
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

UTS at Stereogum

Even Stereogum loves UTS. : )

(Thanks Monkeybutt)


  1. Regarding the name Monkeybutt, I recall this strange guy from my dorm who, in a friendly way, liked to make fun of my idiocyncracies -- though he was far weirder and actually dangerous.

    Anyway, he used to call me "monkey fuck". For some reason I never got offended; I thought it was hilarious!

    That is all.

  2. Here's my take on the lyrics based on the Fuse broadcast.

    Underneath the Stars by The Cure

    Floating here
    Like this with you
    Underneath the stars
    For 13 billion years
    The view
    It's beautiful
    And ours alone tonight
    Underneath the stars

    Floating around
    And round with you
    Watching shadows
    Melt the light
    So shining
    From our eyes
    A tear
    Another space is ours
    Alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt

    The waves, break
    The waves, break

    Whisper in my ear, a wish
    We could drift away so far
    A voice
    Inside my head
    Like this
    It's infinite
    And ours alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt

    Flying here
    Like this with you
    Underneath the stars
    For 13 billion years
    The view
    It's beautiful
    And ours alone tonight
    Underneath the stars

    With everything gone
    With ours still to come
    Together as now
    Forever as one
    In each other's arms
    So near and so far
    Together as now
    Underneath the stars

    As the waves, break

  3. UTS Mosaic i did 5 years a go... freaks me out how it kind of goes with the lyrics :)


  4. Thanks for the lyrics, Joe.

  5. i saw that in another thread somewhere around here, morris. very cool.

  6. monkeybutt: in that other thread when i posted, i didn't realize that Robert was singing "The waves, break." -that tied it together even more.

    (apologizes for shameless Flickr pimping)

  7. @joefrog91: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!


  8. I'm in them, the words I mean. It's as if an electrical current is running up and down and all around!

  9. Wait, you guys have been looking for these lyrics all this time? The search box is your friend. : )

    They've been up since May 28th and I've been revising them ever since.
    With each new version...over and over again. : )

    One thing to note, RS changes/forgets various bits of the song in each version, so no idea what the "official" lyrics will be. : )

  10. i get chills just **reading** those lyrics. thanks joe.

    anyone who says robert has "lost" his lyrical prowess is deluded.

  11. Sorry, Craig. I forgot to look back! :-) How about posting your most recent version here?

    Cat, stunning doesn't begin to describe it. I honestly don't have words that will do it justice.

    I was thinking the same thing about those who had lost faith in the poet's pen. This verse is, imo, some of the best he's ever written. OMFG, what it does to me. It takes me to a very special place in space-time, a place I only go when enchanted by truly great art, poetry, or literature.

    Btw girl, I'm fixin' to call yew... ;-)

  12. Poor, Craig. No one gives his UTS lyrics any love! ;)

  13. (Err, where'd that superfluous comma come from?!?!)

  14. I didn't realize you were still updating the lyrics Craig.

    You've done a great job. My attempt is probably wrong in some parts. I can't hear that well anyway.

  15. *7bluestars gives Craig's version some love* ;-)

    Joe, sweetie, you're being entirely too modest. I wish I had your fine ear!

    @v: You've a fine, fine wit! It's no wonder that you've got besotted fans here at COF!

  16. 7bluestars: Aww, so sweet of you! :) I don't know about the besotted fans bit, but thank you for the nice words. :)

  17. I'm V's #1 fan! Look for Chain Of V's opening next week. ; )

    V: Did you see that Chris put your "name" on the COF sign? : )

    7Bluestars: My UTS lyrics say "Thank you very much!" : )

  18. Craig: Aww, shux. *blush* :) But COV just doesn't have the same ring as COF... ;)

    And no, I didn't see that on the sign, but I will look now!!! Thank you, Chris, for thinking of me!!! :)

  19. "V" right under the V in Love. Chris rocks! : )

  20. Aw, that makes me so happy! :) Yes, Chris rocks, indeed!!

  21. v and Craig, you both rock! It's worth it to come here just to read your exchanges!

    Craig, not to stir up darker vibes from the past, and please forgive me if I do, but I have to tell you that your 'Revenge of the Sith' reference (slightly tweaked of course) was one of the funniest, cleverest things I ever saw, a truly ROFL moment!

    Now, back to the business of this song that is in my head, dreams, heart, and everywhere else I look... Is it not the most romantic song you've ever experienced? I was just telling Cat on the phone that I was humming it as I walked along the streets of downtown Silver Spring after yet another mind-numbing day of class. Craig, is it as bad for you? Tell me I'm not 'the only one' suffering from this affliction...

  22. 7blue: May I call you 7blue? : )
    Cure Wars: Revenge of the Smith...I remember it well. At least I was trying to inject some humor into an ugly situation.
    Or maybe I was just being a sci-fi geek. No surprise there. : )

    I think my feelings about UTS are well documented. : )

    I love and adore this song. Hopeless romantics unite!

  23. V: Did you see the video where Robert takes the roses from Chris?

  24. 7bluestars: I am with you on that - UTS haunts my entire being constantly, especially the soaring vocals part. :)

    Craig: No, I'm so behind still! I will watch it tonight, though. :)

  25. Underneath the Stars is officially the most romantic song I've ever heard. It is one of The Cure's best work, period. Of course even Stereogum can't resist its charm!

    It's very difficult to describe how this song makes me feel..."heartbreakingly beautiful" might do.

