
Friday, June 20, 2008

Madison Square Garden show

Setlist and show notes moved here.
Reviews: COF /Live Daily / Billboard
Photos: COF / Kate / Sleepydoll / Rev. Heron / Faithdesired / Blainewad / Brilliancy / JLBNYC
Audio: Underneath The Stars (Thanks to J @
Robert says goodnight

Primary/Shake Dog Shake
Baby Rag Dog Book
If Only Tonight We Could Sleep
Jumping Someone Else's Train/Grinding Halt
The Kiss Part 1 / Part 2
The Kiss 2
Sleep When I'm Dead (soundcheck)
"Fucking Amazing" (soundcheck)
Underneath The Stars (soundcheck)
To Wish Impossible Things (soundcheck)
Friday I'm In Love (soundcheck)
Underneath The Stars (Fuse)
Pictures of You (Fuse)
The Perfect Boy (Fuse)
Hot Hot Hot (Fuse)
The Only One (Fuse)
The End of the World (Fuse)
Lovesong (Fuse)
Sleep When I'm Dead (Fuse)
Push (Fuse)
Friday I'm In Love (Fuse)
Inbetween Days (Fuse)
Just Like Heaven (Fuse)
Baby Rag Dog Book (Fuse)
The Perfect Boy
The Only One
Charlotte Sometimes
Shake Dog Shake
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea (Part 1)
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea (Part 2)
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea 2
Underneath The Stars
To Wish Impossible Things Part 1
/ Part 2
Shake Dog Shake
Push 1 (RS sees the COF sign, sticks tongue out)
Push 2
The Walk 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Hot Hot Hot 1 / 2
A Night Like This
Inbetween Days
Lovesong 1 / 2
Killing An Arab
Why Can't I Be You? 1 / 2 / 3
Prayers For Rain
Lullaby / Montage

10:15 Saturday Night
Just Like Heaven
One Hundred Years
A Night Like This 1 / 2
Friday I'm In Love 1 / 2 / 3
Sleep When I'm Dead 1 / 2
Pictures of You 1 / 2
Boys Don't Cry 1 / 2 / 3


  1. It's hard to believe it's the end of the tour! And it's been over a month since it started and time has flew by! I still like I just saw my two shows only days ago! Great times, memories, friends, music and one Great Band......THE CURE!!!!!!

  2. Yay, my tickets to the virtual show were good and I got in! :)

  3. Wel, here we are...This is the end...

    *Until next year!

  4. Anah: Yep - next year!!! :)

  5. I bet the COFers in NY are already having so much fun!

  6. With that soundcheck, it does looks like a poppy night with The Cure! RCMH has to be the dark show we all want to see!!!

  7. Craig, you don't think this is the last last dates at all?

    That would be horrendous

  8. Just checking in to say I'm fixin' to bust.

  9. Abrash: Bust? Because you're not there?

  10. What are we going to do now when its all over?

    Craig can you make up some imaginary dates and just post random setlists on the site so we can all keep our sainity?

  11. So what is everyone doing right now? I'm having dinner: Veggie Lo-Mein, Hot & Sour Soup and watching TV.

  12. Alastair: Final shows of the 4Tour, not forever.

  13. craig---your last post makes me feel so much better!

  14. Kitty: I'm looking out my windows at the forest, it's about to rain!

    And I'm still in my work clothes because I cannot seem to get up and away from my laptop!

  15. Okay, I guess I had better head home. I realllly hope I can check back in tonight, but I have so much to do that I probably won't be here as much as I'd like to be. :( Talk to everyone soon! (I hope... :( Hate to miss out on these shows, since we're so close to the end...)

  16. Awww, V. I hope you can check in later!


  17. V: Oh no! You will be missed. : (

  18. Thanks, Anah and Cure Kitty - I will do my best. :)

  19. Craig: I don't want to go... but I have some things that I have no choice but to do right now. :( :( :(

    Saying that, you know I will poke my head in as much as I can. ;)


  20. anah--It's sunny in Philly but the rest of the weekend it's going to rain. Perfect weather to spend inside, listening to some Cure & chating on the COF!!!

  21. Hello everyone, good morning, good evening and good night. Gald to be here and very excited about the show. Hopefully Robert sees the COF sign. :D

  22. I can't believe I'm getting all teary eyed reading everyone's posts.

    "Please come back
    Like all the other ones do

    Please come back
    All of you...."

