
Monday, June 16, 2008

Robert talks new videos

Robert has posted an update on the official site, talking about the new "MTV Videos", and says they filmed their own versions too! And what is CureTV? Guess he'll keep us guessing. : )
And seriously Robert, thank you. You don't even know...


  1. Craig ! I think Robert honored and accliams your efforts around COF very very I and many many other Cure-Fans ´round the world.....maybe he wishes that you open a new section at COF called CURETV..... ;-)

  2. Excellent, so pleased to see you acknowledged deserve the acknowledgement, who needs MTV and advertising when you have COF!

  3. Thouroughly deserved acknowledgement indeed...Cure TV?Reminds me of Cure FM the band did in 1990 to promote Mixed Up..Was shambolic at best but good fun..Lokk forward to home made Cure vids, in a "Friday I'm in love" stylee??

  4. proof that the cure still kick ass and appreciate the fan support!
    Shame about the lack of video support and the such

  5. Hello from a long time "lurker".
    Well deserved praise,I recon.Lets face it Craig, COF does more to promote the boys than MTV, radio (in the uk anway) or,to be honest,their own site!By the way I haven't yet seen a trace of either single's vid on MTV uk at all. Still, they did finally managed to show the Valencia gig on Friday night. Oddly on two channels at the same time!

  6. SO glad that you guys burried the hatchet !

    Well done Craig !

    PS : F*** ! I like the studio Freakshow, cant get it out of my head !

  7. Robert sez that the last lot of videos didn't get airplay?! :S Is he mad EOTW, Alt. End and Taking Off all got LOADS of airplay on MTV2 UK! Fair enough it wasn't on TOTP or MTV1 UK but like Cure fans only watch alternative music channels anyway, they're not exactly gonna be watching MTV1 are they?! :S And would you really want people who listen to Britney Spears et al being Cure fans?! :S I don't think so. So I don't think it's a case of getting a bigger fan base 'cause any young person who would be into the cure would be watching MTV2 anyway, right?

  8. I agree with prayer_for_rain. We really appreciate all your efforts in gathering and sharing so much information to all CUREFANS out there!!
    Thank you for your neverending dedication!!

  9. Yeah thanks Craig. I'd live in continual frustration if not for this site :P

  10. Wow Craig, what an awesome compliment from Robert! At least he knows how much his fans appreciate him. I hope we get to see these videos soon!

  11. I would be willing to bet anyone a ticket to a future Cure show (30th ann?) that Perfect Boy is the final single...If they filmed vids for these singles while still in the studio, and than they play the song on every US date....Bank on it, and it damn well deserves to be...

  12. We all know Robert loves COF as much as the rest of us.

    Shame about the videos all being these studio style ones. I thought the last set of videos for the self titled album were fantastic.

  13. I'm not surprised that The Cure can´t find the motivation to film proper videos for the new singles. Without Tim Pope to direct them and Lol Tolhurst to play the fool, they wouldn´t be 10% of the fun, probably...

  14. Are there any more interview videos or is that it?

  15. I agree with Robert (duh) about the turn down mood after getting no airplay of the last videos; I thought TEOTW and alt.end were ROCKING GOOD and here in Brazil I could see them only around 2004 in MTV.
    I know, I know how sh*tty 'normal' mtv is, since I don´t have mtv2 or Vh1, but they STILL air Guns F*ing Roses!!! And when they talk about The Cure they show LOVECATS, for Christ´s sake!! What about 3am, they wouldn´t scare any children with Robert´s hair :D :D Supposing that Axl´s hair WASN´T scary enough heheh
    On their behalf I can say they aired Valencia show last Friday the 13th! Cute! BUT WITH NO ads at all! Argh! And they didn´t say a f*ing word about the monthly singles and the Uk videos - even them I wanted to 'DVD' them properly *sigh*

  16. cureTV?
    isn´t that anything like the double album ? or the cureTV from 2004 recording the cure ?
    maybe i don´t believe robert anything what he says, or am i realistic after beeing fan for so many years, and so many lies ?

  17. Good on you, Craig! Finally some well-deserved acknowledgement... I know so many of us enjoy COF and make it a part of our daily routine. Don't forget to let everyone know about the "COF Geeks" group on Facebook!

