
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Robert confirms HDNet filming

Robert has posted at the official site and confirms that the Charlotte show was filmed for HDNet. Go read the details on that, and what's going on with the Fuse taping.
Everyone repeat after me..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" : )


  1. ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" : )
    That's today's mantra for everyone...

  2. Is it just me, or did everyone else notice RSX's use of ONWARDS?????

  3. Indeed, perfect.murder!
    But aren't we glad that he never does? "Sleep"? ;o)

  4. I hope that we get to see that footage! YES ROBERT, YOU WANT TO USE IT!!!! Anyone going to tonight's show? You should make a sign that says that!

  5. So excited. Nice job on the info Craig...By the way, when do you sleep?

  6. If they don't broadcast the whole thing, or if Robert doesn't show us the entire thing, that's a true travesty.

  7. ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!" ..."You want to use it! You want to use it!"

  8. "You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it!"

  9. And Elise, Robert does use a lot of ONWARDS in his posts. :)

  10. MSG tickets on Ticketmaster NOW!

  11. Jenny - yes, I know RSX uses ONWARDS - but, I thought it was CURE-ious that he used it specifically today.

  12. Elise, I see what you mean. Feels like he uses it on purpose or something? ;)

  13. Jenny - Possibly... maybe... we'll never know.

  14. can you imagine how many filmed shows they might be hoarding?!

    release it ALL!

  15. Elise - one can always hope! :)

  16. Elise: I have seen RS use that word before, but...I would not put it past him to use that word for a specific effect in this post. :)

  17. Hi v - yeah, I've definitely seen him use the word (in fact, I'm sure I've seen it on many occasions - particularly surrounding the tour delay), but I just think it is interesting.

    BTW - thanks for the Hi on Facebook! My photos are very boring, but anyway

  18. He uses onwards as regularly as the RS X thing... I think, maybe one or two exceptions..

    "We're not touring this year because I need to think of some lyrics 'cause I've got writer's block!RS X"

    "We've announced the rescheduled dates 'cause I've come up with some amazing lyrics for The Only One and Freakshow. Onwards RS X"

    That might be a bit coy of me, I do love The Only One, and now Freakshow... Pah!

  19. Elise: You're welcome. :) It was good to see you there, and I didn't think your photos were dull! I feel like my photos are pretty dull there, too, tho. I don't run a very good advertising campaign for myself on those sites, I'm afraid. :D

  20. About time for me to go to bed. Again, I'll miss the first hour of tonight's (tomorrow morning's) show cos I'll be on my way to work then. And then there's heaps of work for me to do, plus a meeting, possibly during the show... but I'll try my best to pop in when I can.

    If anyone's still here, good night!

  21. See ya, Jenny! Hopefully you will be able to spend time in Cleveland with us. Sleep well.

  22. Gosh, you two just reminded me that my Facebook page is practically empty. Nothing can be more boring than that, huh? I really need to find some time to organize it and put something up.

    Okay, good night for real!

  23. v - I'm the same, I look at photos and think, "nup, I'm not putting that up".

    Friends keep telling me I need to put up wedding photos - but that ain't gonna happen. I was blonde back then - it looks like a stranger

  24. Jenny - you at least have to put a picture on your profile!

  25. Elise - I'll work on that soon! For now I'll just be the mysterious Eastern girl...if anyone could possibly find me mysterious!

    Hmm, I'm still here...

  26. Elise: I don't mind people seeing what I look like, but I don't think anyone wants to see me striking a contrived sexy pose at every event I've ever been to (I see girls taking those sorts of photos everywhere I go it seems, and I can just imagine them showing up on their MySpaces/Facebooks). :) Oh well! It is good to put faces with names here, though. (Especially for those of us who don't get to party IRL with the COF crowd this weekend! :) )

  27. You are a mystery girl, Jenny :)

  28. Jenny: I think I've seen a picture of you (couldn't read the caption), and if I am remembering correctly you are very pretty. :)

  29. v - I don't understand people who live there lives behind a viewfinder. Sure a couple of happy snaps here and there, but I'd rather keep the memories in my mind.

