont the album, unless they are no singles right ? And i find it hard to believe the band really has no clue what they will do with this... RSX is a player, and we all participate very well to the game so why wouldn't he play ? « Flakiest » person, thanks, i've learn a new word! I'm improving my english around here, so i'm not totally loosing my time ;)

  109. zach, I think you may be right! (Wish I'd made the connection.) I remember that he posted a link to an article containing some of his shots, on the old site I think. I had a brief look at the archives, but couldn't find the link. Perhaps Craig has it somewhere on COF? Anyway, as I was waxing nostalgic, I came across this (a few other things that made me long for the old days before Geffen, Universal, Ross Robinson, and other assorted negative influences entered the world of Cure):




    Cat, I can't agree with you on the dark-only thingie. I really dig the idea of dark and light in roughly equal proportions. I'm probably just responding to a deep and abiding need for balance or something, but there is another reason. I have a strong sense that The Cure will soon be Robert doing solo projects, so if this is to be perhaps the last album by the band, I'd much prefer that it reflect all their facets.

    As for the reasons behind the delay, I'm sure that what we've been told officially is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg. As for the rumors, who gives a fuck. Let's just hope that things get sorted out in favor of the band and the fans (and by 'fans' I mean the ones who've not already decided that everything new they've heard thus far is bilge).

  110. picture. CD. Robert. Simon. Kissing. that's the delay

  111. toute pour faire de l'argent ,sa me fait vraiment chier dans un sense mai sa me rejoie dans l'autre ,plusieurs single plusieurs chansons plus de chose a écouter et a voir ?

  112. @cat: I'm glad you couldn't stay away; it seems that you "need" COF more than oxigen =))

  113. i would rather have a record that is perfect in their eyes, than to just have something released so as to get it over with. none of these delays or tour postponements has bothered me at all. looking back, it seems like all the delays have been for the better. i mean, who knows if Underneath The Stars was even written when the original tour was announced? i feel so special to have been at red rocks to hear it for the first time the nite they "premiered" it!

    anyways, i for one say take all the time you need robert and co; i'd rather have quality than quantity any day.

  114. I say we bombard MySpace with our own personal covers of Cure songs until this album comes out. What say?

  115. I love how everybody is saying "I think Robert is in a good mood". Like it was unexpected :)

    It just reminds me of when we'd go and visit my grandmother: "I wonder, is she having one of her good days or one of her bad days". And we'd always hope for the former :)

  116. I look at it this way, if he's happy I'm glad he's happy. But if he's sad he's probably gonna write a kick ass song. Could Robert write "This Morning" in a playful cheery mood?

  117. ahem,

    "There's a gladness in his gladness when he's glad

    And a sadness in his sadness when he's sad

    But the gladness in his gladness
    And the sadness in his sadness

    Are nothing to his madness when he's mad!"

  118. Dumb: I just remember some previous posts where he wasn't in such a great mood. ; )

  119. JM: My main passion is writing, so the net gives me a good outlet for that. Granted, it may not be "proper" writing as some have suggested, but I'm always doing proper writing anyway. So yes, I do need a place like this as much as I need oxygen! Writing is my life. The Cure is life too, but less so. Although lately much more so. :-)

    David: That SOUNDS like a Seuss quote, but I don't think it is...? In any event, I love it, and think ANYTHING Seussian perfectly encapsulates Robert's mindset and many things Cure. Indeed, I have written about that and other artistic Cure siblings in my essay, Curioser and Curioser. :-)

  120. Cat - i'd love to take a look at that! sounds intreaguing. hope i spelled that right....

    anywhoo, now i'm just anticipating a short fall/winter tour. Anywhere around DC would make me jump right out of my socks.

  121. As for the poll: CHARLOTTE MOTHERFUCKER!

    STILL reeling from that FUCKING show!

    I want to LIVE in Charlotte in hopes to soak up some of the delicious reverberations of the FULL Faith encore. Plus all the other delectable treats - i.e., being on Porl's side of the stage, absorbing his transcendent greatness and falling in pure lust. And screaming like frothing hormonal barely-teens with into the cameras with Anah when RSXXX danced in front of us.

    Plus Charlotte seems to be in better shape than Fucklanta these days. :-/

  122. Nice poll:

    It's only obvious which one I voted for!


  123. craig (or anyone), do you have a hi-res picture of the wish birdfish or know where i can get one?

    thanks in advance anyone!