    I think I better buy a BIG bottle of red wine for tomorrow night.

  23. Hi all! It's still a balmy 90 degrees F here in Florida... i've been waiting all day for this show :)

    Looking forward to the FUSE coverage too.

    waiting for the waves. :)

  24. The show starts in 1/2 hour, isn't that correct?

    I better get home and cuddle up with the laptop for the night.

  25. Is it possible to upload the fuse songs to youtube? That would be cool.

  26. Love: 65 start in 30.
    Cure start in 90.

  27. Craig: I love it when you call me Love. ;)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. hello, peeps. checking in for my second ever live cure chat. (better late than never?)

  30. elise---Where are you??? I thought you would be on here by now!!!

  31. Hey Cure_Kitty!

    Maybe Elise forgot to set her alarm clock :)

  32. Yellow: save the best for last :)

  33. Hi yellow---I only started posting since the TX shows but I used to read all the comments the day after. I had to join in, it's so much fun!

  34. Cure-Kitty - you asked for it, you got it.

    Sorry, I like to have a quick scan of the threads before I jump on.

  35. Good morning, everyone!!!

    Wow, MSG day!

    Excited and sad at the same time

  36. Morris---I think so! Maybe she's eating breakfast???

  37. That's a great picture of the girls on the subway :)

  38. Morris - didn't need the alarm clock, but stayed in bed until it went off...... I was woken by the strains of Boys Don't Cry, lullaby version this morning

  39. mmmmm I'm cooking hot dogs in honour of the occassion.

  40. How did Rev Heron get in to the sound check????? OMG lucky girl

  41. Hey, Morris - how are you feeling today? Ready to have a great show, I hope

  42. She must have used her womanly charms ;)

  43. Does anyone think we can top the post count from the Atlanta Show Tonight???

  44. Yay! I don't need to leave to catch the ferry until like, 7ish... so I can stick around for some of this! It's insane that these are the last two shows... DON'T LET IT END! T_T

  45. Photo from Spiggy posted. She's in the 6th row. The cards on the stage are for the Fuse cameras. Color adjustment I would guess.

  46. Hi Andrew - like time no speak. How's life in blighty?

    Hi maree, are you going to be able to join us after the ferry ride too?

  47. Morris: Is that the subway, or Friday's?

  48. Spiggy says they're still using Interpol's Our Love To Admire as part of the pre-show music.

    This makes at least 2 of us here happy. : )

  49. Kitty: Maybe, but more than half the crowd is there!

  50. Hey all!! I won't be here all night (date night with the wife, which includes watching fuse to see a certain concert :) but just wanted to stick my head in (careful, cat) and say hi!

  51. No, I am going to an all night outdoor solstice party on Bowen Island... but I will get to do some midnight skinny dipping and dance my face off all night to my fave DJ, so it balances out! :^D

  52. Craig, is Spiggy a different alia for someone we know? I don't seem to recall a Spiggy before. *still trying to wake up properly*

  53. Wish I could be there tonight, looks like a much better show than the one I attended in Cleveland in terms of crowd, sound, and setlist.

    If anyone is carrying a digital camera (everyone probably is), give your video recording function a try. I used the ubiquitous Canon SD800 and was able to get fairly good sound quality on a few songs. I just wish I started recording earlier; my MP3 player produced horrible recordings. Maybe we can get the entire show, for a change.

  54. anah---Wishful thinking on my part.

  55. @Elise. I haven't been on here for a few weeks as I have been forced to get up early. The UK is still very grey however this morning there was a perfect blue sky for about an hour.....then greyness.

  56. So, Yellow, I take it you're a fan of Charlotte Perkins Gilman?

  57. O.o Maree, that sounds like so much fun! The moon here last night was crazy. It almost looked like a Harvest Moon.

  58. A Perfect Blue Sky - nice! We have the same thing here.

  59. abrash: yep, favorite story. :)

  60. Andrew: Does the grey get old? I love weather like that, and it was like that a lot when I lived in San Francisco, but I never tired of it.

  61. Elise: Just dropping in quickly to say that still no love from the mailman today. :(

  62. maree---oh I thought you were going the the show. Have fun at your party dancing & skinny dipping the night away!

  63. @Anah. To each their own I guess. I'm just sick of every day looking exactly the same no matter what time of year.

    Grey is so lifeless.