  30. Mmmmm.... watching Picture Show at the moment - Hot Hot Hot!!!

  31. Elise - I'll take that as a compliment! I love being mysterious... ;)

    V, I had a lot of fun seeing COF people's pictures. It was last Friday, wasn't it? People were posting links and Myspace and Facebook and stuff... that was great.

  32. v - I agree it is great to put faces to names. That way when we all meet up next year, we will recognise each other :)

  33. Jenny - it was great fun when people were posting things, but it made it very hard to follow the setlist *wonders if she needs to practice her multitasking skills*

  34. Elise: I love taking photos, and it's definitely a balance you have to strike between actually experiencing something and just seeing it through a lens. Photos are nice, but there is nothing like a memory. (Even if you can't put your memories all over your facebook page...yet...;))

    Though I am definitely guilty of being a prolific (and very mediocre) photographer, as evidenced by my Flickr page! Haha. But I shoot to shoot, and if there is something I want to savor, my camera goes away after a couple of photos have been captured. (e.g. a Cure concert :) )

  35. V - perhaps you saw the picture at my flickr? There are lots of pictures of me there. And thanks for your compliment, really. (blushes) I'll quote Robert and say all Cure fans are beautiful!

  36. Jenny: Yes, I saw you on your Flickr photostream! :)

  37. Elise - true! And I often post comments on a song just to find that they've moved on to the next one.

  38. v - that's a good way to be. I just have memories of a coach trip through Yosemite - the views were glorios heading in, but the women in the seat opposite kept complaining cos she was trying to take a picture but couldn't time it right. So instead of enjoyng the scenery, she just got more and more frustrated.

    I love all my holiday photos - I just don't have many they I feel the need to share.

  39. Elise: I know I need to practice mine. My work is suffering terribly right now. Speaking of which... :( It's just so hard for me to think about anything else right now. I give it an honest effort, and my mind just drifts back here. Sigh.

  40. BTW, I recall seeing a picture of Elise looking great with a friend. But I can't remember seeing any picture of V. Did you post any, V? Any picture beside the one in which we can't tell who you are? ;)

  41. v - I see on Facebook that you are in IT - I assume more on the programming side of things? I do business analysis, but more as the liaison between IT and the business

  42. Jenny: No, I didn't post any of myself. :D Now I'm being the mysterious Western girl! (heehee)

    But you can see some on my Facebook page, if you like. (I added you to my friends list there, didn't I?)

  43. And I need to say this before I forget - I think you're a wonderful photographer, V. I love your pics at flickr :)

  44. Jenny - that was the photo of me right in the front row at the Cure in Adelaide. I only met Mary in teh crowd that night.

    v has lots of piccies of her on facebook.

  45. v - have I got a link to your flickr page? Have I looked at it? I have absorbed soooo much new information over the last three weeks, I am getting very confused.

  46. V, I'll definitely check your Facebook tomorrow. My eyes are closing and I really shouldn't be here anymore...bed is calling me!

    I find it funny that people here at least say good night two or three times before they really leave. And so this is the third time - good night Elise & V!

  47. Elise: Yes, I am in IT - my specialty is database development, but I also have to do some business analysis. :) My team is small, so we don't have dedicated business analysts...hence my title Analyst/Developer. :) Is your company hiring? We could be co-workers!! Heehee.