  18. well done craig (and robert). hurrah for cof and the cure!

  19. great news and a great shout out...

    but is the official site EVER going to be updated?

  20. Shame on MTV!! Here in Mexico we have VH1, and they air cure videos once in a while, ive been lucky enough to catch on:

    Fascination street
    Inbetween days
    Just like heaven (Unplugged)

    In the last month...and one or two specials once in a while.

    Its always a pleasure to watch the boys!!!

  21. not wanting to upset anyone - but isn't the COF Facebook thing a bit superfluous? after all, we've got this blog?

  22. nice callout from robert, craig. very nice!!

  23. I'm happy for you Craig. It seems Robert has finally come back around in your corner. COF is the best site for Cure news and happenings. You're the best.

  24. "but is the official site EVER going to be updated?"
    Yes please....maybe they could put the Freakshow head bobling around instead of the tired old 2004 artwork!!

  25. Congratulations Craig!
    Great acknowledgement from Robert, finally!
    You do such good work and I know I appreciate it greatly. Glad to see RS does too!
    Funny to think though that he is reading CoF just like we do!!

  26. man, that 2004 artwork was tired in 2004. i'm sure they've got something cool in mind, sure would be nice to see porl's stuff splashed all over the place...

  27. C- You know how much we love you:

    R-Thank You!

  28. As I said last night this is way cool for craig! I'm happy to see you're getting the acknowledgement again for Robert! Keep doing what you do well, informing fans with "All of That Great Cure Stuff"!!!

    More videos by the band. I can't wait to see them. The studio sessions are not bad but it would be cool to see something more fun & creative. Videos are not like they were in the 80's so it doesn't matter. As long a we keep getting good music from The Cure, that's all we need!

    Too bad on the official some people are being a bit nasty about this but then it's the official and it's bound to happen!

  29. These new videos sound like a lot of fun. :) Can't wait to see them - and to find out what CureTV is!!

  30. i find it a little bit naive-ish to think there will actually be a cureTV as in a tv program, people are saying it could be a kind of mtv but only showing cure videos, i mean for real people: i dont think the band has any time to do that or interest at all. i think that if this videos recorded by them where ever to be shown to public eye they would be downloadable from the offical site and then on youtube or maybe include them in the 30th anniversary DVD in some "exclusive footage" section. im sure they are not going to do a big thing out of them

  31. Just received my Freakshow cd and 7".The cup of tea has made a welcome return!!
    On the 7" credits,Sleeve art by Parched Art is followed by the famous logo of a slightly slanted cuppa...(it was missing on the 1st single).

  32. I wouldn't read too much into this "CureTV" thing. My guess is it will be a couple of videos they record themselves as opposed to the "official" ones.

    And it'll come out the same time as that Peace Stone from 2007 :)

  33. I've lurked arounf COF since about 00 or 01 and it's always been THE best information site...

    shout out to Craig !!!

  34. Hey, Long time lurker......just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. I visit this website daily++ to find out the lastest news on the tour and what's happening. This is very time consuming so I thank you for the effort....Looking forward to the RCMH show....Chicago was not enough. Tah!

  35. Hey ....Long time lurker......This website is awesome. I check in more than once daily to read about the tour and updates on the shows. Thanks for effort....this could be a full-time job moderating this site. Keep up the good work and I'll see everybody at the RCMH show- Chicago was so awesome I have to see them more than once this tour! Tah!

  36. Hey ....Long time lurker......This website is awesome. I check in more than once daily to read about the tour and updates on the shows. Thanks for effort....this could be a full-time job moderating this site. Keep up the good work and I'll see everybody at the RCMH show- Chicago was so awesome I have to see them more than once this tour! Tah!

  37. I think CureTV is just a joke. Robert is saying that the only way to get their videos on TV is to start his own channel.....

  38. Am I the only one here who's patiently waiting for them to update the official site, picture/layout-wise? Keep in mind that the tour is almost over (nooooooooo!) and that the new album is months away from its release. I'm sure the website update is on their to-do list post-tour, you know? It's not like they don't know about it.

  39. i check your COF almost everyday as well!!! love it.