  124. Hey guys, I've written what I think are some fair (and good) reviews of the singles on Amazon to support the band. I'd very much appreciate it if anyone with an Amazon account that has a minute would mark them as helpful, especially with Sleep When I'm Dead. A couple of assholes panned the single and their reviews are listed above mine because their reviewer ranks are higher. Thanks guys.

  125. excellent, zephyraris! i concur almost note for note with each of your singles reviews! i myself would prolly give SWID a 3.5 or 4 instead of a 5, though, but fs deserves that 5 and TOO deserves at least a 4, if not a 4.5.

    of course, we're just cure-sychophants lacking in discernment or musical refinement, doncha know...

    anyway, i have a webzine where i feature poetry, fiction, political rants, art, and reviews. feel free ANY time to submit reviews to my magazine, as i like your writing! i am always looking for reviews and (progressive) rants, in particular.

    click my name and click the clockwise cat link in my profile. you can check out my magazine and if you want to submit, the submissions address is in the editorial guidelines.

    great work! :-)

  126. Believer-ko: Now is a good a time as any to post about my essay and new Cure blog. My essay, Curioser and Curioser, can be found by clicking my name and clicking on the "Curioser and Curioser: The Cure, Cerebrally Speaking" link in my profile.

    I really REALLY wanted to give this essay to Robert when I met him in 04, but I was too timid. I just couldn't muster the nerve.

    Maybe Someday?

  127. first off: i am inSANELY jealous that you met robert. how'd you manage it? i need to meet him at some point in my life... it's one of like my ultimate goals. ha.

    and second, i'm going to go check out that essay now. back in a bit. : )

  128. Cat,
    please don't interpret me wrong; I really do admire your writing ever since I read one of your reviews of a Cure concert recently; so please don´t take it the wrong way.

  129. Thanks for the help. If Amazon allowed for more detailed point scaling, I would have given them different numbers, but when it's out of five, I have to pick that which is the best representation of how I feel. I gave SWID a 5 because it had the best b-side so far, and I actually really liked the single (also because it turned out to be way better than I expected when I heard the clip on the website.) Also, SWID needs the 5 stars to balance out those shitty reviews from the other users. =)

  130. whoah, cat, all that was intense! So cool how you connected all that stuff. i believe you said you were an english teacher at one point? well i can see why. that is an amazing ability to draw all those paralells. wish you had been MY english teacher.... oh we could have also gone to cure shows together!

  131. believer-ko, Cat is a Robert stalker. I'm expecting him to issue a restraining order against her any day now.

    Not really. She WAS a stalker, but repented a few months back, right Cat? ;-D :-*


    Btw, she's still an English teacher, which is why I sometimes cringe at the thought of all the errors in my posts. ;-)

  132. Muldfeld - what is missing from the U2 War 2CD reissue? Just curious as a customer recently asked us if our 12 Track Listing for CD2 of War was correct (and it is) because most sites - the ones run by robots and computers :) - were listing Disc 2 with only 10 tracks, but it does have the 12 we list on our site. [Sorry for the off-topic nature of this post, now i see how that can easily happen.]

  133. My single finally arrived today! Just heard DU watching the moon; goose bumps and tiny hairs raising in my arms...
    This is the real life...

  134. BK: I met RSX in 04 after SF Curiosa. Went to the afterparty, but was not a VIPer so I just sulked for hours in the club part where Carlos D was DJing. Not that I give a CRAP about VIP shit; so fucking elitist. I just wanted to meet RSX. I finally did, with about 5-6 others, when he leaving. We went around to the back of the club where his tour bus, and he came out. It was a bit surreal, truth be told. Anyway, the others requested hugs and got them. Hugs from strangers aren't my thing, but I DID get the novel I was reading signed and a pic with him taken (others are in it as well). We had some funny banter exchanged with him and I asked him about BF songs. It was very cool, and as I said somewhat surreal. I felt a bit funny about the whole scenario... how would *I* feel if people were constantly trying to meet me? I would feel invaded, truth be told, but in this particular situation, I think minimal harm was done to his privacy. After all, it was the after party, where fans are expected to be.

    So yeah. I wanted to meet him this time as well, and actually had the chance, but I turned it down. 7 had that very same chance, right T? :-) It wasn't the right set of circumstances for me.

    As for the essay, thanks for your compliments. I am very proud of this essay, but really want to expand on it, as it doesn't go in depth enough.