  48. Jenny - have I got your flickr link?

  49. Jenny: Thank you for the nice compliment! :) Good night! (I have a hard time leaving here, too, after I've said good night 100 times... :) )

  50. Sleep well, Jenny - mystery girl of the East

  51. v - we have just employed Accenture to provide a full replacement system. I'm in the process of considering two contract offers (my current contract expires this month). The first sees me work on the Accenture side of the things, the second keeps me in the business.
    Decisions, decisions

  52. v - but it explains your detective skills - don't you love being able to think outside the box and come up with the answers

  53. Elise - I seem to remember giving you the link to my HK Cure show photos (feels like a long time before). It's under the same account. I'll add my flickr link on my Facebook, too. :)

    So this is the fourth time (who says the third time is a charm?) - nighty night gals! :D

  54. Hey, maybe I am slow on the uptake here but I just had a thought - I wonder if Robert has gone down the same path as he did with Disintegration and Bloodflowers - both albums were released just leading up to his milestone birthdays and he had taken the opportunity to look at his life. Just a thought

  55. Elise: Yes, I love to solve problems and to come up with clever ways to do things that were previously thought impossible! And yes, you're right - I must like the investigative aspect of it, being Detective V and all! :)

  56. Jenny - I know you're gonna read this, but no need to respond (I mean you've already said goodbye four times). I can remember the photos now. You've gotta cut me some slack - I'm getting old.

    Now go to bed.

  57. v - do you like Sudoku's and cryptic crosswords? i love my cryptic crosswords.

  58. Elise: Yes, I do! I only recently tried Sudoku (my new phone has it on it) and thought it was great. I used to love to do logic puzzles, too. :)

  59. v - i knew it! Nothing better than solving a puzzle.

  60. Elise: Loving to solve problems gets me into trouble sometimes, because if I want to figure something out, I will become immersed in the details and become very set on finding the answers. This can be very time-consuming and sometimes not the best use of my time, but I enjoy it so much that it's hard to pull me away.

    And this applies to both work and personal life! :) Heehee.

  61. v - that's hilarious. I find it so easy to creatively avoid my own work by going and trying to solve someone else's problem. Usually relating to music, lyrics or movies. God bless the internet!

  62. Elise: Sorry to change the subject, but I just remembered that I had a very nice dream last night that we were all in Cleveland to see the show together. :) Wish I remembered more details...

  63. v - if only dreams could come true! I know it's not good to wish our lives away. And I know that there is no guarantee that there will be another tour next year. But I can't wait to come over and meet the COF crowd.

    Perth and Adelaide feel like so long ago.

    Watching altr2elise now :)

  64. Elise: Are you going to come over regardless of if there is a tour or not? :)

  65. Yes Robert, please use it!


  66. v - that's my plan. I'm due a big holiday (and it is the big 4-0) next year - so that is reason enough.

  67. Elise: That is great! I'd love to meet you while you're in the States, even if there is no Cure show. :)

  68. If there is no tour (god forbid) we should try to organise a CoF get-together somewhere!

  69. Elise: Yes, we should!!! :) I'd like that. Where do you think you'll visit when you come over?

  70. v - obviously it all hinges on whether there is a tour or not. If there is no tour, we may try to organise to come over the festive season, so that we can have a white christmas! Christmas in Australia is sweltering hot.

    We have done a bit of the more "touristy" type spots in the states, but we haven't done any of the southern or central states.

    Would you recommend anywhere?

  71. i'm just going to shorten it:


  72. BTW - goddamn Robert looks great in the Wrong Number video :)

  73. Hi MB - I loved your comment about the Cure doing Men at Work covers on another thread! I responded with "as long as they don't do Be Good Johnny"

    You seem to know a lot about Australia - have you been?

  74. elise- how about 'settle down, my boy' ? ;)

    no, never been, always wanted to. my dad was there a couple times back in the 60s/70s and he loved it and passed that love on to me, but haven't had the opportunity yet. soon, i hope. plus, i guess i just really like men at work and timtams.

    but the vegemite just doesn't do it for me...

  75. MB - Vegemite is an acquired taste. Only lightly spread on toast for me.

    Well, if ever you come to visit Perth, I have a spare bed with your name on it!

  76. awesome. i'm hoping there's a NZ/australia tour coming up in the next couple years...maybe to coincide with a surprise cure visit to perth? we can dream...

  77. MB - Dreams are what keep us going.

    Speaking of which - it is time for me to go to bed and dream myself into another world.