  64. Not - happy! I'm on my new laptop (that doesn't have a lot of my music on it....yet) thought I would listen to OLTA as the pre-concert music, but it is not on there. I've left my thumbdrive at work, so can't copy from the other pc and now I can't find the actual cd either. Fuck... that's not a good start to the day.
    Oh well, I'll listen to Atlanta instead :)

  65. Elise: luckily, i'm well medicated...

    (i can't tell the difference between the Subway and Fridays - jeez!)

  66. Elise: Spiggy doesn't really post here much, if at all, but she's been a COF contributer for quite a few years.
    Spiggy and Kate were the ones doing the very first live reports here at COF. They covered the Fairfax show, which now seems "so long ago". : )

  67. Vancouver is that way too, all winter... when the spring sun comes I always feel blinded, as if I have crawled out of a cave... "It burnnnnsssss... aaa"

  68. V: I think your mailman stole them.

  69. v - seriously, I think I am gonna have to send another parcel soon! First class all the way.... just like you!

  70. andrew---I was in London last year and I loved being their except for the rainy & gray days! Nine out of the tens day & no sun! I don't think I could ever live there becasue of that! I'll wish for you some sunny days!

  71. Craig: I think you're totally right!!! Hmmph!

    Elise: Let's wait until after I have my new address...I still have hope that they'll arrive - even if the mailman has already eaten the goodies, he could at least deliver the wrappers!! :)

  72. CK - we had the opposite in London. Only one day of rain, I was starting to wonder why everyone always complained about the whether in London

  73. Elise: So you got Atlanta ok? COF Exports are here if you need us. ; )

  74. Cure_Kitty: Mmm...London...was just dreaming of London earlier today...

  75. hi elise, v, kitty, everyone!

    violet you still there?

    i cant believe its almost the end..

  76. v - sounds like a plan. Let me know when you have moved and I'll send another care package.

  77. Thanks Kitty. I'm hoping for a sunny spell for my birthday in a few weeks. Hell, I'll be happy if it was doing anything other than raining.

    Last July we had massive flooding....

  78. It's been grey and stormy here in South Beach for a week, and it's supposed to last at least another. I was told when I moved here it was always beautiful! They lie!

  79. Hey DJ!

    Okay, I'm back into semi-lurk mode...(if I can really stand to stay away...) :(

  80. Andrew, you'll get nice, sunny weather for your birthday!


  81. Yellow, I never read it but I saw a film adaptation eons ago and really liked it. I have a copy of Herland, too.

  82. awww, thanks Craig. Decided it was time to updgrade our internet package :) Downloaded it last night while I watched the first three episodes of Lost.

    Hi DJ

  83. Speaking of mail, I have a funny story.

    I had the idea a few years ago of trying to mail a piece of mail for free by putting the address of where I wanted the letter to go where the return address normally is, and my own address where the desired destination normally goes. Then I put it in the mail w/out a stamp and lo and behold, the letter was "returned" to the address where I wanted it to go!

    So kids, that's how you mail for free! :)

  84. abrash, doesn't it seem like a story the cure would write about? ah, if only...

  85. Anah, exactly, it's close to the end of the tour and I'm not there. I just have my memories of the Houston tour to savor (which is nothing to sneeze at)!

  86. v - it's impossible to stay away. Even yesterday when I was crazy busy, I still had to check in on a regular basis.

  87. Thanks Anah I really hope so. Just one day of the year, please no grey.

  88. Oh, and I put the letter in a post office box so they couldn't trace where it came from...and I may have put a phony address instead of my own, too.

  89. Todd - that is brilliant.... but be careful, you know that postal workers have a tendency to go a bit psycho if things go against them ;)

  90. Cat: "What b up cof dorks. MSG b COFin it 2nite"

  91. Yellow, you're right, that would make a great Cure song. Never thought about that before.

  92. elise - so true! Don't worry, I haven't tried it again since..don't wanna press my luck!

  93. todd - thats REALLY smart. would it work if it was a package filled with cds? i doubt if it would work when youre trying to send something to a different country thugh =/

  94. Cat: "Every1 is naked here"

    Photos, or it isn't true! : )

  95. elsie---Very little rain where you live. Are you living in a desert? Philly gets a good mix of rainy, snowy & sunny days. More sunny than not.

