
Friday, July 11, 2008

Cure chat tonight

Rev. Heron will be hosting another Cure chat tonight at 7pm pacific, 8pm mountain, 9pm central, 10pm eastern. Topic is Mix 13 Singles & B-Sides - What's your favorite?


  1. How is this different than posting messages on your blog? Just curious. Is the difference that it's by Rev. Herron? Does this person have special info?

  2. Muld: The chat is the Rev's thing, not mine. You can do both. Some people just prefer to have an actual chat room.

  3. Muld: You were asking about the whole tv ratings thing the other day. Well guess who's a part of the Nielsen ratings survey for the next week?

    What should I watch? : )

  4. I say you watch NOTHING! That'll show 'em! :)

  5. Craigers, you gotta watch BSG and The 4400! (the end of Season 3 and last half of Season 4 are great); it's also by Ron Moore's former boss, Ira Steven Behr, who guided him toward more political writing. I'd actually say Mr. Behr is better at pulling off the climax in his writing than Moore. Even though Moore's BSG is so much better, it has a lot to do with BSG not being censored and having a massive budget, and The 4400 being censored like mad; they still pulled off a few swipes at unfettered capitalism, the military industrial complex, and Bill Gates, though. :)

    You can just leave your TV on during those shows, I guess.

    Man, I wish I were a Nielsen guy. Lucky Americans.

  6. By the way, DVRing doesn't count. Apparently, Sci Fi knew a massive percent of their audience DVRed BSG, but, since advertizers would only pay for real time viewers, they weren't willing to save the show beyond Season 4.

  7. Muld: I'm doing the journal version of the ratings. I have to write down any shows I watch over the next week, then I mail it in. After a day and a half, I have nothing written down.
    : )

    When are the BSG repeats on?

  8. Doctor Who is on tonight! :)

  9. i havent watched doctor who in a while (shame on me!) - last time i did, rose wasnt in it, something happened to her? is she back?

  10. this is way off topic, but who cares? i just finally bought the aol sessions ep from itunes. wow! i really am surprised at how good the self titled songs come off. pretty cool little purchase. great versions of JLH and deep green sea also.

  11. No Dr. Who talk please. I'm still way behind! : )

  12. We don't get sci in Canada. Try this:

    The amazing "Epiphanies" airs at 5 am, when that ungrateful bitch Roslin drives Baltar on an ambitious course against her. It looks like the channel that made BSG airs it less than Space, which actually respects the show and reairs the the reruns here in Canada in prime time.

    I don't watch much TV, except some news or when I feel like screaming at CNN, or just flipping around myself.

    Thank God, I actually knew this guy who encouraged me to watch BSG. Same guy sold his Cure ticket, though, so no one's perfect.

    God, they make you do a journal. How boring! I thought they hook up your TV with some weird device. I'd be so embarrassed at all the late night softcore I watch. :)

  13. the best part about the BSG mid-season 4 finale was when laura roslin (censored for content) and then gaius, not realizing (censored for content) actually had to come back from (censored for content).

    but what i couldn't believe they actually did was when the old man woke up from (censored for content) and then he and tigh (censored for content).

    what a finale! can't wait for february!

  14. I'm scared once I register on itunes, I'll accidentally buy all kinds of stuff, monkeybutt. I also worry about the quality, even though I probably won't hear the difference. I wish The Cure would release that amazing version of "M" on CD from when the band was a 3 piece in 2005 or so.

    I might eventually register, though. I love very little of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but I love that song "Turn Into" (acoustic) on itunes.

    I haven't seen much of Dr. Who since the original series. I remember the Dalleks and the 3-note ominous melody! :)

  15. that was really the only reason i ever got it, muld. to pick and choose certain songs without having to buy crummy whole albums. like, for instance, 'molly' by sponge. great song, shit album. i was pissed (like probably lots of other people) that for awhile you had to buy the whole album. glad i held out.

    i actually didn't even download my first song until maybe a year or so ago. i was afraid, too, that i'd download everything in sight. but i'm too much of a purist for that; can't resist trolling the record store aisles and playing vinyl- sounds so much better than mp3s. i'll download mp3s if there's no way they'll ever turn up anywhere else (lost wishes, lost flowers, etc) or if i wouldn't want to pay for the actual CD (for some reason, i really like kate nash. shoot me?)

