
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Underneath The Stars at the Bowl

UTS (super close - Live at the Hollywood Bowl)
(Thanks Lisa)


  1. all i want to know, craig, is: when you get your UTS tattoo, will you please post pics? ;)

  2. Lol, MonkeyButt! Needed that laugh. :) *is a sucker and watched this video*

  3. Monkey: If I were to ever get a tat, it probably would be UTS related. : )
    I wonder who will be the first to get one?
    Steve? : )

    And I will defend my UTS obsession to the death! : P

    Hey V!

  4. i will defend with you. based on the live versions i've heard, UTS is the best song i've heard from them since disintegration. it's the first one that's raised the hair on my head like same deep water as you did.

  5. MonkeyButt: The first time I heard it I thought I was dreaming. It was quite breathtaking. :) Definitely obsession-worthy!

  6. I always knew you were a smart Monkey. : )

  7. i come from a long line of smart monkeys. my cousins were in that movie with matthew broderick.

  8. Monkeys in War Games V? : )

    I was thinking Project X.

  9. Craig: Wasn't Norad staffed by a bunch o' monkeys in that film? ;)

  10. they were staffed by pig eyed sacks of shit, actually.

    i always laughed myself into fits at that quote.

  11. You got me there. : )

    I love War Games so much, but it pissed me off too. Why couldn't my Atari 800 or C64 talk all cool like David's? : (

  12. Craig: Awwww!

    Oh that reminds me, is it just me or at the end of "Coming Up" does Robert sing "Daisy, Daisy..." a la HAL 9000?

  13. quick: what was the password???

  14. the next time we all log on, this place won't be called chain of flowers. it will be called underneath the stars.

    i love the love for this icily haunting song.

  15. Damn! V beat me to it. Who was Joshua?

  16. Yay! So what's my prize? ;)

  17. Craig: The dead son of the programmer, right?

  18. (Or were you answering the question Jeopardy-style? ;) )

  19. I am so smart! S-M-R-T!

    (Where's Elise when I need her?)

  20. your prize is...ummm...a new cure album in september!

    (we hope).

  21. now light that high school diploma on fire!

  22. But what was the name of the NORAD computer that David hacked into?

  23. MonkeyButt: That would be an excellent prize. :)

  24. Did this person crawl on stage of what to film this?? Super close is an understatement - this person was practically a member of the band.

  25. "we've got to beef up security around the WOPR!"

  26. Posted in the wrong topic before.

    V is War Games trivia champ! : )

  27. the other great one all my friends (all the idiot teenage boys who i'd watch this with would die laughing)was "godammit, i'd piss on a spark plug if i thought it'd do any good!"

    that's it, i'm buying this dvd.

  28. Hahahaha, that is an awesome quote!! :)

  29. craig: that's right! he was in no country for old men, and i was going crazy wondering how i knew him as an actor. great voice on that guy.

  30. I always want to call him "Maurice". :)

  31. "Mr Potato Head! Mr Potato Head! Back doors are NOT secrets! "

    : )

  32. Now I wanna watch this movie! Damnit! :)

  33. V: I know! And I swore I would catch up with this season of Dr. Who tonight. : )

  34. wargames also instilled in me my lifelong fear of eddie deezen.

    craig, how about retitling this one "underneath the stars/wargames" just to get people wondering? ;)

  35. MonkeyButt: That may start a rumor that UTS will be a single, with a song called WG as the b-side. ;)

  36. hmmmm...a b-side called 'wargames.' i wonder what THAT would sound like?

  37. Craig: I am so hopelessly behind on Doctor Who that I fear I will never catch up. :) It's shameful!

  38. V: Now that would rock! RS could put little samples from the movie into it, have the song begin or end with "Shall we play a game", etc.

    This must happen! : )

  39. Craig: Um, I think the last episode I watched in full was Rose's last episode. Pretty sad!!!

  40. Craig: That would be an awesome song, indeed!! :)

  41. V: You have some great episodes ahead. Some not so great too. : )

    Yeah, the departure of Rose was very sad, but I hated her in the second season. She had changed so much from season one. I don't know, maybe I just liked her better with Chris.

    The next companion, Martha Smith, is awesome. She's got a bit of Ace in her. I can't say more without spoiling things for you. : )

  42. I feel sorry for everyone reading these comments, hoping for Cure content. : )

  43. Craig: I will get around to them one day.

    I will stop being a Sci-Fi dork now so the Cure content may resume. Sorry for getting us off track. :/

  44. I just can't get motivated to join in on the I <3 Porl conversation in that other topic! What is wrong with me?!?!?

  45. *acts like a child who does not know how to socialize* ;)

  46. V: Because your heart belongs to Simon, not Porl. : )

  47. what's this about "the cure" now? who dat?

  48. Who Dat??? Now there's something I NEVER thought I would see on here. : )

  49. Craig: That must be it. :) Not that I have anything against Porl... but I will always be a Simon girl. ;)

    Plus I don't feel like I could get a word in edgewise over there. Cat and Anah are pretty crizzazy! Heehee.

  50. *Wonders if MonkeyButt is related to the monkeys on the track in "NY Trip"...* :)

  51. Btw, I totally dig the pony tail and am glad to see that it's back, at least some of the time.

  52. 7bluestars: I think the ponytail is cute, too! :)

  53. V just solved Craig's Clues.
    V just solved Craig's Clues.
    V just solved Craig's Clues,
    Cause she's really smart.

    Yes, I have a one year old and all her show's songs are stuck in my head.

  54. joefrog: Lol! I have never watched that show, but that made me laugh. :D

  55. v, it's so nice to see that you have impeccable taste in hair styles! ;-)))

  56. 7bluestars: Hahahah! Now that's something no one has ever said to me before. :D And I can say that you have impeccable taste in that area, as well!

  57. Craig - I thought it was Martha JONES? :)

    LOVE her!

  58. Kate: Gee, I wonder why I put Smith instead of Jones? : )

    I need help. : )

  59. Craig! *giggle*

    I love me some Martha Jones!

    Have you gotten to Donna, yet, Craig?

    I'm completely caught up with the episodes, so I won't say anything more.

  60. Kate: I hated Donna in the Christmas special, but have LOVED her in the series so far!
    I was dreading the switch from Martha to Donna, so it's a very pleasant surprise. : )

  61. Craig: yes, I have really warmed up to her, as well.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Craig my cure arm is full so i don't know about an UTS tattoo,
    my other one has a bit of space left but so far it's not really cure-related tats.
    Mike, on the other hand, although his back and both arms are full of cure tattoos still has some space on his chest and i don't think he's even started on his legs yet

  64. I Love this song! Truly beautiful & so moving! Best song they have done for years! :)

    Thanks to lisa for recording this & to craig for posting the link! I mesmerized by it's Awesomeness!

  65. I'm Lisa. I'm so glad everyone watched! I have more I'm trying to upload to Youtube slowly. I'm not so computer friendly. I wish I knew how to share the recordings I made so that everyone could have them. But I have dial up (Yes and I drive a horse and carriage too :X) So it takes forever to share these. Enjoy. :)

  66. Lisa take as much time as you need! We all would love to see the rest of your videos when they are ready! Your UTS was superb!

    And dial-up is like a slow agonizing death, it takes way too long & the pain makes you suffer. When you can, try to get High Speed connection. Costs more but it's worth it!
