
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Michel Gondry's Top 25 videos

Director Michel Gondry has picked his 25 favorite videos, in no particular order, and Close To Me made his list.
(Thanks Dumb Anguish)


  1. Some very good picks on there - all seem to be from a good 15 - 20 yrs ago, prob bcz that's when MTV stopped showing real videos, and the channel became crap.

  2. I also like that New Order's Perfect Kiss was on that list. I always liked that video. And that song (along with Leave Me Alone) are tied for tops as my all time favorite New Order songs.

    Bernard Sumner was a cute little twink back in the day, wasn't he?

  3. ahhh, its one of my favorites!

  4. nice Devandra Banhart pick... and of course bonus points for two Beastie Boys videos.

    Anyone know the story with why Tim Pope doesn't do the Cure's videos anymore?

  5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is such a great movie.

  6. Morris - so true!

    This is a nice list. And Close to Me is definitely one of my favorite Cure vids!

  7. Add me to the Eternal Sunshine admiration society. Just a brilliant film!

  8. *high-fives Craig, Jenny, and Morris*


  9. Great to see we have the same taste :D

    This is off-topic: I still remember the experience of seeing that film in the theater. It was Valentine's day, and the boy next to me was sobbing uncontrollably before the film starts, an empty seat beside him... that was quite dramatic.

  10. Jenny: Oh, that is so sad!! :(

  11. Jenny: Oh, so you saw the film in New Orleans, did you? Hope I didn't ruin the film for you. : )

  12. V - it was very sad indeed. I thought about saying something to him, but I really didn't know what to say... And I wasn't in a great mood either, but that's another story. But I still have fond memories about this film. :)

  13. Craig - NO WAY!! I don't know you'd look so young... ;)

  14. V: It's just a joke.

    I didn't get "dramatic" until Joel was driving around, sobbing, listening to Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime. : )

  15. Jenny: Yes, I was quite young back then. And quite foolish too. : )

  16. Craig - of course you were young! Come to think about it, the film came out in 2004, but somehow it feels like I just saw it last year. And I believe I was even more foolish then you. :)

  17. Add me to the ESOTSM fan club. :)

  18. I'm a big fan of the Gondry and have been following his work for years. I believe that if The Cure ever wanted to make proper videos again he would be a very popular choice.