  96. Abrash: I'm also just really happy for those of us who are able to be there for this weekend.

  97. Yay for Cat! Are they in MSG yet? I know they were worried about their tickets.

  98. Greetings all! Hope it's a great set tonight...Wish I was up there instead of burning up in TX

  99. v-I miss London too! Cool place to visit & I miss my favorite store Boots!

  100. Craig, tell Cat we're all naked, too.

  101. Just wanted to thank whoever recorded the Atlanta and Boston shows. I'm blasting it on my speakers tonight while I'm working. Can't believe they did Open instead of Plainsong or UTS in the show that I watched. The weird thing in Cleveland was that there were no slow quiet songs (UTS, Letter to Elise, Wish Impossible Things, etc.). I miss the Dream tour.

  102. CK - We are having major water shortages at the moment. Although, we did have record rainfall in April. But June has been quite dry so far - rain is forecast for Tues, but until then - beautiful sunshine and 19C days...... and I am choosing to spend them with you guys!
    Gardening Schmardening

  103. andrew---I remember the flooding in the UK last year. One of my on-line friends was affected by it, were you?

  104. Ha! We are all naked! (I hope I'm not the only one!?)

  105. no! i don't want it to be over! i'm sure my friends that i've been driving nuts all week whining that i can't be in NYC this weekend will be happy.

  106. Am I the only one who is seeing this or are there ghosts in the picture Spiggy sent.

    Look at the bottom centre of the picture there are two guys completely out of focus in comparison to the rest of the image. They look transparent...Spooky.


    if anyones interested - its an interview with the cure from the HOTD era, it came from the high single. the interviewer lady is funny/annoying.

  108. yellow---Does South beach get really hot & humid too?

  109. Elise: I'll ask Cat about the tix.

  110. Hi guys, i'm going to be watching here through out the night to see what happens. it's going to be crazy with all the people reporting we should feel like we are there!

    and yes, here's to hoping that someone records the fuse thing on dvd! i don't get that channel :()

  111. Asked Cat if The Cure were nude too.

    Cat: "Yes, Cure nude. Bob mingling on the floor"

    I expect V to pop in any minute now.
    : )

  112. I suppose, but I'm originally from Houston, so my tolerance for humidity is pretty high. In fact, being right here on the water makes it feel a little less hot & humid than in Houston, where you're set back 30 miles or so from the ocean.

  113. @Kitty. No I was lucky enough to not be affected in the same way about 30% of the country was.

    Recently on the news they had a follow up report and some people are still not safetly allowed back in their homes. They say that these events are going to continue to be more common in the future.

    Yeah I'm going to buy a house boat.

  114. About her Tickets:

    Cat: Tix fine. Will hopefully move up"

  115. Sounds like everyone is in good spirits tonight.....Must be the lack of clothing...

  116. What, they're naked?!?!?!?

    (Ha ha, Craig! ;) )

  117. A Spectral Haunting Friday's?

  118. Tell Cat we *know* what's going on in her head. It's what's happening at the Garden we're curious about!

  119. Yeah, ask Cat if MSG is a "Hanging Garden"...or the other kind.

  120. "or dress up in frilly lingerie" - robert smith, interview im listening to

  121. Lol the ghosts are in the picture of MSG although Fridays would be a good place to haunt.

  122. Cat: "Now Si and Porl are naked and kissing"

    V? : )

  123. Yay for Cat's tickets. Yay for moving up!

  124. Anah, I'm totally happy for anyone who can be there tonight!

  125. Craig: Mmm...How am I supposed to lurk when Cat keeps saying these things?!?!? ;)

  126. andrew--That is good! I think the whole flooding thing through-out the world will get worse. It's really bad right not in the central part of the US along the Mississippi River. Horrible flooding!!

  127. dj scribbles: about that interview you posted...heh i used to listen to this on my head phones and study their voices but that lady interviewer was totally annoying :( i used to think that it should have been me interviewing them, it wasn't fair!

  128. But Simon and Porl are brothers... Well x-brothers in law! And Porl is Simon's kid's uncle and what not.

  129. Elise---I was supposed to go out with friends tonight! Haven't been out for a while & I wanted to go but I'd rather be here with you all! I can go out next week!!!

  130. Chris: "65 bass turned up way too loud. Hurts my chest and inner ear!"

    No word on what it does to Cat's poor boobs. : )

  131. DJ, thanks for the link, I just DLed it.

  132. Yep, Craig - I agree with the UTS call. You'd have to be insane to think anything else.

  133. Hey Morris! I saw your post about FSU in the other thread and wanted to reply. I've only been in FL about 6 years now and I graduated from SDSU in San Diego back in 1998. Man...that was ten years ago...Jeez.