    Maybe I'll see you in Cleveland tonight/tomorrow.


  78. g'night. cleveland it is. stay the same.

  79. Elise, I had to comment on your post when you mentioned about Accenture.

    My comment, regarding anything involving Accenture, is "AAAAAAAAAAH!!"

    At my company, they are just now bringing in a ton of Accenture people. And, as one the "lucky" few regular employees at my company, I get to have the enviable pleasure of training all the new Accenture people on all of our subsystems.

    I'm a computer geek, I don't have people skills, why are they doing this to me????? (sobbing!) :)

  80. "I'm a computer geek, I don't have people skills, why are they doing this to me????? (sobbing!) :)"

    I'm a computer (and many other ways) Geek too. You know it's sad when the smell of new electronics makes you giddy... :)

  81. This is totally off-topic...

    I just logged in at myspace and checked the Cure page. It's been updated, and as it turns out, my longstanding friends request was denied. :-( Guess I suck. Has anyone else had that experience? Strangely, I don't feel mortified or cast off, but it would have been nice to have been on the list so that I would have gotten alerts, bulletins, etc. I won't try again, but am wondering, am I really missing out on anything?

  82. add me to the geek list! i'm a sys admin... i have people skills... but i don't make being liked one of them... hehe... i just tell it like it is. having said that though... telling it like it is, is quite the process itself sometimes having to explain something in plain english instead of tech speak = 60% of the job

  83. hey, 7bluestars. when i had a myspace account, my friend request to them took 6 months to be approved. all comments that i would try to add to their page were routinely rejected. don't know what's up with their page. i just stopped going there.

  84. I hate the look we get when we say something like "One of my favorite things to do is develop a brand new program from scratch...Test it, debug it and all that. I love doing that"

    They look at us like we're sickos!! And I have yet to have a successful seduction attempt when I have uttered that phrase in the middle of said seduction attempt

  85. Dumb Anguish: I missed your question the other night, but I wanted to tell you that yes they did play "Charlotte Sometimes" in Hamburg 2002. :)

  86. V, I was so mad at myself for having missed that concert. But, two years I finally got my reward when they played Charlotte Sometimes in Atlanta in 2004.

    That is my absolute, hands down, all time favorite song by any artist ever! That was the song that made me a life-long Cure fan.

  87. DA: Good, I'm glad you got to hear it. I've been lucky enough to hear it both at that show and also at my first show ever on the Wish tour. :) You should have gone to the Hamburg show, though. It was a fabulous set - they only played one song each from the Trilogy albums as the final encore, so there was a lot of HOTD and KM^3 in the set. We also got three openers: "Want", "Shake Dog Shake", and "Open"! The concert was 30 minutes in before the opening was done! :) Heehee. And Robert was in a great mood. Lots of dancing and being silly.

    But I admit, I wish I had gone to Berlin the next night in addition to Hamburg. :) Oh well.

  88. It would be so cool if Robert releases the Charlotte Show on DVD! I don't think I get HDNet, have to check. If I don't I hate to miss it.
    That set-list was amazing! I would die to see the Full Faith Encore at a show but this would be the next best option. It's a show that needs to be seen by Cure fans worldwide over & over.

    Looking forward to the Fuse show Friday Night. Wonder what songs Robert is going to pick?. And then we might also get to see that show in it's entirety too. Cool! :)

  89. i DO get hdnet. when/if it broadcasts, i'll burn dvds for everyone!

  90. if that's legal and all, you know.

  91. "You want to use it! You want to use it!"

    Come on Robert, releases the Charlotte Show on DVD! releases the 4Tour on DVD!

    Please, don´t forget your fans around the world!!!

    "You want to use it! You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it! You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it! You want to use it!"
    "You want to use it! You want to use it!"

  92. so i guess this is the PRE, PRE - SHOW thread :)

    Hi all! just a few more hours til showtime :P

    Shame on Cleveland for not putting the Cure in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame :( :( :(

  93. @mb: My request wasn't as old as yours, but it's definitely gone. Unless myspace has established a limit on how long a friends request can remain outstanding, it would seem that mine fell to the axe. Sounds like I'm not missing much, so no worries.