  40. Well, to be fair, EOTW was a brilliant video. Alt.end was decent, but TO was shit! But yeah - EOTW is da shit. Love love love the vid and song.

    So certainly there is potential for another classic Cure vid, but now I do sincerely understand why The Cure shuns them now. MTV sucks diseased cocks, although once upon a time they were pretty great, as far as fluffy pop culture goes.

    It's actually sad to me how under-exposed the Cure are now. Granted, I always thought their immense popularity was a fluke - not that they didn't deserve it, but generally speaking people have **shit** taste in music. KM/Disint/Wish just happened to come along at a ripe time for music. If they were released today I feel pretty confident they would be ignored to a degree. The Cure still make fabulous music - EOTW deserved to be a wider hit, B43 is shimmering yumminess, and Freakshow is da bomb.

    So yeah.

    I'm in Charlotte now at a cheap skankhole hotel. So very tired, but excited for the show anyway. :-)

    Maybe next time I won't do three shows practically in a row like this, though. Not sure I have that much adrenaline on reserve.

  41. Hi Cat! Tell NC I say hi!! I had a hard time doing 2 shows in a row in Feb, so I can't imagine what 3 in a row (practically) is like for you. Hope you have a fabulous time tonight, though. :) We'll all be thinking about you, as always!

  42. why doesnt robert just make COF the official site...could give craig all the videos and info...i mean i never check the official site unless there a link to it from here about somethin robert has said.

    and i think the curetv was him joking around, like they filmed it in a cure style or somethin, not actually a curetv channel. one can dream tho...a channel of only cure videos non stop, official videos, live videos, everything they have done recorded on film on rotation and mixed up...

  43. hey v! i will tell NC you said hi - lol.

    did you used to live here?

    i am dawg taaaaaaard - needs me some zzzzs, but also i need food befo' the show.

    i guess i'll snatch some zzzzzzzz tomorrow morning. i'm meeting my pal later on in the day, so it should work fine. :-)

    i may text craig tonite for special reports, perhaps.

  44. hey v! i will tell NC you said hi - lol.

    did you used to live here?

    i am dawg taaaaaaard - needs me some zzzzs, but also i need food befo' the show.

    i guess i'll snatch some zzzzzzzz tomorrow morning. i'm meeting my pal later on in the day, so it should work fine. :-)

    i may text craig tonite for special reports, perhaps.

  45. AND, that post was so important I thought I would post it twice! :-D

  46. Yes, Cat, I went to UNC-CH! ;) (*Forgives you for forgetting*)

  47. I agree, CC, MTV and nearly every similar channel sucks. When they *do* actually show music videos, they are either "retro" or very mainstream, showing the same rotation of a couple dozen very commercial acts. I have never seen a recent Cure video on TV, the retro shows always play Lovecats. I don't blame them being disillusioned, and I really think it will be far more interesting and fun to see what they come up with on their own.

  48. V, I am SOOOO sorry! I did forget - DOH! I have an excuse cuz I'm so dern tired from three-in-a-row (practically) Cure shows!

    I love Chapel Hill. Wish I could visit this time around.

  49. maree: agreed! :-D

    fuck MTV - as my dad rightly called it, Empty V.

    It truly lives up to that namesake these days.

    Whenever I tune in, which is never cuz a) I don't have cable and b) it sucks, all they ever seem to be showing is bling bling and big bootys. Such caricatures! OR, they show the latest "indie" group - which is usually some pathetic rip-off of REM/Cure/etc.

  50. I have only ever seen Lullaby on MTV/VH1 and their spin-offs. It is very sad.

    Again, Craig, immeasurably happy for you over here. I'm glad the hatchet is buried. I've always really loved your site, and The Cure, obviously, so the two of you warring isn't something I endured with much pleasure. I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you.

    And I think CureTV would mean something like an internet television thing. You know, they announce a day and time and you go to something like and they play music videos/their home-shot stuff/etc. Not like a full-fledged MTV style operation.

  51. Clockwise: It's okay, I'll forgive you this time. *sniff*

    Naw, I don't expect you to remember these trivial things, especially in light of your whirlwind concert tour schedule! ;)

  52. I love this site, I just lurk alot but I agree it's done more for the fans and the Cure than any other outlet. Rock on craig!