  26. Craig, sweetie, you can call me anything you want! <3 <3 <3 How about just 'blue'? Of course, I also answer to t-dork, right Cat? ;-)

    As for the revenge remark, nothing wrong with being a sci-fi geek -- I'm that way about classic Trek, and screw anybody who doesn't approve! ;-) Whatev, it was still hilarious!

    As for UTS, I'm telling you, I've never, ever been this caught up in a song! It's insane! At least I'm in good company! Hugs to Craig, v, and jenny. :-)

  27. *hugs 7bluestars*

    "I've never, ever been this caught up in a song! It's insane!" I second that!

    I've been playing this song before I sleep. It always brings me sweet dreams :)

    LOL! Cat, you don't mean it!

  28. Cat: You are banned from COF forever!

  29. LOL.

    I figured Craig had a rather low threshold for such a pronouncement.

    Okay, okay, UTS is the cat's nipples.

  30. Even if you hate UTS, you're always welcome here Cat. : )

    Just don't expect me to talk to you.
    : P

  31. Well, of course I don't hate it: see gushing hyperbole above.

    I am even growing to love The Only One. :-)

  32. muldfeld...

    Change your username. O.o

  33. On another note: I just heard from a secret source (let's call him "Friend of CAT") that the studio version of UTS is actually very country, in the vein of George Strait. Twangy guitars, drawling vocals...

    Indeed, the actual name of the song is, "Udder-ly Bizarre"

    "as the teats...leak"

  34. t-dork, OH NO YOU DIDNT!

    *deletes from MySpace friends*

  35. Cat, I've got to share this...

    So I'm doing dinner alfresco while speaking the to above-referenced pussy. I looked up just as a girl walked by wearing a black t-shirt. The was a word written across her chest in white letters. What word you ask?


    How weird is that? :-O

    @Cat: Oh, yes I did!! :-* And fyi, George Strait is a fab c&w artist! If you'd said Toby Keith, them woulda been fightin' words!

  36. Cat, honey, we really need to talk about this mammary gland fetish of yours...


  37. How can one not love UTS?

    Udderly Bizarre?

  38. Yes, the Cure concerts have given me some great mammaries, ones that I will cherish "forever."

  39. @Cat and anah: LOL!

    Well, kittens, this ole witch must retire to her room.

    I awoke to Cure dreams three times last night, one of which was rather nice. (No, Cat, it didn't involve mammaries. ;-)) Perhaps I will sleep as if I were dead tonight. And then it's up early for 8 more hours of steeping in bilge water, aka, class. *sigh*

    Sweet Cure dreams everyone...

  40. I'm upset Chris didn't put my name on the sign. We were front row together in Houston. I guess that doesn't count for anything. *goes to cry in the corner* LOL!!!!

    But seriously, I think Chris is the absolute best. We had a great time in Houston and I hope to meet her again for more Cure fun.

  41. Joe - I'll share my name with you - if you want *hug*

  42. UTS has to be one of the most beautiful Cure songs ever! Sends shivers down my spine and moves my soul! Some of the best lyrics Robert has written in a long time!

  43. to everyone:

    i am SO DEEPLY SORRY if i forgot your name on my poster - crap - joe how could i forget you - i am so sorry - seriously!!!

    i was in such a hurry and kate was rattling off names and i was trying to think of them so fast...i am so sorry!!! i thought of so many of you later!! i smacked my forehead several times!!!

    next time i will make an appropriate list! :) I PROMISE!!

    i just had no idea that i was not going to be able to take the poster in with me and i was standing in line furiously scribbling names....and DJSCRIBBLES i forgot to put yours on there too!!!! i am soooo sorry honey!!! :*(

  44. oh craig! i have an idea!

    you need to send a note to "FRIEND OF COF" and tell him/her to add the names to the poster that i stupidly left off!

    ok? ok.

    will that fix things?

    still so sorry!

    *hangs head in shame*

  45. Craig, no sign of 'Bloodflowers' yet? (I looked, to no avail.)

  46. Also, has anyone tried to transcribe the lyrics to 'Forever'? Even I understood the last bit and some of the earlier words, but not all.

    It's a deeply personal, very moving story *duh* -- I almost feel like I shouldn't hear or read it, but the performance was so mesmerizing. Yes, it feels a bit voyeuristic to want the words, but I do.

  47. Hello? Is anyone still reading this topic or am I just being ignored? :-p

  48. 7bluestars---I've been trying to figure out the words too but I'm not to good at doing that. I think a few topics back, someone did attempt to do so. I'll see if I can find out which one for you.

  49. Thanks, ck. I appreciate your kindness. <3 <3 <3

  50. ck, on second thought, forget that I asked. The words are too personal.

    Also, it's entirely too frigid here, so I'm off to find warmer climes. Actually, the cold is a good thing. I needed to get a fucking grip; that means less time spent here in this fantasy world and more time spent irl, where I belong.

    Take care sweetie. I'll see you, Cat, et al on myspace. I'm hoping to update my art blog soon. I've got good news that I want to share.

  51. 7bluestars, I think I saw the lyrics on some other web site. I can't find them now. But if you don't want them, I'll stop looking.

  52. It's a good song but don0t get the fuss about it. In five years time, I'll remember "Freakshow" much more than UTS, like I'm remembering "Where the birds always sing" more than "39" or "Bloodflowers"... My sensation is that, when Robert makes a song that sounds spontaneous, the music seems to be deeper than when he tries and tries to write a beautiful tune, such as this one... i dunno if I'm clear in what I express, it's a feeling I have, it's good song but not THAT good... I'm now flipping at how the survey took for granted that everybody like ...