  94. yeah, you're bound to get more info from COF than you'd ever get from myspace anyway! :)

  95. Hey CoF peeps, guess what?? I'm going to MSG!!! Woo!
    I left a message in the CoF Meet thread, but I'm going to spam the other threads too, in case people don't check that one. If anyone who is going and has a decent hotel wants to split the cost, I make a great roomie, I don't snore and I wear cute jammies. My expedia package put me in a fleabag dump in weehawken, NJ, that'll teach me to click "book it now" without reading about the hotel! :0 I'm looking for a ticket now too :D Please email me at!

  96. MSG tickets on Ticketmaster NOW

  97. 1 of my best friend is a producer for HD net. Have to ask him about this ASAP!!!!

    i think you would then be everyone here's best friend :)

    since we are already bass vi'ing buddy's and all ;)

  99. Release the Charlotte DVD! Release us some live audio! We'll buy every last copy - we're in a fucking frenzy!

    To hit a career peak at this time - fuck, what a band!

  100. Zap, you were there live!!!! What else do you want??/

    Just kidding. I will see him tomorrow night and start prodding him for info (cough cough...copy)...Let's see what he says....I will keep all my buddies here posted :)

  101. 7bluestars---Your myspace request was most likely was not rejected by the band/whoever runs the page but was automatically removed by myspace. I think after 6 or 8 weeks if someone does not respond to your request, it gets dumped by myspace. And most comments never get updated either since it's at least a month or two in-between updates and there are most likely too many to go over.

    So you can try again but not much goes on The Cure's myspace page. It's updated even less than the official!

    Freakshow in the player only plays the last 13 seconds of the song!

  102. KATE: We have 4 Cure shows in common :) I take it at one time you must have spent some time in Florida ;)


    HDNet filming = Blu-ray release!!!

  103. Heya, Morris,

    Yes, I was born and raised in Florida. Family is still there. Which shows do we have in common?

  104. KATE:
    '92 St.Pete (Thunder Dome!)
    '96 Sundome (Tampa) (My Alma Mater)
    '00 The ATL
    '04 Tampa

  105. Morris: That's really neat!

    USF is my alma mater, too. :)

  106. Wyatt... yes i was there! all the more reason to want!
    i've literally hundreds of cure bootlegs... i decided i couldn't keep up... i do try here and there mind you... but my real quest is now for the shows i've attended!
    so if anyone has cleveland or pittsburgh 92... hehe...
    also... uhm... we're talking HD baybeee! not that your friend is going to give you a bluray... but i'm almost as big of a home theater geek as i am a cure geek/musician geek

  107. ZAP: I was bleeding edge Home Theater back in the day... LaserDisc, etc.

    i still don't own a HD format disc player. The format war turned me off big time. I do have an HDTV, just nothing to play on it. Thanks a lot Panny/Sony! you all suck!!! :P

  108. morris: with you there... i went for hd-dvd due to price about 6 months before it's demise... now i have about 20 hd-dvd's and a player thats pretty much obsolete... works great! and movies are just as good as bluray... so yeah i got burned... hell i was even down with the laserdisc thing back in the day... it's rare but i've even seen a cure "in orange" LD pop up on ebay from time to time... format wars dead... time to jump in... maybe by christmas they will have more affordable players/movies... i ended up going ps3 for its 100% software upgradeability... barely play any games on it... ugly as hell... and only uses a bluetooth remote without a special adapter (i use harmony 880) anyway... way off the beaten path... but get in touch if you wanna know more etc...

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Off topic, but did ya'll catchy Robert's Spinal Tap allusion at the official? Pretty funny.

    I think Bob should lower a miniature cathedral onto stage during Faith at MSG/RCMH.

  111. We're The Cure from the UK.
    You must be the USA.

  112. ZAP: Blu-ray won the format war... and they don't even have a player on the market that is up to spec.

    That's the format war in a nutshell.