  16. Shoot us both Scott, I really like her too. I saw here on Live from Abby Road last night on demand and it was brilliant...

    I'm with you all on BSG and the 4400. I was really pissed to find out that the 4400 had been shit canned without a proper burial. I hate when they leave ALL the ends loose, no closure. They did that to me with Carnival and John from Cincinnati too, bastards!

    Don't be "scurred" about iTunes, embrace the chaos!


  17. So Kate Nash is good? I only know her from her collaborations with my man Billy Bragg. Really liked their duet on A New England. Might need to check her out.

  18. Kate is very fun, in the Lily Allen vein. However I must say that her song "Nicest Thing" has a very Cure Disintegration era vibe to it. Reminds me of Same Deep Water...


  19. Aww, there will other COF chats in the future.

  20. And Craig's here too. It just doesn't get better than this

  21. no running hug for Craig? : (

  22. Craig - I wasn't sure if you would want a running hug... but now *moves back for a long run up...... RUNNING HUG*

  23. Elise: I forget a "be" in my post.
    There will be other COF chats.

  24. Craig - LOL! Apparently cocks do like monkeys.

    I thought maybe you were a little shy :)

  25. Elise: Help us solve a debate. V and I hear "pony" in Sleep, but Cat swears she hears "bunny". What do you hear?

  26. Elise: A little shy is an understatement, but I can still accept (and return) a running hug at anytime. : )

  27. Having a listen - will confirm in a moment

  28. My vote is in - I think it is Pony

  29. Yes! 3 against 1 Cat. : P

    And it makes more sense for a pony to "kick".

  30. Elise: What do you think about Down Under? Could it possibly be about an encounter between Rock & Roll Jo and Robert? ; )

  31. Although, Thumper had a pretty mean kick on him :)

    It may be about the time Robert and I spent together - but I am not at liberty to divulge the details

  32. I cannot wait until the Wishful Thinking tour..... I am really looking forward to coming to the States and meeting up with my CoF Cronies

  33. Aw, I ran away too quickly earlier! :)

    *Belated running hugs for Craig and Elise*

  34. All of these running hugs are going to leave us with some serious bruising. : )

  35. Sorry! I'll try to be more gentle next time. :)

  36. Oh I can handle it, just worried about you and Elise. : )

  37. Oh I see. ;) Well, I think Elise and I will be just fine. :)

  38. Don't worry about me.... I can look after myself

  39. I see...well I guess my concern is wasted on you two. Fine, I'll take it elsewhere then. : P

  40. Oh no you don't! We're not done with you yet! ;)

  41. Sounds like trouble is a coming! : )

  42. is it going to start to get sexy in here?

  43. Ask V and Elise...I'm innocent! : )

  44. Aw man! No fair! I was talking Chinese astrology!

  45. And wait a minute, cocks I get, but monkeys? How do they figure in? : )

  46. Oh, is that we were talking about ;P

  47. Sorry - what is happening to my mind - it must be the late night...... hang on, it's afternoon here.

  48. Well apparently only one of us was.
    : )

  49. How could anyone think that Craig was anything other than perfectly innocent? :)

  50. Please don't mention dreams right now. : )

  51. anyway, v - as Homer would say "perfectly innocent like a fox"

  52. Who said anything about sweet? ; )

  53. Yes, much closer to sweat than sweet. : )

  54. My dreams are a secret, but I'll tell you that Simon and Porl kissing are NOT involved! : )

  55. oh... so your dreams are very different to mine then.... unless of course you substitute Porl with Robert