  53. K, as a newcomer to COF, I am completely in the dark about this legendary "war" that spawned the necessity for "burying the proverbial hatchet..." anyone care to clarify?

  54. Maree - NO! It's over and done with. Too many bad memories. Onwards! : )

  55. Oh, and am I alone in marveling at the myriad ways in which people are taking the words "Cure TV" and tangentially running off on it into every manner of fantasy? :^D I mean, gads!

  56. Craig... I will find out from someone, don't you think it might best be you? :^P

  57. I don't mean to rub salt into old wounds, but I am bewildered by the level of hostility some seem to direct at COF and you, especially on the official site. I would defend you, because my experience has been that you have done a fantastic job of connecting and informing fans and promoting concerts, singles, etc... valuable stuff... but I wouldn't have the first idea what I am defending you against!

  58. *watches tumbleweeds blow on by* :^P

  59. Maree - I said some things, he said some things. I was angry, he was angry (and rightfully so!). I lost my love for The Cure, pretty much quit last year, came back, found a renewed love and passion for the band, fell in love with UTS (and the other new songs), wounds healed, fences were mended, we all live happily ever after.

    Got it? : )

  60. i am very very happy that robert and craig are mending wounds. :-)

  61. Heh... yeah, I get the gist of the whole thing. I can imagine it must have been fairly nasty, given how fiercely RS defends his life's work and how long you have been at this. *shivers in relief at not having witnessed it.*

    No more crises of faith, k? :^P
    FWIW I am very impressed with the COF site, etc. If the proverbial fences have been given their clichéd goings-over, then it's all good. :^D

  62. Mareee, you write very well, and I noticed you were a writer. Check out my literary webzine, Clockwise Cat, which is in my profile, and see if you have something that might be fit to submit. :-)

    Did I already invite you to submit? I can't remember.

  63. Aww, thanks Cat... I will check it out! Yay for zines!

  64. maree, don't worry if you don't have anything that fits the style of the zine and don't feel like submitting... we accept essays, poetry, fiction, satire, polemics, and art! read the guidelines and an issue or two first. :-)

  65. Wow. The final week of this tour is really turning out to be amazing. The band premiere's Charlotte Sometimes in the set, Robert gets back on the COF train, and two shows in city I grew up in to wrap things up.

    The unabashed love fest is causing a tear to form in the left hand corner of my right hand eye.

    Thanks to Craig for sticking with it and working through the feelings of pulling the plug.

    See you all in NYC this weekend.

  66. Hey Craig, Whatever happened before is over. Robert just gave you the biggest gesture of appreciation. Of all the non official cure sites he monitors yours.

    I really wonder if Cure is planning a mini tour or just promo shows when the new album is released?

  67. It's a shame that had the video on their site as an exclusive (by only to be uploaded to the COF youtube page and credited to COF :(

    Not to take away what you do, Craig....

  68. Umm, Marco sent the file to me. I didn't steal it. And I actually had it from someone else too.
    I decided to use Marco's and credited him and Curefans.

    MIX 13!!!!???

  70. Well, I thought I'd look into it and is taken by some mind-over-matter healing dudes and is available at $1000 per annum. Any takers??? I would have purchased ut and handed it over to Robert if it was a little bit less expensive! (Oh, alright, a lot less expensive!)

  71. Hi, Craig! I'm so glad seeing Robert finally mentioned about this wonderful site on the official website. Without this site, there is no way for me to get in touch with fans and information regarding The Cure. Thank you for all your efforts. Keep going!

  72. Thanks Junko. This isn't the first time, but it's the first time in about 4 years. : )

    But I think it IS the first time he's used "COF". : )

  73. Craig: The first time he's used "COF"? That's interesting... :)

  74. V: I'm pretty sure. Before it was always "Thank you Chain of Flowers" or "Go to Chain Of Flowers".
    On Trilogy he put "Craig @ Chain of Flowers" : )

    But Robert's down with the slang now. : )

    Roger used COF I think.

  75. Craig: If he uses any other COF-slang, then I think I will fall over. :)

  76. Oh wow, that is too cool! Kudos Craig. This makes me smile!
