
Friday, July 18, 2008

Cure's Gold/Platinum History in the US

Standing On A Beach - Gold (Feb. 5th, 1987), Platinum (May 4th, 1989), Double Platinum (Dec. 12th, 1997)

Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me - Gold (Aug. 24th, 1987), Platinum (August 14th, 1990)

Disintegration - Gold (June 28th, 1989), Platinum (Oct. 20th, 1989), Double Platinum (July 1st, 2004)

Mixed Up - Gold (Dec. 5th, 1990), Platinum (August 11th, 1992)

Head on the Door - Gold (March 18th, 1991)

Wish - Gold (June 9th, 1992), Platinum (June 16th, 1992)

Wild Mood Swings - Gold (July 1st, 1996)

Galore - Gold (Oct. 17th, 2001)

Staring at the Sea - Gold (Sept. 30th, 1987), Platinum (Sept. 27th, 1989)

In Orange - Gold (June 22nd, 1988), Platinum (January 18th, 1990)

Picture Show - Gold (May 11th, 1993)

Trilogy - Gold (Jan. 30th, 2005), Platinum (July 26th, 2005)

(Thanks to the RIAA database)


  1. wow, that was quick. kudos to you, craig!

  2. Craig: you really need to get some real credit for the work you do!

  3. Hey MB: what was that thing about the ants?

  4. Jupiter: Do you enjoy the site and find it useful? That's all the credit I need.

  5. Amazing craig! How do you do all that you do? Thanks!

  6. :| *lip wiggle*

    craig, i dont know WHAT i'd do without this site.

    you're so humble! D;
    thank you. thank you. thank you.

    i'm sorry. its moments like these you really realize you could be relying on the official site and be completely in the dark with zero reassurance.

  7. Craig: your site makes loving The Cure even more worth while, because I can find here people that understand music the same way I do, wich is not very easy to find were I live

  8. jupiter: i was just being weird.

    oh, and thanks for the comment on my blog!

  9. MB: I've been enjoyng your games during my lunch break.

  10. i'm glad someone has, jupiter. i think you, me, and anah are the only ones that read/play.

    i can add another one. i think there's frogger.

  11. Goody; can't wait to try that one. I was once addicted to the Spectrum computer games and they kinda remind me of them.

  12. Ok: I definitely need to practice more, froggy got smashed too many times...

  13. Whoa! I had no idea Trilogy sold a million copies! And Wish shot to a million in a few short months!

    I can't look up anything on that site. I guess you have a paid membership or something, huh, Craig? Thanks.

    I second sofia's remark that Craig is humble for all the work he does. That guy Matt McGee from is such an ego centric ass. So many site runners have such egos. Craig even allows people to make fun of him -- not that that should be exploited. :)

  14. Also, Craig is very tolerant of criticism of the band, which is cool.

  15. in orange ils devraient les rendre accèsible en dvd?

  16. in orange ils devraient les rendre accèsible en dvd?

  17. Craig you rock!

    What an amazing career these guys have had. I read these off to my hub and he remarked "and they're STILL not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?"

  18. I'm curious, does RIAA count cassette tapes and vinyls, too? (My brother's Cure stuff was all on cassette.) Or did they restart the whole counting with CD.

  19. Muld: For video/dvd, Gold = 50,000 units sold and Platinum = 100,000 units sold.

  20. In Orange est vraiment ton concert favori, eh, Eric?! Je suis en accord. Tu peux aussi messager The Cure sur Je crois que Robert va prioritizer the choses plus nouveau, mais nous avons tous esperer avoid "In Orange" en DVD quand Robert a fait les "remaster" des albums de cette periode. Il faudrait que Geffen ou Fiction aide Robert a le faire, aussi peut etre.

  21. Je voulais ecrire "Nous avons tous esperer AVOIR In Orange..."

  22. 34 millions lp in the world

    for example :
    mixed up : 1 800 000
    wild mood swings : 1 000 000

  23. Orange
    best video the cure other time....

  24. (I really do need to catch up on my french)

  25. What, Craig? Thanks, but I'm confused. Didn't that article you posted say 17 artists hit 1 million mark? Didn't The Cure sell a platinum amount in the 2nd quarter of 2008 in Europe. Doesn't platinum mean the same thing in the US? I thought only in Canada, platinum was 100,000 (because the population is roughly one tenth) but in the US it's 1 million.

    That means all those bastards saying they're such huge Cure fans are probably lying through their teeth or cheap bastards? Hey, Fall Out Boy, South Park guys, why don't you show your fandom and actually buy the fracking albums!

  26. Muld: You said Trilogy had sold a million. I was pointing out that no, the numbers are different for video/dvd.

  27. Oh, never mind. I misread things again. Those numbers are only for video formats. Okay. It's cool, Cure fan poseurs!

    They must really not have made many Trilogy DVDs, huh? You can only find the plastic cover one, now. I'm guarding my limited edition glossy cardboard cover Trilogy DVD with my life. First DVD I ever bought for myself. My parents didn't even own a DVD player for another year and a half!