  56. V: No one is teasing you, don't know what you're talking about. : )

  57. I think I'm going to hell if it exists. : )

  58. There is no such place - unless you count Kalgoorlie

  59. Ok, I'll bite...what is Kalgoorlie?

  60. A hellhole in the middle of WA. Lots of gold, no class.

  61. "Oh, there is a place, a place in hell, reserved for me and my friend"

    ; )

  62. Morrissey - but don't think I'm clever - google is my friend

  63. Lots of gold? Don't tell Dave, he'll try to WOW it. : )

  64. That wasn't a quiz Jo. Just a statement of fact. : )

  65. No risk of that, Dave hates Kal as much as I do.

  66. Although, maybe I should send him to Kal for work now - I could disguise it with a WoW spin.

  67. What happened to V? Did she pass out?
    : P

  68. I thought maybe you had both left me to have a private conversation :)

  69. Have either of you been lurking on the meebo chat?

    You can tell me - I won't dob you in

  70. I've never been on the meebo thing.

  71. so you weren't the pretend RobertS the other night.....

  72. Elise: No. I would never do anything dumb like that.

  73. Cool - I wonder who it was.... whoever it was knew my real life name

  74. Booo...I'm getting sleepy. :(

  75. Noooooo, V!!!

    I'm gonna send you a new parcel next week!

    I was meant o go to the shops to get the stuff today - but some reason I have been stuck to the couch

  76. Same here V. I'm all worn out. ; )

  77. I AM INNOCENT! Must I keep repeating myself? : )

  78. Actually, V has been telling me all sorts of deranged fantasies about Simon and Porl kissing. Now I'm all hot and bothered. ; )

  79. Shit - no wonder you are tired - I just realised it is 4am in your world Craig! and not much further behind for you v

  80. Yeah, it's the time, that's it! : )

    Goodnight/afternoon Elise. I'm going to tuck in TimTam and get to bed.

  81. Elise: Thank you so much for sending me a new parcel! I'm sure I will get this one! I really appreciate it. Have a good day!! :)

    Craig: You promised you wouldn't tell everyone about my Si/Porl fantasies! Hmmph, I trusted you! :P

    Goodnight. :)

  82. Simon and Porl kissing? Have to say that doesn't do it for me

  83. Elise: It was a joke. It's a whole other me. : )

  84. Sleep well, Craig and V!

    I hope we will talk soon.

    Give TimTam a cuddle for me

  85. I'll trust you, Craig - but do not abuse my trust ;)

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. indeed

    and then you will all owe me!


  88. I am the evil bunny

    I am going to start a new website called Lapin du Mal

    After all, bunnies are deceptive... you THINK they are cute, but just beneath that soft cuddly exterior lurks a black black heart, just oozing with malevolence.

    Beware the Beelzebub Bunny!

  89. Have you ever seen Watership Down? I think the bunnies in that were psychotic.

  90. i have not seen that elise... interesante!

    i have to admit that it makes more semantic sense for a pony to KICK... bunnies are not known for that gesture, per se...


    i still say it's BUNNY and i'm sticking to it!

    i'll even lay a bet on it...

    how about the loser(s) buy the winner (me) a plastic bunny? hmmmmmm?

  91. i almost typed in songs been stuck in my head!

    totally off topic, but gillian anderson (scully from X files) is auctioning a meet with her at the premiere of the movie on ebay! OMGZ!!! i grew up with that show, i waant to meet her. remember when the band did More Than This for the movie?

  92. The X-Files is my favorite show ever. I'm dying to see the new movie.

  93. X-Files RULES. I'm looking forward to the movie!

    Hmm...but why are we talking about TV shows here?

  94. Elise!! So you're still here :D (*BIG RUNNING HUG*)

  95. Elise, how's everything? Are you still busy at work?

  96. Jenny - where else would I be?

    How are you?