  134. Craig: Don't worry, I'm sure she'll keep you abreast of what happens to them!


  135. Yay, I think I've talked my ATL buddy Corinne into joining us tonight. She says "probably will, but wish I was there tonight!" So I told her to come talk about it in group therapy.

  136. Cat: "It's a regular Cure orgy I tells ya"

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. V: asking about the Hanging Garden now. : )

  139. im really going to miss seeing 65 dos live, theres nothing quite like feeling the bass thump in your chest, your shirt shaking! i hope shawn was wearing ear plugs u there, mine fell out and your just assaulted by a wall of sound.

    michelle - yeah, her questions are ok.. but shes IRRITATING. the way she asks them.. its just robert doing most of the talking, whos voice is that in the background?

  140. Hello all. I'm thinking UTS/Baby Rag Diggity Dang Dog Derby Book opener-closer tonight. If they want to open with OOTW though, that'd be cool too. ;)

  141. v ROFL

    CK - I just made a cuppa and have to say my kitchen is looking very unloved. There is an element of me that is looking forward to reclaiming my life - but that would mean letting this magic go.

  142. Chris: "65 bass turned up way too loud. Hurts my chest and inner ear!"

    No word on what it does to Cat's poor boobs. : )

    I'm envisioning a new technology that could replace mammograms. That would be good.

  143. November: got a lot of friends out in SD (skateboard industry) Great place!

  144. anah - it says page not found. what was it about?

  145. I think they'll save UTS for tomorrow night.

  146. Anah - the link didn't work for me.

  147. Aw Crap! It's about genetically engineered glow in the dark...cats!

  148. Hello All, Long time lurker, first time poster. I have had a busy week with a couple days before an even busier week. decided to reward myself with something and could think of nothing better then finally joining the chat

  149. Try this one:

  150. Welcome, Melanie!!! Are you my kindred sister from COF Geeks?

  151. Hi Melanie. Welcome to the party (which some have told me is now a naked one).

  152. Why YES I AM!! Elise. How are you?!?

  153. Hey guys - good evening. 1 st time poster - hope i am not too late...

  154. Mel, I'm great - how are you? I'm so pleased you decided to join the chat!

  155. I'd be happy if they just aired those 7 songs on Fuse. It would be worth seeing Friday to get to see To Wish Impossible Things live, which wasn't played at the shows I was at.

  156. scribbles: i always thought it was simon's voice in the background but i'm not really too sure...

  157. I wouldn't have joined but my kids are going to friends to watch the big Camp Rock premier at friends houde tonight. I think I will be much more fulfilled!!!

  158. Hello All I feel like I know some of you already. And Craig You are too cool doing this for all of us!!

  159. Hey mc, welcome - the more the merrier - especially given that so many of our normal (err... regular) posters are at the shows

  160. DJ - that is sooooo cool! Way to go, I am so happy for you!

  161. @Craig: The 65dos bass thing was a problem in Cleveland too, must be more than an accident (remember my text message about the loudness)?

    That may have been a Cleveland thing though, since it consistently felt as if the equalizer was maximizing the lows and highs and stifling the midrange.

  162. Craig: I keep trying to post a link, but for some reason Blogger won't publish the whole thing. I will try to split it up:


    If that doesnt work...

  163. Well done DJ I am so pleased for you!!! What an eventfull night already.

  164. Anah - that is seriously freaky!!!! Imagine waking up in the middle of the night with that staring at you!!!

  165. Ok so I am an idion but I have not done this blogger chat thing is there an easy was or do I just type and refresh???

  166. DJ: that's awesome!!! hehe

    funny thing about 65 days, i brought my mom with me to the chicago concert this year cause my boyfriend didn't want to go with me and she did NOT like 65 days at all! she didn't like the idea that they didn't sing, she couldn't get over that was quite amusing for me to see her reaction to the concert tho hehe.

  167. Hi everyone.

    Good evening.

    I´m ready.

    Hoping for the coming of the bunch of live reports.


    2 shows left only....


    .....It's so hard to think "It ends sometime And this could be the last....

  168. DJ--awright!! Is there a link or something where we can read your review?