    How about the non-CD format thing for albums? Are cassettes and vinyl counted?

  28. Just so I don't look even sillier, while you were typing your comment, Craig, I had already realized my mistake was typing the following one. :)

  29. craig one of these days I'd like to buy you a beer.

  30. Jupitermain, Eric keeps wondering when In Orange is coming out on DVD. I was saying I agree and many of us expected Robert to release it when he did the 1983-1987 reissues. He'll probably focus on newer stuff right now. At least, that's what I tried to say.

    Learning a bit of French was the only thing that came out of those painful years of being in French school. Not knowing the language well enough to confidently to girls while I was entering puberty. After I moved, I was able to mangle my words in front of attractive women in my mother tongue of English!

  31. i am glad that trilogy did so well. love love love trilogy. it's where i re-discovered my lust for cure.

  32. the best trilogy


  33. and don't youze EVER fergit that CRAIG is the ROCKINGEST BADASS MOFO EVER!

  34. Yeah, right. Craig drinks like a lush. He's just afraid you might do something to the drink, Ben, like put your genital ben in it or something!

  35. Muld: thanks!! I only had english classes at school, so it's not very easy for me. I too await paciently for Orange in DVD!!

  36. I remember rushing to HMV to buy Trilogy when it came out -- on my graduation day -- and was annoyed the employees didn't know anything about it. I bought it elsewhere. HMV had it later in the day, but that's pretty lame. If there was a U2 release they'd have known about it weeks before!

    Trilogy was pretty awesome. The only trouble I had watching it was my older brother (the non-Cure fan) was the only one with a DVD player and he'd make fun of it while I was trying to watch it for the first and only time in what would be months. I got pissed when he joked that "Homesick" sounded like soft porn music; to this day, I keep thinking that when I listen to it.

  37. No problem, Jupitermain, French school was the only reason I properly learned some French. When I moved to English Canada, no one learned anything! I'm amazed kids in English school ever learn the language at all; there's no strong pressure to speak French. I used to get punished for excitedly reacting in English! My teachers were such bitches. :)

  38. Muld, you probably need to redirect your thoughts about Homesick...

  39. I totally agree. My brother kinda has a point; soft porn music often uses guitar, drums, keyboard/piano, etc, but so does any pop song. I realize he was being a jerk, but he has such a strong influence over me. This tour was the first time I really enjoyed "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea" in years, since my brother called it repetitive.

    Anyway, I'm learning to shut his negative comments out. :)
    He's also loosened up a bit. Ironically, he helped me get into The Cure by constantly playing our oldest brother's copy of "Wish", but he'd only listen to "Friday I'm In Love"; he'd usually stop the tape during "Trust", and I'd say, "Hey, that sounds pretty good!"

  40. Muld, I aced French all the way through to secondary school but there was no emphasis on us actually learning to speak it, so now I can only reliably understand it in written form. It's absurd.

  41. MF: My bf hates the Cure, and while it used to bug me, now i find it quite hilarious. he is SO mean about them... i find it tres amusing. it doesn't bother me at all. diff strokes for diff folks, etc.

  42. sa serais merveilleux si ils publirais in orange et the show en special édition the 80&90 the cure

  43. Aw, man. I just assumed all people were Cure fans in waiting. So, when I have a significant other, she won't naturally become a Cure fan? That sucks. I refuse to accept that; I'll make her listen to The Cure and watch BSG, and she'll like it even if she has to lie!!!

    Maree, I hear you. I've been learning French since I was 4, but I'm not too good; my brothers never went to French school and they're much better than me because they've spoken it a lot more. I'm very cynical about languages, so when my father sent me on a German language study program from a month and a bit, I barely bothered learning anything because I knew it would never stick. I'd try to do my homework and worked hard in class, but I'd arrive late all the time -- often staying up listening to the Cure on my discman; I think that's when I really fell in love with "Homesick", too. I also did Spanish for a term in high school, and all I can remember is "Yo quiero Taco Bell" and that's from Mulder making a joke on X-Files!

  44. Okay, I'd better do some darn work before my brother comes for the weekend -- yes, the non-Cure fan one. I'll try to do what you do, clockwise; laugh about it, instead of getting all tense.

    Take care, folks!
    Au revoir, Eric. Jaimerais "Show" aussi! J'ai achete le CD il y a 13 and je ne savais meme pas qu'il y avait un video de ce concert que quelques ans. Je suis excite d'avoir "To Wish Impossible Things" de ce concert!

  45. the show je l'ai eu en 2002 ils l'avaient faite en video cassette je du l'écouter a peut-près 10000 fois par jour je étai obligé de le jeté , sais un très bon showsa ma fait ben (chier)

  46. p.s:la chansons que tu parle ils l'ont jouer en duo robert et perry bamonte et porl dans deep green ...a la fin il a briser toute les corde de sa guitare

  47. Head on the Door isn't Platium?????

    ...seems fishy to me!

  48. Kate j'ai vue ta photo sur ton profil pis ta de l'air d'avoir une giganteste pair de sein?