    And yes, I am still an English teacher. :-)

  135. Regarding the poll...if only Phoenix or Austin were options. :(

  136. JM: Why would I interpret you wrong?

    Cool that you like DU! I love it. AKOS and DU are my favorites among all the 6 songs released.

  137. Hey Cat,
    I was looking at my book shelfs and got curious: have you ever read anything By Boris Vian?

  138. SO when RS announced 4 singles, I'm fairly sure most of us belived the album was in 'the bag', so to speak.
    Even though it seemed like an odd (though retro) way to promote an album.
    I remember the years when an artist would release a few singles in order to promote his album, the album following shortly after. This is very often the case with new bands, more established bands tend to benefit more from one single to announce their return, then an album release to capitalise on that.
    I was excited by the 4singles idea, it seemed like RS wanted to build some momentum for the album release, to get people excited again.
    I'm a little disappointed by the delay, it seems like it may slow a little of that momentum.

    But maybe this was the plan since the "double" didn't work out?
    Maybe release 4 singles and b-sides, then announce that none of the singles will be on the album, giving people the ability to make their own double album mix with the album+singles+bsides?#

    Ah, if only we could read Roberts mind....

  139. I have no problem with any of this! If we have to wait 4 weeks for a 17 track cd count me in! I've loved EVERYTHING released so far and I have a feeling that this will be the strongest Cure album since Wish. Is anyone else as addicted to Down Under as me?

  140. By the way, who came up with the notion that the 4 singles won't be on the album? That's utterly ridiculous, of course the 4 singles will be on the album.

  141. you all talk a great game, but have any of you ever been attacked by mutated ants?

  142. Remember the Curve remix of Just Say Yes ? – that is great, hope the E.P. will be something like this too.

    And all you die hards - why you just dont stop complaining about everything? its your own fault that you believe every little notice about an release - remember last year´s halloween date ?
    The Cure arent in the Eighties anymore - so start counting the release rhytm rather from the wish era....

    ANYWAY I LOVE THE NEW RELEASE DATE - ITS AROUND MY BIRTHDAY !!!!!! so you know what I am gonna will get handed out as an gift....
    KISS ME * 3

  143. JPX - completely addicted to Down under

  144. I also think it would be crazy that the singles wouldn't be on the album, but it just seems like a possibility considering this latest delay.
    But I do love October albums, my son's first birthday will be October 16th, and mine is the 29th.
    Great things happen in October....

  145. Seriously, the singles WILL be on the new album, it is just the b-sides that won't.

  146. Hey, does it mean that I´ll have to postpone MY vacation too?? I´ve been planning to have it with the cd realease heheh But I´ll just crack down if I have to wait even longer - although I really don´t believe it will be necessary. Well... :D
    As for the remixes, great, I was missing them. More imports for me, as always hehe But PLEASE NOT that Timbacrap stuff HAHAHA
    Errr... didn´t like that photo, even supposing it´s for the cd... it´s like a Corel Draw demo...
    AND FTF is doing Down Under with a cover art??????? I know I´m sleepy, but isn´t it a 'b'-side?? If I turn the cd it will show the other way? :D

  147. je trouve ca bien correct en octobre pour la fête de la toussin

  148. je trouve ca bien correct en octobre pour la fête de la toussin

  149. The singles have to be on the new album but if they were left off, I wouldn't be surprised. But then anything is possible with The Cure!

    elise--I feel for you hon! Here I was all happy that the album would be delayed till Oct because I would miss it all in Sept when I'm on vac & now your in the same boat. You'll work something out, I just know it. Nothing can keep you away from The Cure :(

  150. CK - I know I shouldn't complain, I mean 'poor elise' having to sit by the pool in Port Douglas when the new album is released (what a hard life) but I know it is gonna kill me being away from where the Cure action is.

    DA - Don't you just love South Park quotes :D

  151. Je suis en accord avec vous, eric. C'est vrai que Robert a promis "In Orange" sur DVD, mais il a probablement pas avait le temps. Mais, ce concert sortira dans le future parce qu'on a deja le video; je viens de l'acheter il y a deux an, mais je l'ai deja perdu. Ce sera plus excitant, dans un sens, d'avoir le DVD d'un autre concert parce que c'est sur que "In Orange" est guarantie pour DVD. J'espere que mon francais n'est pas trop mal. Il y a tres long temps que j'ai vecu a Monreal.

