
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Cure covers

"The Watson Twins cover Just Like Heaven in a very slow and wispy way." (Thanks Joefrog)

"You nicely posted about my myspace a few months ago...just letting you know i updated it adding an acoustic guitar version of disintegration...hope you' ll like it!" (Thanks Sorell)

"ZelDa has a cover of Doubt." (Thanks Andy)

"I went and saw Pilots in Play last night, an alternative rock band, at The Concert Pub on the Richmond Strip in Houston, TX for the 4th of July celebrations and they did great covers of both Lovesong and Just Like Heaven. Their singer Denise added a unique female touch to the Cure classics. The band can be reached at: and" (Thanks DSC)


  1. I never listen to Cure covers. I like The Cure so much that covers just annoy me. Give me the real thing, I say!

  2. wow, 13 year old did really good on Doubt. A prodigy.