  97. Work has settled down. My project is implemented and is up and running.

    I move onto my next project properly on Monday - so I will be busy again - but nowhere near as bad as I was a couple of weeks ago

  98. I'm mostly fine, except that I won't receive my Cure single for another week or so... I really envy you and everyone who already has the single ;) How do you like the single?

  99. I got the single yesterday. It's OK - I prefer the live version of SWID - but I like Down Under

  100. Nice to hear that you're doing better at work. I'm going to finish a book I really hated (I'm an editor) next Monday or Tuesday, and then I'll have a day off! Reaaaally looking forward to that.

  101. It must be tough when you don't like what you are reading. Not like you can just throw it away and say "I can't be bothered finishing that"

  102. Exactly! And that's the toughest part of my job. I have to spend at least four to six months on each book, and I can't really pick what I have to read at work. :(

    And did you have the waffles? Do you like them? :D

  103. i need to meet agent scully and mulder, they are my childhood heroes!

    or at least rights to it - like the right to take it if you need it years from now, it's young and healthy!

    ok, im off to the beach, see ya peeps :)

  104. Wait a minute. Is it "waffle" or "wafer"? Can't remember... I can only remember its Chinese name.

  105. Wafer is right.

    I finished the milk caramels yesterday, so I am going to try the wafers - probably tomorrow. I have been trying to take my time.

  106. Good night, Elise! Talk to you soon here! (*hug*)

  107. Again guys, BUY THE SINGLE!!! Don't bum it from friends! : )

  108. Cat: I'm with you!!! I hear "bunny"! And trust me when i say they can kick (professional experience)! Obviously Robert knows that too!!

  109. ... can you guys imagine doing *running hugs* in slow motion? =))Sorry, it's a weird cartoony thing I have... I'm serious: I loved the idea of *running hugs*!!

  110. Yes, I can imagine that, but I'm still having trouble figuring out Chris' "fuck me running" idea.

    I've drawn up charts, graphs, and even a "position" paper on it, but idea how to make it work.
    : )

  111. I think that there are things in this world that appear physically impossible until you are in the moment..... but I am not convinced that fucking whilst running is actually one of them.

  112. That Craig and his charts!

  113. Oh you love my charts V, don't even pretend like you don't. ; )

    Elise: As I was just telling V, I was joking with the above message. My research shows that it is entirely doable. : )

  114. Oh Craig, of course I bought the single. I actually pre-ordered the single when it was available, as were the past two singles. The trouble is I live in a far-far away land and won't receive it in a week or so. :(

  115. Jenny: That comment wasn't directed at you. I was talking to Shawn and Cat, but deleted their posts.

  116. Jenny: I'm very sorry if you thought I was talking to you. : (

  117. Hi guys!!!! Can't stay away from this place.

  118. Craig: Of course I love them! ;)

  119. *Running hug for V and Elise*

  120. Craig - For a minute I did think you were talking to me...sometimes Internet can be a trouble. But don't worry about it! :)

    Hi Elise and V!!

  121. Time to make some yummy curry for lunch. I'll see you guys soon :)

  122. Elise - oh, I'd love to! :D Spicy or not spicy?

  123. HA! That's THREE peeps in the bunny camp, Craig. So we're three to three now.... Bunny Brats versus Puny Ponies... and the BBs are gonna KICK YO PUNY ASS!


  124. je voulait juste dire que iTunes canada n'a pas les nouvelle s chansons

  125. I'm a day late, bit I gotta say I think it's "bunny"....Mix 13 could go either way..but the live versions definitely sound like bunny.

  126. ..and I imagine a big, scary, Donnie Darko-esque bunny too.

  127. Hubby says "Pony".
    I played SWID for the hubby, told him that it was an animal, and asked him what he heard. Without knowing the options, hubby said Pony...... it's now 4 to 3!!!

    Bring on the lyrics, RSX

  128. Elise: by my count it's 4-4..guess we'll find out tomorrow.

  129. Tim - sorry - maths was never my strong point :)

  130. IMO - give it to the "pony" and see if she kicks it

    makes more sense

    I say it's pony.