  152. What's up with the Down Under cover artwork on the official site?

  153. Ideal Copy wrote:
    "Muldfeld - what is missing from the U2 War 2CD reissue? Just curious as a customer recently asked us if our 12 Track Listing for CD2 of War was correct (and it is) because most sites - the ones run by robots and computers :) - were listing Disc 2 with only 10 tracks, but it does have the 12 we list on our site. [Sorry for the off-topic nature of this post, now i see how that can easily happen.]"

    Hey, Ideal Copy, basically there's confusion because the official site lists mostly lousy remixes and a few b-sides. In contrast, the UK version on, I think, lists those tracks in addition to the live b-sides from the 1983 "New Year's Day" single.

    I've been a U2 fan before anything else, but I know nothing about U2's b-sides. However, based on looking at the Joshua Tree, Boy and October reissues, and based on knowledgeable fans' reactions, the War reissue is very lame. U2 remixes are atrocious and no fan wants 7 of them.

    It's nothing against, you, of course, but U2 ripping off fans.

  154. Just checked your site, Ideal Copy. If you're right about this being the US CD, that's a little better than what said North America would get. Thanks for the clarification. I'll pass the info.

  155. U bloody 2? On a Cure site? - sort it out people!

  156. non ton français est très bien même m'eux que moi j'aurais besoin quelque cour en écriture !!

  157. p.s:t'est très chanceux d'avoir trouver in orange en vidéo ici a montréal ses imposible ?ou presque

  158. I got In Orange... but the tape is about 20 years old.

  159. First time i ever met the band...premiere of Orange at Marble Arch's Odeon in London April 87'....Great times!The video has aged a bit in my opinion, but still, what a great line up that was!

  160. j'ai déjà eu in orange ,mai je l'ais détruit a cause d'une bich une niger loving!!!! qui m'avais faite bien chier excuser mon langage !!!!

  161. is there any way to ban this eric dude? :-)

  162. "JPX - completely addicted to Down under"

    Elise, dear, a big 'YEAH THAT'!

    Cat, my precious pussy, I think it's great that our special friend got to meet his Lordship. If anyone ever deserved the honor, she did, and I've no doubt whatsoever that the band found her enchanting. On the other hand, m&gs are not my thing.

  163. pourquoi veut tu me bannir ?jolie demoiselle de 208 ans (juste a m'imaginer la face que tu doit avoir j'ai déjà mal au coeur !) tu devrais accèter l'opion d'autre personne avant de devenir malheureuse ?

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. Someone go and read my post under the "Support Sleep" thread.

    I need help in this crappy ass town.

  166. The people here want to hear The Cure......they just don't know it yet.

  167. en passant j'ai collée ta photo dans ma bole de toillette et j'ai plus de problème d'aller chier(hahaha)pour les autre personne ne pas retenir cette remarque(joke)

  168. hold on a minute while i send eric's posts to my bf to translate... i think he's insulting me. :-)

    mange la merde!


  169. T, of course it's great that the gals got to meet the band! And I'm sure the band were flattered by how cute they are. :-) I was explicitly THRILLED for the gals.

    M&Gs aren't necessarily my thing either... but at least it goes to such a good cause (AI). However, extrovert that I am, I can become pretty timid in certain situations; I'm a more spontaneous type.

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. CWC -

    He's talking about putting a picture in the toilet. Not sure if he means yours. lol! then he says something about taking a dump.

  172. Yeah, so much for getting the fucking single this week. If this has anything to do with "the big U" then they can bite "the little ME." >:^[]

  173. i thought he was saying 'i, a small-penised frenchman, am here to make a grand ass of myself. i hope to have my IP address banned from COF, so i may drink myself to a slow death in the countryside, with no friends.'

    guess i was wrong?

  174. escuse moi si je suis un peux sur les dents ,disons que les gens ici sont pas trop gentil avec les francophone

  175. CURE SINGLE'S HERE!!! just arrived- YAY!!!

  176. Yeah, you were wrong this time....but I think he might have said that in an earlier post.

  177. CPG2: I am afeard that the radio daze for the Cure have mostly passed. This is due to a confluence of reasons; I mostly credit it to dumbed-down musical tastes. There is so much pabulum peddled on commercial and "alternative" radio now it's not even funny. You can argue that it ever was so, and you'd probably be right... but amidst the turds were always some shimmering gems. Nowadays the shimmering gems languish while the turds are up front center. It's just how it is, and until someone has the balls/ovaries to revolutionize the system, it will only worsen with time.