    I want a Blu-ray player, but i'm not buying a PS3. Good going Blu-ray!

  113. I use my PS3 for watching videos, etc far more than for gaming. Gah! I *SO* want that Charlotte HD footage! 8^O

  114. i know it seems insane... but the ps3 does way more than games... and it does ALL the advanced audio codecs... i rarely play games... one of the most awesome features is that it will play the music from your pc, on your theater system... even shows the artwork... the ps3 having built in wifi and many other extras... i concede it looks like crap, and the remote thing is crap... but you get way more than you think...
    it even plays AVI's/divx files from your pc wirelessly... these features aren't well known... but they are nice... think home theater pc...

  115. sorry for the off-topic guys...
    trust me though... the charlotte show was AWESOME! even though cat was watching some other band when 65DOS was playing ;) hahaha

  116. Yes, I was blown away when I got it and learned that it plays avis, mpgs, etc... it's awesome being able to plug my external hard drive into it and watch movies... it's also great to be able to update the software easily, etc. And of course, BluRay. I laughed at it when I first put it in my living room... looks very retro to me. It looks like a circa 1970s trying-to-be-modern dinosaur. Heh.

  117. @cure_kitty: Thanks, darlin'. It's good to know that there was perhaps no rejection involved (I imagined a long list with someone doing a 'select all' to delete). From what has been said here, it would seem that the page is of little value to those of us who are addicted to COF, so there really is no reason to try again.

    Btw, I'm a native Floridian -- now there's a rare breed for you! ;-)

  118. 7bluestars: I'm 3rd gen Floridian :)

    Florida is in the house! Lookin' for that HD video goodness from teh Cure!

  119. I'm not sure how many generations back my ancestors moved to Florida, but it was quite a few. We are of the northern variety -- my nines, fines, lines, chimes, signs, etc. are 'of the country', and up her we say 'Flarda', y'all! ;-)

    Cat, dear, I too am nostalgic for the old, simple site. :'-(

  120. As long as ya'll don't dress like you just tanned your thonged butt at the beach and then went to the Copa Cabana for cocktails before heading over to the Cure show thinking it was Barry Manilow in concert... I like youze Floridians pretty well.

  121. Cat, darling, you know perfectly well that I was dressed in my usual deadly dull jeans and trainers. :-*

  122. well, of course, T! YOU looked fine - but what was up with Club America Night, as Novem Trilogy called? Is that how South Floridians ALWAYS dress for shows? In the end, I really don't care how a person dresses - it's their personality that pulls me in/pushes me away. I just found the predominant attire rather amusing. i'm not trying to be a sartorial snob at all!

  123. Btw, that giant Corona we had at the gig was delicious! The next one is on me, and yes, I will once again finish your leftovers -- failing to polish off a beer is a sin, doncha know!

  124. Honey, you were in SOUTH FLORIDA. Need I say more?

    P.S. Got to go to class soon. I'll call you on my break or maybe tomorrow.

  125. T! That was TWO beers in one! I was just in the mood for ONE dang Corona, and those crazy ass SFloridian/ Club America dorks had to go and force us to get TWO! I like beer and all, but Corona is only slightly better than urine (not that i've had urine, i've just heard). and i wanted to ENJOY the show without having to piss 500 times! i have ONE rule at a cure show: piss during lovesong or not at all! i broke that rule in charlotte, but that was because i wanted to combine my piss-trip with a trip to the other side of the stage to get closer to the boyz.

    so anyway! next time, i'm drinking wine!

    ps BILL PLEASE! :-D

  126. Cat, I'd not had a cold beer in ages, so that Corona tasted almost like manna from heaven! And it could have been a whole lot worse. What if it had been any form of light beer, Busch, Pabst BR, Miller, etc. Ewww!

  127. I've just noticed how few songs from Festival 2005 are on this setlist - like they were deliberately avioding them - bodes well for a physical release!