    The singles ALL would sound great on the radio, IMO, but I think the Cure's radio time has simply passed. I don't think that's an inherently bad thing at all, except that fewer people will be exposed to them. But I think the Cure can endure despite the curse of no-radio play, as long as they keep putting out quality stuff. In a way, I wish they'd focus on the lush dark and heavy stuff (ala AKOS, DU, BRDB, UTS), but I do love me some FS, so I'm kinda torn.

  178. Meh, Eric crosses some lines, but no more than half the people here do. If you ban him, ban Cat, Monkey and a few others, please. :^P

  179. honestly, maree, i've never crossed the line so much that i've insulted anybody with racial overtones.

  180. OMG - They just played close to me on a tv rock quiz show!!!!

  181. exactly which lines have i crossed, your highness? :-)

  182. The guy answered said it's the "mighty" Cure! Obviously a fan. So kewl.

  183. just so everyone knows- the starfish are back!

  184. I know, Cat. You said it well. I guess I'm in denial. I fucking hate the radio. I never listen to it. If I forget my mp3 player then I'd rather drive in silence.

    I just can't believe that everything is so damn commercial and anyone can poke their face in front of a microphone and have their voice digitally enhanced to make them sound like a star.

    It's insane. My dad used to tell me when I was a kid that someday I'd tell my kids that their music sucks......just like I was saying about his music. It's all about getting older??? I fucking refuse to believe it! I am not anywhere near old and I happen to LOVE the music that I've collected.

    My friend KC told me I was old because I didn't like rap music. WTFever. I don't like rap music because it's annoying and IT'S NOT MUSIC. Doesn't have anything to do with my age. There was plenty of rap music around when I was growing up - and I hated it then.

    To each his own.....I guess. But I still think the world (or at least where I live in this world) needs some serious help, musically.

  185. oh allons Eric ça n'a RIEN à voir avec le fait d'être francophone, pleazzzzz. C'est un Cure board, il faut un langage commun, c'est c'est un lieu très paisible, on se chicane juste sur les lapins et les poneys ici.

    Let's talk about the singles, shall we ? I received mine this morning, SWID. Listening to it very loud right now, i'm positively surprised by the sound.

  186. btw, my ban eric post was tongue in cheek. his absence or presence is of absolutely no consequence to me. actually, i find him perversely entertaining. i hope he stays! :-D

  187. Damn it, I wrote it all but there was a mistake and it got erased...

    Here goes again: Cat, yeah Eric insulted you. He talks a lot of shit here all the time, and if you complain, he'll talk some shit some more you know? There's no stopping him, he makes no sense anyway. I can barely understand what he writes and I'm french myself.
    Then he comes back here and apologize but he'll keep on doing it anyway.

    Eric, you can't insult people here and trash-talk and play dumb just because you write in french and more than half the people here can't understand. You have to clean up your act or get the fuck out. I'm writing this in english so everyone can understand, since it seems though you can read english pretty well you can't write it (not like you can write much better in french, but I don't want to sink too low).

  188. elise: i pretty much concur with all that you say. there is still great music being made, imo, but you have to DIG to find it. fortunately, here in atlanta, there is a great college radio station that has introduced me to some great bands. the REAL music will never find its way onto commercial radio. well, that's not true - there are a few good bands like DCFC being played on the radio - but generally speaking, commercial radio is fully of pap. also, there are good bands coming out of atlanta lately: black lips, deerhunter, snowden, selmanaires in particular. deerhunter will be opening for NIN on the upcoming tour (for a few dates anyway). deerhunter put out a masterpiece, cryptograms, that i rank right up their with faith. well, maybe it's not THAT great, but...still great.

    so yeah. whatever. oh, and i like public enemy, but most rap truly sucks, i agree.

  189. their = there

    hyreck: i really don't care either way. i've endured more taunts online than i ever did as a kid, so in the end it's inconsequential. of course, it's in french so that makes it easier to bear... :-D

    zzzagathe: i find SWID studio version better than the live version because it has more layers; it's an ethereal dark rocker, whereas live it was just a rocker. i like it.

  190. Cat - As much as I would like to take the credit for that - it was Caterpillargirl2 that made that comment


  192. I know you are the kind of person that doesn't really care, Cat. But my concern is for the overall quality of this site.
    While we trash-talk all the time, we do so with light-hearted good nature will, but he's just being nasty. Sincerely.
    He's about the only one here doing it too, except from a few troll apparitions from time to time.
    I don't want to see COF become like the forums on the official site and such.
